THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 kU. Sli 1ippers and Oxfords A FULL LINE .... ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE a r i t-" FOR EVENING WEAR GOODSPEED'S 119 SOUTH MAIN T - _ - - T MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effecort ember 19, 1899. Detroit Night Mxpress .......555 A. M0. Atlontic Mxpres ............. 7 45 Grand RapidsoExpes ..........1t10" Mailoand Express;........... 347P. M. N.Y. Bston Special .......... 458 Fast Estern...............5943 , Mailland Express.. .. 5. . Bson, N. Y. snd Chicago........8 05" Fost % est ernExpres.......... 1 251P. G.lR. andKai.Expess..........5530" Chicago Night Expresso......... 2.:1 L Pocific Mxpres.............12 1ISA. M Steanmohip Tickets, oil Classes, to and froms European points s lowest rates. Fol lunfo-I man on oapplication. 0. W. RUGGLES. 11. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. AgtAnn Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sundoay, Moy 21, 1899. Troinso leave Aoo Arbor by Central Stood- ard Tme. SOUTH NORITH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Ma. No. .- 8:L6 A. m. No. 2-11:3) A. ST. *No. 5.-12:3u P. M. No. 4.- 8:30 P. M. So. .-. 4:56 P. S. *Ruo betweeonoAno Arbor aod Toledo ooly All troios dolly except Sundoy. E. S. GILMORIE, Agent. W HI. BENNETT. 0. P. A. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Corn leave for Detroit and Ypeilonti every half hour, begioning at 6:45 a. 10. until 8:15 p. in.; lost ear for D~etroit 11:10 p. mn. Wlaiting room, corner Ann and Main sts.; Detroit, lit1(Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - SI. LOUIS, MOS WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Greonosvoot, NM. P. A., Chieagos Low Rates for Students Account of Holidays. ..VIA.... HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRIN~lS DAILY 4 Beto-ee Toted::o andCotlumbus, :usingUnion depeot in bothscitie. ThroulghSSleep~ertoWasohsgtonoandllotti:soee. Getstlrtood, Thte Hocksing Volley. Weite. L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W.Fort St, Deteeit. t Ty-E BEST MAKES Or I Ientschler, the Ehotograpbev0 .idoiaa i L Suc sanJserph 1ohnanos, Washborn' and ~runo'sre on sale at the The Fine Tailoring Hlave You Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD. 106 EAST HURON STREET NEW TOURIST BLEEPING CArA I At the Athens. LINE TO BOSTON VIA. THE WABASH. December 14 the Wabtash inasugar- ated a weekly lioe of tourist sleepers between Chicago Sod Boston. The toulrist oleeper will leave Chicago every Thusday at 12:02 noon on thte famoustotinental Limitetd and ar- riyc at Boston 5:50 Friday evening. Berth rote, Chticago to Boston, $2.00. Herthos reserved in advance. Tichet office, 97 Adams Street, Chicago. 70 If yous have a gentlemsan friend or relative- yos cansfiod Elm something at Nettc's Star Clothing Hloooe. They carry te lastest styles in frnsinlgs. LOST-While down townl Tuesday, a Klondike nugget watch-charm. Finder will please leave oame at Ar- nold's jewvelry store, or rettirn it to me and receive another nngget in ex- change. H. M. WALLACE, 215 E. Liberty St. There msay be a lodge or society in thsis city whio are wisbing that the $250.00 Ludlwig plant:, so generously offeretd ao a crize by Else merchans mentionedl below-, vas thsree htundredl and fifty edollars' worth of mihcel- lanoeous fu:rnitu:re suitable for a lodge room. If so, you ksnow that a Ludwvig piano has a definite, fixed value, and it youlr society shous~ld msste t effort and scceedl in winning the ptrize, youl cstuld soon convert it into dollars, antI thsen