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December 16, 1899 - Image 19

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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..AT...l THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. f or own alminus, Charles Kenuall
A__ damss has eo advancing steadily, and ,
lAK V ithesip lring of r897 te desire fist ,li has tnows an AttmitiitAssciatot 4%5s'
beae atetaoniurau si h t ci s stttsii o otn oya o Wi COUSIN
tlesxdl r niy au n ascain ie-ne r otigi o oal ts di sat-
s draw& [1ALL
fl hle enittitlsied for tee Uisr {s large ninmber of stdeints and or
it. nd whient PresidenittAcitlaleft tiliumni int tstcity now mmstti et svet '4 a
Winter Wra r the hope t at hs n n o an enoragem~ents las bohitlt4
REDUCED be accomplishedfon hi tap a't hefeda socaino eron ~
REDUCED baceonsp stie. Uposi ills tet~nwaic hvrasoraniszed last Jice It ihas _________________
The I]ard of Regentsohad tpnvises1 a -pi ertr.ad is orgniingas e
$25, $20, $18, $16.50 e ntainb hvn a at detis It is 'alo pninsiig to etb
50. ti ie of a part of. Room hi. Ca ses d 1, K thlas istilal sone ario toure s
JACKETS AND CAPES sass n itach etocota~il the cidicett W re n , m e lnotinttwe hveIA I
in ue 1o g iad ates atd 1tots radnte i va l iss ii wil m eaits tro eior t1 11 1
$12.68, whosey aisset s seftom oewitsinther o tog tpa eur rac
isisforteshie otise trtisotinsandielthe 1151lar(.IIVU JL
a $14 5f, slary of thle hetersalIScertar y ado l oa n a ndis wtoi men ts o hia
$15, $ 45 , $14, $13. Inicleks;thbard ef diretors tadcitl, ci t ittci tie ULivieriy of \"ici- _____________________
w hesm frm ar g te atin1111115ngi, tti > toetarc el ihe to 1
i l i n tar iAna \i ner, san a ltFir th brsi n iemlilhillom te AVA (n redaates
JACKETS AND CAPES ;skes estfalu>,rIssir tsdsei tm ,rvisit us . e lrinof te ii e(s/ FvsA fa
vt pln in ttt s r lte isi t t i i is Ij4f "~"
$958lsiieril eib 11Choice
$9 5lca n o eota itsHats hunded's o iseciga'yellgit(S i an
uim m were eslxrnd n o i silrse r n i e i ti 'o
t i eniitlol ist mme 1 ~saofs~iig er Cut Flowers
sir siltoth ladne irri or. S le.r
v. hacikcc& CnrO, i lOm t tipiri 1 autte nltreeB,--
1___________and __a e ie U it i i ie.12th St.
iiiii isneitis[ viii iiit tie i t t u~ s', 'o. iv v
L a m b ve~~~~i iii t e I aits e sio ni te tilitfIt c cn ,ad ay
Lam be &en ais tniheIn the MICHIGAN WOMEN iN JOUR- W~- T'
Spencer et uicti uhc tn tltsnthcou siitvlxsi
31ca T1rTTE S i tilcrei silSillsentO t ee linstlllitat i i i iiietii it sidls s Iee I
t~maut s atiel elites asin ti d Jutvcs iihaelsh is taknins really a IO
l nn Aseecit lns ad t el enstes tattypubliittisns t i a i l,dc tis roil ae
sld ini ltews aditit iesan'I is twil is o elasuet'fPIPE TOBA CCO.
siElc ~atr iie uig te asliiel, wedbyel l~tie ci \oh -i STAEBL &C.
sam hetet set etrit it sie lrger t111111 ae iv n oosis mtS aisspruites 3 a s n lrSr.ANS
a p~ isisiss en s isur s gtliens sut by te stissiesss. I' T -------
FR U T Sii rg itemihatpesonasiot hiiich Isseisli en ssssenes to Banc eleft1til e snsits
tiOumelua lt i inte isspiring rter liies s l se d pc s se iiin sitfte f'Liii, t ill
uscale e Niespon itisve ssnd ss stil six ntesi tiile eav e oe i noiimta ressnl f ~ i, J
FR U ITS Isci odae ptogaeind athselvs til the U sisslbeen te insirtisseft snare
lisAt ivby roising' a c5 erin innstil t he'sre , lonslg its titlst 5eager r ediers.
it ,wclst fundfsis. liio tis u d thIh ol B e i is ile esc sut
Specialty f eof the O s si ts deeds sinse rivaliiofiialltieotitlis issers nteitr
lte ie it t siy ll slits te v 1ary i n i l i- i i ts i t ie
o nsi i s i s t . I l e p u s n d s I i s t d a e i I ystil l s i ls. s a
G o o s risng te fndis t lowitseacsellutesto be sdsts by saheissshi teer i
Ba fi cnus Good ledge tessistof tslit y fie dot tresnfriTile fact emn ta
la7 iso itspod isssann alisa mts ofsi ctfie dursillsg its illetenteas's nbrat
sr srveliiilliatss, it ibeisg itder slilitood ihat it Ih s lead Illes weis stntseitorlis adscicciiiR
______________________________f,________ fist'fuls of ts stmonsey thus pitchiss riiiutrs i t s 11ny 1oti'h sle ' per sliest' FO
,ball he dep sit it h tils esteasrrof;n ht hetsilsi itlack sccedci n
the U isisersits'sas tirsart of t sedos i g i gi t stily tsosgthtie irt too
l it ischiris s ausl e dlion1 Imals'ie teye'rs oa tiss italitleexisence, its Feh-
he Most ,sioeisiliiiips' e ssen. Its si nhtiale'rua T Mr y isE. liats itit edi as
sensues'sfri miillel f s a e silliscut io othiiii le oasrcifit ttilsitilliis.l'e55t tterPh t N v te
Complete L ici alfulis ai niissifte 'sie ti'iiass o e ies t ha51 lit imett i is Fline P tl'~ v~t
Line of tlis tIideis nstll eict-d toilayaydus]ae It t teay growthiiifromussa
'stes' tethisis-fies dolar;h asi ben ' o' of'.sit ttuth i ' i t' sin, ed stlls til
p~d atJunea re Is nuitsr ofitsit th te lutst approvedcidiiit lto a rouhst~
s Ie rda i clas jine ti soi a weci v,ts sit i ds-ankevti ersees FOR
kosvne"' an sisy f he ilns uegedl thrnin aiitllsllgetafair'
h e t fe cte o b caste esdowiss mus bers. fTh fii ft 5r strtec y hi te cas Ii
thsitr stoil l catue oil ithle ysrtisii h55 sisositfI kellsits editoiatl thins
Cbocolatcs li. esetisgs at itscentitiionss Ihlit-i The H ol idiays.
Can be lfound Ste hv pkn o h it n rw m rto h aiehsntbe 1 tgo t fte-tssciast is hat t en tush lls desessiIe'y than nsrnet
sun' its reali tuutei 5is? IThe sillily usasy, sut all thinsilly stil ad ed
T U ' , l e esu intsotwohi rsti tosIIaadserti se mletl rilstis i slitestpes T hlee
1u "ill E S ie (m~sit toash iinoits avnei lce i ehav ubencutsi n its elititorusus ftcast
n iii 1n ry listsandtdepthet;eu see- tills i te St's11, i'll otill) sittotileomaeast Exchange
i'iiiii,,to lucitshi hAlumi. Init er-ts risbutig i stm u sh is regul ty hisisnu
338 o uth State Street. firusussi ofe t isat l t ies funciosnt, the these one itseets tie alles of Mtadte
Ali Ass i tin it ie p Mii gan nets Ca ld e rrs, wses a prh ig sirk,
andh swomuensinfoiirmuei ofiecis other ad asuaftitusifsure itt thein sussuge nitu l,h Li .
of thur Utnivesits. Ientis ils es' sre sut Rihirs: Ue'trust e SundsueradIssiu t iunALtKIdNStor
f lly a ue hsu itai l thus assistanceis si .toiohecs, w o tru s to e hope,sill
to thu fre nt oic ft te Uivisersity, and nolo wutu er siui1suho \ k t n tiel
titus hun ipresene itf uivs itshun fieldlwsars lure frontusltensitusre I I aeta R
Ladies' Trade Solicited. titlist thuse nessity o ass quickilsis' d a ntluse; UsBa els1.. Hotms iui
efetiely a ecrussgo nie tF oitithin alum-si holis i ali rit e s rl oer ei nltl
nsuesistn iti~uni tisl usli susets rlseeU Hom-re Baking.
iiioittthur Iasernisitlutionuls se hase nt tsIut tt tulsaho tells iso roi e-htofaorhyaecos nly nd al ahrad;( i-t c B ca ndi
efienisely itatirk t kes en iEaterni hest oi tuhers twhots ttwor'k is wsithyusoea
-suduentsto te a t elnd they ae sieisd msenioniuusOCie is plassedI te fndel C1
sehlship aesu su ne s trnag ifuencrises risducstin fotm te punit s i iiehersC a
st wan ork t veie their respeiesi oasa thur classes f 88, '84, 'Snatd even so
gufst aidllegacises. ITle effets of this Michigansdo t silforges huelcl elege
sipott 'tiehlan a is uy he sein ite fal- thurl h. of 1\ut , hn v ,afere ayea's
in off iminumiuhets of students e'oiiint rial, founit was suns goodetfusem iuststo
i~I [d f oiste fomerlsuy regiterd a Bce was eleedee a msrnemeof he staff,
grea man. B t inthe utue wem iSt saou fo e rsel llaienivial Orders taken for Baking, Salds, and
G o s hate tiorte Ito ent fronimtwitrivals it reputatioss acollege correspondent fnr
out wn im iatdne field -Wisotsin h Derit Evenitg News eser tir pet all Pastry Supluis
'.zo ds iclwao'Therare rusmorsthatthe nameucKttCrew. Unforuntealy for
tatprogess and anhtlougahsslur neel ntnheajournaslismiu its aecepedia psiioni as in

featred sow, the itar may cme when tssrutornof Englishs is Vassar, svhereashe L b rt tr e
Stabler's Art Store 217 So. 4th Ave., beatise of lirre oxniumity we mnay need is considered oneurof the strong membnlers .IF
New Stte 73. to lake her itosaccount. But Wisron- of the faculty. She devotes her literary ..ier y S r e
snUniversity. under the matiagetment talent nowsyitlly to educational lines. Just off of State Street.

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