THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH IGAN DAILY WOMEN IN ,A r A AT Ai A DT-TT PV P A cnunurrv GAMMA PHII BETA SORORITY. W' II[NLW. Founded at Syracuse University, 1874., WOMEN IN THlE PROFESSIONAL Beta Chapter, established 1882. I. Active members, 22. a s rwJ I L T I think we give better mental training Colors-Light fawn and seal brown. P RM NTS. in this department of the University than Flower--Carnation-MIss CAROLINE COLVER, EDITOR. in any other. As an education for wo- _toer it is good; but t do not think that DELTA GAMMA FRATERNITY. .Ithey are well adapted to court practice. Founded at the University of Missis- WOMAN IN MEDICINE. that the dangers predicted in the begin- I is too much like a football game. sippi, 1872. ping were imaginary and has won for However, there are many ways in which Nu Chapter, established 1885. It is now nearly 30 years since the de- herself the right to be. a o woman can use her law-training. In Active members, 26. partment of medicine and surgery of the Victor C. Vaughan. newspaper work it is of advantage; a Colors-Pink, Blue and Bronze. University of Michigan opened its doors wan established the Chicago Legal Flower-Pearl Rose. to women. For some years all instruc- WOMEN AS PRACTICING PYSICIANS. News, one of the leading papers of the tior was given to male and female stu- est. Iiinsurance and all kinds of of- COLLEGIATE SOROSIS. dents in separate classes. Each profes- Thecoeice work a woman may be successful. Established, 1886. ser after lecturing to the men in one of e nstant yearly increase in the 'any train for this; in it they command Resident members, 10. the large rooms, repaired to the small iunber of woien who enter upon the better wages than men because the lat- Active members, 28. room then known as "the ladies' lecture study ofmecdicine with the idea of per- ter usually soon want to establish an Colors, Yellow and White. room," and repeated his lecture. After titmg it is evidence that woman has been cfhce of their own. However, the wo- Emblem, the Pineapple. a while, however, the professors grew a sulcessfal practitioner. Once the rien iarry pretty soon and that is the Flower, Marguerite. tired of this duplication of their labors medp end of their law practice. and realized that it was unnecessary. As success as a practitioner lay in her own BRADLEY M. THoMPsoN. P1 BTA Pll RATENIbY iads. Given a thorugic training ite all Pt BETA PHI FRATERITY. Professor Dunster used to say: "Science that pertains to the art of medicine, the II Founded at Monmouth College, 1867. kows no modesty, because it enows no individual, man or woman, is successful Th d Michigan Beta Chapter, 188. wrong." It may be remarked, paren- in the broadest sense only through the s re is no goo reason why the field Resident members, 75. thetically, that during all of these years exercise of endurance, perseverance and se paou not toen ar women, but to Active members, 17. itale medical students have always treat- tact. Tie women svho neter the mcdi- eel.aItsdifficult see ow a wapt Clues, Wine-red and Silver-blue. tiri sisters svitht tbe greatest courtesy. cat profession are actuated by two pur- could discharge all the duties of prose- Flower, Carnation. Since i mconnectionwith thesdepart- poses. One class seek a medical knowl- cting attorney with pleasure to herself. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA. icheg a wvoIaan medical student hasever ge as an aid to missionary work in As a profession for women it is an cx- d n-exl- foreign lands. In this field, perhaps, we- periment; as an education, it is without Founded at Monmouth College, 1870. tat occasion to cottpaim en eman has had her highest success as a doubt beneficial. Many kinds of office Beta Delta Chanter, established 1890. iianly conduct on the part of her associ- Residnt meeber, p. tes.practitioner. Because of the svarisas es- w ok seemt suitable to ler; bit I would Resident members, . ateie expeimeot begun in 1870 has toms guarding the women of foreign not advise her to become a litigating Active members12.TDrkexpenimtn baifedu ce thatcountries the medical women have most lawyer. However, it is perhans a good Coloss Light-blue and Dark-blue. been a most unsualified siccess. At that - Flowr, Fe-de-Li tine there were predictions of all kinds e sily won their way into the homes; thug to have them come and try to ower,Feur-d L daiger to e to botm sexes. Vsl. anu reports from the missionary fields work out the problem. efdne ocm obt ee.V l- ow that ssonen are doing a great wok tp s H ~sc tmes were written to show that womanseaVICTOR H. LANE. FRATERNITY of ALPHA PHL. n every department of medcine. Of ne- s not fitted to receive the higher educa- Founded at Syracuse University, 187t2. cssity here they have had to become i- WOMEN IN ThE SChOOL OF PAR- etbihd 89. tion. Today such wrks as "Sex in WOE-NTESCOLO HR Theta Chapter, established 1892. Education" by Dr. Clark are looked dependent. MACY. Resident members, 6. upon as of archological interest. There . The majority of women who practice Active members, 16. i scarcely a branch of eedicine in which In this