2 THE UN I V EE SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UN VERfITY O} MICHIGAN DAILY Pu Mtee d Daily (Sendaysp excepted) dring the Cllege yer, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0 rcc: The tnled Pess, tenig Blck. Bth tPhaaes. Ca. MIANAGING 'ItTOR. FEGELHARDc0IL. Ii 5NESS MANAGER . 11. t1cA, '0 L. &TILETIUS, . . D. IlcacacT, '01 E 17. C.,Waacccac, '51L. A. tI. McD~lasccL, 'it E A. . Bcsaa, o. 0. . I.. WOD, )0 L. J,.o+MaEcaaca,'1, IVc. ltccv), '0M, Teceuhiciituiaceiafc clia DILY cac$2.50 the clicg.}'ea, cihlarezarlcivery hacaic noeac' idy Dali eao c ad therac cccl' cl c ,icd: d iisiiicaiciiie ii sl h haded iatlc tucALY Oclfide efrAcdit. o malil111aiedtieeitora iiocicp,11n.1ofcih day pevious ta ataon which theyaceexetedssto appeacc Sebecaici c-ic ay e leftiiat ite nI ficeia, Macager.chcbciiicccwill cneatcavorsacby All ctgit a dvertcc iinga nc'' tta tincl ti iin ic elicfit, h .in.11iccciah1ccclay puvouecato tlat as whcic tey ae tIaoer Prof. Hitsdale on specialization for Teaching. liceecl te'icondiiladidrles iitiesicc ioLllitiie ii tei 'iibiet Saue 1101 lgolicl Piiincils vlvediin ir- pairicngatoa'I'each." Ilec cegaushislic- tie satig tat dincithe irstccltwa yeirs ofchi ciursec theutiiiversity st- dent sholdhipy ut shllciattftont ta tiie matte of tieacing i1fhaly it al. lit needs thesetwoceaicscfic othiecsir. i-ticreculiredswrkcshould hie ostly fnishedcdulring tuistperiod andl this time is csctecesary foc the layingof c a tog bisia©ciscto- orhip pireparatry to seciliaction. rie studcintals lacis the mtiTy 'sod beadthoc i se ncessry to anc advantcidlas selectiatn of subjects for speclaization. Cansequsently pedagog teal sck ouuscilcme ater the firs halt of the studentsa corse. Before ths he hcah n o ficint bcse of know- edge on sticuch to rear ctytrofesiinal education.c 'heure is sin acadeoical ctiiaiipr- fessiotil ori itedaggicl diew iif stud iesiThe acadetical tpursit of aty stuidy mnut tiiecessarily' trcedelac pedagogical study citi.Thetistclrc- cquisie 01 good teaoiing an I for the fruiitful aidiprfitale stttdyvocitechi- lagigocliicelleshic threct reirtioni 1.1r1 Id cl tI, lecnin iithe thuii ccc.r. i-i liatlccit listsbegins.Icn.iidiccelild oilf jct for specil stuliy two'did gsliciholdll le cnusierecdiictmmercial lo-ill lgee ad lpiersnaitirefceece.eeStudies dntl coiliiiitiiiiofsiltiest'hmust asoi e consideed Ncarly vry techer in.i aci lghsciehool is cmellt eci lwao o r01 tibia s . Hemust cn- sticerabth the dlandiifliiisuiecs al theicipedaocgiccl relt isiliinrmaig this chlolc ldicc.Gek ndLtnae uniiteid in bth. Gecimiciand'Frlch.cl in aonsidabiicleccdaonld Pesoal prcfereucecshilotul hreluollwiteiso far 1s i, is cosiselt se' lithehdendcor c teahers i iin chili I Id ipeecred 1-ic i afavoriteis iiiiot iiiiii d itnd dil ion iiiobabilly 1110h11 1 5515. 1 cldi e a wise choice. I,,i a waiter 111 iwhiitic crarbttrary1rul1e cni birlii owa, battmutst be clecie biy the. needs ini each case. The student may sisely borrow a hint franc the utiversity system io choaing. Ac he will almost certainly have to teach more than one subject it is et to speialize on a major and minor or a major and two mincrc. In PS no case should specialization be car- 1 clad on in mare than three subjects as it would cause too great a scattering of forces. Dr. Hinsdale concluded by express- ing the hope that a teaching tradition might be established at the Univer- city. That a recagnized precedent for certain studies.,swhich may be profit- ably ipursuedl together and foir which there is a demtand, to ice combined. be established anid ageiteraily followeid. i-i stateid that the appointmcents coal- mittee swouldino adoiibt work iiithis direction. arher's Campus Cape*...**French Cook in Chargje FUR1NISH-ES FIRST-CLAISS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 11EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promptly filled. Fresh Home Made Cantly nose on hand witli the famous Spotige Ccacamel a specially. Pop corn balls atid saled peants note ready. Conic in and Icy thenm. