O f I T I N .e WOME N'S EDITON. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1899. No. 69. MICHIGAN'S PRESIDENTS. gldly this privilege was taken advan- various -departments, so that better and tage o. Hundreds of "Co-eds" owe this ntore specialized work may be done; the adninistration boundless thanks. students in looking over the catalogue Four eminent men have held the posi- Dr. Frieze was offered the permanent relize and apureciate the efforts being tion of president of the University of position of president but declined it. made in their behalf. Michigan. Henry P. Tappan, whose ad- He will ever be remembered for his But we must not think that these ministration began here in 1852-53, was accurate scholarship, his interest and de- changes have been made suddenly. They the first to hold this office. He was born votion to all that concerned the Univer- have developed and changed as new at Rhinebeck on the Hudson. He grad- sity, his originality and his kindly genial ieds have revealed themselves. Thus, uted from Union College, then one of Christian character. a Hospital. a Dental Department, a the foremost colleges of the East, and In 1871-72 Dr. Angell accepted the School of Pharmacy have been estab- later from Auburn Theological Semi- position of President, and during his ad- li. hed. Methods of study and instruc- nary. He became at George Bancroft's ministration of almost twenty-nine years, tion have been changed. New privileges suggestion President of the University he has piloted the University safely have been granted the students. The of Michigan. There were then but 35 through all storms "Elective System." the "Credit Systen," instructors in all the departments in con- James Burrill Angell was born in the "Special Course" opened to students tiast to our 234. Dr. Tappan did away Scituate, R. I., in i82. He entered without examination, the "University with the dormitory system which had Brown University in 1845 and graduated System," the "Seminary" are among the been in use before the election of a presi- there with highest honors. After a few improvenents made durin- this adminis- dent. The scientific and optional cours- years spent in teachig and travel he tiation. In 1879-80 courses in the Sci- es of study were introduced so that a becamne instructor in Modern Languages ence and Art of Teaching were offered person might fit himself along other and Literature in that institution. In to benefit those who intended becoming branches than the Latin, Greek and 1866 he became President of Vermont tiachers. mathematics of the regular curriculum. University. In 1871-72 at the advice of In the vear 1897-98, President Angell Under his administration, the Astro- fIiends he accepted the Presidency of was absent again, this time as Minister nomical Laboratory was established. Appropriations for the Library and for tnc Law Department were started. It was then that University life really began. There had been little of it under the former management of the Board of itegents. Ihe institution seeded a chief ececutive, and when such a man as Dr.- '1appan came to hold this position, the d Hficulties cleared away. He had great- mentai ability and profound knowledge_ ia every branch of science, art and edu-{ cztion. Although very gracious to alla ha allowed of no fanuiharity. He was a- man of great reserve. In this way uis- understandiigs arose, which became - tore and more serious until it the year i8h2-63, to the great dismay and aston- ishment of his rnany friends, he was re- quested to resign, and the presidency" was given to Erastus O. Haven, D.D., ints 863-64 Erastus Otis Haven was born it Bos- ton. He was sent to Wesleyan Univer- sity, where he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In 1853 he became Professor of Latin in the University of Michigan and later was transferred to the Chair of History and English Litera- tre. Finally, after holding various oth- er positions, he accepted the presidency of the Umiversity. It was not an easy task which he had undertaken. Great excitement still pre- vailed as to the resignation of Dr. Tap- pan, whom many were still working to bung back. Financial difficulties also threatened the institution. For the first time the legislature was appealed to for aid. The questions of salaries, fees, of a hospital and an agricultural college were discussed at great length. Many departments needed reorganizing and expanding. All these things Dr. Haveng set about quietly to accomplish, and thus the college instead of "going to pieces," as was predicted, rose and flourished in o wonderful manner.t In iS68-69 he resigned and accepted the presidency of the North Westernu University at Evanston. Ill., A committee was now appointed toF visit the East and seek a man fitted to hold the important place of president oft this Un'iersity. The position was offered to President James B. Angell of Vermont University, HENRY S. FREzE. E. O. HAVEN. but hue decined. Meanwhile Professor H P. TAPPANx Henry S. Frieze assumed the positionH- pro tempore, for the year 1871-72. He HARRY B. HNTCINSO JAMEs B. ANGELL. was born i Boston, and was the son of a Unitarianminssister. He graduated - from Brown University and later be- the University of Michigan. In 1881 he to Turkey. Harry Burns Hutchins, the came one of its instructors. In 1854 he was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary Dean of the Law Department, acted as accepted the position of Professor of to China and President of a Commis- President. On Pres. Angell's return, the Latin Languages and Literature in the sion of Three sent out for the purpose University was found to be in excellent University of Michigan, which position 0 making a treaty with the Chinese gov- condition. President Hutchins fully de- he held until his death. The University cmnment. In 1882 he returned to the served the hearty words of commenda- was to him a great factor for the in- University. During his absence Dr. tion that were bestowed upon him by all provement of the whole people, not Frieze had again acted as President. for his careful management of every de- merely for those attendiug it. It was When Prees. Angell came to the Uni- tail, his skill