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December 16, 1899 - Image 15

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-12-16

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'itE 4 ;-- ! Lt1 1 1 t) fit IIsIUAN MAui1

W Track Athletics. marching, Swedish and artistic gymnas-
tics, series of exercises with dumb-bells,
ATHL TICc.c Indian clubs, chest weights, and wands,
. TIL[T.S . . . < iisigan will ndoubtedty continue to as well as exercises with heavy appara-
uphold her fine reputation in the depart- tus are included in the general plan.
-MIss KATHERINE G. HINE, EDITOR. a nent of track athletics this year. It was Helen Bender.
hard luck alone that prevented her from
M1444MV4MlAMJMMM.AIM MMMFAMMY MMMMMM WM MAMMMM Jti adding another championship. With iWYWWWWWWWWYWwtwWWM
could.sot e foreseen and therefore Keene Fitzpatrick to look after this
The Athletic Association. ot b avoided. year's team, Michigan need not fear the 1(ELIGIOUS LIFE.
ybelieft iresult. All of last year's track men are
The Athletic Association this year contralized entirely in Ann Arbor is the a, with the exception of two, and MissMaRYODAR, Editor.
numbers some over six hundred, about only one which can ever successfully McLean has been re-elected captain, oMfMscMMMsMM.MM MMMM11t11N
seventy-five of whom are girls, a much run forty-two school teams with inex- which is another evidence of success
better showing than last year when the perienced ad self-centered aags We will be especially strong the run- Religious influences in the Uni-
femunioe members could almost he their ecads. An unchanging and strict- nig events, and a host of heavy and
feminte nme'bes couldger s.te thr cexperienced men have entered who will versity.
counted on one's figers. But the girls ly enforced schedule, made out here, and try the field events. It will only be a
have decided that the boys have mon- adopted by all the entering schools, is question this year of which college in The religious atmosphere of a large
opolized the good things of this life al- the only one which can have any the West can make the best showing university is created by the students.
together too lonu and are beginning to strength. No one regrets more than against us. After all that may be urged in relation
utter strenuous protests against a fur- this year's management that some teams Arthur D. Brookfield. to the other factors that enter into the
ther continuance of it. We are interest- have not had as fair a chance as others, religious situation, we must still believe
ed in athletics and are proud of Michi- and that considerable expense has been B L P that the student body exerts the chief in-
ganss standing and the idividual men~-involved in bringing teams together, but Bs lProspects. fluence in this regard. New students
hers who have made it what it is, and it must be remembered that this is the are, as a rule, influenced more by the
should a careful canvas of the girls in first time such a scheme has been at- Generally speaking, the prospects for moral and spiritual standards of their
college be made, there is no doubt but tempted, and that suggestions for future a championship baseball team for next intimate associates than by any other
that many more would join the Asso- use will be very welcomely received and sprig are most promising. To fill the external cause.
ciation. The reason that many are not applied where feasible. positions left vacant by Miller and Lunn, In 896-97, according to the religious
members is that they have not been suffi- In conclusion, let me say that it is my swe have an abundance of material. In census taken in that year, about 57.5 per
ciently urged, nor have the numerous firm belief that if more arranging is left fact, never before has there been so cent of the students of the University
advantages to be gained by so doing to the various school managers, the In- uch good timber for the coach to work of Michigan were members of churches.
been placed before them. There is but ter-schoastic championship of Michigan on. As regards pitching, it seems cer- Besides those who reported church
one question we who are members wish will never again be decided. tain that from the twenty men m col- membership, there were nearly half as
to ask: Where is the girl's tennis court? A. G. Broeene, lege who have had more or less expe- many more who attended church. The
Of course it exists somewhere, for we Int. Schol. Mgr. rience i twirling the ball one can be proportion of church membership and
weere promised it some time ago, but as rounded into 'Varsity form. The pres- church attendance is said to be higher
yet we have not been able to discover it, Basket B ence of so many men who have had ex- among the students of the state unver-
and we fear lest the boys should think e a. perience assures a batting and fielding sities, as a whole, than among the young
is non appreciative of our privileges un- team of first rank. And this fact will people of the same age, in the states im
hess we make use of it soon. For the casual visitor, or the average do much to offset any possible weakness which these universities are situated,
K. G. H. spectator in the gymnasium, much of it the box or behimd the bat. But, if who do not go to college.
the drill work, such as bells, foils, and Michigan is fortmuate in having an The religious life of the student body
. clubs, is most attractive; but for the abundance of material, she is equally at the University of Michigan is char-
Michigan in Athletics. girls who are actively engaged us the fortusatein ithat the men themselves are acterized by toleration and freedom
