IDE UwI VEJbIfY 01 MICHiGAN DAILY dm m WWW~M WVW W M WM WWMVM aN ~ md Closely allied to the drums are the tam- flutes and allied forms in which the i ourines seen in the opposite waii case. toies are produced y the passage of a N i iC AN D ADT U The essential difference hetween the current of air across an opening in a . . I,. ~ UJ IE\I s ainiourine and the singte headed drum tuhe, the variety of toises heing pro- :m is tse imetsod of ptaying,; the drum he- duced hy opening, or elositsg other holes -Miss ANNIc E. CAcRENTERc, LotiToR. ing heates scith sticks, while the tam- upon the tuhe. MM~MM houriMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM ne isplaced hy heing struck against aA steplhetru hrngs us inthe next TUE ART GALLERIES. TUE SCHOOL OF MUSIC. The snxt scull case contains the last are produced hy the vihration of reeds _____ group in this class-the Bells and other of wood or metal situated in the mouth- metal itnstrismeists, rymhals, triangles, piece of the instrumeint. These are di- It is isot wholly isprohahie that many Our feature of no isean importance gongs, etc., ini whirls vihrations arc pro- vided into single or douhle reed instro- students of the Universite are unaware of asic Uiiersity city, intinsately cois- diseed fi tir striking of suitahiy formed menlo according as one or two reeds are of the opportunities for art-study af- nected yet not directly a department of msetattie shiocts with so ard sub- used. forded hy the various collections shel- the college, is thse School of Music. Pre- staince as metal, scood or house. Passiing the Atitomsaton or musical tere onthecamps. erhps fw r-vcos to if92 thec needs of the student in Tiurnsing now to the second floor ease, nun, schich is a fuse examsple of me- terd o th capu. Prhas fw s-ilimost every departimeist except isusic, we rouse to the first group of the string ehaniral genius applied to the production alize, what I thinks may he fairly a sad heen carefully soled and provided m instrumseuts-thse Harps and the closely of music, we rouse to the direct wind in- suimed, that no purely educational instito- for, hut in that year was esiabtished the related yres. Ans interestiing study may struinents in whirls the vihrations insti- tisis ii this country has under its own psresent University Musical School, he imade of the deselopmneust of the msod- toted hy the lips of the perforoser are roo toayonthewhoe, soe vluaiewhliels has since, under every advantage ,ern harts frois the crude formss still in intensified hy passing thsrotigh a metal rooftoda, o thewhol, mre luabe iad sciths so able a hoard of directors use hy the savage neosles. Frons oar tube of shape adapted to the quality of stores of nsaterial for the purposes of rapidly pushed her wcay to the front, and staisdpoinst the msiael possihilities of tone desired. art-study than are at the disposal of our gained in esviabli. position amnong iso souse of these erode instruments are ra- The issitsments formed lenin horns owno studeists. Wie msust franklhy admsit sial institutions. Thsotigh its students thser eqiestionable. of aninals, shells, etc., kanown as horns, thatsomeof he wrks re ad, ow a reatdy isnber littlie less than two hun- Fohlowiis the harp atnd lyrc caine the occupy the last of thse wall eases. thatsom ofthework ar ba, hw b dided, the school has iiot a mediocre aim site, which scith its successor, the msan- ' isa flat ease at the sooth end of the it is isot necessary to state, hut unfoito- to biasc its iieiits tipon thse snunhers in dohin, together wills thse hanjo aind the room contains some instruments he- natehy, it may he said of nmost galleries atteitdance, hut to fuiisish and devehop East Indiats tambhotiri, oreuny use neat longing directly to thse three general that then contain more or less dead aisd isiial disripliue sod einlightiient to she foor case. Thsese iisstrumeists are played groups and some eomhining feattires of useless timher, and thsat ours is no ex- smgsest degree. siare the hisrps of the preceding ease more thsan one group. Still otlier instru- ceptioiu to this rule. Thle Uovesrsity student tantsot hut ise and the guitars of the one following, hy ments of the collection of a more or less His the other Isand, that there is among beniefited my thse iiifiience of thsis inissioii picinm thse striings