THE UIVYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAI 1 catione, for tihc geneeral enrture aod traio- eduecatione is a good thing-for te co-ed. mst be cast aside. Neither realizes her as a studenet of uneustual ability. The tng of teeouttl, for thteswel-beineg of Viewved in a broader lightt it is eertainly self btut thtrooghe Citeheer; one is not delicacy of her besite aod leer determni- te cotnemunity thtat wvomen teaehers nout a failore. only test a whlole beet is tnot a healf vith- enatione to do altleher work seell caused shoteld meonoptolize thee comemeeoscheools, W~illiame L. Day. owltetee other. i ere to extetedleer uetdegraduate course that thecy shsoold lesse gaiened sueh large et ind able to etnter ineto thse life of osver five years. Site received leer bachee- foctisoin ttthechighe schsools? - he reiply Co-edeucation itt a huetndred swords ite otiter meit indandcishaere thec labor it de- lors degree its 1896, acedleer emasters de- es, eve do't 1ktote as yet; suefficieot tie e net youe emust alhose a thotesaend be- liglets itttier ideals it strives for-cats be grec itt t897. to iproduece ipalisable results less tet teencutihe liters.tiesvcister only by contact wvithe otheer Already itt e895, whlile still ate tetder- elapsed. Simtilarly, we canntot now pre- e emay object to thee presrent enper-'schitetstd. It ectnnot be realized by thee graduate, Mliss Lanegdone lad been ate- elect itt whlat lrecise respects else great feet maecintery of co-edecation. Tier- tecomuple tiesev eteemeet of a ladies' ,sPiinted astatlittbsotaeny. IlethlsePo- stee of ttotenee bacheelors" from eott ot etecathy ihowvever, it is eeototely proper semntary. is sitinse cotietdte till 1897, secshsie uneiversities steelcolleges still probably beeteecessry. VtWomean's relatiote toteats H. S. Persone. sas etadee itesterctor itt botaety. Hasig lafc h etr f sceya ag.hsbe hagn.N ograsrat ie omk olg e i tego Possibsly else phenoeono m ay it he sit s eqeealeto loenger a I have tacit a ligh opieniotn of co-edet-, labor, site teas apitedclintsructres its fraughet wite good, possibly it esay be i a co-wsorkber. Site tetst lee regarded ccalion tiert I feel mtyself incapbeo zoology intthie sumemeser of t89S, seed eeld cihatrged swithe harmsful qualities. I, for f 1e5eesiontttertee icplyi s iie e seseic. aa fthtis position at tie .'ti e cifleer death. seer astarepitesthee thv theleict-. ByriCitei thesitjedt ofnels dwrettsaviwhich.ey stemsortlofcalteed te conceptiote of a duelismte7To.L. Robisesote. Itewteornld of scieece Slits Langdsn jetdgietteet yteesy feasible. Mteatieli m"tor ° " " ' "'"ee" " eTirdeeminor cotetributionttt o55tiericr c or reese go fartercetitan the declaratiotn R AIT T1IXE~1~-A~IAr-- botaneical jotertntlsof hess coutery. Beet list te mes set elis in cotesoeeaneswitt 11 P VY'.)1V1OMEN GRADUJIAES Isitewsatbroutitoeesptrsmenece, sie see as. lTis, sheet, is teseriotes-'stilleteen eti erpreatte, bheepubica- teeoleetan-tee iesolo apposite poitto F t ton( nI(H CA.TttstJt it lotettid f ieSo question. Othieesese to-educatioee lee Ij 2iif''' i'ir-ij't. Iteetl eseceel re erie I e~!