4 THE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H-oliday B---ooks NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents. We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price $1000o In Your Inside Pocket Is what youc asveona suitoovercoaat madeoto ynourorderby us.We guaranteea perfect ft or osale.t Calind se no obligation to buy. Ourin a sotmeon t e of ove 3,000 sapls wilpleaseyou. AlliWoolSuits and Overcoats fro $12.00 uop. God ich AT(aJFe & Murph Front Room ovor First National SBank, AnArbor. MAKE MONEY DURING VACATION Student Agents Wanted to Sell D. . TINKER & Soto' HATTERS AND FURNISHER Headqaarters for HATS, CArS, MEN'SFUNISHINGon and Comapteoitneof GYMNASIUM GOnnSa ndtOSWEATERS. AGENCY FOB LONGLEY HATS 3,34 South Slate Stree Coo. Mainanad HuronStreets. Capital, 850,00. Sturplan, $30,00.Transacts gneral nbanking busnss RBEtn Pro,, C. E.GaEENE, Vice-Prey FREa. H BELSER. Cashieor. FIRST NAIONA~IIL BNK a , 16 Capital, $i1t0,(n0. Sarplas nnd Proafit, 140,000 Toranactsaageneralbaaning basiness. Faoign ecane ouaght and sald. PFtrnisholotterons E.i. KINNE, Pont. lHARStONttStOULE, S. W.CLARKIStON Ca-blot The Ann IR~or Savings Bank Capitl 1St ok. 000 tSupluso$1550,000 Rsucs51.500,000. Otrganized unner theo General Banki~ng Lawn ottthis State.HRectives deposits, lbtyn ana ll exhneon theit ncittpalcitliesof atoeUttitod States. Itnaftntashednt tpontpopetroidentification, Safty deosit boxes toret OFICER:tChbitnaMack,Pres.;W..Hari. nman VicooPros Chas. E.Hiaok Cashier;,M. J, Frtz, AssisttntCashter W. J.OOTHPRES. S R toN.C. tAT Z, Ass.tCOahtier SAVINGS~ BRINK We cannot nal yGu a good 12 Mo. at 15c TBnt we wall H L11./ . LEED ' ; ' give yGou the best value for your nioney. The largest Enqrat30Suhtte StoG k of Illustrated.. Enqrat30Suhtte E'S BINDER F. J. SCHLEEDE. I -r% . Gift Books, D I) New Fictiton, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars4 Christ mas and New Years Cards In the City 4 Old NoL 0h661all & 6Go 4 *STI N I University Booksellers 3o5. State St. Ile. ANN ARBHOR . IICHNtGAN V0010107 Shop and Bath tto cit. la- toio Root-s, 1122SPT}IC. . R.Tojatnowski All.. -lie I t i11 BABE If11 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF 1111) Lad,10, )ies' I ii>ll ll ,110, lo t.. O to 101.i. 11} ]Ct PINK HROS., 11nstructors 10,OV Offion and Aademt, Nickel Halt, 334--33t S. 3tat O YOU $1'OKE-? I Pittslturg Stories for, - - 5C Bill Aintiiny lig ats for 25C [ Brntgswiek (iiitnitis for - 25C umber: 050. MAIN ST., DEA N A i ., OCI L HOLIDAY OFFER $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN i 1c1, post aid, oil a e a l 5125 it This tol lite'1 00 til (I 11 1 i's n i INrE-1E . II ,%-M r vw N . I Ver dVVa - Transacts a general F0111)STUDE~iNT WINS GCN- Calendar.Ilankitog IBusiness 1, tRY PR- a.K.(I Friday, Jan. 12.-i t .1 1. ( 11er' Jatnuairy Century 11110theO story Iito~l ;lratedectutre onta 1111 1 1 11 :titCOLLEGIATE CAPS, LihteCnuypiefrUi ~lalllt 11111 Cttil i Ulit 11110 101GOWNS and UGOOS, inLltio Walt COe ilth (o11s.s o1 ettngofCW~ gtltllo o I'01,0 1 S:1 'x-ltt I 5 Otto (1111 , 00012-,03 at(lll - C P g)C OW S d tot 2lSPCCIIIOTY. 0010tll 11 itto11011 11 toot ot(os, 7( e thiito-f-inal01 1 ,(,;0 I"Alic, ati 11 I05tt 0111 J i~il1.O n. i(1 1110 ~ 17 I'.1\ ial i tot r k ' C L/~ F f5 0i iil. M.01.11y J I .O LEG 1PINS Z tttl t L I1'1(ls sI 11l At t- tlt 111 (1l) his lf fItle .1V 11 . d eN l" t'cated h mPit z11 i 17 1 pipefal' 1 1-01-1. ( IE onreas_ I0 ,l. Ott 1 t i t1 ln, ie, t 0P ~ o at rao IDPR: Ooii t12 __ lIb coo,-a why Old En. 111,10 o lie~ lJn 1, lil'Uivri f('icaOo01110>1111 000>110111 0 110>> glih Carve oil toooI oooitt1.11 01>0 1st ,1 t 10 iis ')(s a7d1 > ott "CIt ilt o\{IS 41'i Cat pipe to. bacco is so 0.10 1011 tlooooo 0o.1 1 1 >:tittgc11 c-t llolTelVte lloo-4, t i t's tool ca 11111 a 4' 50( lti 111(11 1 1 rl p 111 lotl o -In t t1i tolof oepular. of $<5 es e ti% ,'y'forLile IC ,, The carved on1 tie 1100 0 Itttlta~itlttl 01 Ittonl1i11 1 011n1 t lltt otnter - ortttoo lit o1llpttllto 1i) 01011 > tin box that fits any pocket is another 11c.1010 szt , o, n101 oi al l(1111 to 11rest.are shot o iutia ortt reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever 1011t., P a110ltt 0>10 0111ttt1,0>'Imade as many friends in so short a time. I'l > e , t or I1'Vi 1111>111 ttrtoio 0It disappoints no one.', 1>1111-,,d 'toO t tl% n w lieot t nt> i ttan& Sits 1!clt (,10 .001s (}Se toem S MinSt A trial box will be Sent to any one 11. ?;.- - - -otot rtrack- - anywhere on receipt nt-ten cents in too olo VISt OICN-A iooroatltoootonioci-Stamps. Address Old Eoglish De- Ii7(1 th01101100 i~rI '011n ttione111 1 i titolo souitti o -otoott7s., i0, the, tit 'II .>ots. 12;'5Stot Ingaolls ot. 77 partment. The American Tobacco y~- - Co., ml Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. annat suts YOj Aoa A ay ou iureFi t PIT Thi Aly i,tet an Coenmd lr St-tI 51(505. aT 10c:3to05.30 t. 551lo ET Tsq II('nepl it ool d~( A i i tofSr ni t i hops rt 1, 4t3B l no la Opeailt reta I] ==,if Iflt e(iv r THOSE NOBBY Gn akoLEprss onayi The lkind SP a / - ~ that wtll rouse H / - WERABLE frequent and r SENSIBLE t5gbt' of tegiver 1.1 ECONOMICAL A- 1:1 CHRISTMAS WAG N ER GIFTS &Co. Ith I - Haberdashers Hot ILOINGS OGicial lolles, o:schools1,011111 le.ottg Footl Bail AIelesoir ;palding's OGicial League Rall It Officoo ill111 heto onal tote. SpaldtngnsIoa Ball tuide for 19ff, h0c lfrraj 10z ,jCt/t//l0 A. G. Spalding & Bros. NOBBY TAILOR. S"TATE ST. MILWARD