either wsith the fin- freaks nature are tensporarihy stored in a our owis colcectiomis a great aisount of iist as the stuideist of isii also receives cirs or scith a pheetrums. The guitars ease tupois thse fourth floor for hartk of excellent imaterial, it is in part the pot- iiiiiy mcaisatages froms heing thus ass toss famsiliar to seed roissment. Thse siitahhe eases. pose of this very brief and inadettuate closely camsnectcd wcth so hamrge sn edo- satrimits formus displayed ini the roller- The romsment is frequently onerhseard sktuch to sot fsecth. sitinal itnmstitutison. Thle reufiunig and tuams uttuisrate thur steps through wchh that thus or that instrumenst does tiot The nse of thur hate Dr. Freize us migmoramting atmssphere of esch catnnot our muresenst instrumntt hias passed as tool vein old. The expectation to find etsutritsghy associated swith all that pet- fait to sause isirmatins amid broaden i wel as numuerocus frsak farinaswhuirs did nsothsing but santiquities is a result of the talus to the development of fine aut its thse thur miterests and sympausthsies of sn esrn- nsot mrose to be of stmg merit, fslse idea cqute genserally prevaihinsg that Unsiversity of Michigan, and it us not too cit stmdet. All mustsrunsests stayed witls the sow a nmuseussis simuply a rollertions of an- musel to asert that withot liis refiued Thmeie us usa raysh rad to musiscal st- sic classed a,, nuiouss. The fifth floor tsquities ansd thmat objects of modern amid diseriminsatisig taste, his cattiest ef- Iainmenust aims smsre thsm therm cis to stir ase raustaims thur atrental forms of this masuufarhurme snd ussr are harhilng in in- fort amid good judgmsent, mast of whsat cess mum othser hisses, henmce thur aiss of the grup Th15 Ie diivcisity of desigss, work- terest. Am edcmmational series is ineam- noiw esrielses asic gsalheries would be en- istsrctmrs ini esch decpsrtmeneut of thur massusfi snudus mata sirc, eud to this slete wchien hschkisc any of its memsbers. tirety wcanting. n chmool if Mhusic, undserc thie stile dimrectmon case grieat attrauctisemess. Thur msodern Tme Stesrns Cuslection has seen coin- Thme year sf57, or immusediatehy fol- if Allicit A. Ssashey, Altscrto Jossas mrliireseintass cif thur groupt iirctupy the putedt upons these hisses and tiut few typi- lowing Dr. Frieze's return froms Eturope, CGardher, S. Lsammsn smit Bernard Stumn tasit ci tme floor casis. To thmis ease also cat forums scull be fousid smissimmg. Wie mnarkss the earliest bsegisminmc of urrs to amml echl studuentm m missietakng seriaus tclming lthe zutters seems it thme north flat regouet thast pmresssure of other snarls has cuss art cohlertioms. Anythinig lie a Isis slimiy. Ic usssnog to th exhasusthess csmut thme piamas torsated ii thme ouch- so fsr totemrfeted wcith thie proper label- tarn of these cannot be givn hcre, bitt eflumrts amid fsr-reschimnsmusa asira tile of time roasis ino of mnn of thme insstrumsents, amid so- it is interesting to note that the first gift tionss wismclh ace mccii stinmuhtcd by Remmumim to tsc walhi eases ice flid in hurst the frat ranscsue of miute frienids untih to time gallery siss made imp thic class of theirse l misriatmrs that oust hlitunie. time 05e mcxl to time Iscit csse thme simnhiest uch tisse as mt nay be arraomtsiished. '9 tiring thur large east of thme Laoroan sits ciy us fist hbecmumingm reemognzed mi of time wiid insitrmumemt-thse swhisties, H. Ei. Sstrg'mt. group, at presenst umcupying a position am isrmmfessuoaus cirdes as s musmecal center,_______ liomor at thme extremse inorth end of the smdithaut use advntasges if huearming time *.. ________ ssatsary gallery. bss sumusme its sun Armo lau rc cma tus Just forte veurs ago this autmumn was thore if mms t isroe cities. Thus tmc ej famundedm time Rogers Art Associations fat Schmoot if uic muds fsmr to fulfill its thur purisei of psurchausing au smamrbe ropiy imurstec of cxliremii useteumincsasi of Rogers' "Nydia." This statue, decemed macdem uvidut imy ths success of simeve -- iss FRANCES i. CmiAscE, Euuismim. by nmny time cuss of tlue seuistumr out- imemntecsrcay attasiedi, mmmd isy time sum- herc reached here sum 1862, amnd thins silts .mc of thomse mmilcttesdmnce. thur cordial ca-operations of regents, tic- ifmrhs C. Ciarfi. TUE LADIES' UNION. rouraged, as it wvas soon