THE UNIVERSITY OF" MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice and exclusive, and they also have a feature bung sought and that you R E D C E Dcan get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he snapped up quick.O DS E D' MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Rsste. CENTRIAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effet November 19, 1899. Detroit Nighit Exs .......... 5 - t GranadRapidsExNpress . -.......11 10" Mailad Express- - - -347,rt N,..BostontSpcial- --.........4 58 FasetEastern ...............-.9435 " Mail adExpress...e..........92 .X Boston, NY.antdChicagoa..-.....85" Fast iSetertaExpresat..- - -....1 25 P M 0.R.- antdKal. Nxpres.......53" Chicaga Night Espress ..........92 Pacific Exra-ca .......- ......12 15 A.M Steamship Tickets, all Clases', to anad fr'et Earopapitslaia -t loest cstes. Full lafar- mastionc snaapplicatiaoa. 0. W. RUGGLES., II. W. RAE, G. P.& T. Agt, Chicago. Ag't AceArbha. 13N" RW . E TRITIH=P ? =N E; TIME TABLE Takaing Eff'et, Sunday, ltay 21, 1899. Traina letcae Acherbo by Centrtal Staed- Ard Tine. SOUTH1 NOR1TH *No. 6.- 1:25 A. M Ne. 1.- 8:56 A. M. Ne. 2,-11:53A. M. *Ne. 5.-l2:3S r. c. Ne. 4.- 8:30 P. %i. Na. 3.- 4:56 P. A. *Runtceheen Ana Acher and Taleda cnly All tealns ai-lypcxcept Sunay. kv H. BNNETT. . AS. DILMIOIIE, Ageec. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. in; last car far Detroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Mate sts.. Detroitt 111 Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO, WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.S.GrceeodMEP.A., Chicago, HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAIN~S DAILY 4 Between Taledoanad Caotembhs, usicg Ucioc lepel ic bothliteso. 'Through Sleepe to Washintnancad Baltimoreo. GREAT RAILROAD THDE HOCIKING VILLEY Write L.. L. ANDIMAN, 1lW. Fot Si, Doiti. L lentschter, the pjhotographer, BU CHEIELD The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET On Teaching Pronunciation. Monday night Professor Hdempl, ad. dressed a well attendect uteetitag of tac Pedagogical society ota"'Teacing Pronunciation." Thle matter of pro- niunciation, though it swould he user done, usually received too little attens- tion., Evetaill Latin atid Greek, too. careless lpronaunciation~ leads the sta- denat to miisapprehend importatnt facts. In raepo0 liviag languages correct pro- nunaciationa is vet-p imptortatnt. It is Sect Inot to teach bty rutle, bttby imi- tation, anid. to msake thec acqitisitiotan new sound sould he giveta in asich combinations that the piositioln of thae vocal orgatas is made favorable ta its prodotetiona.'ITe stuadetat shtould taevea be allowed to stttmhle or struggle, thte teacher should aid him at once if in difficulty, to prevent forming malay hahits. In teachng Latin and Rom- ance languages it is ituportant tao citre the student of hais native stress hefore trying to teach quatatity. A clong-cong" style of reading a-ill do this. Finally, highs school ctutdents should never he tautght phone .ics. though it is essential that the teachterI should unaderstand the scientce. Students are cordially invited ta in- eect our evlmoplEte lines af suits, over- cats, men's furnisings and hats. Wadharnas, R-yata - Recnie, S. Minh at. NOTICE, eBANJO :.LAYERS' The banjo club needs another good player. Come with instrument for trial to Room 261, Wednesday or Fri- day night between 7 and 8 o'clock. WANTED-A woman steward and a man steward at once. A good op- piortutnity. For information addres. '.1E., care of Daily." J. C. Taylor, '99 Law, is110w in the office tif the Corporationl Coutnsel at his honae in Chaester, Penna. PAND NOTICE. Hand rehearsal, Wednesday night 7:30, Jan. U. All membiers not there will he exceludedl from playing Friday night. It is inoperative thsat every otne is there oi_ time. 81 MANAGER. J. Ml. lHaverty, '99 Law, is practic- ing lass at lila home in Pittahatra Penai. journal Club Started. The Journal cltab utnder thse directiotn of Dr. Warthini of the department of pathology hsas been started. 