and sagacity in administer- to reach out over all the country iunibu- versity, tact, a firm grasp of affairs, a ing affairs. ing people with a higher and nobler con- broad yet conservative mind were neces- And so we leave the University at the ception of life. sary and these qualities were soon found eight of its fame, flourishing in every To bring about unification he estab- to exist i the newly elected president. dipartument, ruled over by one of the liahed the diploma scheme, which per- Under his wise supervision, all sides and greatest, most acute minds of the times, mitted students to enter college without factions have been united and made to ne of the most beloved and revered examination, on diploma from a High work together for the good of the entire ien, whose skill and dionlacy, whose School where the previous work had institution. The Legislature has come to integrity and nobilit of character, we been satisfactorily done. feel that we are not trying to procure have all learned to trust implicitly and During Dr. Frieze's brief administra- money under false pretenses but are us- in whose hands we know the University tion, an innocent looking resolution tag' ihat they so generously give its of Michigan will go on and on in its tri- passed the Board of Regents givimg the judiciously and for the best advantage umiphant march, gathering ever new lau- right to all residents of Michigan to en- of the state and people. The Regents rels and shedding the light of civilization joy the privileges of the University, pro- are satisfied that the work is being well and culture not only over our own coun- vided they possessed "the requisite liter- done is every department. The faculty, Ir, a but over foreign lands as well. ary and moral qualifications." Looking selected with the utmost care, is endeav- over the campus today, we see how oring to systematize the work in the DoRoTHY STONERAER. IS CO-EDUCATION A FAILURE? The cavalier poet Waller, like many another at that time, found himself put to it sorely by the political exigencies of th, day. When Cromwell assumed the protectorate, the poet -rduced a fine panegyric suitable to the occasion. Yet, several years later, when Charles re- stored the monarchy, the same writer deemed it consistent and prudent to pen anothe poem in a strain totally differ- ent.Ch'is he had the temerity to present to Charles in person. The kng having perused the effusion, pointed out that the hates on Cromwell were nuch the better. Vhereupon the swity poet replied, "May it please your Majesty, we poets are al- stays happier m fiction than in truth." Since Plato, everybody has had ample reason for being aware that a close con- sections subsists between poetry and plilsopta. And from this fact all are a liberty to draw what conclusions they severally please in the present case. Many superficial objections might be -have been-taken to co-education. We may condescend upon one or two with possible profit. It tends to rub the ross bloom from the blushing cheek of bud- ding maidenhood. Or, to be even more precise, I have often done here what I would never have done at home' as a college girl 51 fear to suggest the awful name nco-ed'), said to ie not long since without a blush, alas ! or as a prominent M'ichigan egislator put it to me other- wise, "the girls in Ann Arbor are not so well groomed as those in Detroit and Chicago." If they tend to become "slouchy" by association with the supe- rior sex who array themselves "to kill" in sweaters more sarvelous colored than Joseph's coat, what wonder? Further, the hat in which one might conceivably array ones self to promenade Woodward avenue or Dearborn street is, mayhan. not the ideal headgear in which to appear to have lectures and quizzes fired atone's fce. Once again, and from the mascu- line side, it might be urged that co-edu- action tends to bring interesting feni- nine influence into a man's life, or into his head, too soon. If a fellow be con- demned or have the privilege-"you pays you's money and you takes you's choice" as to the phraseology you prefer -to sit beside a girl in the class-room, to eat with her of the nimble boarding- house hash; to follow in her train at baseball and football matches: to cycle by her side glenward or Ypsilantiward; to instruct her in the mysteries of fish- ing or sailing (or other msteries) at Whitnore; to concoct chocolate fudge, and all the rest of the fudges in her com- pany. What, in the end, can he well do but marr- her? Alas ! poor Yorick! he doesn't get half a chance ! The Blind God ever knew proninquity for his most valuable ally. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as the women love to think.; men know better. Out of sight and out of mind, it is, and perhaps the soner the better. And so, in similar stain, it were easy to proceed with a full catalogue of the sios that multiply as the sand upon the seashore round the fated form of co-education. What good? The thing has come to abide, nay, it grow like Pack's fabled beanstalk. Fol- lwing the Irishman, who was asked, w hict is the elder, your brother or you, co education may reply, "he is the older, but if I live three years longer we shall bth be of an age' In other words, if a failure, we must seek the causes deep- er. As a business, co-education is per- fectly satisfactory to college presidents. But this were a poor justification. While, then, the comuon arguments pro and con may well be dismissed for so much piffle, it must not be straight concluded that no problem exists. On the mere practical side, that is, as con- cerns academic arrangements, co-educa- tion has indeed disappointed its oppo- nents by onitting to produce the crop of evils so oft predicted. Nevertheless, the qustion here set for discussion remains. And it cannot be answered for a term of of years because the reply is dependent upon the consequences which the "high- er education of women" may work upon the body politic as a whole. For ex- ample, no observer can deny that the personnel of school staffs is being pro- foundly affected by the opportunities now afforded to women at the universi- ties. An obvious problem is gradually crystallizing. Is it a good thing for edu-