THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S440'4444-f-f4f+444414ff4* and prophecy of his fitness to afterward Both services meet a need which is rec- D. Rl. TINKERl & SON' foccuov tie chair made vacant hy the ognized. f 4~~ death of the tamoecfedDr. Cocker. The courses of Bihie study are uni- HTESADFRIHR the truest friends of the University de- college associations of te country. Headquarters for v soutty -ray that such sceoes cay often( They treat of the life of Christ, the life h e retpeated iii years to coime. tndwitritings of Paul, Old Testament HAnS. CAPS, Moo'S PURoNSNGaS fDelos Fall, 'c5. characters and the Gospel of John, and and Coplteetine of GYMSI UXn f* Albion Michigan. are preseiited in a four years' curricu- GOOns sod SWE'ATERS. 0fE j: inn. Over a hundred men have thusAGNYFRLGEYHT Stdns'Crsia socain far enrolled in the classes, and theirAGCYORLNEYHT jf SuetChitaAsoito.faithfol attenodance hespeaks their ap- 334 South State Stree versoy wa orgaizedthe Uion is- ati systheic .Bihleuy- aim it ,~f $Ihd~Ii~1~ + O ilL L + Aimong sloe first students of the Uni-, help students to acquire the hahit of f* inr Sceyo Inquiry. In 185~8 this. of far greater value than any knowledge- f oit eaeteStudents' Christianl that night he gained. Cn o e a nSnes f fIt first occupied a room on ttse fourth Capital,$,000Surl5sep, $00,000. Transactsi floor of the south wing of University ;The Hospitality of the Churches. gennal honking buniness. + Hall. In 186f4 it mooved to coons p oppo-.___R osPo. C.E eon. ~ePo * site tisc treasurer's office IFRED. H BELSEs, Cashier. Departm ent NeweThyHallwasrit of the churches of Ann FRTMTnA s nasmed hy Mrs. Newherry of D 'torda ecmtitrs nan gIIL nod06 ' coda ecm oth hog ffwhouis onor of see hushand, Ihs'gate tetrog fyoung + J. S. Newherry, soho contrihuted largely peopi who gather hero for purposes of Ceais,55tsS.ep bingse soreign50, 44 towaordithe huildinsg. rstudy. ee asbenspcalmehi. oghlt end soldi. Furnish littrsof * ~~~~~~~~~~More room is not injurious to the do- Inpecigtrehsbnseiaeed. *out of many other phrases of Christian jtion for the work of life, and to win S..CLRONasirVc-e. *work. thens to the service of God. S .CAISO ahe The ssoiahsinis t hoe n icns-varousy ounig people's societies of the f'r sjl~ * heevessciaiof dentt hme tochesmpreeminentlysin- Cai n Sto$0,00SoWiiRUS$150, Former Price hers and friends each Friday eareiIgiof variosrchurchesmare lI( * h olg ea. T ee"thrrc"ae;etsocieties.Cailstc.Rou e,, uru,$5,0 . 25 a 0d 30c thf olg ea.Tee"t 1osr t Bihle classes for students has always Riesourese, s1,500,000. bcmnveypopular. Teyare al- onizediunderetheoGeneealBanhing Laon ways enjoyahle adotna useans o cuidapoietpaei h u-o hsstate. SRercevesdeposite, busnand sells fforinig pleasanit and endrin frend day schsools. One wvho is familiar with eschoange on the peincipal citieo of the United f ship. ..itg many special courses of lessons pro- Statee. Gerafts eashed opoan peopee identification. tildff tdns ncneto ihSafety deposit hoses to rent. 