cousld expend the motsey ats do- siredl KOCH furniture, carpets, picture framle-, mioldings, trunks anti valises. WAHR & MILLER Shsoes RINSI(Y & POE BOLT Groceties. GPO.. H A LTER Jeweler. LAMlI & SPENCER Grocers S. St. MERULIG & SCHIMID Hardware. DAVIS & SEABOLT Grocery. HP iv SEL BRO.s. Etakero. MIL5ER& PRAY Grocers. H. C. EXING ER Fair Store. JOHiNS C ON & CO. Groceries and bleats, Forest ave. The ANN ARBOR MIJSIC CO. C. A. HENDRICKS Moilliusry. GOODRICH WALKER & MUR- PLOY't'ailors, ever First Nat. Bank. WV. N. SALISBURY Druggist, Thse clank of sabre and jingle of spuar wosuld seem at the first glance to: be slgh~tly incongruous setting for the absursdities of moderns farce coin-j city, the godi of war hsas msore to do with Else tragic than the humorous side of lisfe-yet in "A Battle-ocarrcs Hero," the new farcical comedy which Bert Coote will bring to tsse Atltesso Theatre Saturday nilght, next, 23rd itnst., it is said that Willils Maxwell Loodhue, the aothor, has evolved a screamoingly funny cometdy, based en- tirely 015 events conneCaed with the late Spanish-Anserican War. ansi one wvhich w-ould offend the sensibilities of no truse Alsoierican. Thec farce is said to be entirely different from any- tiling seen ill late years, toe complia- lions are of the nmost extraordinary character, anti all its all is said to ftir- nishs a better vehsicle for Mr. Coote's ptectuliar talents thianOansythinig its whichi is has yet beenl seen. Thse"Tsurtle" will be presented Sat- urday, Dec. 29. A complete linse of Adler Bros. line soils at Wadhamos, Ryan & Reule, 200- 202 S. Main sE. ENGINEERING FRENCH. All studlents wishin~g to enroll In course E, scientific French (La Na- ture) must register with the instruc- tor before Else Christmas vacation. C. F. GA u 55. A new line of Manhattan Shirts jusst in at Wadhsams, Ryan & Reule. See theno, S. Mails st FOR RENT-A large suite with all modern conveniences. Boardinig house nsext door. 721 South Twelfth St. Board during the holidays, $2.25. A sew table 1in the clulb, commencinig with next semester. Pleasant suite ansd two single roonms to rent after Thursday-. 227 S. Thayer St., two doors north of campus. Howard hats at Wadhamos, Ryan & Reule. Best hat on the market at $3.00. 200-202 5. Main SL. Mils fells Childs, '99, who is now teatching at Duluth, will spend thse hsolidays in Ann txrbor.- sees ousr PORCELAINS? Fioseot tsin;g out-osly plae Sn the city whsere yon5cansgee thsem. SPEGIRiL ROtTES 10 SENIORtS The6 Bmruman Studio 112 W. Hamsn St. N. S. Those 119 AN XMAS GIFT OF HANK'S CAN- DIES wvill be gladly received by swveetheart, wirfe, mlother or babses. Everyone loves" 001 delicious, pose and hsgh grade eon- fectsiosasd a gift ho-x or baskset will ...d so making the holidays happy an(I full of sweetness for the recipient. Oor- prices will enable you to make a han"d- some gift at a reasonable cost. 200 East Washington Street. 31 South State Street. AIRFMadocks Warranted for 1 Year,. W i.An.l, '___l" The Most Corlple tev lin e of Low-ney Chsocolaites in thie city can be fotund at Tuttle's ' 338 SOUTH STATE ST,, Om M, MARTIN.., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 2018 S. 4th Ave. Amhulance night and day. lies- idence 302 Fifthl Ave. IMEN Puritan Shoes for AND $ 72 STYLES W OMEN rarrlC Embalmer and {i 613 Eant Milliamo St-eet _______ UII~fLE9Funeral Directoo Univer ity set one-half blset weot a l Fn K 1 A LMos. Enoch Dieteole, Lady Assistant, o S ofsI eEPbuilisoadne. Photond ton St., Ann Arbor. F sil th A've. Both Phone ols1 . I . L m e i WE PATRONIZE GOODY'EARS D RUGSTORE