work,. no part of it calls forth a more mostl cthusiastic over the coming sea- from cant. Hypocrisy does not thrive
Vith the recrit shoswing mnadeby the lively interest than the game of basket son. Never before have they been so her, amd the close contact of represen-
asestern universities in football, and the anxsous to see te rage agam sung u tatuses of sany religious denominations
rorresposding recognition received by The game was developed a few years the gyn'asim. It seems safe to prer tends to promote good undrstaoding
ihigan at the sands of the eastern ago so the Y. M. C. A. gymnasia, and is dirt, that with such good material and and cordial fellowship.
critics, we come to a realization that as rapidly increasing in popularity. so much spirit manifested, McGinnis The religious work of students for
an athletic factor, the University of 'fhe University of Michigan girls do will have the honor of captaining a students, carried on by the two Chris-
Michigan is entitled to a position among not play it according to the Y. bd. C. A. championship tears. .tia Associations and the Young Peo-
the leaders. rules, however. The game here is F. H. Lancashrep. le's Societies of the different churches,
A1i theories regarding the supremacy played from an educational standpoint, is well directed and effective. Most of
of eastern teams are now exploded, and and aims to develop one both mentally Women's Gymnasium. ste organizations are hampered by lack
the west will now come in for a share and physically. To accomplish this, the if funds; with increased facilities the
of the honors it has so long deserved. set of rules evolved in the Ypsilantit . good work accomplished by them could
None of the western universities have gymnasimt has been adopted. . The work.in the Women's Gymna- ie msltipied ten-fold. According to all
surpassed Michigan in the excellence of ters ar several advanages of the sist egas with great imerest slis year indications the work of the associations
her teams, the fairness of her dealings, game played thus. It does not require The classes are larger than heretofore the present year is fully as strng as at
aid th stability and strength of he ts- too violent physical exercise, therefore and all are doming good work. Every af- any previos period.
ti poliev. it tis possible for all the girls to take ternoon at three oclock there is the us- Francis . Kelsey.
We now occupy a leading position in Part.'there is less random playing; the ual hurry in the locker room and i inlaheis hc swl otfe ednytwrs ogns saodd pt ftefc httero svr
national athletics, ohica is we fortified teddiny towvacds reughmess is avoided; anettet.xat tfrrennuo n The Early lneligiousLife.
v a oystrum ecnbracmg a soudess amid amid wetshertie gd trai k is de- here is seldom a complaint made. II
permtnsncv f couns, augnmet by veloped. It is a scientific game; it de- is to be hoped that next irear will find It may be of interest to ive a brief
the support and encouragement of a loy- mands a clear, cool head and quick de- he Women's Gymnasium completed. account of the origin and development
al student body. The University of rision. itiich of the success of the game 'snti our locker rooms are more spa- of one great revival of religious interest
Michigan only reqires the lastig co- epends upon the presence of mmd, self yis on ete equipped se can macciy whirh oreurred so the year 1871. Alt
operation of these elements to atta a control and ready judgment of the play m the m t cum ul r attec' ual 'Day uf Prayr fun Colleges"
standinisg in tshlestics secondmito noise itns.si
mimencosusuty. t s t rhere is especia streigmtheng .f the sich is necessary to the success of the had been previously established and was
Wil LD ces n as msls u bsdstework. observed by the suspension of class
thihhiamL . Day. chest ad aitmusces, t bristles e ihe classes are called in at tes min- work for the day and the holding of
sphysicn bxrsefit arissg fos set ax s liuafter.3 every day. They are five is speial meetmings bothi t the day and
Inter-Scholastic Football. ein exercise, ies is safe asses t that nube ginuding one section each of eveng. iThese meetings had scarcely
--o imhe t inndalto receivesits shameofinch-second and third year gymnasium st-i produced the effect which the Christian
T-s t oFmeth. e ments and three sections of first year stu- friends of the University had desired
Tie terSchogastic football cuhemi- rsm thi large atiodaued nt thie sme ents. Each section meets three times and when tie students of the S. C. A.
noted Tianthsgivig afternsoo shes gdasiu hts yer n wie should hive soe aiweek. The Freshmen classes occupy looked for the cause they thought it was
Pttie devoftie chanpinssip of le good maeri, anmd ih steady israisesthe 3 oclock hour every day and the 5 to befound m the fact that certain well
stai. defatg ainwett by a score of se mope fme s r exciting mlerclass ao clckhour i Mondays. Wednesdays meanmig but inconsiderate men invari-
6 to 5 it as fast aid prety a ga e as is gams.tyr Sremgi ofourea ld payrso f ad Fridays, the remanmg hours being ably took up all the time in long and
been piye ta Regent's Field this sea asth year arteagai ready for faion s taken up by the second and third year tiresome remiscences of their early
son. Bohis utes stosed positbiitirs of Tmessutheo is favrsl Iers an classes. On Fridays visitors are admit college days. A special meetig of the
emais tring futre, 'Varsity t ramass-ry dpurogr mthrmil ce v sayer, std 5o0 ted to the gymnasimss, and there are of- S. C. A. was held i the old hall in the
