THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. + g IT. HEINE 226 : Woodward Avenue. .t . * - Detroit. . and a writing-desk. In these sun-rooms selection of new books, which are added L A .". are to be found four monthly magazines to the library every month. and include L A D IE S + for the use of the convaleocents. For the latest and heat in fiction, essays, hi- + the past two years the children at the ography, travel arod history. Students + hospital have enjoyed a Christmas tree. will find here the books with notes that + It is to be hoped that the good work are resuired in Professor Demmon's + may continue, for it is both helpful and course of masterpieces in English litera- CAN GET + ennobling. ture, with a cozy corner for reading if + Mrs. Victor C. Vaughan. desired. +3. In conclusion, let me take this oppor- The hospital Circle of King's tunity to express the great indebtedness L U N O e H pg' which the Association feels to its many + Daughters. friends for their generous kindness dur- +__ing all these years. UnilMrs. L. M. Palmer. Until about three years ago there was + no fund which could be used to help AT + needy patients in the hospital, and rea- + lizing this Mrs. Wm. N. Wait organized A r quaIty Club. the University Hospital Circle of King's Daughters which has since that time OFFICERS.RC O'S, collected in varions ways nearly$a,ooo, President-Mrs. B. A. Hinsdale. . JSLJ. lA .."*J which has been used, with the advice of Vice-President-Mrs. John Avery. the superintendant and attending phy- Recording Secretary-Mrs. C. George sicians, for the benefit of thirty-seven Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. H. Mornings and Afternoons. We patients, in amounts varying from $5 to Soule. $8o each. Treasurer-Mrs. H. D. Armstrong. also keep a fine line of Of these many, hitherto dependent on others, have returned home cored and Early in the year 1894, the society leae spprt thmees. Sreal bearing the aboveename came intocex- CHOCOLATES AND BON-BONS. have had siht restored to them and istence after an enthusiastic meeting of some have had their last days made the suffragists of the state, in Ann Ar- cosfortable in a way not possible in bor, addressed by the leaders of the Na- their simple homes. Among our cases tional Suffrage Association, Mist An- none appeal more strongly than the thony and Miss Shaw, and by Judge 308 SOUTH STATE ST. mothers of families who after a fruitless Chever and Judge Newkirk of this city. struggle against ill now have come with Interest was shown by crowded halls at a slender purse, hoping in a few weeks each meeting, and at the close of the to overcome the ravages of years of suf- convention too women expressed a de- a 3,43 ,,sA3 A$AA 3 53 ,4AA a , 333 fering. sire to become members of a suffrage % Of the 37 cases we have assisted 23 society. That number, after the excite- e t were from different places in this and ment passed, was somewhat lessened, O t other states. We have received much but during five years the membership % help from the students and our especial reached seventy-five; when no one SEVEN WONDERS thanks are due the Comedy Club, who could be found among the college women OF ANN ARBOR.......... last year gave us a very generous share to take the negatve side i a debate of their earnings. We take this oppor- upon woman suffrage, there was encour- .y tunity also to extend our thanks for the agement for the society. many contributions dropped in the mite .The society has tried to keep in touch tIj6 box in the hall of the main building. with affairs at home and abroad, has We are indebted alto to many other created imterest in the city schools, and circles of the order both here and the city government, and has used its HIIL K 1 11 throughout the state, and our list of an- ifuence for the best interests of the nian subscribers is constantly g community. nua suscrber iscontanlygrowing At present meetings have been ant- as the good work is understood and tap- Atpended sewees uthatetben- preciated, for it is economy in the broad- tneot a fet weeks, but at the an- 202 est sense which enables people to be self- n .a ueeting in January wilt be re- supporting who for any reason have ued East Washington St. been s et. The oi eits of this su Mrs. Byron A. FmFney. organization are: Leader. Mrs. Flem- nig Carrow;' vie- easter.,\trs. Patit C. TeWmns~ Whe.\tire Goods art Sold Right seFreer; sertary, Mrs. James Prentiss; The Women's League. yW corresponding secretarv. Mrs. AndrewE McLaughlin; treasurer, Mrs. Louis P. y THIS IS JUST A BLOCK FROM Hall; advisory board-Leader, Mrs. N. ithe Women s League is a social or- y THE HIGH PRICED STREET. +.S. Hoff; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Clark. ganization intended to include all the Mrs. Louis P. Hall. women students of the University. . For convenience the members are di- 2 is" It ii tO t' s s. is 2f t' 3. 