4 If You Wrt.... Drivers Brassie Drivers Clubs Mid Irons Lofters Putters Caddy Bags Golf Balls YOU CAN FIND THEM AT SflL [ifiN'S We carry in stoclk the Morris- tows.,Spaldig. and are city agents for the clbrated Willie Dunn Clubs Bring s your old Gol AI~~ and exchange them for new. SHEEHAN & CO. Promoters 20 S. STATE ST of Golf AAOR MI5 0C. Lei4A*, STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given Tis Year. Tickets to be On Sale Soon. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage. 2. F. Hopkinson Smith. 3. Max Bendix Company. 4. Jobn Temple Graves. 5. Oratorical Contest. . Brig. General Carles King. 7. Will Carleton. 8. Sousa and is Band. 9. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver. 10. Cicago Alumni Number. 11. Announced Later. 12. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents. "j.14.A. THE UNIVERS~ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? D. a~. TINKER~ & SON HJATTERS AND) Pt RNISIKUS G uud l'c W al er, Headquarters for HATS0, CAr;, XEN's FURNIISHI G 116 S. MAIN STREET. GOssoaS ofGcs "i AGENTS FOR THE BEST TAILORS ON EARTH.AGNYFRLGE HT L. C. GOODRICH. A. R. WVALKER, 334 South State street THE MONEY SAVERS,.. LIOLM ES' LIVERY Coo. lMaiasand ur troils. Cspital, 150,000. Surplus, $30,000. T rae a(A Larger and better tha~n ever. Nearly twice as many hacks iaundiaoy more R, KFXPP, Pros. C. E. 0GREENE, Vie-Pres. hor ses than last year. Foss. 11 Bra.tCashier. Leave yosr Trunk Checks with no or we wlliicdll soilfget themo and FIRST NATIArbLr your baggagc is ill be delivered promptly. IS ATUA ANKogNie16 'Pon 16.515 East Liberty Str1eet. Capital, 1,oo. SnrllseasnilProfits, 040,PW - - -Tranacts genrattalnktCO uisess. Foreign L A M P es cbaedi. oght suit.-slit. Purnsrletters a LA M S OR T DEES . .INNE, rs. i H.ARRISONSUS Wooleha a ioifinasot ento n r rftNikellated LaopsiludingThe RoyalThe SW tLAKIiSN Cashier Rochestermadthe Plumaood, ThetBerlinanod Perfeon Student101 s. The NewbLaooo. 5rnoo~l5i, is an advanceinLamips. OIt ivesmorellti to teo ilidthn --- an ap fis id e angie you the bestLamplso 110 The fIIHAfrbor savinus Bank COME AND SEE. tsiiapoit ~ltirls ,0WtOt. Roucesii, 01,50000. 44 SO. MAIN ST., /IorgtisStair. Recivesio oeposirs,buostrnd sells ANN ARBOR., MICH. D E A N i I...0 0 8IJ sts. oe iprincipal citioles otolutod ______________________________________________________ Slats. Dtats-asitd uponi properie iatihOstje Solely depoit botxes toret Vell Snowc has returned to college sold Calendar. OcEi tes:t itiatoMoot. Pres.;W. 1D. Harri- man,. ice-Irks., Chas. E. OHisoCsh ooier; A wiii come oatto-aywith the oobalFriday, Oct. 6.-Atloictic otass. neel-J.FiAstattshr ,iso.tg tit gyminaseiim. WJ. BOarPote.l Friday, Oct. 6.-Genseral reception of 05. AsNL stiii ice r(loe ! !lI Reiuben 10. Kenopf, 01011bueopean J.. V. Sisoco o, ,?(t0 ist I s iCovco solvey, ti ooty, teachofQO S.0 C.0A, at Ncewberry 5Hall. Jox. tiA.To, A.s.isti. le Sfl IV Iis Piaono, Organo,uaod Musical Cu 0os Saturday, Oct. 7.-Vacuity vs. Alion tiuo; a0100the urt ostleachlig. StuoCollee BANK ;112 S. Divisiun st. --to Saturtdoy, Oct. 14.-Varsity vs. \Vest- 'Tranlsacts a5 genl~bci eonOteserve Uioversity. ',~kii llslO5 Lots.-Betwen toniooers ily ha~ll and %Vetlilcoily, Ott. 1S.-Varitiy' __s__ U ollIuliip2 oteoolOl~e.Nor ~oeCiesl.U. Of M . Barber Shop ,,lthos i it. too at DliOlfs ofice andOreceoiverc- Saurdtay, Oct. 21.