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January 17, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-17

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94 Pauu



No. 81.

TRC CANDIDATES. io their repetive classe urging ATHLETIC BOARD MEET.
W- -L them to come out od beefit by t e___
tthsSotcoaching given the 'Varsity mateial. Eastern Baseball Trip--Sinking Fn
NaqEncouragementstohiSpr The maters of wrieting codbox- Scheme--Western College Fn
TT Sport Brings Oue a Large Field. ig were broght top a0 they air n- Athletics.
The results of the call for track portant fators in athletics codi -i-i o iihhono fiprat
Fine men to meet lt eveiiig ini the Gsyoi. ig es-cts io the icdooi meet O.if. wcc trcnccted t the oeetig of the
H WINTER and SPRING H were most grtifyiog to the mciige- Haiiis, 'do L., sooetimie holder of the thle.ic ord lct eveing tfloeiP
E utngGlSut, Emnt tor iot oly wsc the nmhe r varsity cacmpiohip in midlanccil ecretry reported:
Fan( Vest221 s. threondh ed lrge, ut fully two weight wretling, spoke of the oidvdlci- Blcnce Dec. 12 ......$1,:2.1
FancyjVstns. tsfic fte mcii are new to Lich- tcges to e fencved froni cork oni ii, Receiptc ... .... ,6.7
goo gin~~ccs tracks. The candidtes were iiatstoiti(ldveloper o1 reerve poe-cxess... ... ... G4
iskedl to hauldfin their incmec witihe and iiiindcud i fisteiing of self - 1c-r f $339S
TDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T octseit aciilascc, evets tht thrieyli'icc PS'cl figott 00 iiiiL. ialine, Issti art of, receipts$coi9afot
0.roiild enter fr and their AA ~r 5 iscl'sf loholikeiiToheIfma0jor pids osareceis cl ons
adidieisses. kfglhy-oix iiies woereitriects 00 oiigsnde . iiiie t eoi ii drig oias
A We Carr[g the Largest A licndedin butisiaciiopportiiiity is giiene n rcii ftcs Ihslyais duiinghce fthe hreieap.s
Stockdl tiiisewho id ict il siito 15i5~knowiledgiiiiid piractice oh the artofshetirgaime in Philcielphi.
tneiCtyfriinames swith the diitioiial il. tlfdiense In coclusionisI-fc'aru Aftricnsiderble dicusoion de
In il Ctr L c rsinof eineisGofmchs ihuH eooseecoinht vr fr-'ollowsing anended resolutions were
Ijircor' ofice n th tyoasim iieeis aii hiiiiian achlfliexercise eerys passed:
Q 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 The meeting wasi calleid to oruer hs dsy anoitlie might as eli or Pe-te fo e appointed by the presfffing
tnner-Graduate ManageiDirdlesowho take it in the interestsofcivorsity offici of the bori of directors each
R R first ased Director Fitzpatricklo th tle tis ofs lee eaii
spieak. He respoinded wssitt a cit
W I talky on sehat is to b.he 00auini heWill (Careton Aciomittee of three from ocuhl
foird to ietaso the reresentcat-
3Jfist soay to do it. He said thault eire: Will Crletiinswhio toniihtin I ii oi the stiiieitoiy in selectig tir
soN/ I 5 illlepcirhaps foiiii-dual oeets iaid 5ersty hial, '-ies ihis'first niimiberic n eii t le hioiored wsithi 'A's" fur
________________________________ -the Ws teirniIitecollegate 'mecatiIhe S L.A Course siiice the ho -- ~etheiii wo1rIsini athletics of that ea-
vetischi M1ichifgii ills'1eiteiuhe iitram is aimn w om everyhosiiio- ohid I ~ se hiaduaute iirector is to nt tur
W UL fl T 'hen if the mneii us-Re a good rscsir _le. 1301-11Iiniithis ssate ait d cii-rpeettv omiteo e ,
WiLD Ent1S -msuihlhe s-nt to 'Pirs to ciirsns-aie ciiitn' ftu ri
SP CA eiit tgme hreCa siii.minSn te seeseecilne f r ifuh A"mci.n1ns
SP CA mcr ilIgt uto beiising onethe hiiiicleales iin schei-cfiii" cioLiii' cai-
ev ry 10 h ul a- 1'! u i riesfus if m -d th svca
i s tcitch ,iiiih ihiiduhf hists t,
e. h . a' res erai ,,ii -.ie al isty io Si i . C iii..'. - Ia.;eair, ifie 'iohae i b ii I Eie-is'o
Wilder s Pharmacy osushi i t ty eaniit h is-icin tohii- ~isis dico, i
ci s hu I~ t iii isot inii iimeirjesh istii
- ______sho ldot ie . i i t h. 5 -she-u'hi-s bPe'siisse s-ise-ufm isul su-iu -
T HE OLD lion oriithati hho ii etPit sekasugnht
iiiel 'i usf 1 it 5 ,-a s it au ly tk sa c s w es-i a;-
R3ELIAI3LE Ol taii ileNI 11 i GARStoid OBffi t°"hispuitsehouthtstooleii. cr' .s