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue 11 oliday Band Concert. -ilter1 cn opeingcc.receiation, the Ut of M. B1 a ill11gisc a sisort colicecc, ci lice house-wcarmaing Fiday at eiiii ITle oecsioniiisal lie the foiricalsiiei- lice occaasion iillii f.oiirmal oupei iiig o1flice Sarah Cusell-Angcllihall. I lie eaindclllle of thes-eninca sill ice specilti ind ingcainithe 'Waterimans I~. _ _ , - ' f I , = Ps _ Gnnrlc Change in Athletic Management.- the follsoini-riles listclblen pro fiT potsed farrecatification by Stainfotrdiantld thie lUiersits of Califorcnia: Stable's Art Store 217 So. 4th Ave. Thue fotallisecsoss 5 ll11besot ' New State, 173. etirid. si thlat tile last gamin tsead - 01 icing played con Thainksgivinig iici3 .1 shall but tplasyciinot I lterthaIth.'-- ICYCLES STORED sieuond Satiuirday in 'Noiiember. > Siiecodthct liii coachmusthiel a__FOR THE WINTER gradualiteoIii 11w tnivesiyi or hicclue 00 ,ewes. i 01ma ie assisted lltIb nputg MuAscthit hututhie ilrlowrale o iiie gau ates 11111oon a a "e ptn ore ha h lvr 25 ceits 1pcrmot s-ilary bs- i-iid.lofinhe coinfecions cannouiut reiisst icIL O SH V , .17E AnSB 'tirdi ithit alist of i i le iPl-ies-iouu u scii-ius choucolae et s maln ie -it ___ON __SHAW,___- ___17 __E. _Ann___St. shall iltexcacnged by ti lhe hihilii2c00 lFast WNc licigluci andul3cG Souh - o h e acii iuslic tei cuc C mitch cciy'I Iycl, I inslcd ofi lls tcmanleis duuiclas h Scaifsslicetitu" g i ithe caurulyd *ype rit Copying tamsii ofithieteams, is hieretoforile. I iT h uline i Cliiiity scull findilit ii agth 1beto hsi oprvn n o-frs il 1I e 0 %ots Bilei thdigofineutligiletplayeSCHOO Fouth, noullpuetsonce uivinugcu scal- , , COLOF SHORTHAND ill furuom thd cirivist shuacll uu' chug- I107;N.11 -C'JY A , leii to plulay.____________NI___________S___T____ __________ 1?clirtYaorrereea. aiari AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, agignucst 'hacli or Puitueet-cu str ill hIie aftesrubeccdeu auicecchallans with PORTA BL.EL.AMVIPS, ETC i riie d isercossed gavels. A 5t'ICIAL'Tv. SANITaARY ccnsiiac, S-rEAct ANit OT SATE iLATIDG. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Ih hI\lelttic Commucitee of lHarvard wciill biticlcd aniice chng fii eu d csc cfi cIvr stiiI ludents duhrintheslii i ngcli sceason. A space of 40022 feat wli SNAL bie uiseudliiiciacart if swhich the h ocey E 4 O NH teasm siillcracitice'. 'e agsS EO N INARER ----- nordering ariae why nut get tbem wbere yoiu can get yor order r~j - tiled on time wt a carrisge. We hsve added fire mcore to our N L S already large line and now Ihaye the largest number of hacscntowu Icn L D E Gwhich will ensuere you good service. Price the csnme ~1VECq ~HOL.ME$' L4V RY, Phon'ce 10C6. 515 Last Liberty Street. Ri PIPE TOBACCOFRSLFA STAEBLER & CO. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIA- 30 h~S.MAINST, ~r m r ~~~ r ION COURSE TICKETS - UNIVERSAL SUFFERAGE is cnniii s~puted succeed ini this city, ( a is procvcc by lila interact takceninu./'i tlue Ludhiig piiinoi viiing contest. In ' 1 5 D C D T 15 thisee cevci en ihcii ae chilirnvt n 1.0 R D C DT . showi thdeir intereest in tluau Sunda- u schooidl dcr aociety iniiwhiehi they tic thieir parcentsd crl intere'ste'd. hilu-y .10c. sort dloflily ci thue imerchacntis heurc mnctionied, adi os-ill far the soieut y tir chice;-0 0 laiD yettohO S 'SB N sacchd cull unaniimuus effot othie anSOiSA'StBA r cut if yo society cwiii yet secure FindeSixuOters o you the hpianoi. Fs ubr o KOCH fuirniture, carpeats.piituire framcue, mouitldinigs, truinks anud -'clises ( WAHI I-llMI1LIIIR yShoes. II'iNSHY fA4, kJecdlc r ite ( WILL CARLETON, UNIVERSITY HALL, WEDNES- LA t > & , I.>:1 1 l Groer S S DAY EEIG JANUARY 17. ME thlL~CEI-IM14ID Hacdw'are. DAV I8 & SE A BOLT (eceery. If FUSEL BRO. aleers. MILLER & PRAY Groicers. trM/ . ,/ °,,i ,', /.,t"" H.IC. EXIN\G Bid Fair Store. _______________ ____ JOHNSTON & CO Grocceraes ann __ - Meats, Forest ave. HEADQURRTE.RS FOR The ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. C. A. HENDRICKS Mlillinary. TrunksVlss, Telescopes,Drs SuitCae GOODRICH WALKER & MUIR- Vlss rs ae PHY Tailors, over First Nat. Bank. Every 0eacripihn. TRUNK AND) VALISE RIRING saticiLomest Prices. W. N. SALISBURY Druggist, HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. L. C, WEINM'VAN, Nettt. 307 Soutli Main Street. ANTON TEUFEL. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.