t ~ s ..asf ' \iA fF ' . t i F s s e : . / v ' . r r . ,V.,. , y y, ' . . ,._ -. . Vol- X. AN N \ t14)09.M 1Q11., lIESIIAkY. 1h TI)I]R 8 199. v{{ WI T LI I H Fine Fall and Wintter E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancyj Vestilgs. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Cr~ Crythe Largest I Stock L In the Cityj. 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R WI LD BEFORE YOU BUY 3 Sout b S tate S treet . THE OLD For sveta- 'er3weav RELIABLE afullln o ?(H'.. - V 'L3-' ANf'l C3tt ITY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. SDISSECTING SETS. cotmpi llete set-, ports of sets + or sittele Instrumeents. We + thititk we have exactly o hat yout~ttt titand iNte nle t tit+ S the prices tare right. Oar eases for five iiostrunments arevery neat atdtol CtVen- eatitand were gotten tilt tc- ir)rdiitg to stigestititt frotm CALKINS, STATE STREET. ECONO-H AND TEXT BOOKS For all Deptartmtento, Law and Medical Books. Bring ini your old hooks for ex- change. College Stationery and Blank Booke, all prices. Writing by the pound at 15, 20 and 25c. Make our stores your headquarters. WAHR'S Two Stores, DOWN TOWN, 10N V. BOOKSTORE, Opp.( ,Burt Hou"s &. State St. Main St. 211A\CI':S INI FACULTY. iTeGerttatn Department Gts the lsijoritel oi= Them. this ihitewtilot oa lierat slee escisne aned fii at sth ,ws0aionsechnge i''itmst tablttt~e atitionttoitthuiacutyi is ghat iif Sitpt. Wiitreeittf'Sagtiw, whet nowte eteri- tponte utties of Jets or Professor of Peatgogy Prf. Whit nety titersi two eee tatd retlly escntittl irses, oteeitoctitd stitdh tatdtone tat aettis wit teisportnt shject of tits schoiltasiatic iatl faitofr in ifs reatitotseto ties cihilt,to te homtie, titheiiiciturei, andtt thle state. Ontt of te chief di- ties tf ftsheit itprofesor is to tctaso cte ispetrfip retottry shtotls. Thtis is itt oficethtttt is mitoteieessatry bty ftsegowtthit ittte Uiersity anti f th ii lm "}i ttiti stemt. CUtiter ftle new trrantgemettii it is beliciecithattt te ii spcits iiiofte hight stihtttls of ttisttet sill ibe-ca-tietIonutini tiituth ttu'-th- ouighiantututefeittii iristittitihitherto tand tittt fthe s tttwtill certe ftte greaterttisaet ion t-of tfischoottls, tic wetlias if lhe C ittersity. Itrtli thettipt ~t eitof 7Zoology tres ntewtintrutoetrs hatv ibeeitatpoitted DrJeunning, tDritHtottes tutu ti.ieittit sh ill codttitetteottfrsefrerttl ~riitnity trtfessics Woster tid Lili, In te isetiti et Hisoryc Dr Cirs anitt ais of PCianadatasies t work firitirly carriedi iy Mr. Ahibttt, into cies titartmtoth. Tre greattest citangs is ini the (rmtitti tiepatrIttuen tii ttheiittrtmientf.itang-' ishtPilolougy tand I tetirtl I itgatire Phis is duei to fthesatethttProessor Itfitti as eiienistetmiprry ipiaced ti chatrge of fth ermaitn deprftet in addit iat o his other dte.-T his tmttkes it nteesary for im to assumeishtlf itf teiork ihithetot tdite y o- terrir Hotebi, tite y , te corse is Gotic, tGermantitPhonologyaneitSyntx, tnt fleth do of Tettihing ioders Ottn guges. t he corses in Old td Middle itighi te mtat isill e cetdtederby Dr Mengel. 'I he work of the deatrtent, wiihtistonsie of ftse largest in tts Uni- Tc-rity, dematnds asa he services itt an tadditittnal in tritter. Dr. 11ilder, who his just rersd frostiitieso years course of stutdy in iermany, tird his bssn tn instructor in German efore Pihe sttt is true of Dr. Diehof, iwhoss platc a sisfilled during his tahseneey lDr Fluegal, now a Professor in Prdue tniversity. The German ctmses in the iEgieering cdepartment will e cit- ducted y Mr. John Di- tel, wotaites the llacs of Mr. Lanier, now studying in Germiany. U. of M. Whist Club will Meet for Organization. The Unisversity of Michigan Wtisf clubsilttotet for organization at iii Monroe st., Thursday evening, Octoer , at i octok. It is a mistaken idea that only "whist sharks are eigble, as It is open to ali students desirnig to play whist as it should be played. Everyone wh is interested in the game is urged to be present at this first meet- leg as the night of play will then be de- cided upon The election of officers wiii ake pace at the folowing meeting. Ftill Trsch Ikt-kh ti to th ftat ett wttttt't 5were Inrtal sitch a stiort ti o Mowtit-e -- Ptrcoetret tIgto the (Leech. ben h ato daiyt-i i--i mI deL prit - hep e s in; ftet etet iii 4S,; tUcathle -firt d asy if the fill w ris M ysgure. Ii e en e r -dI-, 'I'is-tsttrk-is of inestialet eneit tti te eatqier eethatey het iithe entatitoe a ongwaytoward -y