Wbet2]of 9 fu>VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, ICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1900 No. 2. REGENTS MEET. toward him. I hope for ism ttat the Fire in the Phi Delta Phi House. _____skiosxwiil brihten bye and bye.' WL DRegent Cocker: "1 tinks that is the Shortly before six o'clock yesterday noiiaAddress-Degrees Abol- sentiment of all of ux afternoon a fire broke ot n the Phi !she -Reigntion.-Stn" Tie first buanesa was the appointtDeta Phi chapter hose on the erner Co mites. meit of Regents Dean, Farr, ns of State and Hilt streets. Te fire ing omitestKefer s a committee to rerranige LFne Te regular Jansary nmeeting of tte. standinsg commnittees t hess etort deartment tprompty responsdteitoCstse HintS RN H tBoard si Reents xwas caledt to order seas as folots: sarmsbs t asiCesunabe to et te firs WtINTEsR adSRN sotybfrenoetra.Eey Executixve csmmittee lThsa1Pr si- sssder econtrothsel argerdanage ail E SItIngs, GolfSits, ssrlefr sosyetra.Eerynttt Rgests Buttesfed Cocker, beessdse. A nstbe ofroonss ser- esnmber answered to roll call. Lawxtsn. F anicy Vestin1gs. tRegenst Deass reported tat iso hadt orbnan-c e tnit~se ilR--ents- 5 -e e completelytoietedthsie ccspat tsisg cr s ier I a r ass s Dost. sit their beosgings. Alt the fisrniree bn tlest Iis oathsof office wiith thesetscoe- osssnssson sititeary dpartmenst itsthe rest sof tsouse stas arnes ot O tarp o state for lhis new teens of of -ind athleteri its get, r l titetfits hte ils osogetbdtsos st T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T Bet, selichssoheas nose iomsmencingtCocker ansd Ih-rston.btgetysamgdbsmk n Rlegesnt Siton reportord that he ihadi Cmsmsittee sserr s' issts-' slprs.- fits. Ottostudenls e s eteytaig ite lonsth ie saisme thing, andit atedthtiat tint Rleges s tsa tnsts eter i hadsitnis Ait nCssArbtor sve .0 cots slie AseCr'te ags eKefe.wot tsthe stimsoe. WeCarry te L rg-t le sossist"cravo tise favor of theo tommisttee Mtn se-tica t Pstit t. n i s oisdet sstei Stock ioir frsphaeussise ha t srnm-ceutc-lieparis-sens-iest c l, In thtel esiredt to saylitohadsrid uoscd tCe ioeri-arr -ans Lasstossnot o hsitis s-rssl sssoe I te Ciy L sssisr e nty seas hd s-t Consmtteei l a t- vse1 rt i l- istsr ,e suitd sesrences de stesyos. The shoe L witn. hene egntha eanoets iass, Bit i t t sad oae. of te hoses asvethe tkitchesisprtc bu afe sntncswhn e ho-c. Cinishe il lasscoptsssrss--cologo ticaly sdestso ttd. Tio chater hatt its 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. In a someit he cotiniued bitt ses Itigents DoittPletcher and S-stost visibly affected,. andthsuigested ht C tonmittteie os sise---rs-an-issimaeaso furit urtise fisy issued. Its oss is CiRte secretary contisne t e t i--- or -Regents Sto, s a n -ad Bitteho- estimated itt $,0.bbbi.Thhose belongs o a .PeietAgelcnimdteh ld o Mlso Sheeha-ns. Her oss could not lso rs: hss -Regitttslt e to Fitte ttsiitCiocssiue r a ssst b se -set ai i o-rshb-is W IL hoes ot thits b~tct~eCocer s d sits eThe origin o the fbeiss raig.Hoists reria