('T;li of*'a*research.. e site dT e Sei - rb ed lngisleeiseentlys e leeloss sel sre te ieeape cla ra s i tier ecis tetor e v- ce eduecationeehis actiersed see re ha oe t o pet h t h seote lsse les s ei se ee o io teey etedtise orse s tteeomet ittte year tie liteesewn eofNbinds~or, Pa.,ottthe es tieer. Ictes certintht he scces for/0wstelhsite eeghtitoe ttetrultiter i Susqu ehitatnta,Slits ieee aente etr d elsee i Cts se eeaese 5t o ed st tier ful It t e hca stgote ofartie r idoe it f;07, idet -ing rteseften elthie. see ars 0;ot y t te seFtledtdtl e t tis Ine sigbyato toriscyanditte lew mnsctra ;o ttee swhte teeerstye'scretrrd see 1,36 ser eelese. iwheeen u adu o il nsetle r ahe snyneese adts belcrisis tirsatrto tiar ie str seste etls e. lese leattey '~I i e ndan f e iectihemae atIer o e d tIc e glecerit c ,es e P bru e "1te n e tiwastheeplyisuste thassthi _l adintdsehsitsh l'f ma bepIs Steeris ofrilomieet ear tier 5 57 sitd e err see tsteecor-tie fortttttt cati. e Ass t te ti est o f y lies e to rind ba estdebs"ingiteere chfeces :re ottestee gespectianIchor theeathtilee ttt testessdehwaI torrecttreep'oofeofee sedlsten oe t oim e 'cd lti le a eeIw teheezy sty I,. cl itr ofe ees ecfitted resL RN: . p ts, seef trne'r it dp erseeeof Iti reea Ich tee sapp e tepesetseol thd in r, sielig i-e lee ello1 et seroscund d o dtsesec o heeeee de 'thnal.It l 'etI7t'shet became tresscl1o r ttlcJi t 5 Itrer s itete ao lect rn on le fr le ee do m anthet s lafee- recu etleteseuc , et ol erieee t I ete betera e IttItt led teet te ateeders rd1t 11ut wairs ette sl eeto h e tetwn ts e tli egs irt feteatieradates of e ethe. tg r in t etsetNre ri te tn 188 serredo leeet teesee h ute o rt e e rve of ti t e dse s e o u l.e t ee s it cbleta s teeb87 1 ew ad et i tte gr ea r esets see e dr seef eel lee Pliers heced teemeohftestes test heLan- on wasenot goysdisevil este msit e rit urvival .11and imehnlcy ttotfe thesteepsr estettiveof eresexeted hre ar' steer t ite Ltrstea tedofstucdye us da cetsbtsewsse teepesteetativstyetcogessiblesoofotresse t 1ledo t ra e lthein _i p te-retiud t es s a teahrtn7 aihula cm u ;b tta k toc-d cto ,se ale s orIaditetya iceadted saleer c sa etr'hd1u-~le ee- ~ kt erie tss tet fshni 'theehleertisentittr teteiteate.y elit'eieearvarderefrietite- SeeeofkneteynseddteeatmSataelion, ti1 e s it ad hs st r heooi afewebtiefet it onaeteeret iis ee , th ose ly orehel e se lf ad \ s it i i l asfn tNtasttotpen N- Itearte w r eatedy t fellsteewhiceh eeda e lethe etood od hasten.t [,ith oieee ltotier d- ugh teelrsst ose he hea r ' eore. r of ate e is sti llthea B t lwh ae t i h iceo e c Isl e dcto de citnthngvtheeo thsosefseestte H r tietes hst teerodsetedl eyadrarte erct elquaitane.eB f eesies tot c ietteh srse t ee t ftli e s titere s reerntsaieelictes cutbie thPel gcretya t ettssachu setestedesate eierd f CdBt- eeie e Ceeh eedsC . Aczcta hedsI c la oit ts se ste ie 1r5r e Ite ie le r eldlhe eser lee tieoo - il _caio . s er aset eaes soslettheeChitoah- Beesre st etrfe i tte re ete paramoutne ristte er eiehesit-hehei LsleSrensy aspadrtrofeachi t btekjit~tt oere o Cel a t ~ ~ ~ ~ R set1eesI 5ter te t .tests eet oeinse-reeltedreoIristi ftle h ogese i 5igh ttrit ha ts i ty.t ee1-itittir87t4. t ieyrratdls elecs sohesgtstciouslyt te eelssettetdtfor. ItrI ecwac. e sI ir eserc1. Iirteotse eeeA n 1 haden wsupdt.trtftschtoe-s Th qetinsle ntmslentin etrtnqe nchablsi eloeet frictery an test -Marsuet-e settee seasee s less stt cl ee e n tier est beteroffelist a heyt' college. 