&' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H )liday STUDENTS O I c remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 BooksFountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What more can you ask ? Try us. NOT T Y V YT THE I.ARTIN HAL1r CHEAPEST STORE DOWN TOWN. 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. IN TOWN. We have no 12 MOS. at 25 cents. We are n Selling BIBLESa Half Pric We cannot sell you a good 12 Mo. at 15. But we will give you the best value for your mousy. The largest ate k of Illustrated Gift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the Cit nh66hll &Go. University Booksellers 320 S. State St. -ANN ARBOR - - - - 1lC1 Ar U. of M. Barber TVAORlsjBASs Shop anti Bath tect.Ra ROOMS, 832STATE,. 5. Trjaowski OUSiRisi rEB S SSTISPSGION UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING cateee'elceggiecrcig e .,Mndyttot0 p. Latie' begnica , 8 e., to 0 c. PINK BROS., Inarcmtors Offce and Acdem, Nickel alt. 334-36 5. State SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFER One f these $3.00 1T LAUGHILIN [OUNTAIN set, postpaid, on a weet's tal $1.00 tt it dsse tsit yopEcs.seeac ItIt doeesnt slt MAE a Any way you figre PROFT Tticis the ietlees sads.hr isypurcace oe st:it FI ET ZVLTicDcAMND POsac GOLD Olyone penscent tocscne addes S A giftto e e ee icct scettct c' c ndc oat c plce aantck re-c t minctftcce iver,. Oc;t your cde in ccrl-srere teta. Stt cthete I ci ceor ienstyle is desirect Ades LAUGHLIN MFG. CO. 1295GrissaoldSt. Deetrot, Mch Any Bash cc Esprtse Compctaytin Try Thze... NORTH SIDE A I LAUNDRY TaOS. sowT, Prpr. . 10031 Boadway. 47 Belt Pocne 'THOSE NOBBY GOLFS At it e DURING VACATION Student Agents WantedtoSl SCHFLEEDE'S BINDER ID. ft. TINKER & SOIL' BATTERS AND FURINISHERS Headquarters far nAS, CAPS, ME'sFURNISaINeS and Competettneslof GYMAUsM GODansd SWEATEaS. AOENCY FOR LONGLEY BATS 334 South State 5tree tCr.ManandtHuroneStreetc. Capital, St5t,0t0. Surptus, $35,00. Transcs general bankaingbsineec. R ExasPes. CEOGEEN, ies-Pse FRED. HBELB a. Caches. FIRST NATIONAL RA KOrs ciedaces Capital, 0100,(100. Surplus sed Prfcts, 010,000 ,'rasctsageerlankcigsciness. Foreigc exchangebousgttancd sold. Fccrcish lettees o credit. E.D. KIlNE, Prs. BAtRSISON SOULE, Vice-Pes. S. W. CLARKSON Cashes The finn firbor Savrnas Bank Capttal Stock. 850,00. Suepluce,$ate,0. Resoes, 1c500,0t0. (Organiced under the Oseeal Bankis Lawe oftii State. Rleceiesdeposits, bsys and sells echaege cc the principal citiecst the Ucited States. Drafts cached spec proper idecti~catise, Safety deposit boxes tosect. 0FFICeaattChrietianecke,Pres.;W.e.tuarri- man ,Vice-Pee.;Chas. E. ileesk, Cachier;M. J.Frit, Asistanct Cashier W. J. BOOTH, PRES. Shim W. AaRNOLD, letVie-prse7 J. V. SaceacAN, tdTice-pe Jca.Cwe~s, ee~Caehier SflV INGS BRINK Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCHLEEDE. DO YOU $14OK$E? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 63 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Numbert E A Transacts a general 44 S0. MAIN ST.,.0 0DEninNBuinss ANN ARBOR. MICH.A --C ~ Bnkn uiec Bright Prospect for the Track Team Clna.M0~CaeCAPS. Ca'ena0.5CLL5GATdE CAPS, threat interest hac so far been RondyNan.andProeHOODHmS, 'i sown for the neceting of candidatec on "Teaching Pronunciation" before Repting cf for thte track teem called ocr neat Tees Pedagogical society. 