4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY COLLEGE TEXT- BOOKS. FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS. awdaBOOKS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND. Agents for Keuffel & Essar's Drawing Materials, the bet made. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pene. The best in the world. Every one war- rated for five yeare. Agente for Crane & Hurdes Fine Writ- ing Papers. For $1.00 you can boy a solid Gold Fountain Pen that is warranted. Fine writing papers, by the pound, at 15s, 20, 250 and 30c. Envelopes to match. Subscriptions taken for all foreign and domestic newepapere and maga- zlnes. Bring us your old echoul and college boke and echage them for new. SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers, U.of M. Station- STATIO ERY!ry for all depart- ments. We Sell Fountain Pens.... from $1.00 to $4.00. All are guaranteed. MARTIN SCHALLER, BOOKSELLER DOWN TOWN, 116 South MasixtStreet HOLMES' LIVERY, Larger and better than ever. Nearly twice as many backs and many more horsee than last year. Leave your Trunk Checks with us or we will call and get them and your baggage will be delivered promptly. 'Phone use. 515 East Liberty- Street. LAMPS FOR STUDENTS We have a fineassrtmeat of Caster Draft, Nickel-plated Lumps, imcluding The Roal, Ths Rochestead the Plumnewoad, Ths Berlin aad Perfectisn Studeat Lumps. The New Lamp. Plumewood, is as advace iatamps. It cives mere lght for the oilIuaed lian any Lasmpofitseind. W eanagive youthe besti Lampsaforthe 7ES T M.sw E Y Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & COn.f D. fl. TINKER & SON HATTERS AND tJE, NIMAR5 Neadquarters for HATS,CAS, Eee *8vs~mieaii ad Caoapleeisedof M3IEA W3 banass sad Swexnes AGENCY Pon-LOESILEY HATS:w 334 ASuth State-~Sreed Car. Main ad Hares Sswee.. Capital, =54,000. Suspias, $30,000. Tssearts A gensrai basking business. R, KEeS, Pes. C. E. GaKses, Vice-pre. FRED. H BaLSan. CashimT. FIRST NATIONAL BANK r AnAro Capiai, $100,(00. Suspias sad Prots, 548,090' .rasaassa generalibankingbusiness. Fseigs eaxchange bougtisindeicrad. Fasniish letle"s o E.0D. KINNE,. Prsea. HARRISON SOULE. S.W. LIMK5N Cashier Theolan fMror savlnas Bank CapitalStuck. $,0. Stipssia$.50,000. Orgasszed eanier thse Ganeral Busting Laws of thsatse. Receiesdseposits, baysand eells exchangue on thpiipaliteiessofttha United Staies. Dafssifaeshies spouprpier identificatiaon. Safety dsitbxsore. GFIeese -Cristbasen5Mecet s.a;W. DOHassi- nanasVscrss ha s.aE. tiscouxCaehier; M. J. Auizssssta as hie a Jssssa.i SWAcTZAss.Csiers 1 1N BfINK Transacets a general Blankiug leuiusiess. U. of M. Barber Shop dMthbxs inn and Bath Boom hsiuse tili 322 Sae L. J. R. Trcjanowski, Prop. C~r-dII Photos (i - I'TEM 5 89IfiF-SGTlON- 6j 13 Eus Wiliim Steet ' 3 lV jsssiess isssitislssekwes ' Josilal - tssi us Ailkinds c 7 fri icgsusaly dana. S o p E. Lambert. I Largc Increa mist tlissyeas te smediscal f< tiei-sct t tihers.hs.bests reasobnstis3 ar ak ui i ANN ARBOR. DETROIT.I " " A " issy 1.;slp' ___ 'j~ ~Tierse ass at lIs cresein the STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO-. a00 1 ise CIATION. toiantstii42ssi A newlinese Twelve Numbers to be Given This inat wssuiss Year. Tickets to be On Sale thisn. iS. Main Soon. Fer Rest-T Frent ansiei hot asncicildsi COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. togr, beds. 439 1.Lyman J. Gage. mie e ~ ,'e ie c ilsiis: 2. F. Hopkinson Smith. DA~IYt11 fr s 3. Max Bendix Company. R.Eesist Seu 4. John Temple Graves. Toledotssist usPt 5. Oratorical Contest. afthueeiy"ille 6. Brig. General Charles King.WICaltn 8. Sousa and his Band. 4* SATUl 9. Congressnan i. P. Dolliver. a +, I 1 0. Chicago Alumni Number. 