2 Published ilty (Sudatyexecpteldoe'ingth Coleg ea, att THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN or i= Teollad Pes,1Hnitng.,Block Both Phones, 14. MANAGING EDITOR. F. FxOLHoo~oeo, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. . T. IlAoN. '00 L. EILTORS. ATULEICS, ... (,. 1. 10. IUToee, '01 E T. R. WOODewtO'OO . A.1. MDoo AeLe'01 E A. . BnOW N. '0. F. J. B. Oioo, '00, L. J.ihtONTeOtttttnt'(00 W. 1. Llnoo, 'bR. The subhcrption brpe,, of tle tooho oce,1$.00. the college ye, with a regular dotioey hefoe noneacO ty.700t000, comunications, and othrmtter400intencdd fo pblioon to ot be handdint othe DA).tooice befoe s looi.,o maied to the edito hbtfore ap,40. .ottho(ty preiostottotothtooih they are exptetot appea4r. Sutbterpti oeomay ho lft at to' DAIo loc, Mteye', o Stollto ooeeoo oo, o titih-boote Manage. Subscriberh willc ooferot-te y reptotng pomtptly at thioottiooa000ftolote of caresto deiver otpper. All chongsti to totooottomattr moust ho tn the ooffc y 4tp.to. ottothedy pvousto t ht on whch tesareo to a00000. 'he next reguola' ioote of teo Doly will e 010 Jantary 9th, IlO00. The Women Again. iTe Datily hl oot 00apologis to mtktct concertning theootcomeo of tito Wo1t- en'o Editiotn of lat Sttrday. lEvry copy hao hen ooldt adono tmor twil0 bis40e00. ''htothtte paper woutl orn tothing for theo WotoensLoage00.40 known hefoe Oh singl copy camtn frono the 4prhses. ho io of teo ts- stt, conmined witho t fancy cover, etc., brought thoe cot er coy for teofirt ,00 ftr addingtoo Otttl~tisOOgiet too tiestores for it'sale, to tetosellig price. Whty the rglalr lmanaeetrtte- foosed to printott enormtouos oditiot on a nmere elootce of ole wouotld ot toe'calledtiit ques tiolbytoy one 000wto wouldttroublehimse10lf to otalicte 0Io osubcriptionh oos of T'e UDil. Al thooththeticpIatrtiso yer crreo[It llaget subscroiptiontlit, bothttolotal andl foreign, ilitstthitory, yt 0owee half ood oze otteo forno te o-ttco'on- tingetnt tht tooupports Tle lDaiy. lroot tlhee figureh andtwosone s Oill ttte'rs gone ty, 'hel~tlt,'eol' wt'omnwot tookTh le Daily 5ere toose wo oserved.0 on1 itohboard, te rosect for tlot woarm recetliton ot ieomen'socontto- itr ecaone Oh tery lit lyoto. However' itt orerto makotto' et 'teffort 700)- * ilob to bring oot goool soot, ,t toog-00 gc0 '1 soo'o;tmodo'folly0sek ieforo teedib to appeaed thtottie'matter lt le tloro-ooooily pushedo an01 tosytotm- atic canvass mat l(.tit ty toos 'il- 4terestedo1th e i, soooceso of tie'oeditiott amonotg to,'woomoetothe Tl'illoto, rs ' foo l' aootoe ord'rs of o'oiio' . Ito iis wsoo moe ioea couoll Itavo 00(1n 4100, of te demandlolfor it lantintoteditont wouolod haoe eeto pot ot aoiotioateto hipply everyone taot w.ihhe'Ia4copty- 400 consequ~teceOof owhich the Wcom-o en'oslTeague souoold lsto hae relzed a very nougOtam~ott.as00prent faco show tiat at leat 1500 nmore 00o01eh cootlol hae eetoosol. 'De swoeonot seemnitg tot caro to tke 0110 a otattr shich wao of titeir interet ton, te Daily ninagetent felt tat te sa00 old story ws'otn oeroeateo andoldel cooded not to ventre on the scred coil. In coneuence an edition wicho if completely sold would only cover lhe expenseo of the enterprise, wsa ordered, and The Dily tood willing to standl any loos that nmigt ocoor. Tile fact that thoe cirnmtaneo wre tot known, combinet with the fact that the edition swas soon exhast- edl and that no earnings were an THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY noutnced lot' the hseagote at once :,et~tna the ovc'r-zealouosatnd anxiouso ones too, tackintg. Were theo matter inceotigat- gh St cot it woutld plrohably ho found thatoy CotinaossEffort. .> 0 amlonlg toese perootoslhowere so quires cont inous 0ffotton o0u00 qooiot to stort talkitngswere thtose verytoeo tosof toeoouooy cloothe nswowol ooa atvr o tae editioto before it appearedorla01 .t STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING in1 itosolo'.i to'oto'aveisriteotota Duo oot nd is aheadoto'. eve00000e0 bot Ohsexplanattory to whlat 11050'faol- ysooomentot ' lo'oo oo onehlftto lowvo. oWord hlas cotoe to '1440Dool' too-avetilo, seaon000urchased.0000 0 tat retoortostaoebeiong pasda round andttOveroatod O ndeo relsnupositir toy' itersontwso tklnosv nothinogwhei-e- 00000magnooicent lineoof this loogb of they speakotohttxtroia colpieosoYero' Best Linie of Furnishings andCas printedl ty ' Toe Daisy itself 0010(1soldAlay Cape s .r h ind~eenldently of the Whomeno.'IhisAwascm toufrth asseortioon is not only whollly tl toe -- th unwaorranoteod. Itn order too cleaor tul thoisomaotter, Mana0oger 1100110yost~r in e s day turneov000010Miso Louise Dodge,.dlU~S of thoe YWomen~'s Daily all contractet ete., includotig ot statemtent signed ItoyPa Th nln Peswer heDisy a hers Ca rripus prins,hsttinog thoe exaoct nooneoho f copoie's torneou ot. 010 thi.ostas lolded 'ot itemizoed. statemtooorof 0sloestotlly- CI ilysOt01, with tt ler'of copoie's printed. Miss' Dodoge,.woowas boothoMaagoiong FURNISH-ES FIRST-C Edit or oaotd Busines s Managler of too,' UA BAD z 1 Womnl's Edition thettreuono s igne'd EGLRBO 7D$.5.- E the folowinlg statemlentt, whlich l ll orders lpromtO~ly 'illedl. 1I esl o 1)1 wo havo bu-o' lsied tihem~selves inllko~- witlh the famoous, Siongte tCaramel a t iog 00il loerveo-a'tsatt ltbtedl peants 1000' ("ooDec.l20, t899 'f The statements is regard te ceetracts, cool, aedsle of the Womensa Editione ef the U. of M. Daily I believe to be cerrect ____ stodlaoestisfactory to me." * LOUISE FRANCES DODGE, DO IT AT 48 Maneg. Ed. sod Bus. g. I T N O iirj 'fle Dailyto'p0s0thtoftit ose person's woto haovo' onearnestly heen tallitng 00otat ti111thoey ro ollgoon oserothe omaottet antI wondoerioog woil10001ilshoes formter irice xl.5,0t 1000 c'onsult thoe cold faofo antI Mis4. looolgo'sstatemeont. on to,'mn'twhile T'flo itly' will go, ' J tf-. on getltng ot, its ,,leo' li)Edition, i 0 haingoothbot by text year toe co-c-I ts.oth 1,0, tr e. soill numbe'or ot leatote00011 011its 'sub- scritotiono list. Er's T T 'T'S r T 1 'T 010s0it0s0i clolthes dooaling. 1000'- pto seolect thattothootois oestofrom 010(00 of thoeoavegmaet-dr oin fot andorlizingoo tisbofatoto 0000000.01Large Stock of SteinaBlocth Ssits proper thing. 0hmit & ApfI French Caok in Charge ClASS BOARD, AL, TICKETS $3.00. shto 0tie Moadle Candy o w 00 01 ot Ie 5100citoltoy 10010 000110 000' inan ttoorboelthe. w S. 709 N. Universit e. fLadies heavy owinter ontoV .0(), sole Prig . PARKER ty Avenue R~ &MILLfR, A Senior Sociai Planned. 'Te sociaol commnitteeo of theo'sentotr claossnoel. yeterday oafterntoono 0100 nmoido'or-tooo'eooio sfoor holodingyon,0 of iteir 001010001c01s000sociaols.'lTis first ooo' soill boo' hetl ofter the holi,! ±" 0000, '000loolndobfore thoc examintonos. 'Tiso bootelalte oavailatbleo 40sSaturdayo. Jaur 27ttoov. T'is is40o000esweek hb'for-e o soottoitt oo..'Toe'paoty owill beIoo' boo Il-ou r gt'ymnasioum. Adm0010siono wiol be10- -(-'-0.0 1p'r0coupleob. 0oe at- tototendan 00xlb noottoo' retro~ictedottoo mouosof thoi or cotla'bss ibttl sIttd0eotsa0000'idt oilboattendoi. It h hooo'e oi 0a00e0 thisone00' ofthieom'n000000 sueooo-0 0, b oooulrIii 100b0s of ithe' yea; IHL ALJVE INUR1 S OF A FRESHMAN /yI /E S SRELYNACH ILL zIAMS, offfth0' gf I' TOIE S 0.7 TORE' ANDO OTHERC NEW~SPAPER T. 'ORIES, ETC. lisi stirringc tale of ctlleoe life is Mr. NV ILb.IAm,,' s first long hiory, aind it has already been pi'o- n)ounrced -- by the N'. Y. Eve'ninig Sun7 - a better picture of college life than the same athor's II1prn tofl torice (which is no0w ill tl th eit/io'tW.j flotorotbring teooolidays, $2.2). A nowtt tblente cucm ecn PRE ihns eyetot. Pleasanlt suite FLY ILLUISTRtATEDt-IFOR SLE TWERY'W HRi---o'ttlCE adu5do nIcro" o lnts. SRINat" 'ltot ' "o ) 1 T:ltaye t, oEHALSh R S c' SONS, 0UBLISHERh) NEWY YORK. doots 11rt01 campus.oh T GAS AND ELECTIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, OL) NG I IVPORTABLE LAMP1 S. ETC,, (ICRV ~ J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Go aI NEARLY ti'IPE ' 1'o CO tIn oreringcarriage slohy not gottheliweoesobu0 00a0ngetyo ur order FORS. LE0A. tilld o000 me ithl 0l ao ctrigo e. e totoe ddled f Itou00 00 o100,10 STAEBLER f& CO., aredy 1lorgolIto nd o0n tow lethe lorgest onombeioof c i to o l"00, 701 0.MAIN tST, olchoill ensure you gotod 5e0v100, Pricethoe stone. ATHE STH ATBE Pbaomo 00-1- East Liberty Sltreet o SATURDAY, DEC. 23. 'A Mt. Bert Coots iu .13' i (Ia . ...A Battle Scarred Hero... ALARMI CLOCK BTet ATTRATIOoe-"O'hoSootto," "I' Nt o Sow" ALER'S JEWELRY STORE, * * * * eMAIN STRIEET. College Pill-, of tine Design. STERLING SILVER MOUNTED EBONY BRUSHES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.