tDepartment Former Price 25oiard30c Now l and 20C SSHEEHAN & Co.s UNIVERSITY 320 S. State SBOISELLER Street U. ofl M. ,Barber VAPOR BATHSi Shop and Bath tect.Ra Roorps, 822 STATE. i.eR. Trojansesbl UIVE~tRSITY SCHOOL OF Gentlemcen's begincnccta, .Stocday.8 to lO pc. Ladies' begicoing duoss, Wed., 8 to 10 p.mi. 01INK BROS., Instructor's Ol0ce and Academy, ickel Hall, 334-335 S. State remember that we can supply you' with a $1.00 Fountain Pen tihe Laughlin or Waterman, whichY we f ully guarantee.. What more can you askY Try us. r'Ai&N$RA4LE DOWN; TOWN, 1'16 SOUTH MAIN ST. " M Y Schleede's New. l ,1xPatent Lecture Book iBefore buying your sote Socks or roctore cover, call in cod see or cow patent cover. 'Thes paper doe not toar or getcmisplaced co in cho old style string note books. Parker and Waterman Perks from $i.25 up. Wholesale ard Retal. Paper tram 10 cents a Pound up. F, J. SCHLEEDEJ, 340 South State Street. LAMPS.FOR STUDENTS Wo have sarn assortmnt of Center Draft, Nickel-plated Lamps, including The Royal. The Rochester and the Plu mswnsd, The Berlin and Perfecion Student Lamsop. The New Lamp. Piomewood, is on advance an Lamps. It gives more light for the oil need thet any Lamp af its hind. We c give yoa thr boot Lamps for the COME AND SEE. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR. MICH. . Newr Rule Relating to Baggage. The Michigan Central. has adopted a new scheme,. for handling baggage, uhich will be welcomed hy students. All baggage :delivered: at stations, by transfer tines eor expressmen must bear a claim check, or a station claim check vill be issued. by the station baggage- man when baggage is received. The company will soot accept nor become responsible unlesa it bears a check ae above or a claim: checky is received: by the, party delivering the ,same. On account of trouble caused by parties climeing wrontg baggage at stations, this rule. will be -strictly enforced. Hack and rapreosmen have been sup- lied with claim checks, and they will check baggage when delivered to theme. Ba-ggagecshould not be given to irre- sponsible express and draymen-:ho do elt assue claim chuecks. Dee. 15th and 16th Christmas Bazaar at the Ulnitarian Church. Refresh- ments from 4 p. m. 10 p. m. A complete line of Adler Broa.. fine auts at Wadhama, Ryan & Reule, 20Q- 202 S5. Main at. - Mrs. Floyd R. Mechem, of '11411 MillI t., entertained '2k friends at & :30 DEAN & CO.: Calendar. lMoSnday, Dec. i1i.-Analog' to between Comspositiont in Literature acnd Art.' Prof. Frencht in Unity club roll-ac.. Monday,. Dcc.. 1.-The. Pedagogical Society mneets in Tappan Hall at 7:3&a p. Dtccmber . i4.-Regular neeting..uo Medical. society, lower lecture room of Medical building at 7 :30: p. M.- Friday, Dec 15-P:umpkin pie social at McMillan" Hall. Sunday, Dec. I7.-"The Probletm of tile Distnetmberment of China."'Dr. Jas. B. Angell in Congregational chutrch. Monday, Dec 18.-Chtoral Uncion. Con- cectl Hiawatha's Wedding Feast. Wednesday, Dec. -2o--Attorntey Gen- eral Frank A. Monnett, of Oio, in Good Government Club Lecture Cbarse. Thursday, Dec. 2i.-(Evening). Hol-. iday Vacation begins its all departments. Director- Baird left yesterday for Chicago a-here he a-ill remain a icouple of days oan business. A new line of Manhattan Shirts lust in at" Wadhams, Ryan- & Reole. See them. S. Main stL Two nice etltes with board.. Rooms HIATTERS AND FURIIISRRS5 Headqartera for HAS~APs, rM)S'sFcaNSerOssa nd Cmpletellnef GOwrAmisss GOS and SWEAER. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY MATS t Qf 3334 outh Atate Stree - Cr. Main and trsn streets. Capital, 55000.^ Srpls, $00001. Transcts a general ankng business, E, Kxxpr, Pres.- C. E. Ose, VIce-es. - FRE. H Snan.Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BNK OrqAnsd18 Capital, 8100,00.. Srpus andPrull~, 4,0 Transact, n geeral banking lseles. Frega exchange boght and od. .Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNEPree. HARRISON SOME~i Vice-Tires. S. W. CLARKSON CashIer Th6 fRon farbor savinus Bank Capital Stock. $W,000. Salg, $s50,00. itersrces., ,600.0: Orgaled under the General Ranking Law Of tis State. lReceves depsits, bsy and sells exchange n the principal cities ef the United States. Drafts cashed pn peper ldentilelatio. Safety deposit boxes to rent.. Ot)Iee: Christian Mck. Pes.; W. D. Barl.- man, ViePres.; Chas, R. Biscok, Casher X. J. Frit, Assistant Cashier -1 Wa. J. oTuv, Pass. l1 W. A80L00 st Vre.pres JoRN. C. waLv, Anol.Cehier YWN.i BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. > Makersi COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS, Retles of CAPS epd GOWNS, (4 1SPECIAILTY. CLASS CtNES, COLLECE FLAGS,. - CLSS PIPES,. CLASS STATIONEkY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE._. ._, SPECIALTIES W.. KERN & CO. 411 E. FiftySevenh St. CICAGO, LI.. n "A sice to a 40 054 pipeul, LV tY Ccj ,. one reason Tobacco . 's, why~dEn sssosnsssn. - guh Curve Cut pipe to \ popular. .. tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco °has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one."' A trial box will be gent to any oe anywhere on receipt of ten cent ina Stamps. Address Old Engliah De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., Nw York City Alt deaers sell it. SPALDING'S T0tAl l 00110 OR 180 The Splidng Official Intercolegate Football useed exlsni vely I y Tae rince sonHavard,; SPECIAL HOLIDlAY OFER! (One of these $3.00' I.AUGHKLIN FOUNTAIN PENS sent, postpaid, on a week's trat for only $1.00 if It doesutstooyu,_ ccc ace IT aura acnd offer you $1.10 for it. fit nils tfHiAVoE IfitI doesssot nil scan M AA This isathcbestpessmade. nere ie year obane fr tst' t- Foocor QeLrTr.D~soxs1ONTiseGOLD tisly one pen set to 0one address enthilas offer. A1t"A giftot never edinag useful- nesanod a constant piesaat rc- Get )or re;v } arly order to:day: State NvYfther lady's or gents stylelas desired. Address' -LAUHLI tNFe. CO. 1259tGriswold S., Detroit, Mich. Any Banak or Express Company in Detroit. NORTH SIE A o clock tee last evenng, have all snodern conveniences. Also Fu ny about those Brandt mandolins accomodation for. fve people for board. Mrs, Decker, 725, Twelfth St.. formerty isn't, it? They create a demand, sell- themeselves, we just buy them thatsat Forest __nn. _ 6 all-Ann Arbor Music Co., Washington LEADERS OF TENS. the graduate' students 'of the Uns- the lcaders of thec groups of ten, of thte verksity were entertained last night by Women's League, one week from next Prof. and Mrs.' Spalding at their home Mottday evening. at °648 S Thompson Street. 6 ANNA DALEY. Pies. /: .C TO MEN I Large. Collection of S, MAIN ST.