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December 18, 1899 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-18

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r 73~oc,.. ..
MICHIGAN CENTRAL _. r', .T _ SBEST-... MA.ES « 0....
'The NiagaraFalls Route." lVentschler, the WP hotogtapev. M~iU n
Dlieroit Night es. : ,Such aso JureS ihutiuinuuu'u, VISIuln'
Atatiiio -" .. .. ........ ho10 adli3uio 's aor sal e h
Futic wryr. 'ALihort onoly ditors romy tk' oO'rnr
Botot, N.Y ad(ir) 60 otttihicot
G.13S n i d. ittii . o
Piio~r, I'The Fine Taloring .........ie You
StemishipTilets'all C('lotit ato ted'oto tsenour t'IS Fv
uote'lepots i l'. et t tantes Full tntor ttigotol lc n tet
nati itu ounappicaton.tir yuu enyttlll
>.).W.ItltOLE. lII rS, Trade of the City.
&TP iA t Cl c o__AgtAou Arbor SPLGiL RAI8TETo S[NIOR
= ae r Dauglhters, of the American Retola Pio. AMortimer Fi Cooly to ac
I Lin fromslo New York trit. Whileoat- 112 W Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
(snttoetnjoytd a ie ontna Frs ____________________
A.TI'DsW_ .A ESzi zt Tis l'TheAn bor otChatlertasdor0gan-It otrpedo Ctat, whi tslobeonI uil bt in t
TIME TABLEie t he.01 rlo rsil of Ms ur!L l-titlounoatry rod wst Cfor a tEna
Taking Effrect, uuy, 5May 199. gel il J11101r1896 t Mr I~clt tch ip.
Traius truve Anni Arbor by Ceutrultantuu-ttair Rrgent bing riti t Se --
ard i i Eliieted. r's.,'ng l oeet ott fI te ir (111hart' togeotlemtantfrind o
Cha t'tter, and il t it teol itit o t l t ' 'oeto ou5'S eato otind im o metthin
StUUJHttORTH ll'l ogr tizai'tt ipe h otrttoit'i - ooouSa ltigHoo ~e ~ ~
'No . 702,t. s. Nt 8: . t iof t et c n t i e n t t Wi en 111111 ftth lat tl n furishings. X0
No. 2-, I)StA. lt N. ott. i . i wh tul otr o otto i tol tin t ary o i eut Utd, -S
No. 4.-Ot0ole '. 3 .-It4h5 ei. o. i " r-
ITert' tcrot Iteitenro1111 ftfteent t ha t i1 iti.N. L. ToIr wsill tfu onish otusir r.. ~ ''
ittui bt'tttniitnunArotretatdlToledttoonly lorti ithr. T e ncrt hv c o rirs aiterrtoooabi priees. Ot- ~- V '
All hteatituaittytyxcept Sunday. rantelit Olil flillOc1b1r11 itttit'a o ia oaln . 5. 00 Soildttt, 1. ;t'tti
. iS. GLOR.tE, Agent. teh f t he Ier In t 'll 'Ptho il. ' ,%
Detroit, Ypsilanti arid Ann AT- the \rite \a5a tbaritelaptetl A or!'t'l litto ofAleri rou,.fir
At oe etn, laj al fte si It T itlati t oii, tlatt& resalet, itt00
bor Railway. lC iv it aeat all: on lis petonal1210 S. ¢ iittSt. " ~ 7
Ctrs lettee for IDetroittanutd 'Ypilanti ti p ct e5T in tcli etr n i --
every hatlf Ittotr, legiuting att6;4 6;5 a,1it.I u 'tiltito hu~it 111 orps1 11110 t 1111 e11 ,0 P.1 . D ii ng~iIili 99 IL, wo s oorgaiz-
until 8:151)i. i.;t Itas t r for IDetrtiitt, ICthet ls C h r r i t'tilo ti e rhopticaiew t'tB0oti-t uuru, to..
