foliday Olfs The Finest Assortment, as usual, can be found at WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELRY STORE. Don't go home without a "Michigan Pin" of some kind. WILLIAfl ARNOLD, Jeweler + Them + O +. $ AA.A PARLORS.y 309 South Main St., + 4. 4. 4. Hnn Hrbor, Nich. 4. C. 4 Col lege MUomen and all other women will find at Lovell's Corner Store Corner State and Wilinss Sts.,aa Choice Line of 15oliday Novelties Especially Hand Painted Cards, Mexican Hand Carroud Leather Goods, tc. LOVCll's U. of M. Calendar Packed ready for maiing, SOc. ....AT.... WAHiR'3 BOOK PRICES SHATTERED Entire Stock of Holiday Goods at Discount Prices. JANICE MEREDITH, - $1.00 RICHARD CARVEL, - $1.00 DAVID HARUM, - - $1.00 SANTA CLAUS PARTNER, $1.00 EDUCATION OF MR. PIPP, $4.00 Wahr's Bookstores STATE AND MAIN STS. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN DAILY IN THE TIME OF THE OLD.REGIME. preciation of what has been accom- u Th gauae fthrt eas g i r-puished is correspondingly increased. i'$ti BThe graduate of thirty years ago in re- But it is when the graduate under the turning finds little in the University of old regime examines the modern univer- the present to remind him of the uiver- sity methods, appliances and opportuni- sity of his student days. In the faculty ties that he realizes the changes that a cIn a ey list, his eye meets bet two or three quarter of a century has wroeght in his correct shape, names that call up memories of the past. alma mater. He realizes then that the WE HAVE IT. As he wanders about the campus he dis- University of today is much more an in- covers an occasional landmark, but in stitution of the people than was the uni- You want the correct color, the main everything is changed. Even versity of his time. He realizes that it University Hall, ancient and historic as has become an important factor in the WE HAVE IT. it is to the present generation of stu- intellectual life of the state and of the dents, is new to him. The wings, per- great northwest. Some of the changes You want it to wear well, haps, have a familiar look, and per- have, of course, been due to increased chance he may find in them the north numbers, but the most of them to im- WE GUARANTEE IT. and south college halls of his day. But proved methods and improved appli- he seeks in vain for the "old chapel" of ances. When the writer entered the You want to pay as little as the north hall, where Professor Win- University in the fall of 1867 there were possible, chell in eloquent periods expounded the ifl all departments about twelve hundred mysteries of the universe; where genial students. The entire literary depart- OUR PRICES ARE LOW. Professor Tyler in elegant and pointed ment was easily accommodated for comment "toned down" his too ambi- chapel exercises in the law lecture room, tious oratory, and where good Doctor as it was for lectures and recitations in Cocker, full of heart and enthusiasm, five or six small rooms in the north and conducted him so pleasantly and so south college halls. Laboratory instruc- Foster' Human Intellect and Thomp- try. The seminary method had not then MAIN STREET, Opp. Court louse. son's Laws of Thought. He fails to rec- been adopted. All of the instruction in ognize the old mathematical room in the history was given by one professor, and office of the Treasurer of the University, the exercises consisted of recitationsFor the and in the laboratories of the south wing based for the most part upon indifferent / of University Hall; he finds nothing in texts. One professor was burdened with Holidays. the surroundings to remind him of the all of the work in English literature, 4 class rooms of those learned and inspir- rhetoric and oratory. The practical ing teachers who did so much for classi- work in writing and speaking comprised I have cal scholarship n the northwest-Profes- two declamations in the freshman year, . the nor Frieze and Professor Boice. The tao essays in the sophomore year and Largest Museum in the north wing he finds has short "orations," as they were called, de- line given place to laboratories and class- livered by the seniors at Saturday morn- I &Mof 4 rooms, as has the civil engineering de- ing chapel exercises. In addition to 1 Trunks, partment in the south wing. He fails to this was the speaking by six or eight Valsas, locate the halls of the Alpha Nu and anmembers of the class at the "junior ex- Dress Suit Literary Adelphi, memorable to him by hibitionn," so called, and at the public ex- ... Cases reason of the many and heated debates ercise of commencement. The speakers 4 and upon such grave questions as those for these occasions were chosen by the Telescopes growing out of reconstruction and the faculty. During the writer's attendance in the adnmission of swomen to the University at tlan University, there was no ntree- ""city Upon inquiry, he is told that these, too, tion given in political economy or politi- at have been appropriated for other pur- cal science, none in international law and Lowest poses, and that the societies are now none in the science and art of teaching. Prices. housed elsewhere. He remembers that The elective system had not as yet been in his day the buildings of the campus devised, and all students who were can- were the north and south college halls, dsidates for a degree were obliged to the law building, then new and supposed take a prescribed course of study. There 307S MAIN to be large enough for all tane, the medi- was one particular, however, in which STREET. cal buildng, the small chemical labora- the University of Michigan, even at this tory and four houses, one occupied by time, had taken a marked step in ad- the President and the other three by vance, for there had been establishedI-I ic IDrv-h -c professors. The medical building alone what were known as the parallel courses .. J3U I L) t I 1 & ... seems unchanged. He soon discovers . of study. These offered different and that in the civil engineering building, distinct lines of work and led to differ- the homuopathic building and the den- unt degrees. The historic classical tal building are the professors' houses of course was retained, and to it were his day; that the presidental residence added the engineering course, the scienI ^ has been enlarged and modernized tific course, and what was then knownk, I[ V almost beyond recognition; that the Ias the Latin-scientific course. This de- chemical laboratory, the only laboratory parture was the opening of the way for upon the campus in his time, has been so the broad and liberal policy of the pres- ALL KINDS Or FIRST-CLASS expanded by successive additions that ent time in regard to elective work. there is little about it to remind him of In the professional departments the BAKMD GOODs. the modest structure of former years ; changes of the past thirty years have not and that in the law building of today been less marked. Under the old nothing remains to indicate that some re gie the course of study in medicine V nere winin its waals is conceaed tie aind in law was but two years of six building that inmhis time accommodated months each. The instnrction was en- - not only the department of law but also tirey by lecture accompanied by an oc- the general library and the students of casional quiz, and in the law department the literary department when gathered particularly there was no attempt at as 43lidI for chapel exercises. As he looks about graded course. The individual work of him and notes the growth and expansion the laboratory and of the section quiz i oo k upon the material side that the develop- was unknown. These important de- ment of the past thirty years has made partments were not as yet organized O pening necessary, he can not but be impressed upon a university basis, but they had with the rigorous life of his alma mater. upon their faculties great men and great While, with a few exceptions, he sees teachers whose learning and personality nothing in the architecture to commend and enthusiasm compensated very SATURDAY, DEC. 16. and much to criticise, yet he feels that largely for defects in methods and or- there is about it all something that rep- ganization. resents a remarkable and healty growth. The old-time graduate in returning is He realizes that this has become one of not more impressed by the changes in the great educational centers of the buildings and grounds and methods Sheehan & C o country, and he is found to be one of the than he is by the changes in the life and sons of so great a university. He may diversions of the student community. State Street. know something of the financial difficul- New elements have come in since his ties with which the authorities have had day, and he soon discovers that there to contend in order to bring about the have been innovations that in his time changes that modern methods and a would have been regarded as somewhat 4 largely increased attendance have im- startling and perhaps of doubtful propri- l lr 1 1tlrf peratively demanded, and, if so, his ap- ety. Of course the first to attract his at- _V_ F . 'Oi i I F