94f Pai mL~
No. 75.
'H Fine Fall and Winter
E Suitings, Golfi Suits,
Fancy Vestings..
AWe Carey the Largest
I Stock
L In the City.
OSclpc 1,- 25c
Sepbl Sios, 3c
Caia nd a Holl11. ,- 15C
E htp ceSets,- $1.50
Tenpi cet,0200 i
Fally Warranted
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD oel ilila.c ot
RELIABLE a fill ineof1av('1 'S -
R. E JOLL Y & ~sCo0
I,-\- l ti~t ied ande
Bacteriology and
Histology Sets
Elytatalu tt, theit
a erya btat ipalt ,an
prc aaratawell, a-sa-.
Have you Seeny Those New
Unioersity and Ann Arbor?
Will Not Begin Until Second Semes-
ter.---Prospectice Team.
Michigan will prbably cntinue the
plicy f the pat few yeara in her
baaeball training tlia eaon. Train
ing haasauoally nt cammenced in
earnest suntthe cle at the first
semester. It ia the preent intentin
ai the athletic managenent in locae
tile sanme tlicy. With thias arrange-
met basehall training will nt ite-
iere witha the cosing wrk nd ex-
aminations at tislasemeter. Exam-
inatians ance ver sacrtwrktwill as
beguan at atce. Bt it will be reg-
ular and graaoal, largely tarattditiont
tile candidates pa-perly beoete asslt-
daareaaan cnanencec. Aa aon as
the weather will permit aut-dar prac-
tice the wark will e paaahed ha cotna
est, and the naen will be gasven hartd
work.Qatite atat aeelat tat paala
able candidateasaaotiagtangie rc-
garading Michigaan's pspecta caaa e
saidl naw except that naatoathiea ply-
ers at lat yea'a teana are back. Thle
out-ielders are all ac, sareaa the n
ieilers exceettshacta-top.Ta istps-
iontawitha-the battery be
tiltedl siiianestmna. Bitetarre aih
is farmae ctling eprne ia i . s Icit-
sialaed1forStarctriStopt whitcht sttuad
Iseatae s last t tbaocuedtrayisContadotn
ato lexpec~ts tat tatostllIa tls 1s tanl
sittat Ihorsto and tatatluetrs stwtl
aave o be tound.ThtIais-aes ta-
atatray L bii tatrosets frtat lntewat a a a
tat -aa-s ttt--1C - SomelOft sttt I -atlalat a
g o na a-a it itsebtitall ttoa taro t
th sca s orptars Iranctar
-ttr grat adtat inglar-ea-most ract
inen tiletiateatttGtrItthintgtsr
Itpetcao- Prnc abeasa- tahits
canolaa-all saedti-ad gatatdtcntrtol.
It aegets te tfao ttamatan eciatts -gtat
reetaaia tar shatadatali-trhias ptaca
failthahebest itzglerealtatOtuhardta
Labe, anal CtatoItAtino it.,ae
-Lothadascon-iealet r tteptrataty
lbaseblt - -a-laex a-nc. o ar ta scan tar
ts certattacal irass tarae arers Whi5 lt-
ale-,yatms est ecahace ftar teTilas
twoaldamat atielposasectasrve ta a
eltedbithotitse swhastass' thecse st
thasar a isloalows:
tcerr. iletcor ittitatertrattr.
Piizalrut, atntatCttitng; first-as,
Condnatta: scond-btassa-,ttt nt;sa ct
latas e, sclier; sotrt-stp, Wlitney;
lefts-fisld.avss centetrit L -Lat.A,
allots; It ttfilditSw Ho fa
alahstspetive tea-antril itpanostat
sat at --betarte-itct-alevea-st-a hstasomta
cerataty awshastaativalt 51In11111tarna
atd atut a efral cetgiva-s-a -bettr-
ant Itt tilt randiate ls
E xperimettsmth iLqud Air
Aslie ata-alla'nstliquairbyPrf
Frea-res ia h r attieclatbacouatseJan
uartat', stawll tatraostasev'-a-s-re-ti
atrtaots Amtntg ster s tar stll
lreer tatrty;- Ireese etharaintoaa
-anlie ad tiaraslghatalhe catatlea; bate-
chacoanaertra iquiattairtateiagas
tausproducated oto fotont-hstar-a
Chicago Debate Friday.
On Friday night tril ccur the twa
semifinal dtcbates n the Central Ba-
street railraada ia preferable ta awn- TO CHAPERONE
ership and operation by private cam-- __
paniea." Chicago will taphold the Normal Students. Ladies of Ypsi-
proposition and Michigan can-ba-i it.
Ex-Secretary at War Alger wilt be lanti Advocate a Plan.
the presiding officer. This tact gives The State Normal at Ypsailanti ia at
toe debate rather an uanusuat interecst present greatly agitated aver a plan
as it tvill be Me. Alger's first puablie advocated by the Ladiea' -Literary
appearance aince his retiremeast feast- clubs This plan providea far an clo.-
the Cabt-le. Thse falstwlag judges borate and extenaive system at chap-
taut paaastapota the nmeits st the de- erases tar the young ladles attending
late:a the asemal.
Bats Harry A.BGarfildatoftClete - Aiot a decade ags, the coeds at
lasal Ohio: a as .Watld, at Purduearthe Noes-aatwactsrestricted by er-
Cttiverattyaritd lI-on. J K. Hansatis, aitotscaretatlly ptepared regulataios in
of lTledto, Ohits Licaoadebatets regarsdto the houra for enteataning
are Bhensjast amn SauelsArthuriE.Ncompsanythie fiends they ahould
BestonoadlRober-t S.i\MrCluar;lha mstoe, etc.,baittfot the past fete yeara
gans sate, S.hI.Clotad, it A.Ottittger liars hate been exempt feats peat-
and M.iHB Catrmodv. tiait -all resitant of tistacharacter.
__________________ Note the Ladies' Literary atobswich
Dr. LeSeure'a Valuable Device.atnttbers abtout 40 of thae mast pronm-
Forsom tie astDr.Osar c~e ieat ladies ot Ypsilanti, hate ap-
taoattead a cotmittee ot three is can-
Sett elitratessor at sarger 15in 't,1 fearsswiat a eqltnatmber of lady mem-
hiomeop athice dpartmnaits atthe Cast bets afathte Notrsalofauty torthtie
s-traityhas beeta sworking onas aditvice ptl-itase tatf1foraiing an organiatsion
by tvicar atmixtreo1 airohiatatataimilmato s teaWomen's leogate astile
lUstniesity I lacy cotiemastte takl-
oaxyge - ss"c-at teat ddedal to issi--
Ongstse stdeteabody comapultsoryh'td
faitmes at chloraoforsoSthiii at t hiott nattstatntaryt memaeatlrs as at Atat
a-an tieaamsasteat tta prsnwhi br.ittTas ptasntarotaoses thatdivai-
is st be trateat sith n--a-I(°~ le the staertitle body-a satco-edsitrt
is tat itshlit) o m r tertaitti lc- l IoSa tiy f511lag e Ii a
pre-tssing- Iet aa-oit itea ti a tat-t'e l~f l~'l" ts i , m - o
alsometase fatal f1c 'i lo u?
lt-a-s-a ad il -at tndtl ("t
IrLcealai's devce v
Ot- lt-a-5tle a ta a-a t i --saI l
,1 i tc ni u r m;n lalit g odt ollaIatatata .
14Ahtst (lobs ,3Pioti.
It tdt a aacanumab ha of pas appeaaredsa
at t-a-eWhitlbmct-intatelast ntal
stita iitaN us tl irstda atriia
taon liar foltioigtphls Strterra-
NOR11 TANtl hilt ill
attdi n dtilMlashiall.. .3
Prentists atasKetze.....5.220X2
tai den a-iMarits .....21tXtK I
Caes mait hatlitisa tat.. 19pX1.
IFishe oad i oto ' . 21iX1.
ltilts 111an ir sa 9 ......18 9,
Murraatitl atdtiniath ... ..21 (;
L' of M. Dntlg is thte Philippintes.
Ias ittatrThIli Ditly sesat-itt-isis
isa sublscies intatCuaoAtlaskao nal
thet Piiinettts. Abtaati wa-a-strags
itseo. Viiatestheatateustreetirsriug~itl
titauglttaittof.tAtAt-taute-sbot-os note at
ll l~trlc at itd
- y at t a it ic xtat i1'. s acre il
sik azaiIa ittt lal mko id ll oiliahi
asda saahusei itt Site itetiantr ite
ett) -t ment-si i ta --t they-shtti tl
:,tritu o t he i rs ha- a s -aa l a l it- siatte
tlii Ii a stilshstalli ssaevesaThat
dalls Iholerais aici 1w aassdtoal
itta lli Ihslit itrSth e rtemeinlt-a-c the
sialty sestbeta atissedbythe1stat
tit-oatat -at -ducatio, it ltra atnttoia
ih no onetatatshalthe ocallowed tohtl
aseIa-s..bTe ad shav b 110 titttasi ta
a 'clOs, titicnlirce heaaarategulaos
ise ar tatm tatdtatutteysa thaat
<isilatil that slotsiitlil tfatultyt-n
thbardssoftaeaiatiirn si tato-atate.
lTe titlstostionnthestform assti wuse
silli Ittd-ays t auty ioes s adato b
hatilir xtasie.a
ihlm attailedlSitth l ilaentice Diliy - raaaatsaaa-- featrssatresa-ry anseel-
tiler comlte toiisatet. Mt. Wittder hats rotae. te outtomse oathtiraagitation
been ateeapiulgte file at lilasaoeaanad iabeitag s-awatcaedswiihconsiderable in-
says thotitt as itt cotnstant auae by sit- terest by this sarious schoos of thfo
aets.Plit fitesil ba-arepltacedl by atate.
Tilt Daily. A baotnd voluame at The
ISoM.a IDatty ataswhicha aithinlutded The Utaivesity of Illitsois- lisase-
lte famous Womens Edition hal also catred a 'Princeton coacha tar next
been tent to Paril tar the exposition. yearas football aeaaon in the person of
Thistasl dose ot theareeset of the "Feed" Smih,- the veteran head grad-
__.__dating -Leaguee aeries; michigan meet-
ing Chicago in Univeraity hall and head afthile Educatlinal Bureau, who
- Northwse tern going to Minneapolis to contemplates an exhibition at college
m___ ieet Minnesota. The qestion to be publications. -
A -da cuaaed at bath plares ia,"That The Daily is becoming a veritable
ii S taI nicipal ownership and operation ot globe-trotter.
sate coach at the Tigers. Smith will
have toll charge of the team and Illi-
nois swill try hard to regain her stand-
ing among the firat- teams of the