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January 09, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-09

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94 PaiI0




No. 74.


I L.., L..~/Basebal1l and Football Schedules to
be Made out This Weelk.
T T Mianager Baird is busy this week, as
uhs hss been for seversl weeks past,
H Fine Fall and Winter H arranging slates for thes baseball sea-
sonein en spriog and for football next
E Suitings, Golfi Suits, E foil. It is expected thot boths of these
Fancy Testings. scheedules will be completed andI ready
000 for pueliracion at the end us this
0 o week.
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T All western college managers will
000 neet in Chicago on Thursday to or-
A W av h ags A range slates. They have not been abis
We, arr th Lages lito meet beefore swine to the fart that
IStock I Chicago, Illinois and Mlicihigan will
In heCiy. send baseball teanas east in the
Stl igL spring, and these dtes nad to be
° L ~settlers beore western dates were or-
o 10 EAS WASINGTN Oranged. Mansager Stagg wis. probably
not be able to attend this meeting vs
R R he has gone east with Cresident Har-
per on business relatiing to the raising
Dof funda foi a isew gymnasiuma. The
followeing colleges wsily he represented
W iLbesides Michigan: Illincois, Wiseon-
______________________________ sin, Iow aMinnesota, .[Northswestern,
*~ CciPuce Notre Dlamse,Ceoit ansd Knsox.

capable also of performing satisfac- Relics to be Exhibited.
torily the duties of the various offices That the public may have the privi-
in tise consnlar service of . United lege of stuaying his most interesting
States. In the course of his speesch, and valuable collection of Indian relics
after cominenting on the needs of the Dr. Wf. B. Hinsdale has consented to
commercial course, he said: exhibit it as a loan at the University
It therefore seems to me that it is museum. The doctor has been an en-
the duty of the universities to train thnsiastic collector of these records of
imein so that they may becfhtted to our predecessors and has left no stone
guid th retinenatiunal conscerns unturned whirc- might have belonged
of ludaius . e should train them in , to them. Neither time nor money las
lie lasotv-at will govern internatioiiaL beein spared in the acquiring of hone
trae; trains them in the languages specimeens of types inot before repre-
that they neay be calleu upon tu spealkseceted in the collection, so chat it will
in the conduct of that tradc." appear in the museum ,a a nearly
'thee, as if foreseeling the objection complete typical collection of speci-
u-,at oight lee raised to the course on meens found in this region, besides be--
the giround that universities are not log rich in specimens fronm other pants
niow looukcd to to furuish men Is fi11 of the United States. Especial atten-
such hihpositions as those it has in tiun --as been given to tbe securing of
vicw, Dr.Ansgell added: specimens of all grades o, workman-
"Th dscay has passed when tihe great ship, and it is an interesting study to
universities can live in secluscion.I compare Ike river pebble, slightly
tiink that flee public is beginning to gross-ed for attachsing handle, with the
alpi-eciaete the fact chat the colleges highly polished stone ax which bears
are iso longer- homie os time usele -s, evidence of months of patient labur.
aLt are striving.aied striving with seer- For variety of shape, material aced
cess to meet ties great neeus us Ameri- wsorkmansihip, flee collection of spear
can society in all brachces of lhumnec and across leads is an aatonishes.

W~e ceake a specialty of
thocolates .as a side lice.
Wie sell lots of thcecmnd
osuc stovcis alwacysfreesli
Lois ney's, P lgI-rtti'samccl
K Lien's alwayas instliiac
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD c..,:iosee
RELIABLE xAs I~t v ,li C~'. I
sic'sE. tJOLcLY vv
hsG i:sss::iss

.iStacgclues cast retuernc inctines ic entercpsrise.
swill lee cosucslted bafore tedcates -ire W henc asked to state whiat, if acny-
fenallystctledl clientlead bceen clone tossacii cis
Dalesa iasldsbe mne lvfoe tiackc cstablshenet of scs a coroseiii cci
imeets. lic he--see seill irobisly iels ci isveisity, PresidirentAingell said:c
raeeg a ti-i gelar mieet wih isc-see 'pertihapes yucare aarethere is
siii aiidlIllinis, cciialsoao duale ctt iot a uiers citsyin inesesie-Sates
eill thcago.catthc liescit tisse weeih offlsa
Asto fuoitalil gamesn ci nacuts 1comipletevcvueof01thivs kinel whilvcil
,lie i siiiic re " ts mst a slie cc>t' b a g ti
prcicly a s ccessse sli y tcps c
resgee i i~555vis -ee llescss ee s l .s 5 a c i e se flar leeshingChIs-
setnv-iscloses sc 5 sis eecdsclsliuoisessies
fa I, y ) lee ppoiined t itu ii1s-ii--ete 5und
s-al1is l se o i is ls ln Elf_ tt crt osees 11 ea.sail t fe taiii
f~htcla o MciglltopayC iijg ig hes~1lestr. ss- ~s- c th-E1,c ees- cccliises-sc.ouriis.e at Ihis
-civ ccv C e seIl ,I n11 5 i ll il5h55 1,
i-se~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1, vssetslss-1 eeofleeeIi ths i ies: iis szie-soutlayevil v
IasIWe ii -s i lie-itles im-s-v S Ii-'
o.. le 5t--d citoii t. llsTcche

