THE UNIVERSITY 0(W MICHIGAN DAILY. . JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR N ~ 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTRALF ~lrn~ok I TeNiagara FlsRoute." r m ia ()~oo ln CENTRAL STAND)ARD T11E' Watch IvIejpairing a Specialty. Takig >.tlee Novmber19, 899.J i CHAPMTAN , JEWELER, Detroit NightCxp ass....,.... f55 .rtl 206 M.lafin Catlh. Faac apl 9a 4ion UPHV You Mal and Eapr . . !A. 1.c' BUT W IXRE GO.ING O NBsonNi nafhc-.......pSo Itpeiorhngwtol l~c (safin ,>Fixty Fast A eter tpcc r.. ... 1 ,I in zhc$3.86 G.hiadcagcNgl '.. >3° I1urBest $50weaters, 3$ Our Best $4.00 Sweaters, $3.00 (~CC)lCl ~ Pacific aNihtal x O.,. r $5.00 P ~fLft TSTO S FMIAPs Pacific Caic .. .12 1 t. < . 00 O " 3,31I1 1.3,0011 2,47 ra1LRT[ Steaalslip Ticketsa ll (lascas, toland dfoml Eupact i napts tlowsc gs . ul frAlargelacccrtmaent fcr $1.50 acd 0.-.These ace ratin nappcatsitcn. ala$al2aa25I. c 0. W. RtTGGLES, 1. V. AYS, Great Values and yen cannct afford to lttce thte chiace. Pcrumdn Studio G. P. & 1'. Ac-ttChic-ago. At Ann Arbocc. Comae in land lo at theIR. 1 1_ l2 W.Huon St. NS.Phone1I19 c r E EP. dePont MfXG~k 6&GU-. aa . At the IEarlllaI l (3mnasietn. Plltipil's0111 frindIlhac a Manudolin \ac. r a o Guiar andil i- (lll ' I t t 1)no C c 11tase foc it. 11 an it It .1 SoclI IonePwouldl lIPappreciatedI acs aXm~ac ..Ai.Dtowa h=P z=DES. so lnllini(wen1 be1terccfor thils isa"allgilt. Alypcey ouPP w antl, from s75c TIME TABLE age oci 1111prll P111 111. It cwill be a clupwar~dslat the -Mucic Ccc' Store Taking Eatl-ri, aSuaday, TMay a2t, 1899. -- IlloP W artoiing t the B Iarbourl Washiingtoln S. Trains leaveAnn Arbcr byICntral Stand-__ asne, gc. n 1111. 1,01 n111r10191. 90 EB FTOURIST coRRbEPINO C Au Dl)rllg 11cc '11101r andlIfallPtic cai tLINE TO BOSTO(N VIA. THE 50011 NIITI 11011 n 0 l de lco-ratcors havc co- 1 'IABASH1. *No. 6-. 1:25 .M. No. 1.- 0:K6 A. t1. pltl 1 te1iVIIwork onitheaC NV ac ic ii Decemiber 14 (1cc Wabacsh inaulgur- Na. 2.-1:)0A. 11. N..a.-12.30 t,. M. 111 b 11111,1) ttPC a weekly lhue of toulrict cleelaera No. .- :30P. . N. 3- 456 1 M.a13 ftis. n111w1 11eayfitse. lt Astt iiProy,,~ gnall 1111 aot No-bt«'nChicago and Bocstcn. The t~aiccr e l~eal cei se 11 I l la 11l11 0~ oltiat cleepler acill leavc Chicago All trainsldailyaexctOtiad ay. l1'e 1 1 1 iat ii l l a p~e hlc eery Thucrccday at 12:02 120011 ncn e E. S IttlTORE, Agcatt. ic oc" k t Id-te l rI - cfinnttsc Contiticntal Limited aid a1- NV It. ENNETT. IG. P. A i 0.a ca in.) ao olilPa s Ii- till jie it Icato ni 5:50tFritay oevening. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann A r- Ill ,1 1t l, 111 1111 r tac (1111111ratc, Csevediadtoancicke00 bor Railway. o1111 firtlon,1 1alldI 011 s alaldit 1 1offce, il7Adams Street, Chicagii. 70 Cascleaae fcor IDetroit 111d11Ypsilaiti 11111 ai avol nel il--i every half tour, begining at 6:45 a . ile5cndfo uts01111 111 -a i'tt al -ac 1ale ofA lac Brcs. fine until 8:15 p. mto latc irIar or letroait 1111, ylC111)laiilifi s 1]1(low v aery a slahaal, l)an & Reele, 200- 11:50 . tm. Waiting 100o1, Porner Acn 1e ctalloamippelabit t111officcsandaTl 1'01 S Dan t and lain ala.: 1)etroit, 111 tiraold ci. tll, ialeailtl t Iilhlrit f1111111 (P ______________________________ Mite a1111olllitt le Il11(-icata 