THE UNIVERSITY OF MIO.HIGAN DAILY. PIE-oclose out remainder of stock-on the best line of" strictly TT~ 1\ T ( J~ J\ custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice Iin~ IJ El 1" IJ and exclusive, and they also hase a featuie long sought and that you ..L...s-4..L... ~../ ..... .L.~ can get nowhere else. At the puice-one forty-nine-they will be snapped up quick. No mistaoke in styles here G O S B U i117SMAIN STREET f-i MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effet Noemsber- 19, 1899. Detrsoi Nigki Exss i...........5 55 A. u. Aiiiiiiic Es-resso.........7 453 GradapiidsExSps-ess-c.... . ....1 1is Maland Epss............ 347cP.M. NY. Boston Spcial ..........4 58" Fst nEa-tern ..............43 Masiland Exsps .. ........... 9 2;nA.. Bstons,N. Y.and Chicagog...... 85" Fastil5steca Exprss ...........i1 25 -. ix. G. R. and Kal. Exprs-s.......5 30" Chicags NightMaprs-s......s....59 205 Pus-fis- Express.............i2 i5 A. M Steaship Tickets. aii Classes, Itoad frsm Europeani psins-tl owe s-t--srates. Fallinfore-- matioans-n applicsatioa 0. W. IRUGGLES, 11. W. HAvES, G. P. & T. Agat, Chicago. Agt Ass Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunsday, Say 21, 1899. Transi leas-s AssArbtsr by Cs-tral S-ad- and Tins-e. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. M! Ns. .- 8:66 A. s-. Ns. 2.-11:3s- A. s-. *Ns. 5.-12:30 s. M. Ns. 4.- 8:;i0 P. a. Ns. 3.- 4:56 P. M. *Run ks-s-ees Ass Arbkss-rad Toledo salt All trainsdaily exs-epitSnday. E. S. GILMiORE, Agent. W Hi. BENNETT. G. is- A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars lease fo r'ietroit andi Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. m.; last s-ar for D~etroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ace and Main ste.: Detroit, 111 Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO, WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS Rt. S. Grer-enoo, SM. P. A., Ch icago, Low Rates for Students Account of Holidays. ..VIA... HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4, Ostweet: Toledo ad Calums-tt s, ssinrion ic-e dep i o t cists-l-sils. Thrsousght Sleeps-c to Wacsingtonand Boltioe. Gres-t Ra-ileroa-dThIs-c intsg Valley.- Write L. W. L.ANDIMAN, 11 W.F.orat St, Dets-oit. THIE REST MAr\ES OF lflCentschler, the plhotographer. Mnl=is+nd SahGuitars s - WLiety, oly 2doors fom Mas-ke Cornerj The Fine Tailoring Have You n psea r 5PORCELAINS? Fine Trade of the City. tigotol lc ntect SPECIAlL RfIT[S 10SENIORS BURCHFIELD, 106, EAST HURON STREET T Rtsppiiman St.udio To Promnote Interest In Wrestling Societij Programs. TP&IIWIUI tU UI and Boxing. Webster, Sates-day Evening. 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 1 19 One ofth1se mast lutes-ssting feat--ses Mosic as usueal. of Ihos-'Varsity lis-doos- is--t this yells '.ci'cl be the wrestling aisd- Speec--hTie Philippines-Rice W. boxins-t eves. Manager Baird-il Mieans-. Theee minute stops in many nonsts sa iwwetigmt llslites- 5w1ll he giveee by twenty-sia diE.- - - -g---_--- -- - bte p-i-is-ased, andisome00s-of the hot-'se-iea-n-es h c soe-- test Is-s-eli of "boulss'swill be witiaesse-I maeiys-ilies-cot states. -.ee1 - - in the is-ds-sor co-mssptitions later in the Jeiles-sonian, Sates-day Evening. s -sss)~i-- year. Cs-pt Steekle, France, Darken- Cur: n r, v ,h>F. Chistiason. is-s-s, K-ells--poind W-ilss-n-_ of the loot- Cses-cR. E ent-. Chrtsner ,4 ball ssqs-uad as-i probable candidates Esy- .Si-le- hrcsrs forssIs- titighonrs n he eav-sket-cheof Groves- Cleveland he threeJst weigos- class s-ssme wvell ksnown boxer minuote-talks by W. H. Flaher-ty- J. an. its-s-colgIs- hv . isoM C ureW.H Pry charg- of tiis depsartmient of sport and ID. G. Einstein. - 1s~---,~ and s-le popolar ctaneour for high- General Debate, Resolved that, s-he s- shs- 5 class exhlibitios-lwsill lie satisfied. For ag-els-l ftnmnbr fajr too log a time has there been a let- shl iu ae acctsed as a verdict in v civil Cases. Affirmative: A. J.' theg s-sp of ints-set among the athletes 0Cno o- lo nsee ea aloig lsps- lies ut nw shat tes: L. D. Cisel and G. E. Leonard. mana e-se-sthas dte-smined neon Gneasdsus-i.l- - fostering s-us-rest by s-he -pus-chase ofGeradlusin mats anld the securing of an masts-us-- Alpha Nu, Saturday Evening. Tempting Morsel that the luvewr for a ccivival is_ looksed for and in fact Recitaion-Hollister. Debate- Re- of fine confections cannot reseat is is all icady on the way with s-he heavy solved that the American s-ale in the men appearing on the mats. All in- Philippeis-es would be beneficial to the our luscious chocolate we maltsOtt terestedi are expected to meet Tues- Filipinos. Affirmetive: Riles-man and 200 East Washington and 316 Snutho day night at the mess meeting for Trumale.. Negative: Benson and State s-s. Everything in the randy Is-ackathlittss at the Gym. when sev- Mars-all. Open diocusaion. Hot ln nprt o 1fn tiagte es-al Is-uing and wrestling enthusiasts apes-s-les. Initiation of new membera es-s.prtyyul fn tIlagt will oatline plans for practice and ix- frs islain the nature of the sVarsity bouts. Adelphis- Saturday Evening, Jan. 13. Cars-ens- Events-K. Reed.. In- Now ia the time for fancy skating. promistus-Mathews and Springett. ________________ Debats- Resolved, theat private prop--lflu~ Studes-a-sare cordially invited to is- erysolMb xmtfomcpuer lUI&od-s spet or cnnpetelies f sits ovr-oiiths-lie s. Affirmative: Suooka and s--sc oreeti.lsss-lcse o sisees-Haire. Negative: Hurry and Dewey. Warranted for i Year. cas, ms-aS furnishings .ad bets. Wadhams, Ryan - HE-le, S. Slain s. Godsnighsawybenaf-$10 Hows this for price of guitar, of- ture in Doyts comedies. Is- is claliimd \'Jp0 sArnold LJew'eler Isred by the Ann Arbor Music Co., that no company is stronger fortified ~.eee slightly- iused-Washbur-n, $17.00. one vocally thaan "A Conts-ints-d Woan" - he Mos C______ at >1201. A few guitars, finish whimco s-mes to the Athens TheatreTb MotC r) et slightly dsmaged by lasat half price, neat Fliday evenieng. Thse piece i-s _________________ abiinl--susplied with nasusic of tile lio e of Lowsney Chocolaesa in the CLASS ELECTION. catchica rsc-dcr, and embraces every- city can be found at Ts-ttles s-i-lg s-om aisIs-to-date topical songs, to The Juns-or class will hold its s-isc- trs-ssiessan-silUsand Opera. All s-he sion of officers today at 4 p.. us. in nsis y I -:s0sti be originat, the worka 338 SOUTH STATE ST- Room G. My os-s-eersf c's-esis-ent. of the laie Richard Stahsl, as-theor isf Han yur ~sats o ps-u ssscuies she s-ss--ssic opser-as, "SaleidPasha," fIlue 0.M.MAHTIN.. Hannyou skteson yur houderLion Tams-er,-P"heSeca Ring," etc. ' '" and g-so Is-sthe s-ik. Miss Dclle Archer- whom Mrs. Lirlng- FUNERAL icy psss--os-suncedesita most beau-ifs-s-iE TO NOTICE. woa sheslphail seen in America. ili T.[he isosp vaulters will meet Keene appeari-sis-phesis-Ic s-s-I, and hes- ups-EIas-ilinnga specialty. No. 209 S. 4t&is Fis-zpsatricka at s-le Gyinnasi-es-everyusostingcs-a-ssst. Mr. Hays-ds-le--s ts-s-bs---ve-.eAmbulance aught and day- Hes- after-noon frona 2:30 to 4. the stros-cist ever organize-. is-ire s-l02lFifltuAss. See the "PURITAN" Patent Leather foIr ~Wa 110 E. Huron St. O A idEOH OEELEmbalmesr nnd ~ 613 East William St.s-est Every Kn NCHwEEL,"assniDsrtUiest Foe-itAs-alBtk ikese f1 - Ii e ' . L jusetns-s-ss---s-11 los-i sees F Se ~Mes. Enoheeles-Lady Assisn. S olw buil-s-s-rAllis f ia d ll F e KMe s-s-us-s-leg ure0of-reaiuis-snrtlyhoooe BothkPkssnes-Nos80119 W.WeekisE- ESN. 11560E. Liberty Strs-et.esidensce N3s-i Shop E. Lambe rt. R n a l Po to tAss As-bcr -ort v,- ohPon 1 WE PATRONIZE G00DYEAR'S DRU~G :ST0RE