THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. $10000 ~ ~I[6lfL ~In Your Inside Pocket 2 P E G IA L Is waateeouacan aeonnasut o a c oatmaeito yorioretyusnea gearantee aperaeca f itornosae.Cllneeno obligai ttio n ay.Orine sot ent of vr3 ,000 sa'~ Jmplesm wilesenyou. AllWol Snits an(ed G a talfrom$12.00 np. .jfGoodrich, Walkr & jMrihi rnt RB Ann ro raiol f A+In'V.Ma~~na Fe e I~~~A M U NGVAATO AVI*A NI ~ Deartmnt Suden Agets \antet teSel ..PD.. CHED'SBNE * ahaca Sa n t de Aen tsttit Wannet, i e d to e. l da h aaT w a4 iinoiaid. I ~ W -Icn25Ocd3c COMRA.P FRS EAND 1E + 1h5 4andhnh04i Ifi fOitE\tiNDaiStEEt +* *+ +* *+ ++ ++ *+ *+ *f haI inni f iT O aaONa IA t T I S; N tCalendar. i U.f .labr VPRIAH ilnoha i 2 iii4 eheNaahiain n'n 'a at Mci-Mc ilihlfc $0NVRST 2 S tt IV t'0 to tNef ii(itne iii i aOOaSEiERcStr tan. iti eniChic a and 3 tih Thi tur itlnaddrt sPhloopicltoety I LaNi fis tos1 e Iti 'illlateC icao evnr The t t iati o O i i a 1 in V~f iifffffffL ff~fR f OThirsday it :9 nonnthe (o appanhBali.iIh' 2no nU Con fine iil Li it nd a ri v zi' tnniii iina mt tt it ititoit'.i iiday, nt if ct."i t -i ooli e ri i of h VAPORnaBiATHtt;59 Fridtaya eveaningt, I3 at at PIN ItBaO. srtr s ntthein it tI iiiiiii i I A n ienbria of ofaainiitta 'attt Dnr. RtheadAadmNiic Ra i 4 30 ReSa- )at ats. i13.i in i i in. at o il t ey onaioit n ShopoetedIfathi;111ta at W A R E Th tuent wo iht a ke iii i ; \ e t an mitt e'lit o _titi ii i,,Geti ht, uin,Ilsat r n i t a m iiaca tionsoud ora tttran itiefiat nett ot 01"o' i safAyoo ' o ris' i nto Bi nnte aiia i n it l:iii di ti "\etia '4 Itt ol- tinainY f EnEt'a s T tv hate it Noafeiiiit D. fl. TINKERF & SO1 HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters tor HATS, GoeS, ATN'seFUNIcSHINaS andCompeelineaoafaGY'M NAUM GOODeanid SWiATERSm. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 1 334 South State Stree Co ArianadeHeroniSteetis. Capital, $o0,tan.Sucirnplus,$3,00 eTaneacts a genera athnkitngbusinaess. R KEMPiPes. C..GREEN,Yie-Pe. FREn H E an.Cashiar. FIRST NATIONAL BANKOQeganiccded 283 Captital, titenoo Sntrplntaend Peofits, 40c000 Trasacs geerl bnkngbitenae. Foeiegn eaneohtigieeld.i Ptaeihetateesaof cedit. B, D., BINNE, Pre,HAiRRISON SiOULE, Vian-Pees. S.'W. C'LARKgSON Cash ier Th1einflrbor Savinas Bank Capital Sioch. $5te00e. Srlas$150,ne, Rieatierces,$ai500,0te Organizad iiniderthe Genetala1kinh~g Lame oftistSitte.Reives depitsi, ttuysaendseells ec an ianthepinial etcitiienofthe Uitied StanaIteiDraftsaiediiponi propeacidantiiaion. Safeaty depaithosto riecnt. OFIEetenChrtitttitanacktPre.;tW.ID. tHarei- nun, VicoePes.; Chasc B. tiaana, Cashiee;t 5. J. Feitz, Asscistant Cashitee W.AJc OOTI,aPRaESe ST El W.ANL,1tc-rsJ. V. S.aWANn, 2d Vi.Caiaes l Jex ~C, ' aLT, Acai.CiasierSVI BANK Transactsa egeneral Btanking IBusiness. f CLEGIATE GAPS, GOWNS and GOODS, r! Reptine at 1 AS end GOWNS, ASPEGIiALTY. G'lI,11 CAaSS GANES, GOLLEGIO FLAGS, CLSSPIES GLASS STATIONERY, Tebcca llt , hOldL . ', licue t Cpipe to- TobaccobaccOlis so LAU'UaE1LIN [OUINTAIIN PENS - nilf t se t p iost'aid, o w e ,tt iadd l I'ihosn ts itt Aut\V.11:75 125If t desatdo t Detiati, ich Any wltl~ay ufigita PRt~oAi O Ft IG3Tp NORT Isi h bs.pnmde 1r Lk'! Cii orcaUn DRY c"ti-I'x:~ )JAIRrATYDanatos HOIT ,I'apr THOSE NOBBY 011onGolF se.t ndrs 'mi dhama Rn i -ii .auia S. Main tt - ___ - LIPt oyNtirsiitNwstat-thh m'atitiltmt topuetr..a it E atte iiit' ne tittieS titar i h n itaianchurch t: .y.(. The curved t tie y c at fitntihinti omtilali tin box that tits any pocket is another if Nta'ie's Oftar t ittu o ue. ihe v i- O 'ND 9 t Int I e al cttrry the iatent styleton iifurtish iings a eyattcuat ed.i Iunit lane tuti reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever Pro'if. oi meitttlti i al lyi f MILW Ri Inoteal i taidilxoti pai l tc.itiitri