2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY cago, that we ought to name thie plat, for this year's game. The following year, we play Chicago in Detroit or Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Ann Arbor, two weeks preceeding .Callege year,at TEUNIEgeITYOFrCHIG Thanksgiving day. Well and good. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHISAN- only what will we do for our annual OrFeiE: The Inland Press, Henning Block. big and money-making game on that Both Phones. 147. day? Run a counter attraction to :MANAGING EDITOR. the Chicago-Wisconsin game, with li F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. nois or Purdue? This speculation is BUsINESS MANAGER. made on the basis of a doubtful as- iH. HANs,'00 L. sumption that a two-year agreement VIToas. with Alonzo will last two years. ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. leuNsTT, '01 E However, let us hope for the best r. R. aosasow '00 L. A. H. McDoUGALL, '01 E Whatever the situation, and however .. ', much a may seem detrimental to us- L. J. Mssessssssv,'00, . D'.5. ICKEY, '00M, nsrs~ a es ermna ot it shows us all the more strongly, them necessity of winning undisputedly, the championship of the west. -', Shoes to Fit all Needs Eall tastes, all pocketbooks, even C $. a "double A," we can find good s shoes, and good stylish ones too, - to fit it. We make a specialty of getting the best it is possible =- , _-to get, and then making the . prices. Quality always comes ' ~first but the prices are moderate 5 /for allithat. ass's Shoe Store YnN T NE 0 5 om11 109 S. MAIN STREET. The subscription price of the DALite 2.50 0 the college year, with a regular delivery before oo chday. Naticeas, miations,ad other siatte rintesed le' rputicoation u sta he handed is at the DAsIY etice beoecp.m. or mailed to the edtitor before, . sf theAay previous to that on which they are expected to Subscriptions may be left at the DAIsY olice, 4yer's, ors oliets new stas, or with Buseies Masage. Suteerib~ers will cosnfe avosreeby reporttng promptlyat this otilce any failure of carriers to deliver paper. All changes in advertising matter must be in Che oface by 4 p. w. on the day previous to that on which they are to acvear. In charge of today's issue, A G. BROWNE. Let everybody get out for the track team! A Commendable UniversitJ. The following is a clipping from the Southern 'trade Record. It is certain- ly a gratifying statement altho it sounds very like a puff for a commis- sion house or a soap factory. The writer's way of stating things is some what unusual and unexpted, but its trend is unmistakable. - "We have received 'several letters from subscribers in which we are asked to recommend the most reliable and commendable University. We fully realize the importance of the subject, and the confidence which will be reposed in our answer. We have made a careful investigation locally, and also referred the matter to our representatives in all the principal cities, and have the unprejudiced opinions of a large number of persona who attended same, and find the Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., is doubly worthy of credit, and the most reliable in the United States, and we are so favorably impressed that we wish to make this indorse- ment in our trade paper. "By prompt and careful attention to orders and courteous treatment of students, this University has estab- lished such a large business that they are enabled to make closer prices than less successful competitors. We ad- vise our subscribers who are inter- ested to write this institution direct. They are of the highest commercial standing, and well known for business tact and enterprise, as well as integ rity. We have no interest whatevet in this school, except to recomment it as the best, in accordance with the findings of our investigation, whii t was made without the knowledge a- any member of the above firm, or any person interested." Since A. Alonzo swept through Ann Arbor, a little speculation on the ath- letic situation has been raging rather freely, and the students generally have been studying the map to find but just where we got any the best of the deal. As yet, they have been unable to find the spot. Next fall, we play Stagg's cohorts in Chicago. Well and good, only it would seem that inasmuch as the last time we played Chicago was in Chi- A iugfestkn Whether it was due to the scatter- ing of the clans, or to an apathy on the part of the Michigan supporters or to the inefficiency of the yell- masters or the yell itself, the fact re- mains painfully apparent that the Michigan cheering at Chicago Thanks giving day did not compare for an instent with that of Wisconsin, in volume, spontaneity, or in carrying power. Even with the ball in WIs- consin's territory throughout the first half ana every Michigan ntan confi- dent of victory, the cheering was un pardenably poor. A elight change in the yell has been suggested and it is well worth every student's while to give it some seri- ous consideration. Instead of the cheap sounding "t. of M. Rah! Rah!" which is a harshly-grating discord to every one's ear, when he stops to dwell on it, why not have Michigan Rah! Rah" substituted and officially recognized and adopted by the Athletic Association. The time-worn and un- dignified "U. of M savors too strongly of the "U. of M. News Stand," the "U. of M. Barbor Shop" or the "U. of M. Peanut Store," to be tolerated any longer by self-respecting students. Michigan gets little enough credit as it is without suffering to be called the "Use of M." Chicago or eastern college men never call tnis institution "Michigan," or the "University of Michigan," it isalways "AnnArbor.' Ann Arbor team did well," are sam- ples of the ways in which our con- tempories invariably speak of us. In Chicago, one would hear at any time, "Do you go to Wisconsin or Ann Ar- bor?" We cannot do away with that, no matter how annoying it may be, tut let us kill effectively for once and for all, that most odious of all titles, the "U. of M." It is appropriate to print on the front of hats in large letters, but that is the only good use we know of for it. What is the matter with Michigan! Rah! RahI Michigan! Rah! Rah! Hoo Rah! Hoo Rah! Michigan! Michigan! Rah! Rah! Rah! Ex-Captain Lunn, '99 E., of baseball fame, was in town yesterday visiting his brother. "Sally" is located with the Edison Electric Co., at Detroit. EUTHYMOL Antiseptic 'tooth and Meath Wash,r 25c Bottle. Euthymol Tooth Paste Apopular and reliable Dentrifice 25c lostae. TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH QUARRY'S CU. AIV e RD R YSTOIOID For the + + +% Economical Buyer Men's Fine Suits, Men's Fine Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Bath Robes, All at 1-4 Off. ....SPECIAL SHIRT SALE... We have putt every two dollar and every one dollar ani fifty cent shirt that we have in the store in a bunch, your choice for $1.15 each AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT wATER HEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. PARTY SIS NEARLY SON HERE In ordering carriages why not get them where you can get your order filled on time with a carriage. We have added five more to our already large in" and now have the largest number of hacks in town which will ensure you good service. Price the same. ~IOLME$' LIVERY, Phone 106. 515 East Liberty Street. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS. i-'~ Po OIIGU APRILL'S SHOE STORE To wait until you are compelled to buy rubbers. THE WISE MAN buys rubbers and has them ready for wear when occasion requires-and has less to pay the doctor. EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.