country take it up as a means of Colors, Silver-grey and Bordeaux-red. rue women graduates have not shown self-support. There is no doubt but that Women have studied in this depart- Flowers, Liles-of-the-Valley, Forget- themselves proficient, and many of ther they have been successful from this point ient of the University since 1870, and Me-Not. have not only honored their sex and of view. We often hear of women re- shave been represented in nineteen of its ether professions to enter this but rare- g gad;uating classes. The number regis- FRATERiTYr oF KAPPA ALPHA THETA. their chosen profession, but have ex- , if ever, do we hear that a woman has tered for studies in a given year has va- Founded at De Pauw University, 1870. temded the fields of kmawledge i wmich givei up the practice of medicine for ied as follows: Five in '95-6, seven in Eta Chapter, established 1879. they tare labored. t prefer to prove aiy other srofession. So far, so good, '96-7, two in '97-8, six in '98-9, and elev- Re-establishced, 1893. the truth of this assertion by giving the bhu there is an opportunity for women to en in the preseut year, givitg a total of Artive mecmbciers, 20. names and referring to the work of some doi ich uore thiat ti. It is still opei d iannual registrations in the last five Colors, Black and Gold. of our wvoen graduates. I wishc it dic for them to become famous as diagos- years. In the previous five years there Flowers, the Pansy. riuctly understood that ic doing this, I ticians, as su gi hs ulusotya xnpe Ied - -soona tvuo w ftn eas a total of 16 aualue registrations of give these names only is examples and methods of treatment. Already a few women. The gtiestion. what proportion that the number might be multiplied women hase arrompiisied something in of those who enter the department com- ssrJusv o= iDEinA DEciTrADELTA. wmnhv copihdsmtigi iUpurely scientific reserch th labors the les and they are the more to be plete its required cork and pass its ex- Ioua Chapter. established 1894. of Octrise Lydia Dresitt aid Aeher praised as it it not much more than fifty ansnations is answered by data as fol- Artie members, 14. Hamiiilton are creditable not anly toyears smice women were first admitted , 8s: Durig tie five years. 9d-98. six- Colors, Silver, Gold and Light-blue. tiemseves. but couorable to the profes to the practice of medicine. Years are tc womncn were registered, no one of Flover, Pamsy. sitim. Thry hasve done research croer of reuiisite to grasp the details alone of a whom failed to obtain a degree before ewhint aey tian might be proud. lIn sur fprofessional life; and the rest will be lecaviig college. During the preceding FRATERNITY OF ALPA EPSILON TA. . of St. idd i ti five years, 9'-95, sixteen were regis- PAFIToea us suN grey, Drs. Marty' Mceeranmoi StLuis JEANNE SOLIS, M. ., treed, of cchloim twelve graduated. Founded at University of Michigan, and Bertha Van Husen of Chicago are AoNevouss . D., te thrtweegrded. 1890. doing work equal to that done by their emonstrator if Nervous Diseases. Of the thirty-threewomen vio are Active members, 15. best male confreres. In general prac- icigan graduates of pharmacy all ex- Color, Black, White and Green. tice, the list of our women graduates WOMEN AS NURSES, cept five have been engaged i some Flower, White Carnation. who have been successful is too large to branch of pharmacy or of chemistry as give. I will mention only a few names, Upon woman, by reason of her natural a pursuit. Four have entered the pro- ALPHA Ci iOMEGA. Doctors Lucfy Hall of Brooklyn, Marion ability, has devolved mucim of thee care of il Orof thediclas. Fofrten has br-en Fcciind sit Or Patiw University, 1885. Craig of Rocheeter, Liany Gage D~ay uf thin sine. Phivsiciaus have realized tie-t otea tt e ga abe Theta Chapter, established 1898. Kingston, N. Y., and Emma Call of the aid of ant itelligent, faithful nurse, ta toftrWNe w n nhld sxte Active members, 14. Boston,. are thoroughly abreast of their who is able to tabulate in brief form her ytars; ne of the class of ' has been Colors, Scarlet and Olive. profession. Their skill is appreciated observations of symptoms of his pa- iescrioniof for a well known house Flowers, Red Carnation and Smilax. hey both the laity and their medical tients and conditions which occur in his in Fort Wayne, Indc for nine years; one Miss Frances E. Clarke. irethren. In specialites many of our absence, is a welcome supplement to his of the class of '93 is conductinig her own women have ccon for themselves most labors. On the contrary, the physician ditg store iii Allston, Mass.:; one of the TO HER. excellent reputations. I will mention ca0not entrust to the ignorant and iiac o D__r. Harriett Alexander, who has made curate nurse the life of his patint and lass of go was prescriptioistmi the . for herself a name and reputation among is handicapped in extendinu his work uNorthern Michigan Asylum until her onns the autumn stn so brightly, tier aienists of Chicago, and Dr. Emma and meeting the many demands made imarriage; one of '93 and one of 'tare Breathes the autcemiwind so lightly, Moores, who has done good work in thee ipon hi. iete in Otal wor k ofmanufacturg Comes each heart-throb but to tell moe usthohoay of nrrvous diseases. As Thur essetiai of a good nursr cannot eoy'r mn Detroit. Several have been She is here. mstated nlyicl h -it stated before, this list comprises the be acquired in a brief soacer of time or ,m dispendim an iacy. Blow the stormy winds of winter, names of only a few of the women through mere consultation of books. A member of the class of '83, after a Comes dull Care and knocks to enter, gi atdulates of the department of muedcice 1T he actual practice under constant criti- brief term of service in pharmacy in the Beats my heart, "Nay, she awaits thee, na surgery who have done honor to cism is necessary to thoroughly impress chief city of her native state, applied for Have no fear." themiselves, to the school from which upon her uind the importance of accu- state registration as a pharmacist by vir- Sing thur birds of springtiue gladly, they graduated and to the profession in racy m attention to all details of the sick tue of the Michigan diploma which she Oh, my heart, why beat thus madly i whinh they have labored. roii. mid well earned. This was refused on Oh my God. an eer I thak thee? hn mentioning the names of distin- Nowhere can she become so well fittedr geeund that her term of experience had She is wool ceished women connected with the de- for these duties as in a well regulated not been long enough to meet thee stale partment of medicine and surgery of the hespital where she is brought in contact law at that time. Not believing this a Comes the summer-tide too soon, dear, University of Michigan, I must be per- with all manrer of diseases and becomes true interpretation of the law of her Went too soon the June-tiremoon,dear, uitted to call attention to the fact that acquainted with the many changes that state, the applicant claimed her right in Breaks my heart, because for aye, dear, a woman. the late Dr. Elizabeth Bates may present themselves together with the courts and gained her cause first in She is gone. o Port Chester, N. Y., has been the the accompanying treatment. the court of coimon pleas in 1884 and E. L. L., '99. largest benefactor of this department, With this object in view, our own finally in Kentucky court of appeals in having donated an estate valued at about University Training School was estab- 1886. The final decision was rendered HULLO! $140,000 for its benefit. ished which now numbers twenty young after the marriage of the plaintiff. I must not forget to mention the valu- women, who during their course of two Ae.a g of t PnT (From Back Country Poems, by able service which has been rendered to years, administer to the needs of four __._RES__TT. the "only" Sam Walter Foss.) civilization and to Christianity by the thousand patients. WOMEN INDENTIST ______ everuen graduates of this department, Unlike other hoepiuahs oures is primar- WOE NDETSR. When you see a man in woe, who at great personal sacrifice, have car- ily for teaching purposes. There are no Go right up and say "hullo!" ried the blessings of medicine to foreign pr ivate patients, and to every member of Dental Surgery is one of the studies Say "Hullo" an' "How d'ye do?" countries. The labors of Doctors How- the training school is given the oppor- which women have taken up with great "How's the world a-usin' you?" ard, Murdoch, McLaren, Brown and tunity of studying each and every case. success. Only within recent years have Walk right up, an' don't go slow, others in China, have been performed in This affords much more instruction than womren entered that profession. In the Laugh an' shake, an' say "hullo!" a manner creditable alike to their re- can be derived in hospitals much larger United States according to statistics the ligious zeal and to their professional where patients are cared for privately. mterest of women in the profession of Say "hullo" an' "how d'ye do," skill. By means of this practical work to- dentistry has increased considerably Other folks are good as you, I do not believe that woman is suited gether with the prescribed course of le- since 1875 and the number of women W'en you leave this house of clay, for all kinds of practice, and I think that tures and class work, we are able to turn dentists is growing from year to year, a Wanderin' in the Far-Away, her usefulness in medicine is bounded by out every year trained nurses who are sign that there is a need for them and W'en you travel through the strange sh:arper lines than those which limit the competent to supply to the medical pro- acknowledgement of their work. The Country t'other side the range, duties and opportunities of man, but fession the best aid possible. last census shows that America has over Then the souls you've cheered will there can no longer be any uestion con- LILLIAN GRACE ELLSwORTH. oo women dentists Chicago alone hav- know eerning the ability of woman in this pro- [Head nurse University Hospital ig 15. They have only a few colleagues Who you be, an' say "Hullo! fession. By her works she has shown Regular.-ED.]. in England. The first lady dentist in