THE UNIVERSITY 0 F MICHIGAN DAILY, . ~~~~Football Team Will EnsolJ Hamlet. 1 arsnJ vl loapashr Pubishd Dily(Suday exeptd) urig tetneoi-t intHalthas intvi tte fot Colege ear, at bailt tmto otteol the iteitermane-. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. -s hot alimited tnmbeoseats0 too benZL Clifotoe tteam not ollt O bouth IladPloe.?,elit g tBlo tt.(Itt hatbe tt. OTe iten -tvo pttt __--. -_- II-- 1-tt Y -,tl 1,,,,-h .I ,".1tte o ti,,n 1ario(/ if __ r AVet feet are oftentthle piry ti causeos f a etold. letettiltber thttoo1011 practically swaterprootf soetts andtltabsoluitely waterprtof olversoesllartesessentiials ott Iito iris.1 hYottcanaffordltlhe ltest, aitdl ws hav e thte bes tat trifling p~rices. Glass's Shoe Store 109 S. MAIN STREET. MANAGING EDITORI. F. ENsoEtoott, 'It L. BIUSINESS IANAGUi. ATHiLETICS.,. . . .. l. IltoeNoseT, '01 E T. iR. Wosettots, '00L. A. II. MstCoso.t.LL,'ii A.J.Msssottos. '0. E.1J. B. Wl)o, '0, 'L . oTntttntttI itee 1111111D,00111 nilt'tot the collegeo tetr,wittlt otittlat teivbef 1 ttore 1001on elhoea. Notieet, communicattt'Oions, ttt othet omatter 00ntenettfor11101ication1inuA1be h a d d ina1 h e D IY1111 e o e . in , o preitiston thation which te reexecedt Moliers. o tlets oet' tdl eltrt'with 1us111s carriers oto tdeliter gap1r. Alt hagss n derit n mtermutbei te offce by4. in, ontteIl~slillo iitotl 0thtt on whislihtvet 11tiotwwar. re fusing, 1to allowle 5clattnto ItortgecL.. 11111ltd. 1In11110ftte stai teet ttlhis illaslll ?s as f' 1o 'asitl0i ltt te htI'S te eof th itnasttsmseting, last year, he 110ijre.0 itms tht t itt 0wasin0 111 s're1 ont' 0 for1h1s oilketos. Anttltae it tosoCeltti tat it It, is thtus Oo1verlyltlprob 11ab l i tte ill- -Wle in Ote hosp1i5tis on111 tion1111.1 seltusfo tlolie 15and 11111stecot )s 1 thi c, 0ni111a1nd1g10t111t1eteate t ody. WI'ist Scores. Tie Whist.Clubhld .its.00.110 10110t iglas st tea11 d11 of1 o n 111lihurtoloo NOIIOT1'I AND SOUTHO. Brilhart'and Joneo ........24 pus I 0mth1.11 anela m.. . 104pusf spea1 ha, uh 1 ppit s t odt- h 1till 11e11f1111al 0o1g1n1oi'll , Ilode1 ' 111111 tt' oadng ill itst l5 1 tttt'tottttat tit 0llt he iu l 1i, their0lates111111111111crit1c101 1111110sIt ll lreliii tiI 011 o etla ti(l is nti I U to any ' m I'l)dpa iyin theeitr ihaue b t m rl eta elin", 111_1-t f ,e v S . .m m e ' u 111111 siefo s b er1ti t l Bulletin The posal -autho ies 'l(> Open Evenings, Until Chrstmas .1n I t jl (,tooills Attractive Lit'e(If Mnt's Ettoitist forl the 11111itliv'.. INeckearil, HouIse CtotsIBathtliRobes, Glovesi', Fancy Yenta, Hosiery, tf1 iilercriefet, Umlbrellas, 1111101shlirty 10101dMNtfllers. All ttenewt eaOltionls specially adapijted or ~bUHliday Gifts, NOIW'sStar Glotllinq BOIISO THE ADVENTURES OF A FRESHMAN I/y 'f gSS F Lh,--,C H1WIL.LIJ-HS, author oJ I011 010)1S.TOLE S'T'ORYTANO