5f CAS PECI5LTY day evening. All the old men will be Wednesday, Jan. 17.-Will Ccrlton I CAS (NS iteettgte ihalrenahrin S. L. A. Coerce, iUiversity Hall. COLC FLAGS, ofnwcniae.Friday, .,an. 26.-Mime. Josephcine CLE5SS PIPtS, ofnwcnddtsicohy, cong recital in Choral Union CLASS STATIONERY, 'ice scheducle of meets this year ceries. COLtGt PINS, icrouscec to far suirtiass thcoce of pro._ -LEG cowling years. lBesidcs the mocha men Skatec mast be shcrp to hooch the /SPECIALTIES tioned in The Daily of Friday, there ice now0. W. C, KERN & COO acpepceoetinormewih Howard hats at Wadhanms, Ryan & ,cIItttA~o. ILL. thce Boston Athletic Club ead with Route. Best hat on the market at Notre Dante. In all probability a $3.00. 200-202 S. Bate ct. t Asiet relay team will be cent to Philadel-I tiatcopteginttebttem TeBbeCassof the Unitarianpieu hitocmeeaanttebstem TeBbeassoof the eect. We are cspecially stroni clhurch will neect at noon Stinday. ECc& a - one reason in middle distance men and wotuld pp mkaatogbdfrlrtpae In FOR RENT-A decirable sutite, mod- Tobacco ._ why Old En. the preliminary meets it is the inten- emn, one-half bilockc south of campus. an, cpanUdsh urv tion of the management to pay partic- 635 Sooth Ingalls ot. 77 us uv wrestingCut pipe to. tiler attention to wetig fencing 7'he Daily received an order yes- cud boxing. terdlay from one of the leading bock hacco is so Coach Fitzpatrick is plannincg a new scllers of New Tork for a number of\ popular. . board tractk to run on thce inside of cepies of 'Women's Edition,' to cup the tennis courts. This wcill facilitate ply ntimerous calls, but owing to the .,. The curved fall and early apring training and wiil fact that the cupply had already been greaitly help the team. The indoor e3xhoucted, was unable to comply tin box that fits any pocket is another j ork will soon he run at fell blat and with the requaest.____- reason. No other pipe tohacco has ever namces of candidates will be taken on Try your Christmas skates, 'T'cesday evening. _________ made as many friends in so short a time. _______________A new line of Mtanhattan Shirts FOR RENT-Wing of house, 3 fur- just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reulte. " It disappoints no one." See them, S. Rain et nished rooms and pantry. Cook and A trial box will be sent to any one hceating stoves included. Inquire at T11ACK BEN NOTICE. anweeorcipoftnetsn 203 . State ct. 78 Thd aegtular annual macc meetingesaywhereAonreceiptOfdtEnglicent -i in tee interest of track athletics willsap.Ades l nls e A cemplete line of Adler Bros. fine be hell in the Waterman Gymnacium, pertinent. The American Tobacco soils at Wadhamos, Ryaen & Reule, 20O- Tuesday evening, at seven o'clock. Aol, Ill Fifth Ave., Newr York City. 202 S. Rain at. ('HAS BAIRD, Grad. Reneger. AlearS sl t AGN l TAILORS TO MEN V Large Collection ofP Exclusive Novelties 123 S, MAIN ST. MI WR SPALDINGS Ofca Rtbketic Dos Off~iilly aopedcIby te leadling / CollsegesSchcools tnd etlhleic Clbsfthscsie Ctccr y. Bse B Sall Tenncia Fo a ll it A5thletcs Spalding's Otficial League Ball c Is the (fficial 13iclif elt ieonal Leaguse andallleincolgas- cationst. Spaldings Base Sall taide tor t1555. 10c I-IccdsoeC 'cowe/ c'A G. Spalding & Bros. /'llzet II artstre !o l, tss. EYRCICsAGDEVR NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.