11:b1tp. i tating roomt, torner Anfl itoh f It e Univrroty I Cl utigpany' ,-i ait friendsl htere, yetrdy.
aend-Mtain t.; DIetroit,.II ltristotlii st.'Scholt fo 5.s "'.01t ut0n5te 0.1NT XM S 1 F O OF RAN. SifCAN-
+ , .Si a inc tt 1the tichap tea 'iltsa ot of campus tiO'iro. Prcetti,)ourdhiuptre'atitlhitgh irad on-
BREAKFAST ANN ARBOR tut lIl oi ottot tle flit' lt tl i t' e t 0 tit ttamtttt togtifttibee or bP1l1et0il
tai an te tll liie it t t ittar__our__-__;:din ,oaktglterhoidyslih trvasIA
SPPER - ST. LOUIS , o Ilt tfortheolies1a1te1w0i i11f tt, o Iottttottatu L r 'ftulltit ~ittot 10,ii tt P9 oth lit 11 t. Oui
Ilcothlii-a'. alwel ':d11 Otts ooe nChcaoS ime it titlre 'toot olti cot
WABASH - FAST TRtoNS lti, 1 heht otIt,, eraIstLERI-t( I rnthState 'Str0et
FREE - CHAIR CARS i I' Stttttt't'tt'ito ottl o j Cifl ioiks
9'S r a~t oft apers1f11 11u 1l n- ytirrlmus t i st i i otlthtei tot o /u 4 I
I. S. G(.ctu ott 1, t .uuui , S C I, tg, tt t, oe to oro te Cristma1os, ationll. Vi'r te o ftr I Yer~,
1.t T. .K d.'s, C . G USC
t' ,i~'/7.. o/007777 ~ I G iRIC(' 1 <11 1 aSirte o tot o ne1 r I 7 f .i 1nold Lenig
3I'\ 1O 1(O1 0111 '1I elari o out ivitonot IO ht v 1s! Jeweler
LowrIRates for Students ASI. 0011t iott anttd Itt tb te 1 ty iTbe Most orrpete
t7te it ae l lia eniit 1t ilt0atilt 0
Accou nt of Holidays. 110 tee it____________lintyofiii fLitoswtie. 7'I o it th el tt
hAtuteto 111 Igttandl7tu on.aile Il i p ott ow e oo' ~itlt 'tt1 i lots
1114 CKNGVALE y.t yo a(ou 1 Lru1 n Sri 5ttitim. a1Tointt o 3°,8 SOUTH STATE STc
I t h iCto te o it oro 1 to ilt Ito ott0 . I l'i -ttlicu il o t tlo luel a, c A It.
4 11 t iNS DILY ott 4 tltlt ih eevd idac T ef< i ttt Sille init ahc rm}ohe 9 Ad SStetCiao 0 'nerw l laeahsttahisat r F NE RAL
Btet oseit 'T'oeoandt ott 'lutuiut, ttit io11111 rol'o jt'ooi'ry otoe,'.or rttrn t t ioI
depo1 t ibth itlt io. tuttent wo s i n , otteto ntotttu'io'tit tntdreetive tanoter nugttin o' :ut"-DIR ECTOR
T h totttri hepi trt 5R'khtntonand titiBi' ittitte'. turit"g t t' .C 11 i t . "l~ittlototitttic0hatnge't'mbahingouuo ,a oeilty. to £01S 4
(.rn tt iiul ro t tlot.it g Votlt' ...or ilet' S it d ,:to.,stilt', St, tt 1' "I IT,.NI. ALItAPP .'x niotti iitt'nt , iu
L, y. LA ti N1101 A " otdeslou f"'he utr er . Pu215 . Liberty St. uAe. utee 302 nght adayoY s
P'u ritan Soes for AND 3su
-9 IL J6-0 - I Sr. Mnoch Dtrtrl, Lady Asistuut., olwbelitt rutAtlidu EvrKidaF'ame n ms4t EflflOETRE Fnrl ) 'Uiesiy"II Es Photo""""slckIwet a
BohPoe o8 t9W.W hin- No. 116 F. Liery Street. enidenee63 S Shoe Sop E. LambertPos
iou St., Ann Arhor. Futrth Ae. oth Phonrost0.I


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