THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -aleh aty (Snday excepted) drng th cllege year, at THE UNIERSIIY OF MICHIGAN ,O enc: a EItanad Prea, Heaatg Block. Both Phoe, 17. MANAGING EDITOR. F.ENEAD, a'1lL. M USINESS MANAGER. o. . HAs, '0 L. EDTORS. V. . Weeasw, '00 L. A. I. MeDODnAL, '01 E 4. D. Keaa v.'0t 0E. J.B. Woov, '00, .L eeeettass RY00, W. 0.HCKEY, '00M0, A G. BOWNE. '2. The aahsciptioa price or the DAILe a 82.50 fo She 11l grear,i areglar deiery before honecday. Noice, cotoatotcatioca, and ther ematter intedd oe pblictoos eat b huned int tle DILYoffce befoe8 p i. or mailed to the editor before 3p . a.of ee da previoua to that orowhih thee are expeted t appear. Saeriptiaemca be left at the DIoLY ofiee :Meeres, r Stoletetewtact, r with Basiner Manager. Sbscribrwillefera favor by reporting Irotptlt hit offceay failre o ,carriers to delier ppyr, Alt haget anottertieleg oatter ,ost e ie the offie by 4 pt. t. ox theay preioe to tha -n whiek tee are 1occeua. At a meeting etf the Dily Board hed Gatnight G. D. Bdoutt was elected athletio editor. Ample Clinics. B~y one whoc would vi it t1he hopita, at -ud readily be seen that there could be no doubt whatevr but that 4he numnhr of linics offered to the Je- nior and senior clase were suficient tn ret the toeeds of anty medical school ofequal standing. At the lat clitic neophthalmology toere ere twenty- twoticaebeforc the laoo tot opea- tion ant examinatoon Nt oltis the ,clnor largno ophthalmoology iut too l thr.otherclincs thee is amptl omaeial to be piened t to toe olases.At poes- ,ent elit seniooohas tiro otor tothoe so ro to dres night nd ooorinoo" b- aie sreeticng nd atitciplatttg ittaiy iumber of clonico in toraftercnoono. There to no quetio that ot oneswegos toe qoteston fitly thtecliicsate a ;gote. ,-is anvwhrr. No More All Fresh 'The theitc mtoaerog'enot hasdtoeed A dvable to do awa witho te p1n ,Ot.haing n allfteshmanCteoaootios ,;,-at- The schetme hs tooic bon ted, tout otohtoteesseiho tierreultthoat clas erm verr enottoleentlt0up. Tbhree yessag~o thirltsettetpt wasd rmade aridott thitstem MLeateJai- act .and tglet to elterpltyodtnIth Varstyho i tei'irst "e1xpteret'tttt a college tcam.ThoIle yaro oli00 tthoc yenowas abandl oed, but woo attpt- rd dgainlast yeato ani Ctrooy Clark was tengaged to tt as teoc oach. Ntt games tould be arrangd, hosever, ao th all-frsh" N as barred fromoc oms- o~tongn the class oeric, cd the teamto had to be content withitlaccsingle vitory, ,.aovr Alma To Assist in the Gmnsium. ?Mr Chas, M. Wlliamns, the newors --istantdietor cf the Gymutasim, tar- riod yetetday afternooto frcm Phila- '1 elhot where he haso ihad charge of the ,ethlet le work f Friends Central :Schrol. For the pat four yer his 'rk aa been there and at Temple Col- 1pe where e has bett quite scesful sen developing athlet. Otn Monday the regular.els s worc in AeGy-maum wtitt begin. The work 'ill not be compulsory until the firt -ek in November. The bath rooms at the Gym have been .everhauled during the summer and xsever 1 new showers put n. This is the sixth year that Waterman ymtaium as been mnning. President Schurman on Expansion. nHhPrsScumnoTusdy attr-,I,,Stndard noon addressed the students of Cornell of -AAf- ;n Int-e -1,;- ;o ---A on the question of expanoion in the lighot of his investigations in the Phil- ippines. He declared that the theoretic advisability of expansion had not been an open question since the treaty with Spain. The United Stateo had expand- ed and was sovereign over the Philip- pines. The question nosy remained, What woo her duty as a sovereign? He sounded a warning to the effect that no ruling race should ever treat its col- onies or dependencesoas0poseosiono. "The sovereign tower possceoe noth- ing in the Philippines but there io something it owes. It is charged with the responsibility cf governmsent. And it is the duty of the sovereign to gov- emn these dependencies acccrding to justice and for their advancement, not for its own gain. "And colonieo and dependencieo should be self-supporting. The most valuable aid a sovereign otate can give adependency is to help it help itself. For itnstance, let home defeaoe be pro- vided with native troops. And let this oeit inrlotes mtooaking stgained oniy by Continuous Effort. And to it is is clothoea dealing. 