'floTe Associationts sa lbayof 1300 vddfrsuet ncneto ih OFFICRanS:Cheriian Mach Pren; W.0.Harni- No voue4 ndtems cl tera bly the different churches canisot hut he our- asas, Vice-Pen. tChao. E. iteecek. Cashiers M. f cdigros ntect.prissed at sloe range and variety of topics J. Peito, Asitant Cathier volad 2 csTe Sunaosdsornistgcmpletengpuaripreseiteidanti atcisce emiinent ahility sf. J, moO O, PainS. Slli ~ 15 and 20s at2 proita turnn retiS.C.Aewhich has freely devoted itself to this WTK. SEAsn , etV cepe sfT 4fHessrtsdgiestde ntfiseebtngtoutsideo listu-sdents- guilds, already eslah- Joas.C. WALnZ, Asst. Cashier S VINGsS 4fsoanstdnofmeigotielsi evrlp,+of college salls-this tiiiecfor ovorship. the rsevea rgal oftils church ers ndlNK The Ws5ediiesday evenisng prayer imeet- siiiarognztnswchtes 1 E4 HA i&n0nasg from 6:45 to 7:3o, are lively, en- toart' contemplating, would of themselves Transacts a general H E E H A N & COB fstic as t-be sufficientthsatcsiiulmeig iha t witness to the deep interest Blankinig Busins f ednc ffom1ot 15 hchi et ntereligious woelfare of _____________ f* UNIVERSITY .320 S. State 4fts Iie ffroisteoruass BibleC3a. rshe studects. . BOOSELER Stret wrk, tI fDid0cscn re g aihcCsr- Ev'eniiiore conspicuous, if possihle, is"Asieta f BOKELR®in oi'l aimi icgnr uce the adaptation of te social life of te ( 0(TO *4 to iv and 'sist tu Otiet toniduict tBilieicchurches to teoccident populatiois. So-pieu p ffss~ff44++4*444444-44444 classes, Pots of whoae ce.rptionuallycIsalotinmrbepvdepo- wieliipyeforecluercthetworatiosi of-acquaint- G QIS 'r one reason v OST sonlisfor floe years Itade a s sec- tace sfrthcluecltoisesatiostf cuial Pp U. o11 M. Barber VPR 3 tHS tlctiip Tim Onlq OnesnItilty of Bilicail stuidy st Chicago Ussi- acan' h eloeismsloril obacco ' h l n Shop and Bath theo cite. Rea-sri tity'ITlure tire at pttesint over 200 Nothuing would fbcesmore 1hcattily wel- c-a = whyaldhEn toal ae.enle l ieclatsses. coiedt bytsechclurchses thsassany sg- 5IEosiFPanase S, dgsh Curve R OOMlS, 000 STATE. . .Tneianaashs The pirst memubiership is 543. Of gestios ich bdsosuldrustier sutre effi- Y these s26 sate joinedc this college yer. cieuut his wourk- us Ibis cdirections. T _b The salutatuiosn of tcluchles to the Cut pipe to. I lIP uuteuusluertofthte stustenst comuniuity is, W R E BAIRB[R"Cncadlc cl),,i The Student Volunteer Band. Csoriiilencttc. Give cts the in- -hac so GU~l-,'PsNrEE.P3Sn 0TIOOFOSCTION suiration of your prcesnce. Let tus hepoua. -'r aesusie twtors pfloe studen'tts ihelpfuil to you in every wvay practicahle."poua tINIVlERSIIY SCHOOL OF tiittn ute teted,,, The curved Jj i Jna is tantire Ibandiedtogiesther 1yia :sl's 's'ts't' SLEaItIt'OND UA siuita lt ittin bo tutTNSA HS ox that fits any pocket is another Geynl ' inn aiMnay cc ~l dn:"ltierBantd. 'Ithis isreatlly aut 55A~l3.5ioH.reason. No other pipe tohacco has ever tGIIil ca sWd.,t5 0 )1). arat ufa secraou rt'uti ia sst ,tima e ilt) PINK HBROS., Instructors of S1111i,1us siups 'if p sirs 5,555 mission-i 1 kct *i~crI I ,the0 touithagnt Offioe and Academy, Nickel Rail, 33d-"33t 0.0Site n olgsiote cry stud, sils i' so tots ii ioftuit sleteps is 17e-made as many friends in so short a time. ______head__fosiutarttrs inoNess 'ock City. This L;:ecn iso t a i l , )s totpi. T'sLur-ut it disapoints no one." __________________ is irs erelated in is i 555.55 gru surs 5ti 51 p l ill lave lict-0 e, k !s3"P 5 CAIL HOLIUY OFFER 'i t te ole depiaurut i f teIi n iter 1husi.i5tti3at 11205 2no5n5n5t055 itto 550 nainl .1. C. Ak., taeino- s, 0111- 'outsnit tout ,ituusestanto mrisk,'as A trial box will be sent to any one havc exprssedlit. te foreignti ss iousRostun 5:50 irit ttatt eeningtuog tess anywhere onreip of ten cents in (lue oftIs deartmet o f the. 's 1 C. 5 kid't esc'. hiatoto i' siotiso, 25.00l. l s eep $3.00 is)lrstsitIislS stseVsouscervt silliiadsvrasue. Ticet Office, 9i slamps. Address Old English De. ans tefreus itsimilar celatioshtti p SidamsS tretiCelhicago. 