2 Pablished Daily (Sndays eceped darig th Collg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orica: TecInaland Press, Henintg Blck. Both Phoea. 14. M1ANAGING EDITOR.- F. EoaatascaD, '1 . BIUSINESS MANAGER. . 5. Hla, 00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS,. . . G. t. lDNaacv, '01 E T. IR. Waaaatao, '00 L. A. H. McOoccomn, 'l E A. . BacOcc. '0. E. J. B. WO. '00, L. J. MOoetOOatct,'t, W. ID. Irlcoco, '0IM, Thea acboccptoocprce c to ct A. cc a2.t fcc tha college yecr, ocitta reglarocdellitry beforec ton ach day. Nticco,ucocoo icatio,ad thr ac at ottctruded forplicton mutobtec handedintoat the DcttL otic Ocoa 08 p.tm., or maitd to te editoc heoe3c, I. c.othoteoday pevtotts to thton00which thycreexpected to appe a. SotbscitiosaDtoyheclcft at ttc DottYyoffic, Meycc's, ccStollt's coctatcc, o ith Booicst Manag. Oohcciloaco wclcofrafavtoracy repoting plocoocty at hiaofficanOttofailote at cacciecs to dlivecc pape. All chages itt adercising attccocot be ha thetoffic y 4 p. It. ottheiocdcy1pcviotc to that oa whicha theyare oaoearo. Athletic oard Meeting. Tthe athtletic boardceo etos toidht att 7 o'clockc lotthea Tcophiy Rooc. 'Pe ameettng totocis tot be acc eecting as the one last Toesday. Te ccoilt Oppointedototcofercooith thcochs .00 cc mn wc choc oct11rcive Mscwiii ma01c its report.The cocoh oquesio oill csc ha discusedo. It sococa'to be tie scntimtent oot acomajorit of te bood that saenaesten mao shouldLe ec- gaged next yeacc cc ead cach.A rumblec of lie loarcd cwho faet th eastecoatchitictatoear co itt fccvcc ot eainog Fereet cd someotbcc e- . cent 'varsity Itianctsoatoecaite cacti.S-c. Among thetamotoesa tontionedlfoca hici latter positiont rc'Mc~onatd, Idad Ic, outner ad Aletn. To Ofer Prize for Original Research At the ocoeig oylie 1PedaggialI Societ ylast tnigt cc elutionc cac tcassed cetoisetoatfund ft a .priz' te bo awcrced.or feoeiginalcreechci. Toot plan is toler a t.rizoe fee at a cv prepelaod ftomor ciginalirtsearttch orcc co some euctiontal asubjet. No dadi- lice acongeoieto ca tuoade. A tco- toitteetas apoaitedactoo cosidethit lotne of ccokcto be pursued, deie waoyc -,eccean mo ns cctOatndireort ct fie tnet ueting otie a coa'ty0. Tie7fol- osing ocemcbetsetcopise 01ccooct tilto : Fioremn,cPtrobt, Steonc, Acermano ctd Lang. Oratorical Mass Meetinq. Thetaeccill be a geoeral loeetitgot l studts icoterestedi it oratory, Wedns- cay evenoing, ot 7010p1. o., incoo17m c34, for liepurotsoe o t cirringouaet husli- asm ito the coming otctal contets Prof. Tcatbloocdcwill gie a a-sheet la- flute on Aleanccdr amilo. Mr. Charles Simotns, Monc Orato, ccill deliver anl oration after cwhich Prof. Trueblood ccill give oma valuable ug- gesticosrgardiog the contruction of ihe oatio ad chice of subjec. The League cotoest cwill be held this year cc Madison. It in important that an cc- tor e dveledwcohewcill regain Mih- igans lst laurl. Everyone inte- ested in oratory should attend. Rapidy Paing Up. There is still 43.71 due on the sub- scriptiono to the athletie associationa. Out of this sum $398.71 is still due rm the fraternities and $5.0 from individ- uals. It, in expected 1o havc all of this paid up in full before the Clritmas hoolidays. THE UNIVYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Minstrel Show~ Tallh is Begun. H i h S a d r Manager Harry Potter has com- menced Io look around for talent for the big -oinslral shocw to be. giveno by attly by Castinuous Effort. toe athletic association is the specs;;, qiriesccotinouoscfortlono The dataeccill probably he soete loein h tcso h aycoh the Iltter part of March It onsuunder-ST I O HLTC T IN stoodIthat*lice ucusical clubs cci11000 ST INVVLOCLO HN thiri concecrt hare the nighot follocc tlt, cduced anod iccabead in evecy the Junittor Mop and as the Glee Clue garetsl, cc abot once-hall wcould toot be able to do coy coachkcincicwhic c h estccldressers are prepinig for th~e mtoocrel csos' cecil have this season puchclased ar otter tihat timec te date ciiitprobably and Oveecoassand ace inc cos ourtemaniihcetllice of Ibish be salected as mtuiontd above. Any oceoa hcoas coy ability io burtcorki Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. lnsis reqluested to see Mrl. Potter' Always come to us for tf scome 1tciic e neat future. At presenct every bed icc theoicci- sty hospital is occuopiean'td tb-eeare ccde s at coast 50 patietcs cviing to secure a bedl in lice hoscpitaol. It is ecidetithat tmore rocoma must be securedas so5 0 on asparpp'8 Q n posile.:1iaolHubbard'c, dispentsing tc'It inC af +.