THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST H ILDEBRAND - _L v .- v v v A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR, It _ - , Zk-XZX MICHIGAN CENTRAL 'The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STLANDAR5DTIME. Takinsg Effect Noember 19, 1899. Detroit Night ENpress,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 55 A.M Atlantic Espes........ .... 74 GrandtfRapids Expeg ......o ...11 10" Mail nd Exps .. ...........347?P.5at N'. Y. BostnSpeil ..........4 58 Fast Easterna ..............943 Mail acd Ex )es....92A.M Bostn, N. Y. and Chica'go .......80 Fast51% esnExpesse.........c12 .M G.lR. and Kal.loopres.........o53 Chicago Night Express..........92e Pacific Noperes.............1215IA. M. Steamsship Tickets, all Classes, to esndf1o Earopeans polis at to so sIrates. Falliator- flton sap lplicatios. O. W.ERUGGLES, H.W. HAYEa G.P. & T.AgtChicago, AgtAnnaAebor, A. DSTEAMSH.YRIP ?LA MS; TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Susndlay, Slay 21, 0899. Teains leave Anne Arboe by C'eateal Stasnd- ared Tice. SOUTH NORTHVI *No. 6.- 5:05 A. M. No. 1.- 0:56 A,.NM. No. 2.-1l:3i A. M. *No. 5-12:300P. a. No. 4.- 8:30 P. M. Na. .- 4:56 P. sa. *Ran between Asns Arhoe and Toledo oalv All trains daily except Suaday. E. S. GILMORE, Agesns. W 14. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave far tDetroit and Ypsilanti every halt hottr, beginning at 6:45 a. m. until 8:55 p. m.,t last car for Detroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting rooto, corner Ann atnd Main sts.; Detrait.,itt1(Griswoold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.S. Greenwooass, M.!P. A.,Chicago Low Rates for Students Account of Holidays. ..VIA. . HOCKING VALLEY BY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 B:etweenT'oledoe andet olmeeebs, nsiag ,ion deptosin: bostheciles Tl'ione::gleSleilepe tocshigtoneeand Bltlimeore. Greeaitiotilod,''hIocItoolti:: g Y:}~. etite L.. '. .AN1IIAN, ii W. Ft"oStIDetroit. W-W-O-w- v l11entschler, the ilbotographer. The Price of Sweaters ilas fione Up BUTIĀ° WE ARE GOING DOWN Our Best $5.00 Sweaters, $3.86 Our Best $4.00 Sweaters, $3.00 " 4.00 " 3.31 " , 3.00 " 2.47 A large aosortmnent for $1.50 and $;2.25. Theoe are (treat Values and you cannot afford to los the chance. Come in and look at thetn. 120 WASHINGTON ST. 'Alarm Clocks SI. U. of M. Pits 50c to $10.00. Fine Walcha Repairing a Specialty. J. L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, f 06 Snaiss Ssuth. 1-f cve You senorPORCELAINS? Fis 5t thicg out-only place ia the city where yoeu can got them. ST'FGlfL RflI[S TO SENIORS8 Tile I5rrUmnlduStudio 112 W. Hurson St. N. S. Phone 119 "T)ICYCI.ES STRED E. P. dePontI "The Great Northwnest." Sensational scenes, otartling cti- maxeo and ludicrous situations follow one another in rapid oucceooion in tho new Americaintlay, 'The Grcat North- west," which is to appear at the Athe" Theater Wednesday, Jan. 10. "Vise Northwest" does not rely upon ocetiic effects nor mechanicat devicea for its sutccess, ao its story and siteta- tions arc strotig enough to make theo success of any play; yct, in a scientific way its etuiptoent is elaborate. A carload 01 special scenery and effects is carried by the company. Everything esed in this piece was especially con- strucetd for it, aiid nothing is required of the thieater save a hare stage. Atmong the tiovel features are the great blizzard scone, including the giatit winidmiill, oti whicha the heroine makes a darig swing twenty feet in mid-air, the firensen's race and the pracirie fOre. Students are cordially invited 10 la- opect our c _mptote lies of anita, over- coats, menes rurnisinge and hats. W~adhams, Ryaei - ttcule, S. Main st. 'Tse regular emeetinsg of the Washto- noas Couety Stedical Society weas held last niight its .-e lower lecture room of the msedical builditsg. Dr. U. C. Huber read a paper oii "Sensory Nerve End- ing i" is discussion was illutstrated by stereopticon vies's. Dr. A. R. Coshing discused tie subject "'The Actiois of Chiloroeforns and Ether on thae Ileart." VMf\GK & GO. Universitty Gets a Bequest. FOR- THE WINTER Dy the death of Mrs. Adah L. Tread-I wellwidowe of the late Edward Tread- Al the low rate of welt, the University is richer by $2,. 25 cents per mionth 000. LEON SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St. The estate is vatued at $23,000. The bequtest of $2,000 goea to the Untvei- sity, to be kesown as the Treadwell M Crti~C fund. The interest of this shall be ex-_ ___ _ pended aalily in support of a ftee toed at the University hoapital for H o i a someie poor and ideservitsg patient. opeeln fAlrBo.fn 202 S. Main st.G o d Commencing with Jan. 15, carriera AT at the Ann Arbor postoffice wilt re- Stabler's Art Store 217 So. 4th Ave., ceive lettera for registration, white on New State, 173. thi eua rpgvn epstherefor. Each letter offered for regts- IVM ON EY LOANED tratton must be property addressed, on watcese,Dtamosed, wheets oe othe P hear the name and address of the sonato erecty. sender and have the postage and regis- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED tration fee fotlly prepaid in atampa or Officeateidene, 301 E. Lihcrtp St., Ass Ar hoe, Mich. All husineseeofidetal. Hoses,8 money, This loles like a atop in ad. to 11:30 a. an. and I to 3:30 aeeel;2to p. m1. SassephaC. watts. vance, and wilt enahle people to send B~argaisnSeceond-hasd eWatchee s d Diamonds safety valetalee tters without having IREAD THE DAILY. to make a trip to the poatoffice to se- cure a receipt thereeor, l k~ E LBNTC l.r I~s't'here wilt be a meeting 01 the Glee Warranted for 1 Tear Ctotb tonight in Roons 24, at 7 aharp. $1.00 N. J. SLTPHE.sN, Leader. W n r o d A new tine of Manhattan Shits " _____ joist in at Wadhiatms, Ryan & Nestle. The Most Cor)plete See them, S. Main at ltn c of Lownsey Chsocolates in the HOARD-A new5 table it Cleib, 227 city can is ousnelat Tutie.'s 'I'alitaouot cheapness, the Msusic Co. S. Thsayer of., $2.73 quality, price $2.00 --. 051 Wteielgtosl street "heat the to $2.22. A few tlaces left. 338 SOUTH STATE STe betene." (leo's tis?7-a tie tty good - _-- seoned-haedeui getar $2; a good rose- ~C n n- 0. M. MARTIN.. wose guliftar .50. Another $4. Typewrite.r CopyinFUN RA "Billy"'Ntlley, thse old-time football (n910 s- 0Wsi~.D R C O pstayer, heas been appoiested an etection !SCHOOL1 OF' SHORTHAND Etohealeeieng a speciealty. No. 200 S. 4th coemmiesion:eer is Cliict-o. :Ave. Atesleelece neiget andelclay. iRes- '5)7N. UN eV 'RN]Th AV E., ;dense 3102 Fifthli\Are. 20 Styles for Dress and Street Wear Every Ki ndI OCH UITB !L' uner Euterl l irc'as' u Yniversity j63Es ila het Flv i ne' BohPhnsNof. 1 T0t~hn N.1161E.Lee iery Set. tReidence F'i~ ShoeP Sh pn a llee~eg oh , An ArorQ5e5'N. FourthleAve, Bth oni iesoet''n.E. Lambert. t'Photos WE PATRON I ZE wGOOD YEzA "R'S D0R UG hTO'wR E