3. ' t vided into groups of ten each, these The Art Class. Tens being presided over by a leader from their number, and a patroness In the autumn of e896, Mrs. Warren from the faculty ladies. By this method P. Lombard proposed to her associates it is hoped that, while the entire number of the governing board of the Ladies' is too large to hope that all can becomte THREE THINGS Library that a club be found, under the acquainted, a few pleasant college control of the board. that this club meet -riendstits may be toud. 3. Manufacturer 4 q. ~ of a I ,A the Library building, and the fees be + paid into the treasury. This project +awas carried out at once. It was decided +V+IV to make it an art club, and Mrs. Lom- + bard was chosen as the leader. It be- + + gan with an enthusiastic membership be- +3+ tween thirty and forty in number. The + T+ topics studied have been confined to the EE+ history of painting, giving one winter +3+ almost entirely to the masters of the + IT eq [ (O - Italian Renaissance. The Pre-Raphael- ite artists wer r esseel i'y interesting J and the classghas learned to have its fa- + vorites among the lesser artists as well I+.+ as the masters. There has been an abundance of photographs to study + + from, many of them belonging to the + + collections of members and friends, and some owin" to the liberality of Mrs. Lombard, whose house has also been thrown oven to the club very generously. Fine Seal After three years of admirable and gra- + cious service, Mrs. Lombard, to every + + one's regret, felt that she must resign as +arm ents + leader, but promised to study with the .3 class. S A + After some persuasion Miss Hunt has SPECIALTY kindly consented to act as leader and the ++ English masters are being studied ina 'general way. Gothic architecture is to + +1 be studied later in the year. t ^ + Mrs. H. B. Hutchins. The Ladies' Library Association. + The Association was organized in ++ R pairing 1866, with a president, vice-president, +r V secretary, treasurer, a board of direct- + N eatly .one '* ors, numbering at first fifteen. At the end of the first year of its existence it ++ had 392 books and 79 members. Today. +. +++++++++3++++++3.+++ after thirty-three years, it finds itself comfortably established in an attractive + and well-appointed home of its own, i T . H E IN E which it ba built and paid for at a cost * of $4,168, with over 200 members and ++about 3,700 books. + 3.+.++++++++ .+++++++" Much time and care are given to the U. of M. Homoeopathic hospital Guild. At first needy ones were cared for by one and another, who learned of their distress and who made an individual canvas asking for funds to help those cases. The children who were in the Presbyterian Sunday school a few years since, will remember giving ten dollars to enable a bright little boy from one of our northern counties to remain long enough 'o be cured and given the power of speech, and they will remember the last Sabbath that the little fellow was to remain, his standing up before the school and thanking them with his own voice. This was the method in use un- til two years ago when this regularly constituted society was organized to re- ceive and disburse funds that should come into its care. To become a member of this "Hospi- tal Guild" but one requirement is made, the payment of not less than five cents a month, though each can give as much more as the purse will allow. Our last year's work was one to make us thankful, since from our members we received $72.20 donations from friends; $13, Marybed fund $28.70, and from the Jarley's wax works, which was entered into with so much willingness by our University students and our citizens, the sum of $183. I trust our friends and the friends of humanity will not forget when making up their list of gifts to remember the U. of M. Hospital Guild. Mrs. H. Soule. Prof Hudson will speak on the Boer- English Question in the Transvaal, Mnday, Dec. 18, at 4:15 p. m., in Tap- pan Hall. i I ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH Pure Air comes from above, Pure Water from below, and Pure Coffee from STIMSON & SON'S ...GROC[RY... STATE ST. THE BEST MAKES OF MandoIlinsad Guitars Such as Joseph mohan's, Washburn's and Bruno's are on sale at the I laoorlo Musi 6 Store W. Liberty, only 2 doors from Mack'sCorner Typewriter Copying i Only ie per 100 Words. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 707 N. UNIVERSITY AVE.