discontinued. ulty. citizems astud ens a nuu-Frtit-n er h no a x ated whlat we msustindidy sadssmi i _______w_ o sthiteasteUio a x a very itterrstmig instauais of out obh TUE STEARNS COLLECTION. Oswing to the nunmber of lectures in t auty desering, fanmilies have been as- jects music euditabte to time Univer sity time tUnrrsmty opens to time public, there shIed, Mummy sick have been nude mom- amid of real valium to thse stmtde. has turner seen thme need for so great a fortable. Formserhy Thamksgiving din- One of the flursu featiures callsn a- T attempt to cdescribme amny or all of msumber timd variety of rhubss for literary tiers wcere givems to nmansy fanmihies who tcmtiom Is chiIe beutiufumi Hbacc Wite misc sisuens s the m Strarmns Cutler-scumk asumiog1m ise womncu of Ants Arbor, atlerwise wsould muot have had any- colcctions ns umseriug saosce ,7O0rp-tiomlia nmu to thc readucrs af chic 0DALY swamic in m imost intt h ussuws sof ii sire. im souse yeats isuumberimg as many as ciuctionums mum master imyf Einduer of ogems 1e is ushies us mt scossd be cdifficuilt. sltus a a m to eamrus there scivenyfive. Tlus year, oum account of andu smedalimmss fraom thec chmiccct Ecrsa Mlsd limit sccs mmmd miche insty see humus mccii limt scm clus open to all whio .ac of funcds, this rustsm mustmt also he luciu samucis 11mm muicsroscopic lidelity time miistusmnts thcmustves. As sosme mighott drosre thir scumsk--tmme Tusidas dropped.n T1mm society depends solely on wills wishl sue huesre copied thme sithogly- umay his inced mum imicspeim c theous cotlec Chum, mnch ise Lidis' Uiomn of time Unn- time amne dolar memsberships fees, the hisc treasurs, asnique, mmedi val stud tio uimpssesscd mf a littic miiior sm sum maiss Chumrchn tme Ladies' Unoin wus IThankfsguving caicecions of the variocts smmucerms of time grest msueirumis af time megarsdin time srraaumet, a fluief omit slimrted my thus. Izna R. Summderlandc chutschums, and cdamatiamus af second-hand scam hu cousutitutes thme rohhctom amne of lime it mu hitee given.s lmst iwnn tyui ycears ago thins sery cittismg. Ous scork foe time past two or sus iius situ. M s snd muduitgs deines tmay mmasth. Io asesvecteen yeas s rtts. Sius- miss cccars hiss eets cousfined umstssy to Itic scoutks of handolih Racess aside cc rceadity resolvedu nto three~ cgemal cdculandiwas Is ciader, and guided tim h sck stud aged. When this organiza- froum thir upelt u ese of clue chasss miark shuns isses mif maden thotught iitinumss started, it was time onlhy one of blesuty of fatrmm consfcr time umniqume ad- m 1 cmrcussm nismsru ctts, thsosic thes scruds of islesslims. sunierch n thur Is Immc is thur city, bust now various santsge of studcying time muslimre ing of wincts this saundc mm pmrodcecd by thc im ants. 1tic proa smmci Inane beets sa- atics sacueties have taken cup different a simile artist'smsork tic i g meft by .ini If asuc object uposit anone. id finomusvsin m id storia epchs, boo- part dimf Is smash, sand save tums lessened isill to thur Univsitsy time casii and m. Sumin insrusmits in which isrmugs rahy m rlvmcnciis of rintu boaks, huouse- its vaslme, astough thuere is plentmy thnai studihes of hums mistime st'udito.I hu ol ra of sumit mumatrmal cmiiamimi of cisumtaiio tumid icnsnusasues, mum qustions of socio- miht hue douse, if ice mhah thur mas. ictiuoms one mamy utmost scalds thur isc conusiderabmimi teinsinn, sicit stums tin nn mu igyn mid mmtts. s IIn chum us unsseta~ s.i Annu B. Bach, Tress. amid cdevehopoment, and sasme even of chme mi bjcut whnuimhscull intnussfy misc ciiia rin, us mish u nmmis ass thc pmrinted pre- tchclrah exemcuamn af tisc usrlust's arigi- tuisns aciduccdub tin es stritigs wnt gransns sushi show. muat ideal. Imawcid, strucks min tsanged. 