Cost of Athletics at Yale and Har- U, J(lg i oard. The cost of athletics at Yale and Har- Pnblished Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the vard, was graphically shown today by Celirge year, at the annual reports from Walter Camp, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHI6AN. director at Yale, and S. L. Fuller, the Oseaoa: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Harvard director. Both Phones.147. - Athletics at Yale cost $56,384.24; at Harvard they cost 64,ooo. At Harvard MANAGING EDITOR. about $13,000 was spent In permanent F. ExLHRDan, 'O1 L. improsiemuents. At Yale about $7,000 BUSINESS MANAGER. - was devoted to that purpose. At Yale OTH. HAS '00. there was a deficit of $644. At Harvard TODITOSSS. ATHLETICS, . G. D. HUnDoe', 'am E a surplus of $468. Neither college TR. Weennw,',00 L. A.H. McDouGALL,'SI E cleared $500, in spite of the fact that A. G. Banwxe. 'Of. E. r. B. Woon, '00, the receipts from the Yale-Harvard L. s. NerGoaseRY,'t0, W. u. ) Icnv, 'o N, football game a year ago netted each col- lege $14,503.51. tBoth colleges were obliged to spend thousands of dollars on improvements to their grounds, athletic houses, etc. The snhscriptton price of the PAILT is $2.50 Inr thecottege year, with a regatar delivery hefore oand were compelled to turn over thou- nn eah, day. Notises, ounations, and sands to their track and crew associa other matter intended for pubtiontion east he handed in at the DAILY oce before 8 p. m. or tions, which were nonsupporting. The amailed to the editor hofore 3 p. mn. of the clts previous to that on which they are expected summary of the figures for all branches appear.- of Yale athletics for the year ending Subscriptions may be left at the Daur oflice, with Sept. t follows: Neyer's, or Stoltetes newstand, or with Bosiness Manager. Subscrih>rswiltconfer a favorby RECEIPTS. reporting promptly at thin office any failure of earriers to deiver paper. Football Association ........$30,317.23 Allchages in advertising matter must be in Baseball Association .........17,450.00 Sn wh ichey pr.oate day povio to that Boat Club Association...,....-5;931.58 Athletic Association..... 2,040.49 Professor Jonas' " Three Northern Deficit....................644.94 Dances" Praised. Total.............. ...$56,384.24 Prof: Alberto Jonas, of the University EXPENDITURES. School of Music, is about to publish Football Association ........$19,391.82 ScolBaseball Association ... 2,511.89 more of his popular compositions. The Boat Club Association .......12,691.o9 last Musical Record in its supplementAthletic Association........3,989.52 has: one of Prof. Jonas' latest waltzes, Advanced onishtrip.... 3,9oo.5 which has been published by Oliver Dit- Advanced on English trip .... zooo.oo son & Co., the great music house. Some Subscription to Yale field .... 6,8oo.oo of the notices that Prof. Jonas has re- Total..................$56,384.24 ceived o fhis three Northern Dances. The net receipts from the Yale-Har- will be of general interest to the friends vard football game were $14,503.71. of the school. James Hueker (the Ra- From, the Yale-Princeton game, $io,- conteur) in the Musical Courier says : 143.81. "Then there are three Northern Dances The receipts from the three Yale-Har- by Alberto Jonas, published by Schir- vard baseball games last spring were -mr. Imagine a Spaniard tfiling in love respectively $3,595.70, $3,899 and $1,- with Griegland, with glaciers, fjords and 279.63; total, $7,764.33. the midnight sun.- But he blows both From the two Yale-Prinecton base- hot and cold in the six fantasy pieces. ball games the receipts were $2,860.61 There are gay dancing and troubled and $2,ooo.48; total, $4,86r.og. moments, sentiment and lonely spots on Pt bleak hills. This is music making from Prof. H. Ellis Foster, graduate of the the heart." American Institude of Phrenology of SBen Wolf in the Boston Herald: New York, will give a free lecture on "The artisftown composition are briglt, "Phrenology" at Nickels' Hall on State interesting and full of strong, rhythmic streetkMonday, evening, Dec. II, at 8 swing, and were presented in a manner o'clock. that was attractively effectice." Q- - \f:~3,., I., 4t f 1$ li - i . T - 11 A High Standard of merit in clothes making is gained only by Continuous Effort. And so it is in clothes dealing. It re- quires continuous effort on our part to select that ashich is best from the stocks of the many clothes makers in this country. STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING is without question the finest prm- duced and is ahead in every respect of the average made to-order garments, at about one-half the price. It is that kind of clothing which the best dressers are looking for, and realizing this fact we have this season purchased an unusual Large Stock of Stein BlochS uits and Overcoats and are in position to fit all shapes and forms from our magnificent line of this high grade make. Best Line of Furnishings and Caps. Always come to us for the proper thing. Lindenschmitt & Apfel Parker',s Campus C+ French Cook in Charge FURNISHES FIRST-CLISS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. IEAL TICKETS $3.oo. Short orders promptly filled. Fresh Home Made Candy now on hand with the famous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn balls and.salted peanuts now ready. Come in and try them. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue DO* IT NOW..* Don't wait till they are all gone. Ladies heavy winter tan shoes former price $3.50 and $4.00, Sale Price 2.9(. Wfl*IR & MILLEBR, THlE SHO*MBN, 218 South Main Street. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR CAL LAG j~N & CO., Law Booksellers, Publishers and Importers, 114 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPEOIALTY. SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM AND HOT WATESR HEATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Syracuse 'Standard.: "In the three compositions of his own that he played, he also showed that the development of his technique had not been at the ex- pense of poetic expression. They were three Northern Dances, and they were replete with spirited -action and delight- ful melody." To Banquet Winners. Pontiac people are very proud of the victory wonby its high school football team in this city, when they became champions of the high school contest. Last night a banquet was given to the successful football players by Mrs. J. C. Allshouse, at her residence in that city. A liberal amount has been subscribed to help buy a memento of the victory and to defray the expenses of the gymnas- lim., Tonight at the School of Music there. will occur the last Faculty Concert before the holidays. The entire concert will be given by the men on the faculty, Al- berto Jonas, Bernard Sturm, Gardner S. Lamson and Frederick L. Abel. The first issue of the Inlander for this year will appear on December 15. It will be a triple number-for October. November and December. A handsome new cover will enclose the number which will be sold for an cents. ii I CIGARS " CIGiARETTES Wc have what you want. Over 70 different heads. STAII1BLrLR&CO. 301 S. MAIN ST, ATHENS THEATRI Watch this space for announct ment of coming attractions. l 11 -. The School of Dancing Try The... NORTH SIDE GRGEMYS LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Propr. ir1003 Bronadway. 457 Belt Phoae Pupite receloed at any time.-Bel 'Phone 2-4-6 Schleede'a :. Lecture Book Before buying yoor note hoohs or lecture covers call In and see or new patent eover. The papar does not tear or gvt misplacedm as nthe old style ate-tn note hooehs. Parker and Waterman Peas from $1.25 up. Wholesale asd Retat Paper from 10 cents a Pound up. E F. J. SCHLEEDEI 340 South State Street. e -- Buy an ALARM CLOCK of Ig HALLER'S JEWELRY. STORE, Cegne MAIN STiEET. )O AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.