good o maesia ichme otaseteeprimaryduth er stiltbe humactrchoisecos ten two or three dozen enthusiastic spec- south wing on the evening preceding the
object of tie she te. teststinoscidewtitchh aonsi.p D .tators in the gallery. The enthusiasm day of prayer. It was one of the most
Constiderig the fact tha tsns thed MaudeL.Daley runs especially high when the second remarkable the writer ever attended. It
first year that the idea ts een carried sand third year classes plav basket ball. was conducted in part by the Rev. Sam-
nsou, and that thereeserfortytwo The Golf Club. I his year the t reshmen have taken a uel W. Duffield, then pastor of the Pres-
siscuos enixed from talt ern theistate hively interest in the game. Applia- byterian church. Ihe session was con-
intuding six from th vUtper Pen lssuTa, L ions for admission to the teams have (n tued until long after midmight, the
every detail, as the pvryds of the game is esry aifying to nter ste nthosii been numerous. Three Freshmen teams burden upon every one being for some
played here Thanksgiving Day cover the tsm whih the game haiingat s arosed amour .have breeenorganized; each is being unusual success to attend the meeting on
plaedher TankgiingDa coertheas wih(le aedasarueda.n coached by i an upper-class girl. the followin- day. How theprys
th fcutyan sudnt o te ni en mltdplyasseutre
exoenses incurred during the season t a ty an stuents o th Umve thouh basket ball receives a large were answerd has always been a mat-
and the contesting scthoots lincrraincintsiy. 'fle Anus Arbor Glf Cub, tetichi lhuhsiossl enesalremnrauwmdhsaoy enamt
ave certainly share of attention, the game is made an ter very interesting to luok back upon.
come into closer relations with the Uni- was organmzed early in the college year, educational one mainly, not a game President Angell conducted the meet-
versity. The strict rules adopted by the has already a membership of about one phayed for th victury nloe, bus one mug amd Br. Cocker made the first pray-
State Teachers' Convention and en- huoded and fifty and appicainps arc played for the direct benefit derived er. As soon as this was over and before
forcd by the Board of Appeals have consianthy ruinng u Its links arc sit~ from the exercise, the development of any long prayers could be entered upon,
brought up the standard of eligibility hated on the Saline road, just south- strength, agility and control. the boys were surprised to hear in a
throughout the state and so given an west of the Regent's Field, and consist All work is conducted with the utmost forceful undertone a command from
idea of 'Varsity methods. Thus every- of forty acres of excellent land which care. Every woman entering the gyn- nDr. Cocker to pray. "Fall, you pray,"
thing considered, the scheme must cer- have been leased for a term of several nmasiumhas the advantage of a medical "Parker, you pray," "Gleason, pray,"
tainly be acknowledged an unlocked for years. The grounds have already been examination by Dr. Mosher, with a reg- and so on, the whole time being con-
success. rolled and in other respects greatly im- istration of her physical history and con- sumed by short, earnest prayers by the
However, now that the season is over, proved this fall and much more will be dition upon beginning work in the Uni- boys themselves. When the time came
considerable complaint is heard from done in the sprig. There is a house on versity. This examination decides the for testimony and exhortation the good
various sources regarding some features the property which can be transformed question as to whether gymnasium work Doctor pursued the same tactics with
of the management and the arbitrary into a pleasant club house. is advisable for her. Careful physical like results. The meeting was one of
manner in which it has been conducted. One tournament has been held this measurements of all students are taken, great power as was also one held in the
This adverse criticism has even been fall in which the finals were won by a postural examination made, and a evening. The meetings on the follow-
brought up before the faculty and caused Professor Trueblood. The officers of chart prepared for each. Individual ing evenings soon became too large and
some investigation into the methods pur- the club are, Dr. McMurrich, captain; work is given to all who need it. In they were held at first in Dr. Cocker's
sued. Suffice it to say, that with but Dr. Trowbridge, treasurer, and Mr. the spring of each year, measurements room and afterwards in the chapel. It

one exception, Manistee, the "knocking" Jocelyn, secretary. There is a Board of are again taken and marked upon the was a genuine revival and very many
school has been fairly and squarely de- Directors, consisting of the officers, Pro- chart. By this method the gain during turned from the old into a new life.
feated. Double-faced dealing on the fessor Taylor, Mr. Beal, Roger Morris, the college year can be noted. The gym- Many of the Faculty were affected by it,
part of the schools has been a consid- and Dan Zimmerman, and a grounds nastic work is planned according to a the most notable instance being that of
erable factor in the complications which committee consisting of Professor Tay- progressive system, the work of each the chair of modern languages. His ad-
have arisen. Manistee was the unfortu- lor, Mr. Jocelyn, and Dan Zimmerman. successive year being more advanced dress, in which he defined his position
nate victim of circumstances which Ralph L. Roys. than that of the previous one. Military relative to a Christian life, was a token

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