2 THE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY _Rfield of prospective and available men osFi competent to fill this office is very c all tastes, all pocketbooks, even Patatatted natty (Suadays a cepted) dartag the narrow almost meagre. Work on the a "double A," we can find good College yea, at , a"ouleA" eca fn go CO F g IyeAt . annual has been at a standstill for a + shoes, and good stylish ones too, THE UIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN. month because of the lacK of a leader. to fit it. We make a specialty OriacE: TheIla Pess, Henning Block. Vigorous measures must now be taken I - of getting the best it is possible Both Phots. 147. . . h es ti __ . to make the publication a success. to get, and then making the MANAGING EDITOR. Nobody was anxious to accept such a prices. Quality always comes F.ENGELHAR,'atL. responsibility. All ambitious persons ,I, first, but the prices are moderate nOIN ss MANAGER. had ample time to declare themselves. a .+ for all that. The newly eected managing editor 4. promises to give his time and talent JDSTORS. . to the work and unless somebody ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. llUNUTT,'01 E from the section whch is rightfully / " R. aWoonnow, 'O L. A. H. MeDOuGALL,'01 E entitled to the position noes more than 109 S. MAIN STREET. A. G. BnOwNE. '02. E. J. B. Wo, '00, anyone has yet done by activity seek e.* .J. MONTGOMER,'00, W. D. HICKEs, '00M, ing the position. why complain of wha is the best unuer the circumstances. F o r the + + t + Senior Class Social. The social of the senior class Economical Buyer - whsichs is to se held Saturday, January The subsception price of the DAL s $2.50 2 27 promises to be the most enjoyable the collefe yea, with a regar delivery efor n 0o 51'ea day. Notice s,e star c yataa beanc affair of thee year in that line. It Men's Fine Suits, other matter intended for publication must be will be the last informal -ancing party Men's Fine Overcoats, handed in at the DAILY uotice before 8 p. m., or of the semester and this fact alone mailed to the editor before 3 p m. of the day Fancy Vests, pevios cta that on which they sreaexpectetd to will induce many to attend i for no pae. other reason, to acquire a few finish' Bath Robes, Subscrilption may be left at the DALY oice, ing touches before the Junior hop. Ateyer's, or Stottilet's newstad, or with Businees Though it is a class social the attend- at - Manager. 8bscribers will confer a favor by ance will not by any means be restric- epoitipomptly at tisitosftseayailtres o ___________________ carierstode i erpe oes p ted to members of the class. Besides Alltitoesit.socetiiat aoate tateti athe seniors who will certainly attend, the sicee itv4rp.ito the day petoaus that all other students will be heartily wel- ....SPECIAL SII T SALE on whicht tev are to aseear. comed. The music for tie dancing will be a special feature. It is ex- The acton of t.e athletic board in pected that it will be of a much bet- We have ilt every two dollar and every one ter quality than usually furnishes the dollar and fifty cent shirt that we have establishing sinking funds for various accomplishment to the light fantastic it ihe stire it a btach, your choice ftr purposes is a wise policy. The idea at such affairs. The orchestra will be of a sinking fund for the purpose of large and able to be tearl in all $1.15 each lu,,iatg grandstands is especially parts of the building. All of Baibour commnda egratds tn yiseseciayGymnasium will be used. The admis- comoedable. tt is not only a gratifi- sion, however, will be the same as at cation to college pride to have a well all class socials, fifty cents per couple. equipped athletic field but it is also - necessary to the financial success of a Our Side in the Debate toith Minne- college's athletics. When a college sota. plays a game away from its own The question for debate between grounds,. besides losing the advantage the UniversityiofnMichigan and the University of Minnesotais Ar the of vigorous partisan support it has economic advantages of trusts sAuch as A ND ELE C LIGHTING SUPPLIES SHADES to bear the burden of rental and other to warrant their existence under theLI expenses. lf tnis costly item is to law." - Sides are chosen by lots drawn PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., be eliminated, we must ..ave the facil- by the representatives of the co- A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBING, sTEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. testing Universities on the graduate ities for playing on our own grounds. committee in Chicago. Prof. True- J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Moreover, since the situation in west- blood yesterday received the folo ern college athletics has improved, we ing telegram from W. T. Apmadoc, will daring certain years have the opth secretary te mittee: oftegautco PA NERL portunity of designating the location "Michigan will have the affirmative HERE for playing our biggest game. We side on the trust question." must not be caught in the condition of The debate will be held in Stue- In ordering carriages why not get them where you can get your order not having an available field with the baker Hall on April 6. Each of the filled on time with a carriage. We have added five more to our dbfour Universities in the Central De- already large lin and now have the largest number of hacks in town equipment for handling a large crowd. bating League has appropriated fifty which will ensure you good service. Price the same. Grandstands are a costly improve- dollars, making a total of two hundred meat and they cannot be built at dollars, for advertising purposes. In- moment's notice or paid for out oa the vitations will be sent to the friendt H O 14 V r41(Y of the four Universities who will thus receipts of a single season. Those at htave first chance for seats. The ar- Poae tee the University of Chicago, for which rangements are in charge of North- 515 East Liberty Street. we helped pay, cost between $10,000 western and Chicago who will provide and $15,000. For us to make tech an for the conveniences of the visiting delegations. The presiding officer hastti/ expenditure requires the preparation not yet been decided on. and measures which the athletic board passed last night. Engineering Society. STUDENTS' LECTUR E ASSOCIA- Saturday evening of this week the Unknown to the students, a state of Engineering Society will have Mr. H. TI CO"RSE TICKETS war exists here at the University. S. Anderson give the address. He will tell of the practical work of over- This fact is well known to the aureate bauling a locomotice in the repair metropolitan dailies and the readers shop and as such a talk it will be re- in Chicago and Detroit, no doubt, im- plete with valuable information to all ) agine that the fraternities and inde- engineers, mechanicals in particuatr. Mr. Anderson is a new member of te $1.50 REDUCED TO $1.5Q pendants arc trying to exterminate engineering fctlty, this being hoc each other by powder and steel or first year at Michigan. other more subtle methods. Two events, rather elections, have aroused The grand march at the house-warm-a floe yellow-ktd correspondents. The lug Friday evening will be an aitrac tive feature. It will form in the Her- SOUSA'S BAND elections in the junior class and ot boaur Gymnasium promptly at nine and Six Other the Michiganensian board are the o'clock, at which time the doors will Fle Numbers for -' causes. be opened into the Waterman Gymna- Of this latter, we wish to speak. It simn, where dancing will contae is true that the offices on this board (3,'y: rotate between the laws, the literary T independents and the fraternities. ' - - WILL CARLETON, UNIVERSITY HALL, WEDNES- Every year each section has a differ- Aniseptic Tooth and t ontwah, ent office. This year the office of 2 eBotle. DAY EVENING, JANUARY 17. managing editor went to the literary EuthymoI independents who elected a man to fill the position. As this man re- Tooth Paste signed and left college, the whole board of editors this week elected his Apucarsand relialeDetrifcet c jTo wait until you are compelled to successor. The newly elected man- TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH buy rubbers. aging editor being a fraternity man -~-,--l - THE WISE MAN gives the fraternities two of the offices Q U A R R Y S buys rubbers and has them ready for this year. Consequently tue discus wear when occasion requires-and sion, but hardly a bitter fight. ,APt'HD'UG SToIW APRILL'S SHOE STORE has less to pay the doctor. EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.