THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY .rie4~'~a ~College Notes. * ' j "i4 "I5 * The football gauss between the Rush 4tsshe4 IDaily (Sunday* excepted) duisg the Medics and N, rthwestern University has Cellege year, atI been cancelled. Rush will play an THE UNIVERSIIOF MICHIGAN, alumni gumsintad. tamsH- eux[hland Press, Henning Bitch. The expenditure on track and hae Bath Phoses, . i ball last year at Leland Sctaneford Uni- -._ iversity was $1,378.06. On Aay 24 there )MANAGING EDITOR, was $1,514.60 in the treasury. F. ENEAD,aaa1 01 L. Tlbs 1893 college graduate prize for BUSINESS MANAGER. the best story offered by the Century o"H.tisenre, 't B AL.rsie. agticin hs teen awardcd John 1M EDITRS.Oskison, of V'inita. Indian Territory, a 'T $, WOt~oess,'00 L A. 11. MeltaALLei E graduate of Leland University-and an _4. 0 OdrowsE. 0W. E. J. B WOOs, '00, Indisan. _. . W_(1 eanose,'O0, W. 1).iiHIiKoY, '00cE, Northwestern is having diflicoilty in -. _ - -- -- -- - igetting a satisfactory training table. The Cornell foot-bail management to loking for a coaich to take the pilace of ---" anoard, who ia coachitongtPrinceton. T)(-t tcttti00 lprio he DAIO~n tE2.50 toro ha ar Nv l c are- a cyleore ' Dr. WillitamssP. K1n-,toefiBoomint1oct Lat iith diin te o cr oialtiutt beIll.hits bees eleCted I 1 sieatct of Wa oe'dit ittALfice efo,'ttttr s Pti.,o basis college, tosui(coed Its 0.1'.OBr- to te eitorbefre 3p. ofthecla to tat u whch heyare expected to roogisa resgitid nt rlyb etat ltheDILYts' r , 'Ilie atsttliti ttres a ve t i o l t he ttoaid a'rt faits tt t , orits tit t'" iea f a tdesceodatittt of iI itt a isltiso *t t txplya tt ofite tty Itaiueof Itetsn titlet s~t~0tto a ekn w iett tot so z nturt~nmtetms e i o teir esiatiot as'tt ndtt uett 1sle),liitoonos ttts.ty, it i, '-'tooctfttsi atre' to' ti is rti a'it cili anItO es tartuleptt ;o it t central - - =ic st lst, gat'thisitu oringThl i n r, A High Standard of merit in clathers mahing is gained only iiy Continuous Effert, And sa it is it clothes dealing. It re- qaires cosntinuaoscuset en aur pact ia select that which is heat from the stools of the msany clashes maktrs in this couatey. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is without qaestian the finest pro ducd and is ahead is every respect af the average sade to-ore garments, at at!*tt it e-half the trice. It is that hindl of cotthing which te test drerses ace lashing lace end ralizing this fact tee hose Iis 'easo,,,tpurchaesed an anusual Large Stock of Stein Bitch Salts and Overcoats and ace instaiti to fit all shaps anstd faomsleans outr tttagtsifient lineoft this high grade make. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindensch-mitt &Apfel I Lunrch Counter in Connection ~II~.L~1~i3 SHI~-EIS PEIOMPTbY FILLED 7'0t9 Notrftht s ieit " 'hoI Ct'".h , tt t i a tie 0! itso hld an i.itjlr'saItei tttto t'ilt W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. ha"ie tMe! (w i h nfc i v stpa visiontati' nirthi e t. 