0u1.s uuu Igood 1' u tth it u ilii tits. buruig outit i, l ii shl ie - hit shig sifu iu hehuns
on'e1es ig S >l ir w rh f nii iiiii He coke ouunuf1 is''elo er
^ t . by-hutthe eeccisei- iiia erei iushn
. E . t O ..L.Y &G 01--. .' great' interes t sho It ll yn0'iiiiii'u: iions iise l eiiing iuro uuh uuhnd S c's
- ciii heI c ar o e' h itrdh t ae itn arycil hueit itl huto hrmoite 'a iu y iitrsta'it
__________________________________ tsh a iini-ul-hs' iuus'g, the h''ulsh the suents his'giing heiii epre
i ohulies in asii that hert wreatto o Aihfhifganu sadihthis sttueniis tf
ehutoc h J (J , ,nir stsfeint's iierst ini himit; ao - tto tsc elto n
Wen tou showupuu Iauththe e uyit i he o, 1iilu h iof t o nstt. Hilltf deeuuolsiie d i s ticehi "1
csuuhtcu'i ii th iiiui lii this ilt e alliu is um c su him -it itcuti '-" Is d lla isgthtinit ccas the semuhsime O
E oer thilouuuu uu iie ud - uthiuarto-ie uea ly ini the -itd-r nun;tte. i u suiiuhuii us u -x'u the hutrii of ci ruleetdrs thiat 'i'
di's iiito hlhem. ihighi jumpsts and shot uputtese d t heriii ciiI hhougi stihh caleduhhoth hc ui mt egsciuih oii
heotu ire c l hasses coimie diin huithe utuo;e 0 e i e 1 ut+h" his inhlue nuois ec iiig"1 0eheu
auh the runn es WryyCoiiiY atMecT. sn o- uintiinationa. H he' i ha s den n- uiuh eehePis' iniss 511.
Dacterology and Ie(, cu--ic Iuuhh oc'h hrC f 'th~ sh raelto-h ithie worltd i'tha the '5' " Cn at s foi11 riuh lbaI~seblluu - - '' w iti
Histology Sts who i weusi-cdhehhi'schedhue :,ati t e asi uot huo call hi-'c sI'h ic guislad ens lcc hia e re t
bedeil uiiilhibd sasyig thiat the illo' ituiich t:, 'elihetsaii ind.sh He I ld ah e e. Corigam hhn ttl Ithlube s
wshicsl h sberlin hias shked1 fsor 50ill arcis hias iwli iiiIfa newiiIhmie ior Amieri hhu 2.- e ls-i Iist hiu ic -
Devi es ait, osiu, a ltylbiigrcntesduii dhhelsid e rih the poetiu ,ii i s bI a t his 01n1poe iii Ire
arse toe.i ii t usest n Ti ui rged u tih 111 h e Far iii h' Stsuuiande hthei hisriesueioit 31-
I~JIE~II1~ijE hd s~ hs hsiii i ill- - 'u So'te-shis poiieimicus-sua -tcb- hee wogaeC ll Le ll5 har
th iiiilsibaskwai dift e n i an ll' ' i siin, hre idillis5 is-s--sit s i sc551o i u u 'iu ilh u'Ils isd.l
____ ___ ____ - . ~ it hi-s hu sus sheu 's "coi si it's h iss e iii if s a _ssui 0 hia thiso f fl it p 5 cn ho n ti 1551 ii t fisn t tr Ii . ' isee -
HaeyuSenT oe Ne uss tt sclpinto. ihtr us 'tsaon lsd cs ill i 5555 lil--,usus-isu usihi'-hi i'tiie--e -c 1he
oh so is us oflhsf isis tiaioni'l itr hs- this-smen uillhavei sishe s's' ta
Ha eu enT oeN w ieo a e n th u res-sut s itsIts-s ieg 'shisoa s t aiss poemsts li tousu 'ss
t5) i E \ I ' l ul s ss .h ushs' i - s - 5 11 i si iithoe.a i s e us su t i ll hiss lii '."' I kc sis's lii huls ares sifortunasheloss
hu'seluh PCisu h is 1-c s t u ~an''s iit us lie s
Unic rsitj nd nn rbo ? h scehi-sitoa i su l es-scanedui lson '' u_ d i I t a1--and 'eas yokeIhi s is ussulf0c stl udliiisuuo fs
Ihto , is'ac ihsiy ofii 'getigou aI u d hlese m e, his'to sm etu s and' dah o 1-mls' e ii' tix hidssh-sl us ssithr huo.us
w o rkD' Lu D I r-c u iu i u o ut u i e-itn gehscud q lw i - .,Iii hieiiiii o s o n d 0V 11 'huh n a b
a rim i Ella IJI.LoCI. h oym l t gilurowsut lus ic thes iy it c-- msth'gssush o'esiihi-ii' -

1'n Y L UI Ih 1 had t gooutandgiv th uoter esissisni liiiranslushwsiskiof hit lifubm t
FIVE KINDS ONLY 2cIEACH an uequau lishow andh pliay si genths'mc cily IFise S. hI.0.hias mredhuci thue rist
game ansI if youm loose tuike thud Pest- o use'tidckeItsrm$2.00Itio $ hI.0
imngcosgenitlemain."'T'huse me isoceiiiumbesusrs mnow ' smins-
Mamagi's Shuirocu amd runley iig cmnthe course -ill ofswhish cahilbe
Manaer' Thrma an Brmle'otaiuneud hor this smaull amunut. h[hue
of thu. sophomore coil freshmen trutkhs est numbimer cmithe course, Soumssaul
W A H R 3 S teums, spoke a few seords to thudminor his Pond, his sun to cons.

oshuce hu cannoiut hue wsoldly ills
nusmisedun util uall thue cntracts mess
signmed. A gamse hers',thisf spring,
weihPennmmsyleanisiis a puosibility.
TIhe football schedule is also cooling
around satisfactorily."
(Cotfinue'd on pague 4)

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