4 THE' UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday -- Boo NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 MOs. at 25 cents We a Selling BIBL Half We canot sell you a got 12 Mo. at 15 But we w give you the bet value f your money. The large Sto k of Illutrated (lift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the University Booksellers 320 S. Stae St. ANN ARBOR - e - - titer U. oil M. Barber VhePOay6 Shop and Bath the ity ROOMS, 32 STATE I. R. Irj BARBER G3UPftR"HN EES IStFITISPBG UNIVERSITY SCHOOL 0 PINK BROS., Instructors Offie antIAtctdey, Ninel al, 334-336s SPECIL HMAY OFFER! LAU HLIN FOUNTAIN s X1.00 n~ t teee nYOU HAEsa If i das eot lniteYOUiMAoEA 'hi-i- t .lt- es-is-tl e r lee i 1e cia Slto t 1,it INEI55. ES gli7"m Biet tt o o tt Est- 1nt"odoP of the gver Get tsst sotder ittaly ot-ert gets style idttttitt. Aitdret LA'GHLIN MNFG. Go, 1 129Griswold St1, IDeroit, Mic. AtiylBankorExess1tCom~pny i netit. LAUNDRY THOS ROWEPo 1I 1003 Brod y 457 ell Ploie THOSE NOBBY GOLFS STUBDENTS remlember thtat we can sulpply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, tile Laughlin or Waterman, wnhiche see fully guasrantee. Whtat lmole Ecanyou ask? Try eus. MART-IN $(HALL4 R DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. DURING VACATION Student Agen~ts Watited tu Sell SCHLEEDE'S BINDER Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCHLEEDE. LAMPS FOR STUDENTS Wtehaeaie asstet ottCSter rttNet icelted Lam nt clSetitgThe RoyalThe Rchetertetndthe lIwoo 55The BerlineaedPerfectinueteLamts. T een Lttpeitt etee otods, it s etatttce itt Lamtte .It gives mSrS ltghtt lorthIeeol sitSedthattn any Latmpteotftts id.We cateetivieyouethtehest Latmptfortie FAS'MT MO~N Y. COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. Balance Turtied Otter to Uniisersittq I Calendar. Treasurer. Frida-y, Jan. 12.-Ptot P. C. Freer's On Jatetart lst te tewssystem tof ilustrasteel leetueeott"LtquitdlAir," t mtantagettettof thlettcses iprttescriedeUnttsttan ChuttcelintoUnity Clutl liy the :Bosrdl etiregetntsvwrito ttf-eScollse. leet. Ottli tha elsayT reae-tee Vsoied- Fitdet-t an.s 2.-FineS'Utniversity tows of theAtile tie tsstcia tettiontrutettdeteintCentriltDletatingS Leaguese- lever tee Ire-oxer tSotulieleef theiever- riesUiiersi-ty Hallt it S p.ett. ciyI1 , m f a hatl- Welite-sit, tn 77.WlCarltott ancc o theifiniiio 'tesotionuteitt S. L.A.tetierse',Inivtersity 5-all.. Tetiewit-silt-itttitesnt iwciessitt-e Frtidaty,- aitt26.-llttttAJosepihiee tie coitexer'e c ill inte i'- i aoysogreritlil itioeralUien od 1"w beefor li cpt t _ttattat ieries - ID. f1. TINKERf & SON~ HATTERS AND FUNISHERS Headquarters fr BATS, CoS, MNs Feooeio-ss ad C~oplee lnees ofoxNsrum GOSosasdS-s-TS. AGENCY FuN LONLEY ATS 3Yer' 334touth State Stree CareeMainand HueonStes. Caipil, elSo, Surtepl, 30,00. Teunsacte geeralttbanking busiesse. BK stPRPes. C. .SGRoS Vie-Pe FRED HBESeRCshie. FIRST NATIONAL BANK rn aA Cpiloo,rooP. Setrtlus nd Pofits, M4,M Trasatstetgeneralttbtttin httineen Forign exchaneeetiogh t d sld. uenits ettee of eedit. E, 0. KINNE, lees. HARRISON ettUL, ie-Pens S. W. C'LARKSON Cshien The AnnH liM or Savings Bank Capital stsek.. 50,05. Sttnlutt, s15,000 Resosrceen9150,000. Songnised userethe Gtenerl Baning tew, of thit Stae. eetves depsit,buysandtell ecagontht peeecteai eitietsIftheULsted StateS.iDeafte ahed tpn proper identiieatin. Stfet deosit hoeets rent. OFFIERS:nhtstian tlSMack,Pres.; W 0.Haeel San, ViePen.tChsE Bisoc Cshe;,M. 7, Fritz, AssistantS Cashier W.ARNOt ,sVie-rey JOHN. C. Wrnz Asttienhien BAINK Trausacts a general Bankitg Business Mkes sf (( COLEIATE CAPS, 1 GOWNS nd -HOOS, GAPS cod GOWS, t { II . CLASS CN'ES, CLEGE FLAS, *l CLSS PIPES. LASS STATIONERY, r 5 COLLEGE PINS, G,':xJ COLLEGE "A slieto a obacns - whytOd Ea- u ,Z5 dish Curse Sut pip to- V, I ba .co is so pop lar, tis box lbat ft any pocket is anoer ra.on. No other ppe tobacco as eve made as many friends in so short a time. " It diipponts no one" A trial bus will Ibe sent to any one anywhere uoe reeipt of ten cents in stam~ps, Address Old English De partment, The Anerican Tobacco Co., IiIFlthl Ave, New York City. All dealers sell it 'ION F i'sc d fpl ii I ri-tls l the F. &,It Al.t Bank t h ey \illtt or er d al titt l eTiti Ill7 S. State cai ic-Atl I S1le c d tiIIic'. e-- xiel lloft e d i1 c tf lti lha e 1>c ipid ii i Ic i tie '-11i-,;ice ve 1cc a ill ii -Ico-'Pit I rete preu ctto lit- asle e s$,0 t49 t tito e Iuet ti , i ti l o i tt t o Ili 11h t y iitll itt' Olettolicythtaiis 1 tt y th sc ititc t,5 ,t T ('hock's 021 _1 1) u, Irer ored 1:7) III ,Ired, pidtbytsAl iliiIt. BOARDlB illI{ L-tIu POST- it at ith I itth1111wibe.nii-t t itti oft he Pellet Ax is e c I ecl I l y iPlltt h blane w e t eri1na _. i-s reiport Ie ie;'ic It itile coa cit l tiid tilt. Ii eittlilil, illi ofl th liundti let elsedcfortt cc t,l tlee 11 1 cIt'i- p"id " 31t tiloe tltit 0 tls etIt a tell till leciceeche 1115 o g6 l t el it te is aid i-ic sttcecil15, K ' m it ;it PeccelSoIut aoietIotewattt sis leeci lege- lbit h'iO1N e'7NTIS I ilxtt Scatn c e at -ia' lisoit so rli t i11 i lliatletitc t i i I - e< t otmipletinggithe les elliie-;etnstile Solet' it1 tit ti I 1ti-,dlt -it svork.s topId e lksost ts eing spreid over te feld. The us, Ryan d& resell coldi stiap hitas 1tIde et nees- nmsrisetat hsttr15toiihsttittituethe se clotliti spiteng. SA DN Official C Oi~~ * 4Ib" (CflhIesle ,adpteicy tl-idin p' j~ , V !' l Slnes eesecols iedtC lteId 11 ' (N Clutbestfthe Ct ry.tit vli L a g o l e t o o Geiet~ s o lfIitt e5O nmllssium 2 'I 123___ __ __ __ __MAIN ST I d ofi l intetionalet Exclusive Novelties 12 S Lattee SpSudis Base BalteGuie r190, 10c 1Y -a oe Cit eA, G. Spaldiog & Bros. mM NOBBY TAILOR ivil L A RDSTATE ST.