7f parunsene, The American Tobacco iLLAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN Isot la its aulse es N -. .Co., Ill Fifth Ave , New York City. PES , fii.t'l'g.LOST- A pir of sicilver'-bowtedtspec. l sOlEN)(f theuen s siona .usries o Alll d..~ss , ~ ,-. ,- ealers sell it. sciii, postpaid, outa ekstrltc rui If atos iosut ouye, Wa aUY If itndoes.notsuite tn AD.~ Es tA ' IAny say yoa figane IitY RarT l I Tis uistestpen mae. Hc Oe stll I isyornitonceto tet it-PINEST ' QUnAvasY DIAMsOsD Passe GO suit fromtslure owithisthecppst twoca , sO adLibs crty. Fotter retun to six tate lbenploysiciasus, three hlsty1s06tHill tush receiveurewoasrd. 70 istes.southndcite pastor. These trio hissv 'sN tEsD to ceit skelehto, prefer- "scatteredto sthic followssing countis'al islutet. (tood cute takoeni. Afriest, Arabia, Turktey, Isndiass, am, sAddress ,'sis'dietil Studect, care ut 'Alaska anth Cutbai. Disc University hits MH cot aews tanud, 6007 EWilliam st. grurhuatestseventsy-fitve muissionars.r69 Devotional smuetings arc held every Satcurdasy tight for clue ipurpose osf dcc- LSTFiayii.Stbtwe h eunisugst'espiritualitves 5o1the memrstilirt tanisP.ty', Dcc atOrm, anciss-c l tutu fictttug themi smore compltely for'fohntionopen 0(0.,as sub). aeuisles .iheir fsstore work. I.asue at Stewiardso office or at U. of Ma. Dtaily'office etcthir Oly ier'ensen t ees ____ teelths f er. iug sctl r University Young Men's Christian 134-Agit o nve enin uefu- 'rA ness-lice u ofsahattanrSh iirta just Iqnan astttcontati'pleitasnt e sasdc f i gsr Association. ina st Staihso, Ryan & Iteule. See I Otindorue oedreisin ct cdethrus. S. Mbainsotr. Ge oro re neryodrtotday. Sae whuotihelady'tsuer The homse of she Universisy Y. H. C._________ getsu's styic is desiredi. Addees A. is Buckets and Mc~illan Halls, doe- LS s~ os ua usas LAGLNMF.C. nec of State and Huron sres Mc- Kodk ugtwt-hr.Fne MilnHail is equipped wtresd Kisnig 129 Giswold St., Detni,Mih rono auditorium, baihs, gymnasium trill plealceave same at Arnold's jewc REERNC: * and howling alley. Tihe Tappan library etry store, or return it to soe and ce- AnBakoDtrosl. npnyi of 6,ouo volumeo, with disc exception of ceuve another nugget in exchange. ___________ the Unversity library, the most valuable H. M. WALLAUE, ___________ in the city, is also to be founded here, 2105E. Liberty St. and is available for the public. Sackset 2Y-. k ;3p0 HSts~fif~l~~pfy~>- : all, used as a dormitory for about a Ti you are snaking for a Xmas gift far Try The...( score of men, is a denier from which theagetmnsewhthyhvet '5 work of the Association is carried on. Nlesat seeCohat he hoe ate NOR H IDE 'A Tiherer are two weekly religious meet- ceig LAU NDRY A ingo, one Sunday afternoon from 3 to 4, _____ and the oserviceuisdaay efrmeeig resfrhsnwBne. THO. OEPror 10o7:30.Th address which is given Studentu who wiah to make money 0003 Broadeway. 457 Belit'Phour Sudy fernoon is not a lecture but a during the Chriotmas vacation should helpful personal talk to young men. The see Schleede, 140 S. State ot., to tako THOSE NOBBY GOLFS MIL WARD AN XMAS GOFT OF HANK'S CAN- DIES will be gladly received by sweetheamt trite, usethea or babies. Everyone horns our deliecious, puae and high gradeon0 fections, and a gift box or bashed wall aid in making the holidaya happy and full of nweetness far the recipient. Oar prices will enable you to make a hand. same gift at a reasonablo coot. 100 East Washington Street. 3156 South State Street. NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.