TH00010NEWSPAPER STORIES? ETC. 10011 1101 EUTHYMO' lilleie loOletIt IllIl 11 5 -~Tlii sPurring taIC of college life Is Mr. XWiLL.o ,iS0s 25c'o~le.first ion e Isteory, ind it hasO already been pro- 111 I~ll gams, he0asocatio1ntgl1 Tooth Psepittrte of CoIIe gC lifC than the same author's I~~ I I' lilci 1 shr t hezu TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH H FULLY ILLhTIOZA'lhl-F0It SALE IVIOIYWHERO-lthCE 01011bln<('o- 1 ot%200,1t .iuyff1% -CHARLES SClOIBNER' S SONS,)iPUBLISHERS3 NEW YORK. 0nu; to 1 pit tous tsl 111. 011101 1 UA, Y j to rfust tt payfill th",neic~a tre-AND ELECTFLG LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, nnt o nin ijurdo t-notbl Tyertr("O1)ving PORTABLE LAMPS, ET0., 1111 01111110y 100001 ht va, IJCJ IA 11 01 01 10 . IA iAII PLit ] 110, S'1101. 0001 11110 AT R10.0 1 110 ING.0 iladly anld needed pticular10 001are.1 s l 1 p DI er 100 ANor(Is. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGC 4 ST. 1110 is11er 11101"i te nailltes a surSCHOOL OF SHORTHAND bi ___ _ S E S NEARLY 0110110: r11 1l 1i 0 1MM IM Mi a uit zi thetlicleO atliioall cos o tllo tlil toI 11ay.Petrhaps 1this1is0111'of Cit; m111110reent innov1ationls it "Ite ieh- iness lpr1inciplesillspendi hundreds 11'' dllarl~s equipingO a teaim, 0011 t1010111 micial bli il e 1010111ee is a1 III 0011' ot his setur0n1t1 the liilito 1m1ke(0 a winning00 tnd proidtaleOtlam, 1100 0111n Is injuries areneous Othee 10 1111c prospect ohis immodiato noot aloe's to lte team;C oaste 0111moneyOYon hunt buot leOt111m loaeetaec 00 hinself.IEveti sueh i tuinliess eterpoeatio 00 0rail toad prcoids orsempnoloyeces injured 1in servi1e'. When colle'ge atheicldarer0110 ca mo1 000coldl bloodedlpeincipleos thin is such a corploration,. tile moueiiboasted1 college 011010itod nontintent is at lease dormant. Athens Theatre DEAN Mi. SEABOLT, Manager. GOOD THINGS WEDNEcSDAY, DEC. 1 i-'-IllriOSo J. Wolfe in''clHamilet"' The School of Dancing BAfIK'S IGfIDLMY Pupils receiedat any time.-Benll'Phone 2I4l6a to orderinig cariiage s ty notOget thenti wshere 0011 ca10get yo005 011e0 filleid 011t011110with1a 10ria~lge.NNis tate iaidded isse11111e11tolur alreaidsylrge line iand 111110abooteetleatrgest 11011111e'eof hacks ii tion swhoicho sill en~sure you~ good service. Price thiosamie. Phone 116. 51i, bist Liberty Street. 4-IEADQUIfIRTE.EcMFOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases Ilofey elco'on.0T111NK ANDI) VAILiIISE EAIRINGI at 1 omt Price,'. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 3507 South Min Street. AN' O aII T11 11E. AMFJ HF0 THE BERT IN THE CITY Guaranteedl to be genuine Frenchl Enamoeled Calf, witb the boot sweat proof,-kid lining. Phone 355 Warranted waterproof. 119 E. Washington St., APIIL'S SHOE STOREN CHEST PROTECTORS, 100 TO $3.00 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.