THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Publisheod Daily (Sndya s pelddring te Collg ya, at _ THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN. orat: Theoinantd Pese, floaig Block. Both Poes. 17. MANAGING EDITOR. N. ENBotocaea 101 L. 13USINESS OMANAGER. O. 11, lAcAN. '00 L. EDITORS. ATHILETlICS,. .. G. 1). Itcaoto'o', '01 1 T. B. WOOttotO'00 L. A.It, MCD0U-L~,'O E A.. G. Botoco. '0. E. . B. Woo. '00, L. J. MONTOoooTc,'O, W. t. lec: ,'c M, 'The Oorhccoprice of th 01.1.1.isc82.0 fo thetol0011000yar, whcit aoregulrcdivercy becoreo oooLclo y. Notics, rooooolootioo, otd othccrcoottiroitendd to polcctoouslt Ito hadd ilto theO DAILY' offic beore ap 1000o trailedi toctho edito befoetop .1 oflct. cly prvousotctiot httr'lhitlchthytre.xpcted o Subcritions macy belftlllat 11he DILY teHICC, %1o1coo, or Stttlitt''o Owtacucd occwihc llcoctct-e Manogc. SOtcbOocll t conferoca fattor y caresto dlieor1p01er. All ccoyco inc advertiingoomattr ctbe ino1 theooficeoby00. mc.octhelday plcvous oto tt~ onawichtcevoareto a*clcO IowasClaim The ll~il c toll tvai elyG tinsath110 1011vcc a.aI:-I"o "Iowa- 0Po!it'ltl . 07'. liSoc:t- 0011 fotbll.i "Haovinig clodthe l soeas1011 011.1 suchl a rematorkatble recoro.ota ntr aly lyclai011m111to hrtilliphllt-l oos. Nto tam cal11 011w iettr s1a- sont'sworkl. Cicaogo at to~t is only equal. VisonclS~ looli tot nma(so 11110 a scccwin11 atgaint Rutsl 00 liii- tisl. Mihlttign. wasotclassed Iby Wisconsin,. an1111a1lyl'ldefeaotedl1liii 11111. I~vrcot101100tacotoet det. 'Oo a casual observr t 1 01 0 11 thiolgh Ioot 10h1110r0a00011to 0la11' tie Champlilionschtipft het Westco.. . 0100' olitoolielltiattlte 10101t001700deseored 0111 it hasorOcCitv01; 10111e00e10tlogi the covtettcit0101i10 11011111it, it 10 conicddto 1111v0 1111010grealtercpro 00000'tiicl- t her 111.0tam lacd to hate w1011fooit 11111101 it' a permanen111'tt ot to . oet.' The Friars Entertain. 'hflo ils u e pt110 011 ope11101o11111 Saturdiay 0evein to tis 'Varity fotbllI taml, tgter 0witi oeh. looerloot. Irraitir Fitpa'trick, ado OitiKtiockeo000 ' 0 lilnii ran0011rit duinglithe011evnig, acdtche Ooc tottocOu sonigsaidoylsou'. 0r000ite11wit011 0(1 011d01111e 010101. Ic rlr, Fizpatickel, llchled, aitCapoitait Snow0we011 .acloi 10n111arcli 00'0 1011.100in11i1hi111111'O he" fitting the happ)1y 00000111, atoutgi 1delo~ring ticnor11 0 tuto 00111e 0. IlT'hanksgiigcly. I4urphyl Goes to Yale. Traitr 01i11c Mu1r11011w01111trainche 10 Universt'ly otlPenn11010 iatrac10111 teamtohis 000111g lst 'i1100 rmoaino in Philadlph~llia afoter Jute, 100. 110 0000s011a10hiccoly rsoci foolea 111g 1Pennsy1'van01111i10hisoduty to Yle ao whoanlleavingOtire' hoisedfl the 0cc boys to rtorn. Th'le Daily hartily congratlats Captain Sow oo ila letion and trusts that ho may have all 0m00000 o succes. 0ndiood 001lckol, witothe result 01100 the chanmpionoip ot the JWet may lodge in Ann Arbor This year at toe;l.nierity o Iowa. the nmembersO. o..1110 1cc-oatitscos1bst tutes, thio 00n0010 andcoacerecon presented with watcht charmsi in t1o hogpe of atooprc-t1lv c'cgrted litle god football,. ile coah, .0. hnipo received a set of nledt-:l lll ooh o0111 the team. 1902 Class Scial. Tho social given by the Sophomore class in Oarbour gymonasiumon 1 Saturoday evening woo one ot the nmost suoceostol Oand enjoyale affairsofo the sort over given in Ann Arbor. 1110class 'ath tito cuaracteristic loy- alty suipported the affair nobly and 000s weli represented. There owao al- 00 ah goodi representation tronto the other classeo, 00 the attenidance' was goodc. 'Atol'tixtly 101up1010 00000 1present00besidesthOusuiocal 001111 boo ot stags who graced the wcalls. The gymnsu was001 si00 mpocly ye00tooatetully' decorated with flacgs, anod yellow and O 1110 buonting. 