'I t si 'tl.t ttsit te it, B Es itOs a' veit mll to f1 S, hI .:ft ts ttt-te 'tle tlttttt A F\i Netile- ',)iSh,"e'll U I tt" Terlitis, itsd l-Tse 'thI iLtttame_ ityI 't iosit Ilatis it I Ii ttad- I i(C ts 17 t(t ti's it7 l I - s idhis Sicideots toin 'aternss lolegs'qr P5 4 rsset it EI i tI s s s i I ofi>lit (,,wit l 'tO Iof 'o t 'ItIti2iij- Oi' ii rl'I lso. 1,sNsi ta ssli rind ettt I il 11,~tas~~ 'i e t I i t t ili l e t[- iIl t ers i of t ,t i ttah ii ( l tt t } , 0 ttlt oulC o ' s o le f 'is l tt- i s l ttn,, es. sir tr 111aS(oalsurat of C-s0rasiASpiarle a h tl f tate l ietiirtt ottrttie I Iie I t thtalnif ( I t XV1AHP & MILLER efi 25 'iOTHit MAtN S Tiii . ton;",o1e ito ittmltdo lt toeet tonuskv v01 sty ttNatti Li ott lt itcelltrous laitt Istotat adstory, 8 vas a ho daro fJustinian 2 vol''I"stakes onI the Contitution, 2 vot Erahiine Sisacries, 4 cola Roochser Cotitical Ecioomy, 2 volt r ast I ofLate iiv 'Itsedt taieitttsli.a ALLAGHA &'CO. itratict^ Laws Bunk Publishers, Sisoesoco Is sbo isl havecotrost tidmi lstattallWott I1e tsr brott.t'sthosite ti- n rd 1f ifro illtifieas l o ie eisetvasuiare.t al W~ ill te g'ivenoitsespitneoltnti 'eie"tv'ithesit iti ndtfthmiseole a- ' csttie rsdifte retic ee. Ntsrt io a ilae tefiars trtp. esaseesilth00 t su in oseearsi- tip hate antd throtitling sre littred. Ill ti o ita,- 'isen Ithatitnti tittn a12 ttt tito erued for loass to t ttoittl(=t It. Ann sArhor 3 ##..* .. ............*i5i~e** 340 1 a cStret -, OppOo LaveIBuilding. PORTABL LAMPS.ETC., If11 'Iton. areitapite hiienlttasits'trtys Fit1it' It. + ohii isftai "1' t ,ttiJ- . 4 ,07 WASHIN TON ST. 4 t canotit'tbe li STAEBLER & CO. + .,..... .+++®*o....Lecture Icat ' fth t i' OI' MA IL wi ll ii iii,Sit''Joo Bt'sst Itlb snrtttihhctither ell eftl t itng sfitie-s'tr l t'iitiiii ,;. k"Ur okrill itii .is nrare tew t t coritsre.The I)titsFr eev , Deto tt ittim , e. titrit uprt eimtt t t e s orss tie' rt sittct i a is, hieaoi t r i m noi te Ltitl. EvllTledio~aper.Nesan o ildtydllcitt dto tI: ork kprsP rer nd Waterman Peps from $125 up. Whohesahe ardfPetail 00teciyofie 4NorhM in tret.Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. G A ER F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 Sooth State Street. School ofDnin "T T i1ie- ER AtDMRS.l ROS GRANGER, INSTRCTORnS. I offirn and Aiadeiiy 320Maynard straet-tsr Bel honue No. 24dO B"!! aft itto4; llii tit exaomiinatsit'siln s o- int1so ettivn fur shoot twoonitthsr ,,-ii , lay from t2 t4adtfrom 7toa9. '5'i'ii oa'it cslymonnsumis into Sate it toady frrocrcupaincy for same weeks :xioplnge bath It, the Gym, will nsot sit i In the moan timie the womaen yihynteal examinations oct11beo given its ,ieof the upper rooms of the Water- 't'i,. tynnui 'foe first annal meet of the toter- ,ZOllegiate Cross Country Association tell -he held at Morris Park, N. Y., on 'hantksgiving day. The following uni- arerstien will enter teamst Yale, Prince- town, Pennsylvania, Cornell anod Colum- Isle. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ALARM CLOCK DINCROSNG HALLE B'S JEWELRY STORE, office asd Academy, Nichel Hail, 334--336 S. State MAIN STKF1'ET. POCKET KNIVES and SCISSORS for 25 ctn, at MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE. College Pins of Fine Design. ---__.