timettidu rith esn.Itttppt keigttemtin shape dinglthe Cin- iii iisinalpr tie Stnswis-i , dotrwtrklti-i-isthe swietr andlive seend p O&tie Vart -ii1hl, ih m ttlit t ayi~lt i it'eiiies fr-all lite el-itdit n thett lini- tip titli t i-bsien--t Iworki. All the et-ers s-see etilee tea-ittwicustsoeed-ilthr L- i thei hight jutrnp andttilit-vstut isill he ilis is tiefirstcime t thiss etcon t fire iw iii ftseweatiterhbig ft,, toe ret he1y' tite tieen-it t wlithitttheir sitz,-on, fere ls-e two.lithoghis Tt'i as beenit it-ee- Ititsrevil si--i oItaI-ie et itiroisor ut- elirop-keiingli nl. p1 i ng offir aie d- <;r it t iy e run ingttutandeer-y uone sishouorihe itas t fw vI s hads etrecitori-anrtunintg is must Inthiitetti ir patel-I thcei'ti~ - tm- steionglysurie tocite o-ut atnd receeseeondhcle e paedst - itet the btmithof tisrf-eli eletting'. ttotCinAtrioerthihSchooteamsi W7ift niess--titlt itt-ienttsiotltrespoindt I -stiiiat ithe coe.iihlt _1it:ituse Ittie aitiloof is bihii-t for sct t ty otwiged. terc+ynr three or it list tlis a t erni'l tr ips frt' in the-- iitl i tk, e t - - ligt , r 1 1 thc Cnielorye utti teigiompetig-it titie a-s. lmdtpos teVastyz i' i-li. teami, ttee nois theiiadtit'd line- t h tier )ll ii thir - p tt~metiintg -i i 5 e i g rnr. ! i ndthei b ll i brte -bcka YESTERDAY'S UFIACI i Cbetesn liiip Graduation ofHnonmoeopathic Nurses tiwt e mlt li Th tieourthantututal citorier tieto aftboet iute toe trtainintg schooel tor ntls-satssitettlfiniallysue eds i wtihi the Ufiersiity lItto- 1tut ei- I Is- it'slie hlil trill hl ieldcit -rifday oeeintg, Oct. liihe loitti Ilit fllotttniZ3 itheorde ffeC . c I- - Mltusteitt. Citsit ...... Atidrees- Mathato . Ctotield, ..M., il's--i...... NI.D I., 'Ic eloait, hi. Krameri...'.... Presi ettein atDiplosti andittBadtgies K-eley .-.,... Audtress-W. . Il.hite-ule, CAlt., MiD. itiekie ....... Music. lc eun- ,...- iienseiiitti-. ,i'uGarder ...,.. The foilotintieis the littfgradutes: Mcheane.-rio..- Jesse F. Allmatntd, Inn Arbotr, Lilliae Keenta ...... :k -Witritcr, Tiecumtoeh; tXiiithippe E. Te-eleel ..,..,. Close, tsefo;tCtary hi. gie-ehi>, Ann .rtttirttonuse--tutu1,1I1uonast.it - lreif \ (I1 th e1oit it lit.-it .,,z. ....T', .....C7 ..,,i. .....# ...r'. E.... o - .....Newsrs Post Mortems foe Junior Medics. Theire tanshi-en a cuange ini the past nertut v-nt-k itt the reuttar medical schaal. reveoseetthes time the wrk lies h-iIenotional with the luniors, hot hy a ri-ccittereder at the feaculty this trkth oteashroaupulsary boheloin the Juinitun and senlir years. roe ness rote nstteiliaCtuatlti-notwenuty asfaopsies must he atrateedhy a sftudent hefare grau-aton. Dn,.IWathtin has prepsared oifthgreat eat-c a protoolspan which the eta- dent wiii he reqtuired fn keep a close ac- count nf the ftndinigs, microseapicalt as veil as te grass pathology. In this n-ny they will obtain an importaunt his- fury of all the autopsies held. Bleloit has adopted the Honor System. to insure honest work on examinations. The main feature of the system is the Judicial Committee, consisting of the presidents of the college classes and two addtional members from each of the two upper ci sses. This committee has power uo summon ted try tupposed offenders and to determine the punishment of guilty parties according to a cods. The syste m has been in use for only a short time, but gives promise of success. Princeton Customs.q IThe aaphomtaure class at Psinelsi, lie. trawnrup the faotaowinugoct of rules te freshmise,,which Neil ipreothsalye-r o - adotettd hi et t. IThoushsalt lute-tnine souhersaht hefore Nassau. 2Thto shalt nettlakie unfo thee^^a or hicycle trusersni. 3. Thou shalt not weear duck orseh soils unfit otter the first Irtocett,- Hans-andhtasehall ga-esit the spring. 4. Ohserve the fedora hat tuo keep e . holy. 5. Honor the grand stand on the i'4i-a siry fildasad keept to the hieachers, 6Thouohalt net stander from he-, roams after 9 p. mn. 7. Thsu shalt not smoke on the senseei- 0. Thsu shalt not inhabit public eec taurants or han roams. 9. Thou shalt not hear false vitne-so5 agaisot upper lassmen. as. Thou shalt not covet the side- walks or paths s-hen upper ciasces pass by. "All this may seem silty and ehildian, to the lay mind, but none but the uni- versity bred ran appreciate what a pre-- posterous nuisance a freshman really- is+ unless he is taken in biand and planed' and papered until all the veneer come. off and the good solid wood beneath it, - if it i there, is polished into universityi finish.