4* 11. Announced Later. 4 12. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved ~WA1GNI seats 50 cents.lIto e" xpreTs populiar 4' hits an, 4* Itsoori -= J + 4*witheout. sjo IAs. *# 44+4 44 ie in Medical Depart- inot. sintshcscimedical depiasrt- .iu very entcocragintoc 'acuity.rise es-eacest in- imbere schasbeets in kts: ss. lint notkwithtandscintg sec tisered stfeachisyear sit nesdus ofsitudsensetc ediil uischle, Isir uvcricus yeses etc been atecp-s-s iy ll osithsclcsudnisst is. i in stsirecits to siw e)olistS: t the sei - elasissc15sositiese scity as, yettnroled. pintsscte toe markedin i- sstsistsnaceinthteumesdi- It. S. L At cent-se. rfurs-sedsiunitesot roos 'Pshompscsonut -8 ofi litanhatltn ShitsIajust msc Ryant & ttenlc See swe cery deassreble anites. e.Statienasty bites w eith wuatsr. hat water lsst t.tDiisonct. -6 iteOFM. DILYtill alwysteea hIA tOUSEiNEW,- tiuiTli is:: anbeleftlosa tiri . etp M c1t other I s-tiiis diis s te seasieitsoit TibunseDeroiati sti('lirsess. New Yosek ad esoisilty deliveraditois sll partss L. iii NssrthMasiseetc. "4 S 14 "f TVro Calendar. Friday, Gel. .-Albhleticinans enect- lug in gysenasinun. Friday, Get. 6-General receptionacf S. C. A. at Newberry Mall.- Saurnday, Gel. 7-Vacuity c-a. Albiono College. Stutrday, Get. 14d-Vacuityvs. Wiest- ern Reserve University. W~ednesday, Get. 1.-Varsity vs, Ncoi-e Dame Uneiveriiy. Stuerd cy-, Get. 21-Varally -s. Auni- caSsudisits can get lunsches c(allihoimec nadus godsic) lust 01:in5bos atth Woman'stsEcange, 62 L. ibr~tst. c Lostc.-Betwteest Unissssr-dtly 1a11 is: Isward. 1sit 555 rr-7 iRubene1It KempffroIssius : _ ianos Gigait,.and 'sisusiea ii pw tiso;alceocisc art ositseashing.cSudio ';12S.Divlisns t. Utvsa-Ihastaat i W lahais, less-s s Itessle i-sBcs et on 5the sic-et t 0? 2202 ~5S.itin sc. Waited-Tenec usi ssiolitiec ", ' church cs-ctk. Pr o i ticsapy.'>'I , Divison S. _ E rv TRADE- MARK Gelri (1t:: appears onssS. L ,11z: $U I llS Nisy 0).FOR 1899. Cla:reneiGt. Clark, '99M, is p Ci r'teiSpld-ngfcali Istercolegiate Footiball clt rel 1.yYale Price ts. Hervasd, isesis:ofesin its NessYorkcity. litssi- as.5eerii 1- sisee eiiy of Chicago, lscateaslit 317 E. Eighty-nitsltic iHe --:atd est ad ingooti. bakll tears. setrithkssre imedsitlsy ate I rose Sbolecs adEves equinsite for ine ee en a d i n w oig w ll Ie tle c C'a -ac;1 s iitial Fooitbsal laide, ssessss-uciu uisi v ieecdiuse seh is ilt -It «aC r - 1111isis: 8014 ater, wits index hta be-ets apposinkrd oen stfk fth e at aI it, nt r eer, htogaspitso Nesw York asndi Preasyts-rian hopit-s, c<<: e- p t>as, 0C a ty iiln ~.Y e~ses~ £~--- - - s~ 3 a ' soldin Bos 1at~1 a " .sc sirsar. ~~rt .;:I 1RDAY,_Sept. 30 R, -M, MARTIN... OPENING DAY....4+RUERALR __ __---------- -- -- _ --RET4 ER CO wil uon hei NE S~li-E wth t NW Embalming a specialty. No.'20 S. 4t E -R& C. wil oen heirNEWSTOE wih aNEW Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rtes- MEtN' FURNISIIINGS and HATS. Our Derby is ttadeil 7 idene30 Fifth Ave. ly for its attd is the best value ever shown at tohe ___---- _ "price of $3.00, in all shapes and colors, also soft 4 y rTTYTTTTeereaversarrTserrereerrraseaa rera sraaaa d caps of latest designs. Conme and receive an 4 GAlLs iV ie" souvenir, an article once used you will never he 4 SNOW LAUNDRY 4 STATE PHONE, 520. Wavnr & Co.121Souh Min. Your laundry 'washed clean ansd weld 1arer Co, 21 out Man. starcaedand ironed.SEveryathsieg and aired out of daors. Tey a MILWARD.E THE NOBBY TAILOR, STATE STREET