'Theere ewoul set o titoic nolu seoal ersit lee teeostedmstrer teon'ti l's ht t s F. XN. Staih. test reqested to aenrswer thee querstion wtehdercorectioseteeseaetfailuere. Gee- tainlhy I etseen esonedo theink so, beet euchreasernto teihinkthter contrary. tee e870 titereete s we seeritte end 41tune in. theeldeerateyvdepaertm etosf theeUi-i sersity of MNcitrite:sttee18eo theerioe seas 81 tee367;11see8t0ps284 do 72:5;ini 1898h 585 tee 74e. Steersoer hese fb- iee rep re esrablyat heat, sri'at heas ltbee gotig testaeli ovecithee codeeseev.Set fat tiern, asrthre numeree ttme sert-attheigco-edther nalese coeeeso is cottneedteer erisoesvideneoof faileeur ethndevey eideeeofisuccess. he is theramie ewhiset we tire accountd oe te seleltiew fterwotee n.ece Tfeexcpoei is eedIhts ibee tredatAnnee bhor foe theseydysertied it heas teencneatly deeme ostrte theed es tmeasurted by class reotestees, theewoent lase mnttaineed fully as eilie easaeraege of scheoarshitp a,, theen.ce 'tse en havse ete furnisheled thirl tensper iroorstions of fiee-rate scholars it test, heoseer, as clear as it is these they haercote fuhlly ile to thee average. Attes, as it tess bren ttAnben Arbor, so leas it teen elrseheere. I teshtso add tead thee success sf co-education by no iteates proves these it will becoseee thee etteversal typee of higher edeecadioen foe womene in thee country. Weomsen's cos- leges and "anntexer" hlenousdoubtmte a felt wandt;elttheynet'seed such a waite; aed I eats see its reatson wthy they sheath e.t do so in thee fetere. B. A. Hinsdale. Perhaps none of the msodern and as yet experimnetal institutions receive so nmuche athention as co-education. With ahl hhe possibihities open to hhis nmuch admired and widely discussed field, it wvouhd indeed be terrible if ih shoulhd be frozen up and host in its own frividity. The co-ed is a reahity, atnd as steel capable of doing altuort anvthing that is easy ensoughe for the progressive woman of today. Every class hess its exceptions, however, and even co-education consid- ered frome a hoeah standpoint possesses advantages hhat are ohbvious to even the casual observer. There can be no doubt but that co-1 Iftnsetshaseredwithletthhe bic ir. rrtdymdcieinashoolstIns else11-1steewsecssilttess-s,1:e See c:°see Sheer Siester rite5rd theatC e- ~idtisit Perhaps byteetheitg sotestchLe Marey-Doniniig Shlen, e thee fleet as tetrsitperioity isof ssedlarshipthter e. eseesse to renee sitneappsontmerelt ini 5excellentIqslitliy oft h estedrk stitche Lc coedcn tinadlscsheooslfhightrankee s i ethuh w stesS i tiers s othe irchasracter, the sdaetghter'oeelthele str e. PEdwardnifNeser e t 'rofessrsts urrcet ittot tidy Sat t-t t v pilebs'tdthairdit hdin- Stehesee, "''hereof51therOsBego Staead ct icto passieeatswoeer i pir~ied i M NormaltiScesh.'' s tl ttepr iteeld dsirt e r atdteor- Stirenterced thee Untiveresity ofSteie i- '" hi etest'nSinusetteireinue, couldistll gese ini1571, aseelso teoteselee the deed ii et t enlnr etre e eeh clii coueese. ileethen is eeer eeme ee s 1 'Mis iMo her" isnhermeclsritd a toevstle, hbrilltientuseistelstcd , iiBstn bntes tunethei rienctisen of anworthyrersentate eseineeeseth sse e isio terIn enrD.Luy ewaldt St heeatteeresieinet n-as wh eee co-ehedu eteson1was init sertly Ithysic'inSt sit eNessw 'sLiand Hspital teetme ad hilrens.ueSineehter c crierimetaltagted n ct s nmerics ''s , tisesfrIs siNIches'ntee sue 5,r. B' isn' suitedtianes ihty' usurehres, Nits r sliehitsbhen ue stuteetaseedso Sheldtuiswseecof the eicertsertho v sefur5lestht w ecall e ely hsmentioels e s werse grautedn ie8h4. or teeo yesear s ec eso s whict shstihits filleit us sties iseauere18It sely spe GnuerlIctestis f 1tee cNb tsuit us s eientr rsssetur vt ieee-it' stnt Sweelasnd. Returnintoti' us large hospitash. E hueghaud site becamee t uenst at hIn u- In187 s itstrieleewent to oo teeth Peels , leseesCollege, Camsbrisdge, wetree thee con-1 t tipr suer