1Tin meetinmgmsu cr heli rimsry Vsednues- hun t1mm domimatinss imfiuense of color p. Windc isstrmunments, imm whuieh cibra- clan its time arines if thec chuumech. froms FRUIT AND FLOWERl MIS ION. oner pumrity of forum, there lies them pos- tions af mine hips of the umeformser or of 2:30 toi 4:30, thur first mainr incsig given __- sibility of ~a false estinmate of some of time reeds are roummuniated to aiim or moore to thur reviiew of rurent events--the see-SfCl works in t1mm picture gallery. is thme comuuns of air. ass tl mamhe paper for the day, wich is oon after Clegiate Sorosis recov- rmemebrated Lewis collection therm are, Wiithins these divisioms the imnstrumemnts falmwied tiy a general disenusslon. Thme re its charter frons New York fibrosis howenver, nmore than emnough salumabe inane mmcmi still farther classified wills me- afficers of the climb sure Mles. Win. Pet- its members deiuded to interest them- pantings to give a distinetive repi~utt gsard Ins clue memtodm if misc, tmisi umost Iee, president ; Mrs. Mhary Msotley, vice- seves somseiwuat in phihanutsropic work. to anyAnmerican gallery. TheUniversity pnrimmitive beling placed first its order of presidenst; Imurs. Bessim Whuithark, serre- Throughe the efforts of Miss Winifred is singularly fartumnate in its possession areurangment. Isamy. and Mrs. Idsa Fimnney, treasurer. Lne, thedFruit and Fower Mission was of Mr. Lewis' large and nail interesting Ta viewr thmm collection its its proper Mrs. Fred P. Jordfan. oraizd groump of historic portraits. While any sequmene, ane should enter at the arch- .______ _-i Btes coror oftheU iv ersityaned rollertiomn wchich contains genuine works wca next to clue stairs and keen to the theire cotednts mer e ves e rs eit sonl by Van Mareke, Schreyer, Bouguerean, heft. I WOMEN'S CHARITABLE UNION. floers fotesickr inethed muspitl It de H-ass, Verhoeckshoven and perhaps a In tbm first mall ease wvill 1mm seen the Iwr o h ikmtehsia.I dozen other men of distinction, is well ratlies, t1mm simplest farina of thur per- was thmen the custom for the girls them- worth time and attention, emssion group, the earliest conception of The Charitable Union was organized selves to distribute these to the patients;5 To be brief I can only name the bean- whirls may have lumen arquired by primi- in January, m8f8. It had its president, and I anmmue it omist huave been as help- tiful water-color copy of the Mothuer tive nman, from such natural objects as vice-president, secretary, treasurer anti ful to the distrihutor as to the recipient. and Child from the Sistine Madonna, time rattling by the wind of dry seeds in Board of Managers, consisting of two Each Saturday afternoon usually found Mhuurillos Immaculate Conception, pee- pods. ladies from each church. Its object was one of the mission at the hospital with semted hy the class of '66f, and an almost Perhaps equally simple but different in 'for a more united action among the some good story to read to the conval- complete collection of the works of Ph- nature are the clappers and castanets in Christian women of the city in relieving escent patients. After the organization ranes-numbering hundreds of plates- the second case. In this class the per- and elevating the poor and destitute, of the Women's League it was consid- as also works of other great Italian en- russian is produced by the striking to- and helping them to live lives of virtue ered befitting that the Fruit and Flower gravens. In addition to these must be cether af two pieces of wood--an expe- and purity; also to en-operate with the Mission should he incorporated under mentioned the sulendid gift of the class rienre and conception quite within the Young Men's Christian Association in this body, and the president of the of 'nf6, the Arch of Trajan, and also a me- range of the savage mind, their work in the city." The late Mrs. League was given power to appoint the markable collection of several hundred Passing now to time first large floor N. S. Burton of the Baptist Church was cnrmnanc mite rcryngo ancient lanmps, fragments of mosaic, in- case, a more complicated class of instru- the first president. Mrs. E. Steele was this work. scriptions and ornamnents from Rome, ments Is seen in the drums. Careful a charter member and is still the first It is to the Fruit and Flower Mission Greece, Sicily and Carthage, while in the study of the different forms will trace vice-president. There was originally a that the Nurses' Home is indebted for Chinese collection may be seen much of the development from the Aztec wooden committee to wait upon the common the furnishing of their reception room. interest in oriental art. drum, an elaborate form of clapper, to council in regard to closing saloons. Also the sunrrooms were furnished with Charles S. Denison. the modern French nmilitary drum. This committee must have become dis- comfortable leather couches and rocker