THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 PRE-INVENTORY SALE All Shoes Greatly Reduced 120 DISCOUNT 2@ GOODSPEED'S ON ALL TAN SHOS 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effrect November 19, 1899. GOING EAST. Detrai Nht Express..... ..555A.M, Atlantic Ecapr s............7 45 " Grand RapidasExpress. ....111 Mail and Expres . ....347P.. N. Y. BosonSpecial... ..... 4 58" Fast EaternE9r4ss" MailandExprss. .....9A Brotn,N.Y.and Chicago.a .........t855 Fact WesternEn pccss. . .. 1 h E, at. G. N. and at. xpescca. Ag'AnA.. b50 Chicago Night Express..........59 20" Pacific Exprecs y....12 1A.. Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and fernm Erapean poitsatn wes rates. Fall infor- mation an application. . W.-R: N LES. H. W.H:YE S, O.4PM.&.T.Ag't,-Cicag. At An Abor. .&25T ST TCRMSITI a LITCE; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sndsy, May 1, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Tine. SOCT11 NORITH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. M No. 1.- 8:56 A. at. Na. 2-11:r) A. r. Na. 56-12:345 0. . No. 4.- 8:30 a'. 5. Na. .- 4:556P. at. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo anly All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W [H. BENNETT. G. P, A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. m.; laot car for Detroit' 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sta.; Detroit. 111 (iriswold oh. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Greonwood, M. P. A., Chicago HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo and Columbus, using Union depot in both cities. Through Sleeper to Washingtonand Baltimore. GREAT RAILROAD THE HOCKING VOLLEY' Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. FortSt, Detroit. s ir , I I lneutschter, the libotographer. SOMEWHERE ON CAMPUS--A POCKET LT BOOK containing $28.35 in cash, and a RAILROAD TICKET to NEW YORK, ALSO a memorandum of the big reduc- tion of prices in Neckwear, Sweaters, Gloves, etc., at Mack & Co. The finder can KEEP the TICKET and CASH, and receive a LIBERAL RE- WARD, by returning above memorandum to B. A. CUSTOMER. A Communication. To Editor U. of M. Daily: With your permission I would like to call the attention of the student body to a matter which is of interest to a .arge number of students in the University That is that the Medical Department has no representation on the annual senior publication-the Michigansensian. I fully apreciate the fact that the present anual is a consolidation of the three annufals which were formerly published here, the Castalian, by the senior independents of the literary de. partment, the Palladium, by the frater- nities, and the Res. Gestae, by the senior laws. I understand how this accounts for the present method ot appointing the board of editors-four to represent each of the above inter- ests. I would not criticise this meth- od. But I merely suggest that the time is ripe for a truly representative University of Michigan annual, one that repr'esenfs each and every de- partment, interest, activity, and orga- nization of this big University. And with that idea in mind I maintain that it would be an advantageous move to allow the Medical Department rep- resentation on the board. This plan should not meet with any opposition on the part of the three interests al- ready represented and would cer- tainly result in giving the University a more representative annual. The number of editors could be left at the number which it now is-twelve, but cut the representation down to three editors from the Literary indepen- dent, three from the literary frater nity, three from the law, and three from the medicinal departments. One of the latter might be a homeop. This would seem to me a move in the right direction a-ad I most heartily recom- mend the suggestion to the considera- tion of Lhis year's board that they may take some action for neXt year. "A MEDIC." '02 '1RACK CANDIDATES. All candidates for '02 track team will please meet in the Trophy room of the Gymnasium Thursday, Jan. 18, at 4:30 p. m, to elect temporary cap- tain. W. T. TH URMAN, 82 '02 T. T. Mgr. , -5 HOSTESSES. Don't forget the House-Warming at the Barbour Gymnasium Friday even- ing of this week. All friends of the Women's League cordially invited. 'Tickets 00 cents. BAND NOTICE. Band rehearsal, Wednesday night 7:30, Jan. 1. All members not there will be excluded from playing Friday night. It is imperative that every one is there or. time. 81 MANAGER. WANTED-A woman steward and a man steward at once. A good op- portunity. For information addresa "M. E., core of Daily." 82 WILDER'S SPECIAL. This refers to a brand of tooth brushes that will not shed bristles. If they do we replace them. WILDER'S PHARMACY. Students are cordially invited to in- spect our crmplEte lines of suits, over- coats, men's furnishings and hats. Wadhams, Ryan - Reule, S. Main at. The date for the organ recital to be given by Prof. Llewellyn Renwick has been set for Wednesday evening, Jan. 24th. The admission price has been placed at 25 cents. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS, Alarm Clocks SI. U. of M. Pins 50c to $10.00. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. JiL CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206 Main South. Have You seen our PORCELAINS? Finest thing oat-only place in the city where you can get them. SPGlfIL lTES TO SENIORS Tho Brrjuman Studio 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 Athens Theatre SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. Sol Smith Russell's Great Play 1 rookKRELRTION NEXT ATTRACTION A Bachelor's Honeymoon NEW TERM DANCI1NG GRANGER'S ACADEMY. READ THE DAILY. Warranted for 1 Year. $1.00 Wm. Arnold, et The Most ComIplete lin e of Lowney Chocolates in the city can be found at Tuttle's 338 SOUTH STATE ST. O. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day.- es- idence 302 Fifth Ave. furita KatiflU BootS$ Black and Tan for oera d Are Smow and Waterproof (K A L Every Kind|ENOCH DIETERLE, Funeral rectm nSiversety "a KM, STA.MMLMMrs. Enoch Dieterle, Lady Assistant. 1o flaw ilding. All kinds Both Phones No 5. 115W.Washing- No. 116 E. Liberty Street.hResidence 683 of r E. Lambert.iPnalds WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE