THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 REDUCED L No mstake io styiles here TZ-R _T _T__L T PRICS-to close out remain( custom-made shirts ever shc and exclusive, sod they also can get nowhere else. At snapped up quick. der of stock-ou the best liue of strictly wn in the city. The patterns are choice have a feature long sought and that you I the price-one forty-nine-they will he (GOODSPEED98 l lI7TAMlN STRE ET] r;;-;r- r- r- r = t-=== - r MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route. CETR'i'IALSANDARDO lIME. Taking Effet Novennhrr 19,1899. Detroit Nigt E prs. ......... 55 A 71 Goand iRapids Expres..........I1i1is N. V. Boston Speca ........o..R45 Fast Ea-ternos" Msil aod E p es.............9 ;A I Boston, N. Y. aduCit.ocgo ....... 55 Fsot W oternExres.. .....1c5 .'I G.5R. and K .E xpes....l....53 Chicsgo Night; Expess..........92 Pacifoc E pres.............1" 15 .11 Steoshuip Tickets, all Classes oend fo European lowest rates. Fuil lnfsr- mation o0spplicaetione OW.IRUGGLES, H. W. HAES G.P.& T. Ag',iCcago. Ag't AnnArbo lt3.2on ST M gGI-c ZL~s.mss TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunda, May 21, 1899) Trains leave Ann Arbor by CentralStand- ard Tine. *No. .- 7125RA. a. No. . :I .M No. 2.-i 11)A. M. No.5.-:3i' No. 4.- 5:10 P.nia No 3s 56 .oi. Eon between Ann Arbor and Tsledo only All trains daily except Susd-ay. E.5S. OILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginining at 6:45 a. m. until 8:15 p. in.; last car for D~etroit 11:10 p. m. Waitinig room, corner Ann End Main sts.;lDetroit. 11ll(iriewoldd t. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.S.OGreenwood,Al. P. A.,Chicaga Low Rates for Students Account of Holidays. ..VIA. . HOCKING VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Botweeo voledo ond Colomtus, osing Union deopot in botiis 'ihroght Sleeperoto WooiogloosndlBallinloo. Greooi llrood, Tri ocoking Volloy. Writo L. WV. LANDIMAN, 11 W. Forl 51, IDotroit. l~cnscblv, te fZ'boo~raher. ,3ITHEC BEST SAKES OF entsbre, th Pbtogrpbe. W dOlins and Suc s nJonephlI liman's, Wanshburn's H F i a~nd ilrnnossareonsaeratthe SGC~a~rlc MW~G Store W S . Lit, only 2 d0or foik'solCorne The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET AT THE ATHENS. A feaiture orfifar Western low-no en- tirely unlknownltoi the Eost is the on- nuiliGrain Palace celebration. A largo structure decoroted withi the produicts or the distrirt l iiiiuilt, iandlwithino it is held a relebration, which often ex- trilnires- overtek The Great North- wsot,"wichiiliis to appear at she Athens Tiheotie tonight showo in the first act a geiooiiiGrain Paloce, with the occompaniying celebrotion, ini- cltidinig a uioiormeid hood and finish- ing withi asrico- by the hose carts of tworiivalvosliunteerifare companies. In 'The Gieat Northwest, the hero confronts perils at every turn, wvhich inclodesa prairefSri', o tight in the snow, on attempted lynching and a poller gome ini whlich the heroine final- ly saves the hero's ite by holding the winning hand. The company carries five coniplete sets of scenery, with ela- borate mechanical effects. Belle Archer in Hoyt's, 'A Con- tented Woman" Friday. Students are cordilly invited to in- spect aur caipiote linosa of nuits, over- coals, men's furninhings and hats. Wadhams, R-'yans - Reloue, S. Main st. Frank D. Roman, '00, was taken with a severe attack of inflammatory rheui- matiom shortly before Christmas and has as yet not recovered sufficiently to So able to return to college. He has hopes however, of getting hack so as to finish lis semester work. 'She Ann ArboirMsusic Co. are hav- ing a cleaning lip time and are offering some bargains indeed, for instance--- a Waldo Giuitar, slightly used, $7.50; regoilar price. $15.00. HOMEOPATHIC GUILD. The U. ut M. Homeopathic Hospital tGuilid soill mecet Thuorsdaoy afternooni at 3 ociock at the residence of Mrs. Harrison Soulle, :(0 S. University as-c. The University of Georgetown to be- coming enthusoiastic over rowing. The taculty has voted' permission to the stiudento to take part in the aquiatic sport. The Potomac river affords tlq, tniversity a good course for practice anid withs a competent coach George- towsn expects to lie soon among the fasteot crew-s. 'rhey intend to have ais eight in the next races on the Poughkeepsie. A comoplete ine of Adler Broon.fOne suins at Wadhams, Eyan & Reule, 200- 202 S. Main st. ASSEMBLIES AT GRANGER'S. Beginning next Saturday Mr. anod M~rs Russ Granger will hold assem- blies at the Academy every Satuirday night, 8:30 to 11:15 o'clock. Nights of entertainments in University hall danc- in~g will commence a little later and continue a little later and continue to 12 o'clock, this includes the Saturday following the Junior Bop. The following from the Barvard Crimson is indicative of the interest of one of Harvard's processors in the students of that institution: "Professor Norton invites all stu- dents of the various departments of the University who may remain in Cambridge during the Christmas holi- days, away from home, to give him the pleasure of their company on Christmas eve., from eight to ten o'clock." At a mass meeting oi the students of Colunmhia University held last week, Hiave You 00000ourIORCELAINS" Fioot 15er"01ou coe get them. EGIA1 L TS 10 SENIORS 11111 I3CFUHlidn StUf.Iuti 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 AN XMAS GIFT OF MANEK'S CAN- DIES will be gladly received by sweetheart. wife, mother oc babies. Everyone loves our delicious, pure and high grade con- fections, and a gift box or basket will aid in making the holidayn happy and full of nweetness for the rectpient. Oar prices will enable you to make a hand- some gift at a reasonable cost. 200 East WSashington Street. 3ac Sooth State Street. Alum Clocks I ,14 Warranted for 1 Year $1.00 Win. Arnold, Jeweinr The Most Comrplete in, c o1 Losvney Chlroates in thi city coo be found it Tuttle's the plan of consolidating the variolls athletic asosociationo was adopted. At 338 SOUTH STATE STC the head of the new association wvill be a board composeid sf alumni an-S 0 M. MAHTIN, undergraduates whichs will lie an e.1- FUNERAL ecutive comnmittee consisting of the ( DIR C O captains, managers and assistant ma- RE TO agesof te diferet tems, hichIotibalmning a specialty. No. 2(095. 4th aces o tse iffret tams slliliAve. Ambulance night andl cay. It o- ovill arrange aSSlnmeets sod gaues. 1 idence 302 Fifth lve. See te "P TAN"Patent Leather Oxfords for Dress Wear 110 E. Huron St. EssI [ sp C3Eat _=T Sar UA vr idIEOH ITRE Eble n I v 63Erst Wistotllia1m 1SIeet Fin EeyKn E OC O IET FunPsersl iDrstoo U pellSiy ust onl lolstn I z . i nc KMi,inAE M , ' MsnochkDieteele, Lody Assistasnt. Coflow butiling atAldinldls otPSon e Be .19 olunN u .Lset t leoeoesl Shoe S h op n. a n too St., Ann Arbor. ForthAse BsIh Phons12.a L m et 1 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'SDRGSTE