-Varssty v..11C an ahRos. li[ ( hebae s.o-cStin 10ar1 _7ani.t ROOMS.iiiOlsrs ni.___ 322 State -0. J. R. Trcjanowski, Prop. 1 ' 1901l110(",11BAtiI'l PTiytOtTIlCto tritmt c tot p. it. Otetdnesday, (it-. 4, it the Tritohy rioom o eti t aap011tai 9 C,+(0- llOh It I ..0011 1.', MOanager't. 0. I0. Benefi'ielI, '99i, is ass5is1tan1tto - tessoof teminos Ctry inthe Still cotlle ol Osteothy, Desosllttoes. Foio lioxo-Laoretrout, furnishled roomo, half hltock 010th of camopuos. In- quire 3013 S. Staote St. < A noew line of Manhattaon Shoirts just in ot Wadoaoms, Rtyan & OtIealo. See them. S. Mais t. Meeting- of 1900 toot-boll canididates for election of temoporary mnatiger sod capitain, Mtondaoy, 4 p. on., lRooom 1. Leadesofnlthe 1Uo . OFn.LYbilltt lwaoo-o t mtembter lthe OilERA HOUitiSENTEW-lDTPo P, wl0e 00crpt ho- cn e lift - f orhe . or 31. DA.and .OhOfor seb hothir rleainglailieos100 the 0). trollreP'riPess, Detroit 'Tribuneoet~orit EveingNews adiliicgo. New rkraond TOolediitopaprso Pompt11l dlhtieto a llipaorts of theo city M(01210NothoMain str10. 1 4; SATURDAY, Sept. 3C 4* OPENING [, 4 WAGNER& CO. will opent 1 N fMEN'S FURNISHIINGS anc 4*expressly for us and is the be 4*popular price of $3.00, in all 4hoots and caps of latest desi +* "Itsoozie" souvenir, an article 4* without. +* Wa gne Oiord ohoatst ltotooo tunyan It-itte. lRes; lot ot t Ilonireolpito5.00.Fine 21.0-202 iS. Nfin 01. IR a nhotol Myers, tile staor Hitllsduart erba01c1)k, intends to. enter lte Uiversitv nextTh f1>1. WA1RR[N BThRER OlIIAClt Sti)TllI.. Fll tl rock practice- till begino Moo- O _ONE day, Oct. 2, 01 lthe alltlecPoliO. All Uniersty603 EoasWiliam Street u n~verILV urot s oebhll block e. Iti-tiutt .sySo JSop E.Lambert. h ecr o f t he qut d.t- -o_-tl. 12 J.1 lloM n an. S PA L D ING'S Students cano get lunoches lull home TRADE-SASK made goods) put 000 10 hoxes at the $utiti l O\roiton's E~xchanige-,012 tE. Liberty st. -12 (VI~E FOR 1899. 0E'. lt. Sundlelando9, Iandl M2ios Fltor- The Spalingeog fficial Intercollegiate Foothall losed ecselry 107 Cule. Pinet oil. .larvased, eurce Sundelando, ex-'95,louse retournedl 0ennooylva0n0i0, 0 oittl, hoioersily; of t.Oisgs, Sic10. I oootand-ery ledintg footballtenm. to rollego-. Otis SundierlandO ll ot11 005 Ol0orrs oe.staeond Everp Requisite for tinuote hericreeinthliteraory cdepart- te ar tSpl iocalPFsootal Gideo. 00en0 koind Eds ohs 0101eroelthe sor- anod explantonotes, Olroeordotogrsitaphs ofa sootlyear ose ebs.lOading lsaoouo,postl)aid, 100. hanodsomoely itlus- and earlawclas.tralcot t l1gto sall sporlomooiteotfree ..Spalding & ~Bros., Ne orka Cloicao. nex ) .. 0. M. MARTIN... IA FUNERAL _A*60 " DIRECTOR their NE'W S"ilOhid with a NEW 4 Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th, 4Ave. Ambulance night and day. Re&t- d HtATS. Otur Derby is made , idenco 302 Fifths Ave. tst value ever shown at the A shapes and colors, also soft igus. Come and receive an 4 once used you wvill never he 4 tr & CO., 121 South Main. SNOW LAUNDRY STATE PHON4E, 520. Your laundry washed clean and well Sstarched and iroaed. liver shlae ble4glas andI aredtiouttof doos. Try us. C = _.l^ 'nr = -r 'g lr) Ir fi 4T' 'TW 'T' 4r fi ,fi fi fi vw fi 199, v9w fi 199 fi ,11 T M 10111.11 .iU it_,_ iJ,! a 411JA 1111 111J 11111 .U,. 7 iWA l ,s,.." MILWARDE THE NOBBY TAILOR, STATE STREET