-tiv e I
[es seellsee:

an Yalseaallsec. I c

Batteriology and
Histology Sets

Amonsg tiethoandcseof specimoeas,
ran-mng If-omatie delicate beerd-poients
of agateasosiecanseeto tie casasive
spaseot hist, seasrIscnd leap-rck,
one maeheledee-re-rae of vsriatun.
lee tiesaetlserver L,- - seeso-
enelialjectese-ill ccc sales see emssst
atcie.eNecetslides thevir faultc-
less eeocrsmashipsased leaultful ea-
Is-s-isec--l~eil t il "ttesi-vesld
c ac slrs ewiss-ers v-csofsihssshacti
hs teres is-teer i eanojct o
manufctur, bu thejvitlesss
leswhesete sin iltear th
teoreies, ave l si55. orz
ssises- e et isesr ell tile ' lves lseil
wcl tee dctovi ;p--s Id -rc-
st agrsas iictint',oli.
At sires llsbvisas si llat f
collecinis reove t
an( iis-l,, s ni
-A ILSi ciil~ci
Places fsr Moldiing a Teramecto Cares.
The s rlt ,oilesisileve ii5
ofl t ashy-cl 11-ice -,secse~ie vs _ fllw
seel; budetofiQulciseconniiected ithii
tie r saisiOSCid sc-eel in g ec astees ans,
vs sle- o thyevers eseet see I sJOO:
Lvlesvsca of 0110cec oanecrisundetip
irons sec SYuricto Iaeis (trasor ta-
tion), $1i5;Pu-scsi lodging -cecilrccs
portatcione(fureeks), ac eicienss
(pee macel..0;cesere lucid tper
esean),bal -Oasven neveandsitcraite'
e has60 It seill by notcedelL hcvtti
tal canumc of $2h080icluessa reseree
funed of $400.
Tihe commecictee lesse figured see the
basis of sevecnimece sed trainer as ai
sprobsable enumeber, beet tie number tee
he sent wie depnd largey on circumn-
It is the intention of s,o commnictee
to raise . unds sufficient to defray the
expenses of sending tews nembers of
the team by subscriptions frometie
student body.
An effort wsill be made to raise the
remainder of the desired sum by an
appeal to tics alumni s- she large cities
wshich have a strong Cornell represen-

Have yea Seen These New
eoAt I<(,4wUI
University and Ann Arbor?

t - seeswil e oAcd o btin
ofi vie ihistoiysal
Ii Ccclluses sec ,liess shct iouliciviisof1 55
-a ii I Ni'' a5l555P clr 555aua5 iii-vine
gialim ice sChiicci sill bc it. Pe Pl- rico-niion ov epo dua'-55 vcl ictvs.
Nd vetliceite a2srieslsi't ha s yet ,iina-ii5ssse cinevii.u e ',
neavt heasonm. hlarIesgr Biihas no'sanice ntenationcal less' rtc.1les re-
eegotistig withc seesof -_.e best east- qecrecerets ieer thee coureass uscevs
ern coarches ancd experts to hear frum tain, beet.arecure to by 01 a enateure to
hinm today or tomeorrow. secure te e isctudenet tetls bencvfht
_________________of les eeocrk cccit.IThue commteete is
Business Men's Course at the Uni-clime to nale seeport before long,-elaI
cersity. uneteliliactunie little can be camel Ices
'To President James B. Angell be- timer."
longs thee credit for the conception of
thme new csonmercial course which will, Dr. Vaughan is Honored.
it is. believedl, sooee be established as iNhills J. Hulings, coenmander-in-chief
one of the regular courses offered atc of the National Assoceseecon Spaenishe-
thee University. At a banquet of the American War Veterans, has an--
University of Michigan a lumni Asse- nounced the- apphontnment of Lieuet.
elation of Western New York, held at Col. Pvictor C. Vaughan ae sureoes-
tiufal reenty. resden Anellgeerel 1of the Association.
Bufflo ecenly. Preiden Anell Lient-Col. Vaughan, at the outbreak
placed himself on record as in favor of the war with Spain, was comnmic-
of a higher commercial course, the oh- cloned major and surgeon of the 33d
ject of which was to hit college men Michigan volunteers, and was shortly
to hold positions of trust and honor in sever promoted to division surgeon,
the great country and to render them with the rank of colonel.

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