151 t i E NCINEER1NG FRENCH. (c ~ ~Ai tlo fliillall ;till-c rooallala(11(1couirsc L, aciclntific Frenichl(La Na- it i o thIl 1Illrlal. c ettle i- tal re) laut rcgister cwitha the instclc-; BREAKFASH T - ANN ARBOR ~cA 1111 of ile.l luslad wall beIonitfo beoretheChrstmsvcaton BED 1 cse(. ''hi buldin wil afor nli,(h IC. F. CAtSS. S UPPER ST- LOIS9, andUt, ia .1; Anewvlilnc of Manhlattan Shirts ( Rp 110111 a erylag(lmbr llb ut il in a ildliOmll Ryan & Nele. ABASdH -FAST TRAINS lad ntol O crltaPe~atjSieitacm. S. main ci 4~ I oN-iti ltliugo h 1ltl<<1 .1o11 al 1il 111 FCHA[R CARS btt tLosa I tt Et at 011 111'11pillle FtORt IENS i- A largecsuitei caithlanl CHAIR Vi Thr nt( 1i (1llllil 11of1tacnmoderconven10ienPces. lBoardiha rse1c built1' .1'11 tepio ill bmi i-_ lv1 0 1101'. 72)1 SaouthTicc fchi t. 1':0 1} 1.Ot.;lvth salliliCaswll - ____ x. So . Ga-.. tiaoa .gaha:, til b oantfo l he I H w r satt1111 ( t iNTi illlia ya n 511 firs ul r tslr eti mot ;Icaalc l. est hat 011 thel maktiih at - A - ~ $.. 00-2ai ,J2 S. Main A 4 llto wl e o a t. It ___an tle 1 ;<1Icro a(i o;'uin il21 5('1( LOS -W hI ull- n townvaaTuesay~la, Low Bates for .Studentsit doti .111Ilnlienge wthcam It r al 11ors i -i ii ra1t1. irOila- clill 1111ace lev aea-n 1 P lt 'Ar- o Holiays. I flor ofthe lii rbi a l ni 1111 'a ill 1,111 01110'sjewelry store, or lr-turn it to Accountlt( of Holidays.(. h r cargc is rolila et i ai liand1'll 1a)(! till P IliIlaM.WALtCE OCKING ALY Y n 1t.Licl i I t " "' vt. "I ai. I 11V1iG 1 1 17 jICYCLES STORED j FOR THlE WINTE AltItae lowlate Cit 25 ceants per mlonthi LEON SHAW, - 117 EI. Ann St. t s "L L J1i' 5LR HIoliday Goods AiT Stabler's Art Store 217 So. 41h Ave., New State, 173. MONEY LOANED On la alchta-, 0 iteal 1-, aWpci-o tirP WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Ofeaiti CO a-ciic .i3lt Em. Liberty5 St., Aint .r bo.M ch l l I i-i- iii conide-tital1. lIiac, ., to 11;139 a. 1t. andIlIo 3.1)1aal 7 toI 91). m J(iaarIatl C. W5ta.1. a : arran~tedfolIla55e. $1.C0 The Most Com~plete fl liiofLicey (1101olates ill ilie city- cantietou(01101at Tule'ls 338 SOUTH STATE ST, 0. M.MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR hI EabalmnaspHecality. No. 209 S. 4th Akve. Atbilnce niaght analdday. lRes- I dense 302 F~ifthi Are. 4 TRIAINS DIAILY 4 j 111 ru higS lii --o1'ahn to rd afinnc Greap~ll at.Rirzl, 'l oinia;d11Ta~tlle iiiicic L . . LANl:t AN, Ic)NV. I-F olS , 0111011. - 1 .i Olii S<1all- lti '. - It 1 1E 1 'P ll i binght l11101 holiday i-cvr i-ICti11 atril- l u 1iitliby A iaa litaial. .1111- ihiP tlttal chil licudentaShtldaac- School o1f Dancing. Prir-tand111cltassso nsI byI A i r.11an1;Mrs 1R011 Grallger. Officetaresidcence and of Mslcic. hell 11h01ne, 2-4-6. %AAw^A6A-A,,& Al PU I rANu TIENT LEATHERS $3 5 20 Styles for Dress and Street WearA /w ww , sr . ww ww AA A AAAAA.110A EAA A ST HURONAAA STREETwA wAww w www www . _ . 9 F A L Every KindI ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and 13 East William St-net D N 5 S.,As WWahng N.Mrs. Enoah lDieteree Lady Aetss n ivers lw ity i .AFinend BohPoe o8 1 .ahn-N.116 E. Libety Street. Ressdence bla83 sA E Lgame t I a iPhotos Bthatt.,nA rbr.Faarth Ave. Bath Phone a129. Sh e IUJ E.L brt WE PATR0NIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE