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December 20, 1899 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-20

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In Your Inside Pocket Headquarters for CnSN
-j tO I(S Is whiayoucansaveonnasuitor overcoatnmade to youranderbyus.WN eguaarantnea perfetlandCmpletenlineof GYNASIUM
fiir os laland se.ano bligation to bay.OGa imnsane assotment of over3,003 GOODSaadSWEATERS.
samples nwil plee you. All SWool Suits an(Ie rcotsnnfron $12.00 ip.
NOT Goorich, W-1 aTlker & Murphq Front RBnn oe is
TkEVuJAal iiite . 'irit, BAnnArb tor. 334SotSaeSre
STORE i i~ & llttmtrnIr
I M % 11 yCnn Aain anti Huran Sireetn.
'eno12Mo.Capitiai,150,00. Surplus, $300('X. Trnsact
at, We are not D RIN __________ R ~xF 'e. . x Vc-Fe
Selling BIBLES at ' i FJGR1AED\r O O . HtItaao, ash i.Pae
[Hal Price! Studenit A-eitS 001cd to Sell FIRST NATIONAL BAN K O mri
j Capita, $100,00. Surlus and Profins,04,8

WVe hav
at 25 ce

We caninot sell you in good
12 Mo. at 15o But we will
give you the bent value for
your mioney. The largest
Stot k of Illustrated
Gift Books,
New Fiction,
Prayer Books,
Chriontmas and
New Years
Cards In the City

Enqqire at 340 South State.
We h~aea fua ssortentoftCnter Draft,
Rnchenser and th Plumaond, Thn Beelia anc
Tihe Ne aml~ap. Pluanewooda, isnad nci
any~Laofiat ind. 11I cangivethe ab
TOld Number:
44 SO. MAIN ST.,

'i-V rra at c a general banki~ngtbusintss.Fanign
BIN [ER e tag uhitandasld. Farn ishtta itlanna
S. W.CLARiKSON Cabtien
F. J. SCHLEEDE. I ---f- --- av --Ban
apialStack. 50,00.Surlusn, X150,0 .
S T U EN TS Orgaid nder tiheticneral Banking Laws
N Pefcto St ntTlaRmplsTh Sate.IDraltosccbe ntl propnera tnidentification.
Pn alps Ithvsn oen t o 5teoluedta afety deptl boestoataent.
1t 1::La tan frthen tman, Vice-Pres.; Chan. E. Ilinnaca, Cnainr; X.
J. Fnitz.AnsistntlCanhiern
W J. Bo.an lni, Plit aflT
COME AND SEE. W. AROLtt, tan icn-prem
JasHN.C. ti WALs, A I tC nbcsI1VNI

ZnWhist Scores. l Calendar. Transacts a general
6006 TlhX'J . le folowing ar-th-pls-sore in-- gOWNSand
Unv riy B osles last nigiht'as Whist ilay: I Ttrday, lice, 1(10titii. 1-_______________
UnivesityBookelles NOTH AN SO[i'IH 'da0Vactionbegins. tt all tdepartitt. rMkref30 .SaeS. Snth n Mne. -...16pu 7 OLGWSanAEHOSCP,
Billhattand.T ns ....14. pls 1011FOR I N ITi-Large sutles one black OOS
ANN ARBOR - .- - .- llIC"IIOAN. Batrill ud Raissell ,...214 ils 5. from ctampus, I telpone, bathtl, fir- I Retatitagno
Millei and Padtdock ...212 ipluis 3.itdtt'teat. Gas IIifldeiretd. Newtly CAPS nrd GOWNS,
U. of M. BarberTVAP~OR ATS M EianlAST iAND WEST, ftiinishedtiandttIwo ieds i.1etrtom.Sa- i ASPECIALTY.
hop and-Bathansnall tndXerdirc.. ct 25ttls 9. tianary wscasia btandtil iltnesuite. 521. CLASS CANES,
So an BahteCity. Rea-Fn.Jfero. 2i COLLECE FLAGS,
snsablenrattn. Montgomeriy and iFisher ...54 pits IS. iert
Rooms, 22 STAT'. . R. InniananskisRatvei andDiglgs .....211p1:s t.I-- CLASS PIPES.
Keelet anti Simonls ....214ala I-I Have5ytu seentosittbargainso1in GLOSS STATIONERY,
M________bantdolit's atdGuitars at te -Ara tCOLLEGE PINS,
WA RE heiAbrMscC.,Wsigo t COLLEGE
Cloingiassembly it Grangetr's oimtsi oVaaigtn ISPECIALTIES
VtRII[ BtIRBER Acatdtity tonight.I'Te atnai at- dto't seehow Gh'ysell toiem so low. iiiERSStN g WSi.
oufi0NfiNBrEES 3ATISP00OTION.cturtiy assemablie'ss-ill Sc' restumtedi .CMKENx &C,
____ - atrtehlias5ODNWSFRWSEN51' -41ENft-eet t
Staden taaecoirdiallyia it edto n I- i'AitAitl ial id a l C
petr c/mlta li-ien o_ atitsn over- T eASIRt
IDA N C I N * aote' funinhings ndiii s. icakets -,A hat'retduced i-ties tttMi1
souri Sa 'tti ivll Cpoints in atditionta t hoset.t ! ppflahnsI La tueS li t
Gatttt n' eginn ig classMonday,8_o_1_p_._ Iireiatisiya dveis d.ct
Ladies'tbe;tntttgmclSatsWe8toti5 10tlttp tAIrh) y l.P.ERT. 1 St I l tI +:I, Agcnt. ~ a - one reason
PINK BROS., Instructors OLD.R.PRA.
Ofifice and Aaetmy, Nickel Hall, 334--336 Sh Stale i a : a sna nnittteAtt Althitesttn setrvoicatthi nhaitriani Toao n ~why Old En.
uulrdced taes foamtu eta re- 'alaSLICttrrsD.tAtPIPEtc t 1-c
SPCIL OIIAYOFE ( tim" beelae ~te aityit aiA ntinmitcc tf selectittns fron thit Cut pipe to.
'::: ttit(-'a enetral Panaenger Ansoc't- tlia.will St given, intl ibissa"rencha
at fths ain illplay-t Ritatdet'1 a rot.mtbacco is so
$3.00 E . A. GItMOTIE, Agent._____
LAUGHILIN FOUNTAIN IUiCYiA~ i issmsIrsht ta t~t
PENS 3 At P'aler's Cafe, 739 N. fiveem,:iyat te Athens hay a laige comalntmay Teure
ert, ospai, n awemb-cali ve'Iednesd~ay, Dee. 20, at 8:0 iiIhaonetm talcett. :A goodthsizatudattienc
tar nlttytt3o'lck. F re ica 'Irfle T r-turedouttto see te chiimtei n itheir tin box that fits anypokti an he
ikey di 'n'rmTursadmy noan, thea. 21. 7'Iantics of APiits sBia Aerrymanoa ma
Y"0- Ptritre o1fat'ePixieaswointatuca favor reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever
Ifit do ntia s t yo u, ESu t t atrhat l oa a introdhuced thit'a'le'('ticmet. 'hete' frmtr an cewsti
Tm As :mhand ott ou$1.10t ftrtit.. ilustraed postal card. Thenecoe n bea ttrt'atedttt ottighti made an many friends in so short a time.
five stylestach eard Imaving eaon _____________________
I t sails VfHiAVC stii' a s.5 af camputs vien'. ttricee ~v It disappoints no one."
It it datasttnttut YOU nADE a cenitsa cacti Cati in and nee lhemmt Tperte -pyn
aTnaE aa902a1il mere Tpewite uoyin A Trial box will be gent En any one
Thito bt act It-rce time 3902 nsweatero are nows mit Slitce- Otuly 1 1- per 1400 %Vmsrds. anywhere on receipt of tan tents in
siturche ttstitNlsrtm AdesOdE sh")ULIYDAMODPINT ti i hans fnrtdistribtution. 't'htose who marteSCHOOL OF SHIORTHAN iD staps AdrssOl EglihDe-
PEN tti. I .ttalt.:' tto remcive them tre requet'tedthto e;mal at e ,T eA eia oac
.t1k ofr enettooeadrs tSheehan'o at altec for thenia. 707 N. UNIVERSITY AarVnE.h AeicnToac
-Agththt tttac tmlt ttri________________ Co., ill Fifth Ave., New rYork City.
nesa tcoiftattttplt:mamiltt- All dealers sell it.
winThef tkinder
bentstLyle ismdeirttnt. Addrttic ./ ta h illcue S PAL D ING' S
LAUG lHLIN MNFtI. CO. /-1ho Wllton
129 Griswatld St.. Deroit, Mtnh. WEARABLE reul $tandI~
it:EERNoC:grteul fotaSll &I1 ie
An bnko~lxpes~ntan ttSENSIBLE nthugts of .OR 899
__________________the givear
________N______M________A___L The Spalding Official Intercallegiate Football
ECONOMICA m~ed eislitvely t :Yale, inte tt. liHatr,
I n.Yai a Caoit'll, Untiersity oChiciago,
~ S - - . I 1t t,,fatt tmI etnr a ingf ottt lltt ett ai tm .
1 JTIhe CHISTMAS WAG NERD tatlfamaSba}y and Every Reqalaite fct
NORTH S DE tsd aTeat eCanitc t'tii ruleslii
G F SC o .at le iai ttat~ottttnn, atOCcc, ittsmnttetimn t
S LAU DRY _tatnd Catalogue at all Slants nittilat (te.,
103tm xoa wa. 4si7 weltPneic t -t 'HI-aberdashers :. G. Spalding CalBros.,
~e ~ ~ e ____________________________New Yank Chicago. Denen



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