2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN :DAILT Publshed Daily (Sndayexcseped cduing the college yer, at THE UNIERSIIY OF MICHIGAN. ou:cg The Inland Pes, Hening Block. Boh phoe. 17. MIANAGNG EDITOR. F. NOLHoAD.o.1 L. BUS1INESS 3ANAGEII, r'.-i . Hs,'.O L. BDITO iS. ATLTC.S,. . . 0 1. Ilococeem, '01 E T. K. Wodaooc, '00 L A. 11. ctleoLL,'.01 0 A. .0 Booo,'02. E. J. BWoo), '00 L. J. MoNoom OEY,'01, W. D. HICKEY, 'i M, Th usrpinpieo h AL s$.0the college ye, with tt reglr deivey beoe noonecly. Ntcies, coOOteitlOOI so d othee0111ateritded foe pblicton 'st 001e hoouded i atte DAILoffieotbeoet:s pa, o matiled to Ie tditeriefoe 3ptm. of the dy pevliouseto tatulon11which they aoctexpeteId to Sbcitiolloa be lfto olat teDAMYcolc, dteyer', 00 Otolll L' ewtaoctowithcusintesce Maage. -OSubscehbec wilcofe afuaveriby rpoetog lpoiutly tlY01tieclce Iy failrec of caeriers 10 delier er1c. Alichonges indetiigmtlutg1410b111 e i Che office y 0 p."t.on00tIe clypeviosto1th1at o which tearec t ueeco. in harge of today's isue, L. J. MONTGOMERRY. The European Fellowship and a Scholarship for Colleiate Almfnus. The fotllowing circilar f thio Acso- ciatiou o Colegite Alumoffi hs bon ent to President Angell for pub- lication: ASSOCATION OF COLLEGIATE ALUMNfE. The European Fellowship. The aociatioln of Collgiate Alum nal i desirous of ncorgig tte pur- utII of vanced coures of stuiy anmong swomen graduates of colleges. It th.arere propoes to dvote ive hundred dollars every year towrd paying tie epenses of ome young womn 'who wihs to cry on her studies in a forign country. Appli- ctions for hio fellowhip will be re- ceived by ny nmembr of the com- mittee hving it in charge. The can- didates bust be graduates of collegeS belongilig to the asoceiation, and ap plicatiosn, for the year 1900-1901 mist bo antei in bforo Ferary 1, 1900. The feloship will oo awarded ony' to candidates who give promie of disticto in the sjects to whics they devote themselves. It will be the aim of thoe committee to appoint theicaatodtate who ho bot fitted for the poition through original gifts, previo training, energy, power of endurnce and health. To this end they will receive applications in writ- ing rent eligible candidates, who will present, as clearly as possible, their claims to thle fellowship. A comp- titive examaination will not be held, but the tletowal of the fellowship will be csed upon evidence of the cndii- datesc ability, and of her prospect of success in her chosen line of stdv. Such eience will naturally consist of () her college diploma; () tet- monials 00 to superior ability and high character from her professors and other qualified judges; (c) satis- factory cevidence of thoroughc goods health d) a statement of the sworc in wthi c he propoes to engage siib- euew.iy; (clot and of chief im- portance. tcamples of her scientific or litera~- sork in the formn of papes or anile 1, or accounts of scientific investigatons swhichi sle hoscrriedI on. The fellowhil will not usally be grantedl to thokeswho are intending to take- up the prctice of any~ of the three learned professions, tough such are 1101 formally ocluded from the competitin; it will rather be bestow- ed upons those who are looing for- ward to positions as professors and teachers and to literary and scientiic vocaions. Preference will be given, other things being equal, to graduates of not more than five years' standing. EUTH The fellowship will, in. general, be hold for one year; but in an unusually promising case the term may be ex- tend-h at the discretion of the com- mittee. MRS. zESRSIhf BRADWELL HELMER, ,128i Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. MRS I-IEI.ER HISCOCK BACKUJS, 17 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N. T. MRS. CH.RlSTINE LADD FRANKLIN, 1507 Park Avenue. Baltimore, Md. In a(Aition to the above Fellow- ship ii scholarship in the American H~om- School ill Berlin ho offered to the Coliegiate Alutniu by Mrs. Mtary B. Willaru and Frau Dr. H-empl. This scholarship ic opened to graduatec of tulle-vas beloging to thce Associationo. wvho dislh to perfect theniselves in tile German language, and inclitdes free tuition her one year inltile American Home School. Applications must be hanldedi in to Mrs. Helmer, chairman of till-Ceoliowshill cnmmittee by Feb- ruary 1, 1900. Frank BD. Eaman, '00, who was obliged 10 leave college a few days before vacation hogan on account of sickness will be ulnable to return this' year. HI- is now sitffering from a sevre attackc of inflammatory rhleuma- tism at hiso home in Detroit. His many friends here extend their sync- pathy te him and hope for his re- cover;-. CG-t ;-our ckates on and go to tile Park -tia afternoon. EUTHYM 11'OL Allisep 10011othand MothWstk 2.511 tIe. Euthymol Tooth Paste Apop1l11011dlelilelIBtoi liccl25c Iaceageo TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH QUARRY'SI CAMPUStOS RUCt7D- 0TOR _ -,SHOE IShoes to Fit alNeeds ___RNTES all tastes, all pocketbooks, even a "double A," we can find ,good - sh ooes, and good stylish ones too, e~* to fit it. We make a spocialty -- of getting the host it is possihie + to got, and then making the + p rices. Qnality always comes A. irst, hut the prices are moderate +1 for all that. Glass's Shoe Store YN N OrE SW 0 K 109 S. MP IN STREET. For the *i toto Economical Buyer Men's Fine Suits, Men's Fine Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Bath Robes, All at 1-4 Off. ....SPECIAL SHIRT SALE..... W~e hle 1.1ut every tlo dllarll an111every- 011 diohllar 1and1fi fly cenit shirt thlat weO Iave ill 1hest1ore0ill a bhllll, youlr choice fee $1.15 each Shirts for foil dreso are of fault- lesa fit-they have non-bulging bosom-nothing finer can be produced and they cosl lesthan cuatom made. At Your Furnishce cc Clotier CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. (Succssors g6 Cluet, Coon 19 Co.) Makers NEW TERM DA2NCIN~G GRANGER'S ACCADENY. Athens The atre FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 ..BEAUTIFUL.. . GOOD SKATING AT- THE ~SKATINO PARK~ GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANITARY PL.UMBINeG, STEAM ANlI HOT WtATERB HEATINGO. J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. PARTY SESO s5NEARLY~R In ordering carriages why not get them whore you con get your order filled on time with a citrriage. We have added ive more to cur already large fin-toed now oavetsh110largest numbellr of hocks in town so-blhbwill eneule you goiotlservice. Price the samed. HOL.ME1 $' L.VERY, I'uone see. 515 East Liberty Street. f- EADQUflRTE.RM FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases EveyBeeciption. TRUJNKIAND VALISEO REPAIRING01tIo Oct Peices. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. :107 Sonti Mniua Street. ANTON TEUFEL. IItot 0 1011i'if bny robbers. A CONTENTED WOMAN THlE WISE MAN Puce 25, o,"r5 nd 000.buys rubbers and hao them ready for loteslI 0 On~ld100wear when occasion requires-and seats now onsale. APRILL'S SHOE STORE baa leso to pay the doctor, iYMOL TOOTH PASTE AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.