'lie dancicng 00110000111 hlfutpast eight 0011 a prograni ot 010- 00011 danceso and several extrasa«-0110 finibed betore twtelve o'cl0ok1p0t an en1111 tI0.0'attair., '0ho'ecapeoronsO 00000e Ur. loslier andl Mesdatmes Kel- s0y 01111 te Pont. 'lie 1111110 o ?s furnished 01by thie ( iiluitllgoni or- chestr..T'he comcinittee says1100at t 1111010r0was5as Iltifinancltlil1a1.0 . .0oci11 succesaind hopes to010111 thoulghc otf001000111h001111 10e01ntlohiddurlinlg theiou0001000fctheic collee70010. '1Tle eo 111101110 ' lOcs 1010100001theo 101a11 00o.,u{ 50'? id1110' consists of00 111e'foil 10110 Ailoi hi oillall, chairmanti,~s01100.1 1lo 10', Olios l.'t11c' late't . E-na l.'lhla Rolbert 0C11011, bredl 1Dw1 y' andollPhilip ilcoci 000 'The Bdoers and the Lritish. Proteshor Huodson wcildlivoer til illl110loi c Ode lecetl ro0o01111i1 'Tappan.l Ilanci c0. Octeroontat 4 o'colck, oi "T111 Bltors 11111 0110itritilt.'' '0111 address is 0specially 11001000e1dtfo the t0'1litt lfttile Peda0ggicl socity,'t' 111101promisees t110 0000 intereatinig. 111011c 0( tereste in ote00c111g10are invited olci met;c'oilly tile gni.lolasicI ber 20, 110 0 o'couckb, 11orItie 1purpose CHlAitLElS1. WILLIAIIS. Instruoctor. 0 1 1 1) ct 01.11 .11 17ic"ah n Mnh z "S IY11 d' OiB!!4® r \ f\ \ t t , R F @l. \ \ ae, MF , a Yr r. 4 t SS \ \ g y w Wet feet are often tlie primary ca ruse lof a cold. Remiembller thcat good,lpractliclly otaterproof' j shioes and1abolut~elely waterporoef olvershoes0Sare essetia~ls net lox. 010100. 1011 0011afford 0the ls,. an otd00hlave0 thiebestiat trifliig Glass's Shoe Store- 109 S. MAIN STREET. Open Evenings, Until Christmas An excepltiona~llyAttractiv'o 111 ife lof-en's Folooosliiogs. for01'eIl lillidalys Neckw'ear', Hllose Coatts, 1B1t11Robes, Gloves, Fanlcy Vests, Hosiery, llandkeO chiefs, U.mbrellas, Fanciy shirts 1and11Mufflers. All thio 1000est 0c'ealtionls speciilly adaplted fc,10 Holiday Gifts. laOW1'S Star Clothling House THE ADVENTURES OF A FRESHMAN I>. 0/S SELYNCH IWILh1IMS, cut/i- 'of FIJI: ST0.0N STORY ANl)DOIER NEWSP1APER STORIES" ETC. hiis stirrinlg talle tof college life is Mr'. \ILLIlANTS alloct I nctcci; OO l ; lt clO l lcalrlyOO n andl l E uthymol Iroulncedt- by the N. Y. Eeninzg Sun - a better Tooth 1 Pastepiture of college life thano the lame author's A olco dcl 111l clixlecl ~fcil 2,I , jj llCCtOU ..,t 'iC3 Kwh'ith is now in fl/01, St/i c /iorz) TOOTS BRUSHES TO MATCH I~YI~Ort'0101 OE11 OWllh'iOC 12 U 'S --CiiARLth OCRIBNiEiOS ItINI, PUBLISHERS) NOW YORR. SASADELL'tCif LIGHTING0 SUPPLIES, SHAME, lyp %wr itep Cop,%ying PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A CA LTY0100. S00010R0110 110111 E'11 l AotDoc110T 0.W 01A I.ER QOnly :F4 t ler 100 W'ords. J. F. SCHUt.H, 207 E. WASHIN4 TQN ST. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND! '107 0. V 1' t 1101 AVE.XII Athens8 Theatre BEAN MI. SEABOLT, Manager. GOOD THINGS CODING, GRANGER'S School of Dancing. Privatean c lacss lessons by M~r and Mloc Ross Granger. Offibce, residenoce and acodemy en Maynard-st., opiposite S00001 of Music. Boll 'Phono, 2-4-6. '3ARTYIS NEARLY 3 '11,41HERE In orderincar triages oily not get themouc 10007011canl get yccur order illed cccim0110 wih ac coriooge. oh 'e hcacee addedi lire 010more 0110 clreacdy drge lhocndcodw100h01a0lve tirgest nuticiltr of 1101000in tocw'n chcichc 1011l001n100re ccou0good 000100111.0rice hecooe. Plao 10. 513 East Liberty Street. r fEADQUOflRTE.1C3FOR . : :e=nC Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases Lot co 0Deso crcctilnTRNK AND) 'AL.S1011 EAIINGat. 1Icc ovt Prices. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 Smitlli a iii Street. ANTON TEjUFEL. N A M I44H O.- THE BEST IN THE CITY Guaratleed to be genuine French Endamlteed Calf, with the heat ateot proof,-kid lining. Phone 355 Warranted waterproof.- 119 E. Washington St., APRILL'S SHOF STORE.F CHEST PROTECTORS, 100 TO $3.00 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.