She 'or YOL. X. T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Fancyj Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We arrhe Largest A Stock L In the City L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 RI R Chocolates W1e make a specialty of Chocolates aa a side line. Wve sell lots of them and or stock is always fresh. Losney's, Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. IWikfers Pharmacy THE OLD Frseeralettceekstehve REIBEboon. amd new caniredy with REAl lineof LUNCHES,S Vt Pr -, A SL EGcAIL'tY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Chbrietmas C hocolates b Cal hav c cysin Wewl akdsted thecefo %Vwltk odrsf o lleet he facoriss icago . CALKIN'S PHARMACY Have you Seen Those New 01F THE Universityj and Ann Arbor? THEY'RE GREAT FIVE KINDS ()N Y 2r EACH ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 , 18 99. No. 65. EDITED BY WOMEN. and the elence are that in this ces, tChicagesill play Michigan. Withut A Soucenir Edition oil the Daily. a doubt thie resumptin et athletic re- A Souenier Edition of The Deill. laome ienest desirable and let It be The' stmen's edition et the U. oel hoped that in te future all disagree- Daily till appear next Saturday, messilaeaicbysttedn ill naeh a very pretty Chrieim'iS that the big Wetern Universities till souvenir. It sill contain manyin woktgteadfrthgnrl -- teiresting aticle ameng which mi__fefeser _ahltis. lie tamed "Turkish Education tet Chicago Not the Whole Thing. Uris" by Mis. Angel; "Life i Reades ot The Daily will be lte- tirl's College" by carious students who oted in kning wshat the University hate attended Smith, Wellesley, Vas iofotsa thitks concerning her strong sae' Byr riihr nd ohers "IsCo esven swhich has made uch a reor I educatoit a Faiure-A Sympopini 'ott the g idirtn thin all. Tetflot- bty Professors Wenley, Hindale mra itiolippng is taken rom the last eeou' Scott. it their trimwekly newspaper: Witatit ii th rartiesline ot Iowa closes the ootbal season of tesniontet sttchkitill be treated by meat- 199 Chaminmsitt the West and twithe hesitt the faculty; ftr instance, Po oeta qa liswt n at tessotsalToitpstotin ndLottetwill gie t tes1r1titutton for the championhb i thir vsiont "Witmen ini ihe Legal thtnotssit the country. Her record nts trotosion. 'beeni a glorious one, netcc defeated atit Tihe life itt girls in ther cuntrie willbe reatd b Medame An itlith 07 cr to her otionents 5. tril b tratd b Medaen ng 11 No tesm ast or tiet tils played Patterston, Walker, Minsees Tomo lt ru~nttesaonwt uhar; oug, SnnereaerBenO'LelDelcord tin lona'-on uncritssed goal lie' oilt ig aksnHad arard alone approaches the record Athletics till be gire a page trutht of the osa team, with bt one field will be attended to by Mien Kathari' ich scored agaittst it this seaon. Hini. Potlitcstill be treatcd by rar- Compitaratire scoreutill also plnc toes tudetnts who are promitent inthunvriyea wtotapern thstt.tiartir-ulser lte. Miss Stewar i tis cuntty. The twek after Iota ir- plitiical ei'o.. heligious life of tCeeltolny difetocd Chicago that team snit; students till be trcated antia. ag' thestine tien againt Ctril td d'- 11l be devoted to ech of the sub eta featcd hete Ithican 17 toi 5. Shortly iii '~~fterwriosCttocnell eat Princetoti I to of dres, socity, and literature. .0 tnmber itt "tllege sitories :sin rersesu. OChicoialsit ouplayed Pntnyf. 4G ll.he tth~htovnia itt a tic g'mee 5 to 5. All ofuhih 1 ilshow;shi 'ii itsthat lou .uas a o t it 7~ 'Ourcitrts isill bo i ir t tatd btt' antididecoroten i itO the Ipictureof hs e01' n, t lfrn h girl vis lih mntib' hocinsidetcd a ____sa__em fte vii7 cut 1osite pirtit itt the Michigan girls. Must Elect a New )Editor. The ittape rwill be ate artisticOttI xv. IB. Puktis, te manatging editor o t'lttii'ttiiristic siuvenir of the t ivre"thiis year's Michignensiat, epcts to sty.Thsere' till hi' twensty-tour lpages' "ieavetolleg'next I seel, thus learltt0 Otdtheb toitles till sell at tntciintt roat te hcofic e of mnngitig' edito. 'ali-.As the numstbic'Irintedt will b r itica ecrdapoiini limited thosesoisho siish copies shol t'.ri in conection wistiethe Worl's givcthir c trders ts any membr iifFair tatd will htvehlilamstieicon tUncle the board o ittiots Or eteclose it A amspyrlfoon ye.It1 an evilpe nd laveit ith iss ityiunerstood that Mi. tt'sC amnpbll till i'l, i Iic itrui sitic prbably Ito chisntlithue tifice itf Next Year's Captain. maningsit editor ii Mr. Pitin's The sahioct hithe sit elctiotn of a catintitfr the fottball evin ttortnex Composition in Literature and Art. yaisbcmitts'attletltic luh tUitgtpc f Po. VW'il.I. trench, Diector of liscussitits tbotttcolee. It is'siterc- ite Chictgo Art Istitut tatddt'ssd stoodthituuthe cpta itill be lecl icthe Uity tClublatsn ightsit "T he _4n- nt iweitk.Neil ttowithts'ely fman taloyhobteencorosoitiotu in liter s- talkedl ittfr the poitionls