THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ( T / 1 C Y SN A P P Y; V$3.50 omnCOMFO RTABLE SOLENAG SHOES for Men GO~DP ' MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME 'faking Effet June 25, 1899. Detroit Nisht Exprosse...........555A.8M. Atlantic spres............ 7 M }rand Rapids Express ....... ....1D1i Mail and lExpress............3 47P. x. N. Y. lBostonSpecial .......... 458 Fast $a-tern. ............. 943« Mail andSExpress............. 9 4A. V. IBoto, . Y.and Chicagoe...... 7048" Fast W stern Express............1 3 sPjM G. R.and Kal. Express........ 545" Chicago Night Exprese ............943" Pacific Exspress..............12 30 A. X O. W.RUGGLES, 11. W.HAooS, GP.& T.AgtChicgo. Ag'tAnnArbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, Mtay 21, 1899. rains leave Ann Arbor by Cetral Stand- ar Tins. SOUTH NORTH 'SON. .- 1:25 A. M. No. 1.- 9:01) A. Mi. N*.. 2.-1:17 A. M. *No. 5.-16:30 P. m. ble. 4.- 8:30 P. m. No. 3.- 4:5% P. ht. t~ ifS02- 8:08 P.nm. t"'101.- 9:05 A M. t um Snday only. *Runa betweesn Aunh Arbor and Toledo only All other trains dally except Sonday. E. S. GILMO.RE, Acent. W H1. BENNETT. G. P. A. Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars lesave for Detroit andi Ypoilasnti every half hour, beginning at 6:45 a. en until 8:15 p. inD last car for Detroit 311:10 n. m. Waibicg roorne, corner Ann ano Main ste.; lDetroit, lit1(Griswold et. ATHENS THEATRE SATURDAY, SEPT. 30. 1116 FiliS1101 Mr. fresh1 .'RncttlitetI with Pointed Wit. An Ver-Runntng Spring of Merriment PRICS. 25, 35, 55 AND 75 CENTS. Res.rredSeate at Flle's Jewelry Storo. Soour [1n6 DisPldu 01 FALL SHIRTS NECKWEAR and GLOVES THE BEST LINE OF UNDERWEAR IN THE CITY. MfINSTREPOT AfXIVK & GO-LIBERTY ST Students .: