4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAITaY Holiday - NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price 41000OO In Your Inside Pocket D. -R . TINKEf,f? &--8ON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAS, CAtPS, MEN'S FURNIssossa Is what youcanaonasuitor avercoatadetoyoareorderbyaus. We guarauttceaperfect andComaplete lineof GYMNAoSIUM j fit or ao sale. Call and see no obligatisn Is boy. Our immnse assaottment of sveer 3,000 GOODS and SWEATESon. sampleeswill please yaa. All Wool Suits and Overcoats fromsa$00.00 usp. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS GoodrichTalkeer urhFeast Roam oaerFirst EstioaBanks or.34uhSaete Capital,_$5,000.M uurhus,,$30,00._ Transact Book, AnnenArblrbank.Suhsate stre M A K M G V 0A 0 EN nl EPre.CE.GENViers DURI VACA IONFoEs. H BELSon, Cashier. Student A,,ents W~antedl to Sell We cannrot sell you a good { E D ' D1 o t 5.Btwewl ie o h esjau o your msoney. Thse largest Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J SCHLEEC Sto k of Illustrated F NBooks, D O T SL L K ' New Fiction, Bibles, .......... Prayer Books, DE, Oil Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the City 4 Pittsburg Stories for t_' Bill Athonty Cigars for 4 Brunswick (Cigars for 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. M iCH. DEAN & CO. 0 1lIuuIIUil a 'Ju " NEW SET OF CHIMES. Calendar. University Booksellers .Mondaly, Jan. 15.-Prsfcssor Hlemll .5. State St Iowa Statn College Han It is the Cam- oil "'Teaching Pronuncieation" before 320 S tt t pantis at Amen. Peidagogical society. ANN ARBOR - 111-IOCliOGAN 'msI .i, Jsn. 9.-The largest if Wednesdlay, Jalt. 17.-Will Carlton 1r not ti'hurinst set iif chities in this in S. L. A. Cusre, Univeeroity Hall. U. of M. Barber VAPOR B~ATHS coun~try hssbero placedin l the cim' Friidai, 'an. 26. Mvme. Josepinse S hop and Bath the City. RSea- tihsil erreteid fur that tirpose on eres ROOMS, < sa OT . R. Troi'atowskl the campusil~ of the toowa State College. 3 TT.IThe elillicO acre lpresenltieiby 12W0. Start's tust be sharpi to toisehthse W A RE TeStasntois,tirofessor of ma~thiimartics ice ii ic. lABE hre. tPrefessor Stanlttlioilws the fir,,t OUG1R1N TEEM I5RTISFGOTION. itie to teceivs aditplomia friiothe A tacosliiie of Mlatnhattatn Shirts IowaIState college.Tis wsas in 1872. just its at Watdhamas, Rtyan & Reuile. See them. S. Malt sat UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF 1110 ('.illeO511e'tell its numbier soil FIRST NATIONALAOraied 186, Capital, 5100.'(00. 5Su11l0sod Peoistl, I40,00t rrenscrts acgeneal bakingpltbusince. Foreitn eschange bouhtl sod sold. Furnishltters of credit. N, D. KINNE,Preet. HARRISON SOtULE, Vicees. a. W. CLARKSON Cabtier The fi n A~or Savings Bank Cttpital Stock, $50,000. Surpluso, $150,000. Resouces. n1,50,000. Organoized ccder lbs Getneral Booklet;Laws. of thais Slate. Receives deposits, butyescnd sells txca ct o the prsinciatioties of the Uoited States. Draftsecsled upo proper identificatio, Safty deposit boxts ts rent. OFFIERoS: Christiao Mack. Prese.tW. D Harri- man, Vicees.Ch(ba. N.ilinsok, Cnnhiet;M. d, Fritz,Assistant Cashier W. J. Basso, PRS. fTF W. ARNOLD,leis ie-lten J. V. Wte2d st.CasertsSIVINOS JOH. . WLTLT, AstWBNK 1T'ransacts a general Btanktig Business. Salkent at 'a COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWN5 and MOODS, Roolina at III CAPS apd GOWNS, (SPECI(I'LTY. CLASCANIES, COLLECE FLAGS, d l CLf1SS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, W. C.ts.s KERt N &shCurv Cut.A pipe to.a TobccawhyOlisEso \ popular. .. c-,', The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever D A N C eachbellhes eaed 1o15it SO ilypro- IIII Aiat.N C j[uotatiotn ieorsaingle. fly are 0c tc setle beingClasModac t010 j.11.ddctdto the mtemoltryof othis deadLie'bgnngCa, (.8to1j.1. wf.Thcmpilwsbutbyte PINK BROS., Instructors btate illi_8581. It is 110 feet high a11d Oficen and Asademy, Nickel Hail, 334--336 S. Slate is al very stable structure', beinsghbuilt ________________of tle. Ncry beot compretssed btricke, SPEIALHOLDAY OFERwiths terra cotta trimmnsoanld ortna- SPECIL HOIVAY OFFR ~*mentaltiolns and a copper dome. I f t i . ,, , ' .. liu . i, ;' !''E . J . ;. S' !' , $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS t sent,,posltaid,act a weestial1 toersolly $1.00 Ifltldoess aotlsutayo1011.0 110 as BAOClcand offer 7011$1.10sfort. I tidoes not nail s Ans A Any way yoa figare i snOrIT TIri the he'arIst'lln tie. Hlee isyu ~ aceto test it-Ptssse UIfTYseelcAINn PIT G OLac otasla , tle t 'l, at c 1 129. tad cS t., lsal, Mis- 07n~ero ltttcttIo11.e 'Iry.or Christmsoskaoltes. Howardi bats at Waldhams, Ryan& Reule. Best hat 00 thse mlarket at $2.00. 200-202 S. 1ain st. WILDER'S SPECIAL. 'Thio refers to a brstnd of tooth bruoses thsat ewitlnot seidbriotles. Ut thaey Itt 'te retiplce thsem. WILDER'S PHARMIACY. NO'TICE. Thisc oe vattlters will omeet Keetse Fitzpaotrick at thseUymnnsiumn every afternootttnrorn 2:30 to 4. 1111sfyottroskates 00 youtreltotultr -tn ot to thse rink, '17ACK7 MEN NO'T'1CE. 'tueIt(, ie tlalr antuatoa s 150 scetint litt tte intelrest of track atthletics will behe liInl the Waternman Gymtnasiu~m, '1Tuesdaly evaensing, at bev-etao'clock. CHAS BAtED. Crad. Manager. Niss Deckter, 725 Telfthtsot., eats actommsodate fo-ceosore boarders at .t1.00 tier weekt. A comple'to tine of Adler Heos. fOne soils at Wailatss, IRya & Route, 200- 202 S. Main at. 'Tltk abtottloes prices. The Ann Ar- 't!c Mttic Us. are always ita it-A $15.110. $27.00 Washurnt, now $t6.00. Tickoets for the Batrhour Hymnsnium10 Hottse-warmting nsay he obtained ati Stiecsan's book bstr' and IMisa hoely,,' oti State street atid attGoodye'ar'- trug store on Main street. Price, 50 cen~ts. 7-tit'is the timel 'foe flincy oslatinge. S Ti' heJIs... ISh NORTH SIDE f LAUNDRY riC T1 tttS. WiF, Pl' i 103 ltrtc1ttttt 5' 7 li eItch onetatt . jM: if": t -1 7^iiitiihetti :~ ifHiTl !i1 1 THOSE NOBBY GOLFS ATTENTION ATlT A CTO t" Our tt~irdoooof SS-'I TINGS OAT UP-TO-NOW IIIRTi PR~OUCTIONS OR WAGNER &C. - a - WHITE Haberdashers MILWm made as many friends in so short a time. -It disappoints no one." A trial boa will be gent So any one anywhere on receipt oaf ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partmnent, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. till dealers sell it. SPALDINGS official 5ccl~ l anal-i l~c.1 I t' te e t a t fIc~ t. I Fo pt fig OtB a tIstd10i s t111.~ Spi n' ta Off./ tital L .gue al it & tes S t Ofia al -th a i - Is, NOBBY TAILOR STATE: ST. -