s ere .ave s l eacra ndbti oee yft C'Sodmtio qiesiosswfrites ye vnosat ir 55- A Sisiseeresgedithis unkon P Iroablyis s0050ott sit - aots iteeiofn o tof Chitmoalps i otion s ir ist assitantitin ssges,5rtomas ciii occpiiet igintithsinsis seomt hetoftIletsfIregent-t oofthecteritiso roesinations ts tke iffle t it hise t use sitthiste-sehhis ItIIIhavetibeen___________week._ __by thit people; others ihae quesstionedh i~ c ss iih yeariSDstRout3so( opthsahm H .thisprpi iety sit sy sitig withtit sho rrSge sasstn notam -Are Ater ODe. W 1D i ibisis i xxhits ass indictmsentis so pcssstls g y.sius -Jti i s isiici5Cruist~ sss hstsr ssting sir teachingut Lstsitnits t ttwhgas Su i-umC--dsusu hisss Isssh 05notin tathsnss is is--t s s itsnt swititi salatsisry. 55 i a s he italst Iiciit sconv(it istosnrtirg m ltla h t ed Ihey forgae 55t o ihiioiiutthe s it og t, rgu 0titor I - i a tutu -5 sassnitndettot neof th f irst princ ipe of rl atehiss lephone bu us t his a s n u i us-tr rs ass Cus'L dy' 'ea. fmih =th t wllo1 eh d d at veyon i pr su ed nno or l5.:5( 5 to h t t his-sih~t I -tei -C uI P'sirc-s uc, r tf. aregatI i a rl irves uiulsthi t i nave ap ltsehutu it et lie uu t e a W id r n rm c s lu sh sussa shuts itustliusdesuu lS is o oo,1;(1add ta :' og o lavld lmone (3,. C,;eei o nsushitutu .t anttu e it t h in v rty I ', )G ea t ,a isussprt n ;uls - 1utu 11 iiie h.-,Jsi ts) sti; f th od e u rucn su :also n Isor arMcC prajIQis uuois n tnusicss ofsisu irho' I H E L t5tt ~ f0 lx 0 usdo ait (oul i p s th l teie-tshl i-s-'srhuh5ts5hs -u--othe i usard-ut iss- Is g (s tellusritsit r o a l er li s it h l ar 5(5s s itu-of tir n uytnit u inu ,uu uiss-ri oipt- its in sutl ronisususV't Ct c cay o s Rl~g T H _n - 1.1. Y s~ i su o iese age s Csi ,-t-us sit 5 i - i s it l reifoiitti-st rlesio TH L otss el in is-susnsst siuustois riw a t tu it-it ts i uut h t r iusie t dii iii 55 t h r~ Ciii is l,,sgs-r;;iitistiuusuusssusfr ust sit1 Oftiitt( -luosh itii nns ,11hurt ci suuit r5 S sus hs- st hut China-t-iui--suustisis -55 sitti(isitytc tuntedshlci-isisc i toithits uu s tiu 5rthais iu isishs Ii i 5i tu i its R L AL i nsadTO Ai. e rius sit us lsoCulsd5 it ti a(th andii s up( 5 hut-ta Ci-senmetia"usiuuit s'Dehu0Oau i-s-elites- I is-its-611 sucaicus w uld-hi Chc)ca t lt u itjist auiuIis5i t siu it t i st uus i ro i'n--ici il l u- sug a tym t " iuoi xis it uh Ik i t , Ixu uCtits o si reutt us eht-it i-ni-it-uit etansih rthsal i --s usr set sC ii550stil riss ttt-i 5- hiususssrtl anso ni t -i 'se-uh o D ict onarfi-sit se-hue n-u sit o fsc - ur s; ie. tsss rua1situ-ut lls i a sei iiiisssi lo titlis o sflit -isut scm sors I s o to huts fs I et ho u ghss St hwe-er, rih hes-s t i s aras--i-uth-i t i ast spit- Isisonghthei s eniist aut wituasittht a itliast s hthut.-sit sit s ed.ts sit polsorhp n p v sseutcturagesI sarts ailnsu-'staii t, ui ,dusts ws-hiiacce pb ited soiii iibPe0(u-t byu-s it- inhut lt-st iusu illu, A y t os si n s i si ss fi nno ncelix us hed iss thu i ut its suhva usat hiss C th -i a i -s b ti i ii lu st ii ii tti st ir