'Tisaob- ject of the cluth is for the stutdett svhu are taking the u-ark to prepaure papers ocs cases assigned thens anu to piresenit thett to the nmemhersofi the cluth for discussions at rise tiaet ings. Each stutdentt is assigned tuo special case wshichi is worked up by hinm, by gatherinsg all the data obtain- able from records at thse hospital. fro the post mortutus, and by preparing sections of tissue from different or- gants of the boidy. Wheta le has dune all thais hec presenits his paper to the Journal rlutb, where it is informally discussed. As there are a great many ralre atid ecceptionally interestitng cases ptresented to the club, an oppor- tunity is given to the students for oh" tainitag a great deal of benefit and valtuable informations. Nearly all the worktdune is researcha and original wvork, and tile student is supposed to work up his case unaided. Sections are made for each nsumber of the club, and in this way every one will have obtained a very valuable collection of pathological specimens. The club is the advanced class in pathology and is limited to a certain number of members of the juntior clsss. 'rhe club holds its regetlar meeting on Saturday evening of each weekt. '02 't RACK CANDIDATES. All candidates for '02 track teanm will please meet in the 'lrophy room of the Gymanasium Thutrsday, Jan. 15, at 4:30 p. m , to elect temporary cap- tain. W.7 T. TIIU tMAN, 82 '02 'T. Ti. Mgr. TH]E REST MARES OF Mandolins ad Sa! utars Suhat Jaseph Raitman'a, Washbucn's sad ltcano'sareo a~lseatthe WSckDrG MHsiG Store I WLibDetyocly 2doosfrom Mack'sCorer Have You teen out PORCELAINS? Ficeet Ilincgout-only place tn the city whiere yau assget theta. SPEG61IAL RATES TO SENIORS The~ &rrumau Studio 112 W. I-uros St. N. S. Phone 119 Athens Theatre SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. Sal Smith iRussellsiGreat Pias ctA POOR tELATI55 NEXT ATTRAICTION A Bachelor's Honeymoon NEW TER5M DANCING GRANGER'S ACADEMY. READ THE DAILY. h llr Clocks! Warranted for 1 Year. $1.00 Win. Arnoldt e" The Most Comlplete 650 HOSTESSES. titn e of Lowvney Claocolates in the Don't forget thte House-W~arnming at city c a be fotund at Tuttle's the Barbouar Gymnasium Friday even- ig of this week. All friends of the 3 8SO T S A EST Woment's Leagute cordially itivited. 38SO T SA EST ''icketa 511 cents. -- ___________-__ Prof. Hinsdale will give the second 0, M, MAR1TIN.., lectatre iln the series arrangeid by thle. EU NERAL apipointted comtittee today at 4 1. I. DR C O itt 'Tappant Hall itt the suibject: 'TahDeEC O laedagoirsl iools ed in Preparinga to Embaltng a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Atnhulance night and day. Res- Tea'eact. ilence 302 Fifth Ase. rritan KdtinuBoots Black~ and Tan for men an]d Wmn Are Sn~ou and Waterproof O L Every KindI ENOCH OIETERLE,Fun~maralm Dicdrcetert( niversity j1utEsoe-hlafa tetI Dirs. ~ Enchli Otele ItLady Atessiat, f at ultstdticg.All kindsi ~~FEt ~ KM T EL5W.ofarepairin ne11ly done.S Bot Pone N 8.11 W.asingI No. 16E.Lierty Strecet. ReidceN33tS ho ho .Lambert. IP oo icc St., Ace Arbhraoutih Ave, Eoth Phons129. h e Sh p a ~aoteaay ue ~ WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE