THE Li-OVERbITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 2 THE L raIVEIISITY O~ MICHIGAN DAILY lii ~ -~J ~Mummai in tl'e Museum. 0 A The latest acquisition to our mu- scum is a most gruesome but interest- Publistted Daily (Sundaysexcaepted) funing the igcid mmyfo h lf College year, at ig cid mmyfo h lf THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN, Dwellers of Arizona. It was sent by THE NIVESIIYOF MCHIGN Ir. J. C. Leonard, to whom the mut- Orpica: The Inland Presst en ning Block. sa sarayidbe o eea Both IPhone. 14. sa sarayidbe o eea _________- . interesting specimens.' MIANAGING EDITOR. The little mummty is only about two F. ENELHAD, '1 L. feet long and weighs only a few F.USINEtt iato.'01. pounds. It is still wrapped in the I5OIIS BNGI. original cloth, whose texture shows 0. It. It . 'OS L. that some shill in weaving tust have EDITORIS. been possessed by e..e early Cliff ATHILETICS, G. 1D. HUNTT, '01 B Dwellers. Souse fragments of tile T. RI. oosso, '00 L. A. 0. MCDOscoot." 01 E -woven basket in which it was placedl A. 0. Bnootto. 'at. E. J. B. w)o, 'so, are preserved. Thte lace atsd head are L. J. MseutnE -tt, '0, v. 1). ICEYo, 'so M,) the only parts uncovered, and traces ' of the htair and eyebrows can be seen. lbseomummny will be ceisplayed for a time in thse case for new acquisitiono ThesscrltitotopriceootflteILY ttnitt2.50, the colic", yer, withlta regttlardelivey betore noon easct dty.Notc, coi t iotctettioust,nd othettmacttcntenddtottublicattionmtttbtte hansdedilatsthe DAI~vLlfice beore p. it., o mailed to tihe editorbefr~e 3ptn. othbetapy previostott tnt wictihey tartetitxpectedlto appear Subsciptiont- tia~y ,b elt tte ODtILYofice, Ate ye'or ntolttotaewstattd, orcwithbus ticne Maneogt .-c la-eot witl confte a vrtby eorin pompttly t tthsoffice top tailure ottf ' West Out of the Game. Capt. Frattk H. West, catchter cur the Northwesternt University baseball nine, nmsy not be auie to play baseball Icuis spring unless his right arnm lo- proves muctho tosore during thte last mntnh. He was backstop last spring and had one of the beat records amtong; o tr. no,..o- rs players. A High Standard of mecit in clsthes moking is goined only by Cantiauaus Effect. And so it it ito clothes deolitog. It cc- qoires continos effort on our port to select thttt which is brat from the stochs of the motty clothet mohers in this coutntry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is writhout qouestion the fioest pew- doced ond is oheod in carry respect of the average otode to-order gormnoto, a0tohot t oe-holf the price. It it that hind of clothing owoichitihe test dressers ore lookiog for, and realieing this fort s-c hsre this seosotnpttrchosed Ott otosoal Large Stack at Ste Blach Saita and Overcaatsanotolare io position to fit all sloopes and forms frotm ouomgnificetlinoe of this higho grade moke. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindensch-mitt. & Apfel Parker's Campus C aic +*et++ French Cook in Charge FURNIStlES FIRtST-CLISS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. n'EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promptly filled. Fresh Nfome Made Candy nosy on hand wvith the fantoots Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn halls and salted peanu~ts noon ready. Conme in antI try them. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue DO IT NOW.... Don't wait till they are all gone. Ladies heavy winter tan shoes former price $3.5ff and $4.00, Sale Price J.50. carrion t eie paper. +++++++++++++ Alleltateceittadvrrlrtising moattert,,scl be itt+ OCOUe the otlc by 4t. n. on othnpayreiottto that + + D O on which tons are to atw~ear. + +*+ Sian at College Trainers. " SM OKE?07 Dr. William H. Anderson, director of + + athletics at Yale University, startleod + 4 POTTOBUtI aTOG EStfor a .1 the Anmerican Society of Gytunosiumo +. 6 BILL ANTHONY CItGARS, 25r.'a Directors last week witho a flat densun- + 4 BRIUNSWICK CItGARS5, 2 ,'. + elation of the preset,. proresslonal col- + + lege trainer. Hio formsat suoect was +++ ++ "How to Prevent College Athletes ++ *STAEBLER & CO., + From Entering GamsoWhen in a + + Crippled Condition." + 30 S lSMAN ST + Dr. Anderson said: '"1the remedy to+++ +++++++ + to let tile oen be examined by thouse - - comopetent to rio to. Here is thte rub. Great Activity The trainer, kntowing titat his positioon , in the Ltudwig Piano woold be untenable if he fails to bring Voting Contest. out a winning team, shttt Ois eyes to the condition of some of his men, and UAs the ttime draws nearer when the Ort00 1110110i1 to be awarded, the inter- cares little aboout thte future seriouos cot in balloting is more maitifest. effecto of the violent effort. There are People are leaving old and estab- today graduatet of colleges who will locheol places of trading for a abort always be on thte thresetota of bodily time thoat thtey may help their favorite society obtain the pianto They nay, weakness becasle of overworkc in rom- "'F en votes for a dollar counts oilprest- petition when thsey were college atlo- ty fost, sod I can't help our pleople got letes. 'The trainer is at present all- a piano any easier."''That's the right powverfotl. Under the present systenm wsy to look at it, toot give your trade 00 these nmerchants for a short time, the athlete takes the advice of the antl showv them you appreciate their trainer instead of asking a pttysician.' offer. -KOCH furniture, carpets, picture Michigan Man Honored, frames, mtoutldinogs, trunkthansoo Judge J. at. Sheeto, v-ion was sworot valises.- in as attorney-general of Ohio, yestr-IWAVHE & M 1 LLE R Siosci a day radutedfromthelaw epa t 'a 'alA & SEABOLT Groceses. day~~~~~~~~ grdtKeOrm.h av es Gr)IALLE R Jeweler. msent in the claso of 1881t. After grail LAMBI & SPTENCER Grocers S.t noting Its practiced low in Ottawa, DMEULIG & -CH MID Hardw-are. unti 1893 when he wao elected coat DAVsID & SERABOLTl'Grocery. HVUSFLDBROW Ilaleers. noon pleas judge, which position he IMlI LER & PRAY (Grooers. held uut his nomination 005 tttorney- H. (.FEINGt ER Fair Slors general. JOHNa 'a ON & CO Groeeries and ___________:"_ eats, Forest ave. Was Not a Student Here. Tse ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. In he iogaph of4aeautor n-C.A. Hi'NOPICKS 'Siliuary. Inth bogapy ft.5 tiho ltGOODRICH WALKER & MUR- eluded in tile souvenir edition of PITY Tailors, ever First Nar,. Bank. "stases Kniglthood Was in Fioloer, cW.N. SAtLISBU-RY Drisggist, by Charles Mjor, of Shelbyvtlloe, lad.,RANGER'S is the fahowing laisgooage: "In the autumn of '72 he entered tOe School of Dancing. siniversity of Michoia, whsere loes t11a0e1antO cltoo lessonss by tMe. anti Mrs graduateod thooee years later." :Ross Cm ro. OffDice, residensce and 'ibis is a mistake, as an exaninationacdmon\ayr-s.opsieShl of ths esonverstty rolls toes lsot revetarllof sicy 0ell Phyned-s.silScoo is naonme . towas never ot studeosta ctsts dusvesitv.Mr. Major, in alt t e trt h rusy hth si osThr wyrsosbefrtesaeeta the bioograpioyvas gottent up by his " 1 pulblishertwtthootthisialproal. As WLDN /iY h .1 sooot as tte leatned it wast15tiers losint tettMtmmtscenoeic etcle listed that thts plates be changed soic toasdone.TheAirat For thosfirst time in tteihistory o 01 'et N iiii est thsat tnstttitontoss yoiong womnseof t tile tnivesity of Iowa wct11 .old tonin tet-collegiate debate. The Chilonsatli ET ATTRIACTION ion Soctety of Cornell has chtallenged the Hesperian Society of Iowa City FRIDAY, JAN. 12 ontd thse debate will prooably be helti 3eantions isaELLE oARCHEinta i ta "A durtng the next term. Coneed Wamane. WVf-Th1R & MtLLB4R, THE SHIOEMEN 218 South Mtazin Steree. THE ADVENTURES: OF A FRESHMAN o y 'JESSE LYN1C H WILLIA4MS, author of THE STOLEN STORY AND OTHER NEWSPAPER STORIES,' ETC. This stirring tale of college life is Mr. WILLIAMS's first long story, and it has already been pro- nounced -by the N. Y. Evening Sun - a better picture of college life than the same author's Plrinceton Ztorieu (which is no0w in the 8th edition.) FULLY ILLUSTRATED-FOR SALE EVERYWHERE--PRICE $1.25 -CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORR.+ GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. SANtITARY PLItNGe, STEAAND H aOxTIF.RHEATING. J. F. SCHUH. 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. PARTY I NA HERE In ordering carrialges whty nttt get them whereyott can get your order filled on time with a ca~rria~ge. We hare added ho-seutore to our alrettdy large linsocd now hathle largest nutmbier of hocks in ton whicbhaill esure ouctgttod nervice.Puice the ottee Phoene a06. 5 1.5 Eahst LiAberty Street. - - I --- -- ------ --- ---p -- --- ----- A4LARM CL4OCK HALLR' MAIN STREIET. Colsege Pius of Fins Design. STERLING SILVER MOUNTED EBONY BRUSHES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.