++ 0teoeairo ft heDntlde tmccttis sofferinga fromcacootaaak FURNISHlES FIRS1 of tetteillcis. ________-REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 111 Tc'usloy' afternon cProet.lDecmmon orcders promplyfiled. F'resh H cwill gice a a11k 0 tonoalet"' btfocre thc cwithc the fatouos Sloolid artcamel Mostaic club, of dackson c, Plit, and salted pceanut~s naow ready.C of moerit inc clothes making is gained Anod so it is inclo&thes dealing. It re- ccc part to select 11001 o blab is best loom ccs makoers intisccountry. is wcithaot qestiono the fiotpee- respectso Ihe averafe mcade-to-ocdec the price. Illis that kind of clothinog elookintg for,coccirealizing thcic fact Ncc .cccunusual Large Stack at Stain Blach Sails )s110cc to fit all shoapes anod formos iromc high grade male. :e proper thing. schmilt &Apfel French Cook in Charge T-CLAISS BOARD. EAL. TICKETS $3.00. .Shlort Ionic Made Candy oeo011hand Ia specially,. loop torn balls Comle in cod fry lltem. CWI~AI S_______ _ 709 N. University Avenue ~ CfiR~TESDO IT NOW.... Donc't ccait till theces sacll gone. Laldies heavy wintec We liav ewtao Int.ton ihoeoformner ptice 1X350 and 1$4.00, Sale Price 0ver700dffret ic s. L4)i((1 STAELL &CO.WfAB[ 6c MILLR, 3J 01 S. MAIN ST. 2108 South la ltin Street. THE SHOEIEON, MAKE YOUR DIMESIr noDoUBL(UT *YHE ADVENT UR ES WWo%0ican1c "'e o u cy your ChristaL AgiDft;C'UT 1 AX makcoe it hello tooseureabeatula 0 1' .A I F X R 12E aJS11H. vi A. N 5350 t~olcc ig 1010000forte it lodogeIo cin ic-cu tote ocost cottosel. by 'JESSE LYNCH WILLIAIMS, aut/hor of Renmembrcat oo, thatco c-oertaioncoot . theF icc t hooottr o io clc TtSTOLtN STORY AND) OTHER NEWSPAPER STORIES, ETC. a nece'sscary'to ccinto e l ic e ; ac; git .tt - tee subject itn your todlgettme'tinstalk too buy' their Xmooa15 gifilcl' tof c1t100 Thio stirring tale tf college life is MVr. \VILLIAMSIO ocec'c'icntsenctlionedaaibelowoc, makoling5 first lootg story, and it haI l red b espo eery' 1 eto urchaOt icsetcally o'e incfat- t le d o r- vor of ytour society. Idotunced by the N. Y. Eveninzg Sun - a better KOCK furniture, carpets.pitutre picture of college life than the same author's frames, wouldintgs, tfrunks and ~e- valises. Pr~inlcetonl ZLoV1 (whichfisfnow in t/e Stho edition.).- W AHE & M4ILLER Shcoe. ______________________ RINSEY & SEAIOLd' Grocries. (0EO. THALLER1 Jeweler. FULLY ILLUSTRATE-FOR SALE EVERYWHERE--PIRCE $.25 LAMBS & SP0ENCEoR C(irorers S. St., MEULIG & SCHIMID Hardware. -CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS, PUBLIbHERS, NEW YORK. DAVIT' & SEABOLT (Grocery. H FUSEL BROS Ushaers. ___________________________ MTILEOI & PRAY (Grocers. 0.1'. EXT N (4 ER Fair Store. "A ITDPIfTIl IDIE SH E, Jt)HNSITON & CO Groceries andGA AND ELECTIC LIGHINGIIUPPUILIESL SADS Met.,b, Forest ave.U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., TiocA N ARBOR MU,IC CO. A SPECIALTY. SAITARY PLUMBING5, STEAM AND0 HOT WATER 5lEATltG. 8' A. HENI)MLCKS Mtlinsiy. GOIODRI(CH WALKER & MR- i J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. PHY Tailors, over First Nat. Bank. W.N. SATLISBUIRY Draggist PA TY SE SO IS NEARLY IA th ints In ordering carriages why not get them where you can get your order hiled on tune with a cairiage. W~e hare sdded Orve mote to ocir already large line and now hare the largest numbler of hacks in toll Mri _ _L . which wii ensure you good service. Price the same. DEAN M. SEABOLT, Masager. GOOD THINGS W5EDNESDAYiDzc. 13--Harrison J. W'olfe in:"IHamliet." 1he School of Dancingi O1tNOLI'$ IIGIDEMY Pupils received at any time-Bell 'Phone 2-4-6 HOL4ME$' L4V1 R-Y, one 10e. 515 East Liberty Street. Fit' UTp .Th,i an ALARM CLOCK HALLER'SAJEWELRY STORE, Callege Pine of Fine Design. CHEST PROTECTORS, 100 TO $3.00 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.