MHE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DAILY.... , Ladi"e~ Slippers an ifd s x ords FOR EVENING WEAR I G OODSPEEAD'S flA FULL LINE .... ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE 119 SOUTH MAIN 1 MICHIGAN CENTRALn AIarm Clocks SI. "The Niagara Falls Route." l e tc lr h lh t~ a h r .o 1 ~i ~ o$00.Vn CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. . .Pi 5 0 oX00.Fn Taking iueet Nve'r..lbr 19, 1899. L \:r , Vatcho Repairingta Specialty. Deri i 0tEpes ........ L . . of ~J L CHAPMAN1, JEWIIELER, ........i......i.... . .~ 7 ll 45C t Dtantigh xpes 206~ hw~ tas Soth. GMTe aciOfSwatrsEpres....... 4 Ha Go' fle Feet Eu e l.o ..........94 MailiandhEpess.. ..........92 A. BostoN Y and C iao........80 Chicaoi Niglit Exr' .......... 92 Pacific Expre............... .o)1: . At. Steamoship Tiet all tlasies, to aid fromi European points atliowest rates. Sail infit- mcatio on iiappilicain O. W. RUGGLES, 115 IV.o 1IA.ic GP.& TA'tCio. Ag't AnniArbor. TIME TABLE Taking Eifet, Sunday, 'May 21, 0899. Traics leare Acnn Arbor by Cientral Stand- ard Tire. *No. 6.- 7:26 A. M. No. .- 8:t6 A. 1M. No. 2.-11:3) A. M. 'No. 6.-12:30 P. M. No. 4.- 8:30 P. a. No. 3.- 4:50 r. a. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trais daiilycexce pt Siunday. E. S. GIt1IRsuE, Agent. W 01. uBENNETT, G. P. A. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for IDetroit andl Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 6:14 a. to. until 8:15 1). 1n.t last car fur D)etroit 11:10 p. no1. Waiiting roomi, ciorner Ann and M~ain sts.; Detrnit, III (itowold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO, WARARNI - FAST TRAIN I BUT WE ARE GOING DOWN laveyou, Our Best $5,00 Sweaters, $3.86 Our Best $4.00 Sweaters, $3,00 " 4.00 " 3.31 (I"' " 3.00 " 2.47 Alarge asoortmtent for $1.30 and $2.25. These are Conie in and look at thei E. P. dePont anoE atfordt to lios the chance. MfIOK & GO. SMc. IHa rrioon J. Nh0.olfe who 'oct1101p- Otdeito who wanot lt ivet in0 pear it tlic Athenos Theatre as Hanolc. : ic cotrnk, valise, tlesccope or dc-sA neart Wednesiday tis aboiroactor who101s ccttuitaetshotild 010o1 inianid see A. ever '7 il lia 0 c 0 i'cflhnhiis o ldteucfcl. Si. Matiloni.OHe liao just ire- oni public facor Gifted1by ntuere wi iti civ citot iiof neconesc. Priceo right. all the attriiuts f agret toreduiii67 catcit fur acid experieniccd ini thi'buot- nessof he tag, h ha costatly Dec 1ath and 16th C'hristmoas Bazaar inprilocedu00111lhe nootcacceptecOas of tlioet'nttriaci Church. Refresh- ofth Ilc' ott hugyong' tragi- rtoiianti' oociits from 4 p. to. 10 p. mn. acitrs .f car day. In hsupport if Lao.-- loocard halo at WIadhoamo, Ryan& ccocc Ilar'rect Ale~xanide'r iaciuti, Ilcule. Bsit hat oin the market tot $3.00. RuescA. Ileili, M'argaret 'lather aol 200-202 S. Mistt zt oesttri ''lot ao'i'ic'' Ohiinan tliai, "'Itoue Jeanc," "In (ld Kii- 'On accont oftife SophomooeSoetil tuck:," Liest Picaie," "H'1am-