4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday -=-Books NOT THlE CHIEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have n0 12 MOS. at 23 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Halt Price We cannot sell you a good 12 Mo. at 15 But we will give you Ele best value for your money. The largest Sto k of Illustrated Gift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the City Sll66hdll& Go0 University Booksellers 3,0 S. State St ANN ARBOR - - - - IlC1IftAN U. of M. Barber VAPOR BATHSn Shop and Bath te ecistReen- Roos OO 22IS, Aph, s Ivr. R. Tojaosk UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ]DANCIN~G Occleenece Isginig clsMody, RsilS p.. Ldie' ieitieg ls, Wed Is o10p. PINK BROS., Instructors Oface and Academy, Nickel al, 334-336 S. Stae ISPECIAL HOLIhAY OFFER! lie o tes $3.00 r LAUGHLIiN FOUNTAIN F PENS ct~ponlpid, o ac ekctra fo only $1.00 I tides eosit ott ,t weit ri ITNscr and offer yes $110 for it It it does nt sit MADEJJ a Ant ayeauigre it PROFIT is ioestheohestispe li-de.eHee is Aurclihancestcict-IESTo etgCecst I'YDIAM ON-tOeITiOLDetc Oslyoetpenscutttout, dy -, d pptnetnoitoffcr. T i'ry ofthe..er LAULNDRYG.CO THOSEHNOBBY GOLFS STUDENTS remtember that we can scupply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, whinch nrcfcully guarantee. What 111015 can you ask? Try us. lMvART.-IN $CHAILI4R DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAINST DURING VACATION Student Agents Wanted to Sell SCHEED'SBINDER Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCHLEEDE. DO YOU $MOKE4? 4 Pittslburg Stogies for LBill Ansthlily Cigars for 4 Brunswick (Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. ID. R. TINKER? & SON HATTERS AND FURNIHERS Headqarers fr HAT, CA, MEsa Fncneennase and Cmpee lineot OsensAsara GOODSsasd SWeEnAER. AGENCT FOR LNLET HAT J334 Soth Stai Stree Cor. Maicseet uroneStee. Cpil, 85ttt. Strpus,830t000. Teasacst geea biinsiigbuiesst. It, KxirPes. CE scEENE, Vie-Pee FRED. HBr-e PCshie. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K tt anecia Capita, $100t00e. Scpinecsand Pofits, 840,t0 'rasos eeralobantitniegstttsiness. Foeig yxhne bugitoddested. Fuciih etteseof cetit. E. . INNE, Pes. HARRISON SitLT. Vice-re. S. W. L.A iKSON Cosie The tfln tlM or savings Bank Cpital Stock. 85tt000. Sorpius, $t5,. Resurtes. 51,5t0t0t0 Ogiesttnerdste GsccsosBanktngLose- ci iis Stat. Recie depsitt, buysaoed sei, exchan~gcecnthe Ipricitol ities o tes Ucite Sttes. Daftseasedtpncproeiesidetifticaton Safety deposit bxteoe cts. o c ects Cristin MckPr se ,W 0 Hr eso, Visee.sttCh. . Hiiieek, tahie;NM JFritz, Assistant Cashier W. .sOTH, FaeS. fT WARNOLDs,let Viee-ptesn J.v,. CSEEnoa, d trss-p ING JOsN.C.WoeLs, Ast.Cshie 8iI u \ BRINK Transacts a general Banking lBusiness c.- COLLEGIATE APS, X GOWNS sndFOOS, CAS rd GOWNS, A PEC IALT. COLECE FLAGS, V CLASS STATIONEV COLLEGE PINS, SPECIALTIES 41tEi B iIt-ScotttttSt. -4lA tslicelto. LyaVE c'~,. - one reason Tobacco - why Old En. aenso. ("a glish Curve Cut pipe to bacco is so The curved tin box that its any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. at disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ae , New York City. All dealers sell it. College Clubs, Calendar. Among Pastern colleget great im Wednsday, Jan. 17.-illl Carlton piortansce is attached to genieralc- in S. L.eeA.CiirseUnivnersity Hali. legsecluibs At GPrincestontWhig oand Frid-ay, in. 26-11 e.Josephoine Clio Haiti' practically idivitde theostt- otaoby, song recitai its CiocrotlUtiou dcnt boidy betweensthens; andlodnsti-series. ttet, tiige leer, tsegrca ource5of cc!' riaJa.19Peidn Sm- GoomptersonOTthtes Eigiit-Housr Law"' legs fettcwusip iandetenthuiasmOI~. Thein od G ( etO itisotctlb. Hotioton ilisb, lat Pennsoylvansiaper- Frlito-, ioc. 5i- rotssor Lloyd tormse, sitmiltr functions. It 10a0 been biciore ticst'Pihisophtical Society-its of great volas, says thes Penslvn-ctsaippans riall, att 4:15 p. ini. ion, to fostertisg a spirit of fella-eowshp nitayJets. 19-Htouise Warnming its before usnknowns in Pensls~ylvania. Gym. by Women's League. Hers mets from all the schicols comoe _________ togettoer, teed there boo groovupaes aesmtietbe sharp to toisels tlo epirit aesd university feelinsg of toyalty ie a-v before iukntown~. The need of such a ___________ slob a Haorvarid hoe long been rec- Aoew tints tf SManhattan Shirts gnteed; saet of lots a strong mitre- ment hs been started for the ees- tion of a heivereity Club of a broaid deescrtic kind; a donations of $150, 000 has meede thse earrying ot of thee long eonttmplted plan sure. Vats, too, has of lotseloeenly felt the need of some organization toholtel together, ini a lose college democracy, thes unnder-i radoatet in its various da partmente-some center of a commoc Vole life, ether thtan ths enfous Fen- cs. The Vole Nes-seays this may safely tic termed Vat's greatest need, from the under-graduaet point of visor, and the Aluenni Weekly joiens it in seiphsizing the necesosity of taping steps to tireserve, ies institntioses aedaptedfto tic new cntditions, thoe etirit suit ctarectereof thess tuseent life of Voe-ths Univrsitys greatest treasure. juest ies at Weadiiats, Rtyan & Beuis. See these. S. Stain st Silas Decerl, 72S5VTvelfthlsot., caes eccomtmlodiate ive nmore boarders at ,s:lo0 per weeko. A complete tine of Adier Bras. Oine suits et Wadleams,((you & tReule, 2a0- 202 S. Main et. The Anns Arbor Missic Co. hove 00000 iltiecemnets to 0ffer stue- ieets tin teablietborid; also one sulite of erotis. NOTICE. Thes pope vatlters will nmeet Keene Fitzpatrieck at thse Gymnasisum every afternoon from 2:30 to 4. (towarid lots at Waedhams, Ryan & Reutle. Best beet on the market at $3.00. 200-202 S. Stain st. VT A. .L'a.....&~.L....~ ... ~ ' L ~ ' 'J O I~4 ' teiegees,tols d ttt htletic tiCtlsfthetCo try etc TAILORS TO MEN BaalHTci tiaas - L~ arge Collection ofiMAIN OficialBallotNtionl 11 Exclusive Novelties 123 S, MA IST. ctitosapldints BaeBall tuide ter 1900, ta ki, /intOtsonte talgaes A. G. Spalding & Bros. e. / .S < /j r, _ _ T. " _ lm: - ofrlts/A i - Ports p NWrR CIAO t£VR w~ry "" '..' '/' " __ . '. ~ " .^ ./ . .te^ cra~ rce/ tr' cc ante,.-ny testereoc MIL ARD NOBBY TAILOR STA T&ST.