-'c Two tome (IdcS ... otsideplion . .ijiside 111)11...1
Collar, Cuffsils ona Pocket plaid . Also the deIsirale
Tricots ill (0101s ...Loose fittilg anmd comfortable .
'f ever a doubt; as to quality here... (Ivways tbe best GOODSPE~ED'S i
81117 AAN STI~l,"
'The NiagaraFalls Reut." ethetIc bora e.
080111 i .I1 8188t.80ovmbrIJ 019.1 L. HA A~J FL
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- -V-- -----I--____ 1 - _ ICYCLES STORED
1LrOAI..-"." Cl_:, 1 lt 111i. 11,7 IIX1111 I .~lIEP .FOR THlE WI TE
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I ( yo ll0. e ,t5 Tbe Mostan fCoorldor !
Acco nt o lioiday . I' 11)(11l, O211111101,.c il 0 o Looley1 Ii111it11 alltil
BRE1KFASTiCNI1 1r1jr] - t{ i o. .0 110' ine of M'8lrl1I11lho1 S Oiclo cil 111 e, ic'3 E.L il 80 11811111 .8
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1811110jewelry store, 11r 08881111it ,; FUNERAL
me1 tied11receivie11ano11er nugge0t i10-,x- DI RECTOR
cag. IC. N. 8VALLoAC, Em~balmling18allTp'ialty.No. 21091S.4th
E01. Lilierty St. Avol. Amblancnilghlt 11111 da . lRes-
215 0312 ithA 011
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Fu1n1Oit e rlcL Dy~ icutor n JYl o 63ut 8on 1111half 881l1ckIwese
nivesityer PFi t
Mr ~s. o ch. 1le ayAsitn . o a i rii 108 81118 All 11inds5
K M T3Ever idEOHDETRE Kf Photosp earignety oe
0111 Ph8,110No81) 119 W.Waosing- No. 116 E. Liberty Slreet. IReeidencee813 S Shop >R a n d a lln 88811t11
ton St., Ann Arbloe.P01uth Ave, 80111 Phoneoo129. oE.L bet