intuu till uciturlendttlitsat." Ie sated tht theb doiubtedly i'tceis'e the honif the rc-ou tuli'tiorseiletn stsbthsie btsis of turnto cotllege nxt tfall. It is iniscint bullshkittisitt cosmpoitsitin. Te lit- 't hir ntt'tulrtnig'that t' suject ito ctry wtruker fills its his outlinewistli heilitodiscussed. argumtet ilsi trationi, tassecdot, et'.. Want to play Michigan. whiileIthe arislt ills ii ieswitlb the 'thetittitirng eit ttitt isclilpe ttisteilformti, colo, light andI shade. fitotmtthe hast rumber of the Chicog kt~echipocecditd ltum e t tle litsb Wetkly, atndtill vrove of iteest tSetctintga itscii tbjects itheii forst outlinte wihichswasloteer vey' Michigan studtents. Ittshowts that not-:la n li n otie h isithstatndiing the aricles ini the Chi-fndiot des Eahpr ws sgitdily paplers lto the otrar y the stuentbod atChiagoareanxousdetsfilledicit andutamtplified. Mnesli ownsomeitof. the crdineatlriniipes to hve micblereltios btovertto gorin the atis. Te undanmenl tCticago and Michigan tntd a'eagr r etci sihtoes i for a game next yeas:eatt'scti5slyotitnuylm- "Thi' Wisconsin-C'hicago gittti'ishich liescasutycointsi. is to be played Saturday beats greatir litiy otd v rutirir.T'eiteure baic impottrtanece. In the ist place the sit- ai},picleheblnmcuiur re rnicotuty ing teanm till have a clear claist to the Westerns campionship, asndsill iiItli~rsttsi 'tt't',itr change sitotilicitytid lharmony. The easily stand on a ar siith any teamt efec'ttetch was illutrate bya trhich can be selected an as ter'n dawing. He drewr i careful atasogy champion. Furthermore it marks t" btwen the plan in the cimpsition of riesumption itt athletic relationesitle Pe's Rttven,. and a ork ot art, shunw- Madison as well ans wth Michigan and ns 1g lbhe same seris of steps in bsth. hIniis. Madison by agreement is ft The lechoic wsa enliened by many play Illiaois next Thanksgiving day. anecdots atnd bright sayings. . Other Side Heard From. The Daily publishes below a sem- niunication from one svho may be said ta be isel potted n the athetic situ- alien here at Michigan, and wh bas been is a position to get a pretty god line en lbseiork dome at the athletic field this tall. Editoc of . itt M. Daily: Even since the defeat of Michigan by the Uiversity of Wisconsin themo has beets much said in criticism f oc coaches. Fee' take intu consideration the true facts of the case and the mane dificulie under which the cashon worked. After the Pennsylvania game France isas absent, ocasioned by the death of his fathem, until the -Monday before Thamkgiing. Siegnmund wsanlaid up far a week and a halt with a bruised shoulder. Snow' eas ick in bed at hts Detroit home. Street irso nly out tr pratices firs days me the last ten. REhehardon wsat handidcapped by abroken finger, With all these bow' couldh team work be ex- pected? All through the year the team has only thies men cahing, in addi- lion Is the valuable aistane of Mr. Fitzpatrick Then in the Chicago game luck sas against us. They had the usind, but notwithstanding that act for twnmty minutes swe kept cntinually menacing their goal. Why do mut all look at the matter in the right light and not attach tho blame to Dutch Ferbert th nit thieb. sine he has beemi comneced wsith0 l Tiniii itas donemtuor. fr fttbal hit-ittlustsnsmotltutoranutois so eiv'ti :1 tuu'ec a sut. MXodest as he aways is in case of victory he non' shosthe bet side of his nuatur, asd says, "Yes, f course I ami altogether to blame." The ainy "Dutche" last year' coached inners but osktedlo praise. 'hisyear, uho ttakes all the banue On it fair?" "ANTI KNOCKER." Medical Society News, The rcgular neting of the medical tociehyt ill be hlcd'Thursday evenimg hut the low'r lecture roomtofsi the mned- ical bulding. Thin meeigtill be very interestitug and instructive to thouse who sill be present. The mieet- stg ill be turned utver to the youngcc memtbers5 of the fatuclty , whoussill rea hapers upon work done by them. Thie paperstill be onuly upon the origintul researchcs as crried on by thenm in the tbortuIrites of the tUniversity. 'Thcemeetinugnwhih wan 'turned ovet' tl itsm last year swas one of the bet hle hamd the incting 'iliumrsduy' eve- muS'glint's promise itt being' sie itt lbs best ittetings si the year'. hum chooing he speakutrsitf the eve- mggreoInsreitts beens taklen so that t he unditelasis esswill eceie on muchttibenmsfiututudinstrctionm as the ttiper ls.'uueu. 'fle snciey is its a prospeou cot- ditioun and is earnestly deemred that all nmemtbes be Itrsint. Hard on the Bulletin. 'flit' utteilic uthoritis iefused o allowu the hst issue of the Bulletin to go threugh the mats an second ca matter. It non claimed that the pub- lication ad nusubsribers or at least sut esough buo allew the paper to pass as secuond clas mal matter rates ho editors of the paper succeeded In fiing the matter up after some cnsiderable in convenience,