01tire- quircontainuous effort an oar part to select that which ia beat frog the stocks of the many oloihes makera is this coantry. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING it withoat question the finest pro- duced and it ahead is every respect cf thr average made to-order garments,. at ata it oar-half the price. It is that hind sf clothing which the hoot dreasers are looking foe, sod realizisg this fact we hare thio trasos porchated an unosual Large Stack of Stein Bloch Suits and Overcoats asd are is position to fit all shapeasand forms icoms oar magniienat liar of this high grade hae. Best Line of. Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindenschmitt & Apfel PARKER'S CAMPUS CAFE Lunch Counter in Connection Iurn a T m'srsernm n Trnrnnm nnrnnnn xmnurmw ,~T nativo army of defense be maintainoedjMAI II1I iIIiIKIKXPIII''IYiII.I I byiA~ theP"is colony itselfS PH and not by theF ,ruling poster. "To authorities establishoed in the cot- tcnles and dependencies the sovereign power should delegate all the functions cf government. This rule holds good soheter the colonisto be of the same race as the sovereign nation or differ- ent. Government njust be adapted to tthe governed. An unsuitable govern- ment, nay be as bad in its effeels as an toppressive one. 1"Poass an a ct instituting the govern- ment and stand aside while it is admin- ittered in the light of local experietoce. "And latst, thcetmen u-ho are to super- vise thte working out of this gosverto- Sment nmuot be not tuerely of averoge ability. but of extraordinary ability and character. After all, your government deptendr uoen the omenu-ho adtuininter it." With this issue free delivery of titseDaily will be (its~oititlaetI. A Cane From Manisa. dSee. Wade the past wreeke has been the recipiettoet a fine catoe from Dean C, GWorcenter at Manila. The cane iosnoade of Buffalo hcrn and io a finte article of werkmoanosoip. It consisto of 17 pieces, etch becitgo tiout twoticesin length. Twoowsolte stripes tuark the utoion of th o'floTe itodotl t hoclothorni hollttw, btut ttt gise totirtmtneson iron otd is iIont'eissotde. VOFFEE] Ifyott are partclar, try ourbletndof feshtlycoaqx d Mioeltoaddava.Forrich- crneacid delicacy of flavor Itcanoattbe excelied. elk1 . STAEBLER & CO. 30 .MicrLiberty. GRAXQJGR98 Sc hool of Dancing 17th SeasneseSaturday manelag Sept.30. First Danctng Party, Saturday eesnleg, Oct.7 Office, groundflsor, Granger~s Academy.Pupis receive at aneptime during nearou. LU~bLLJ 1V1\ 1 N 1. L.Vl I 111J atU1 11V111 11!1 I.IJLW1JM W. S. PARKER, Proprietor. 709 North Unmiversity Ave. Tke lRefreshment Stand at the Athletio Field will be ander nay sapervision again thin year, f'ine Shoes We offer y~ou the VERY MEST SHOES ever made to selfr$.0and f$3.50 in Russet or Black. N.B.-Sole Agents for the celebrated A. E. Nettle- for ton Shoe, - The Ultra," "Terbunad."h Geteo e n Colonial Dame."ne"adTh Genteoead WAHR & MILLER Thehote JV[ en asS21 SOUTH MAIN STREET Sheie LZAW BOOK..,. To the old -tudente we need no introduction; to the new ones to- will san WE CARRIY THlE MOST' COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY and oem supply any law book published. A fewe of our miscellaneous publications with SPE-CIrALPRtCS: Van Holst Constitotional Hiatory, 8 valn Sanders' Justinian Wilson's Works, 2 vols Tacker an the Constitution, 2 voln Stats Trials Erskine Speeches, 4 vols Curran Speeches Roscher Political Economy, 2 voin Call for our Catalogne of Law Hooks. Pleased to quote poet Prices. (Y LL1AGIIA N & CO., Ann Arbor Branch, Law Book Publishers. 340 State Street -- Opposite Law Building. GAS AND ELECIRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPEIAALtT. SARITARY PLUMCBtNG. STEAM AND BOT WATER HBATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Sehleede's New Patent Lecture Book hcloece yocAg oreOW oes-c olc etnreovoersncalinaand seer newcepatetconver. The papter does eot near or gennmasplaced as n istherld style sfritng aote honks. Parker and Waterman Perks from $1.25 up. Whoiesaie aryd Retail Paper 'ram 10 cents a Pound up. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. Buy an. ALARBM CLOCK HALLER'S College -Pins ow ine MAIN STBREET. i POCKET KNIVES and SCISSORS for 25 eta, at MUXM4MRYS DUG STORE.