i ,IT fL ;4 4 e 1 . SDepartment 4 a-A S Former Price 25cward30c, Now b5 and 2Oc EHNUNIVERSITY 320 S. State * BOOKSELLER Street U. oil M. BarberVAO BATHS The Ony Onesin Shop and Bath the City. iee- eoaetretes. ROOMS, 1322 STATE. L R Trjaneeski i s ; F 1 r P 1 1 1 E ' t In Your Inside Pocket Is what you can save on a suit orovercoat made to your order by us. We guarantce a perfect for ao sale. Calt and tee eoobedlgatioa, to boy. Oirsemmeesoreotment of over 3,00 sattplea wilt ideate yout. AllIWool Suitesad Overcoata fetsbu $12.00-asP. Goo ric , W lk-er e, p qFront Roostoe oetrNational GoodrichAn&AMnrphbor PAKT IS EARLY PRYSEAS NI HER In ordering carriages why nttt get thorn where you can get your Order tilled on tine with a carriog4 ._ We have added live reore to our already large ,li'- stud now have the l rget numIer of hacksa in town which will enou e you ,good service. Prite the same Phonenn 00. 515 East Liberty Street. L AMPAS FOR STUD E NTS We have a fiasrcutment of ('eater Draft, Nickel-plated Lamps. including The Roael, The Rochester ttnd the Pftnmewaod, The Berlin and Perfectian Student Stnss The Non' Lamop, Flumrwoott, it ast advanco irn Lams. t.iies estre light fur the oil used than any Lamup of ito hind. W e can give you te boot Lamtps for ibe COME AND SEE. f.oufiRfO~ireBs SSTI00FOATION- UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF '(rctteeostbegnning clas. Monay 8tto0p.ma. Ladies' beginsnisgclas, Wed., to10 p.sm. PINK BROS., Instructors 'Sl11ce end Aademsy, Nickel Hal, 334--336 S. State SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER ! One of thee $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS aet, potpadd, asn a week's trial feeretnly { $1.00, tftstdoes sotsalt pou, w nuno XTonACK and offere yaa $.00 far it. It it doesssat suit ( MADE A Anpway youfiaureit PReOFIT This isthIte bestiten msde. Stce in youre chanc to toot it-FINST Only use tea seat tleone addres 40-A gift of server elidiaguseel-i nssoanrdaecouetstatpleatre- swinder of toe giver. tGt youtr order 1st early-order, today. Stoleo whether lady's or gesnos style it desired. Address LAUGHLIN MkFG. GO. 129 Grswold St, Detroit, Mtch. .Any Bfak or ES rest-mpastp ist Detroet. WILL CARLETON Old Numbert 44 SO. MAIN ST,' ANN ARBOR. MICHI. FOOTBALL Thcrc is nt'tch in Deccettter Outing swhich appeals to college tmninterested i amateutr sport. There arc tcn pages of football rmatter atone, comsprising dates, scores attd a concise descriptioin o all thte inmportantt ganmes played in the East, Middle West, and South,' finely illustrated. It is just tltis recoird mat- ter whlicht takes Duting invaluahle. It is intthle tantdiest fornm for reference, and is to tse foiistdlnowhtere else.' FOR RENT-Large front room on Berst Poor, half a block from Campus. S03 8.3 tat A strong play hy a strong Cottpany is "A Child of the Smuth,' the tew cotnedy drama, hy Hal Reid, wltich is meetittg withtstects great sn'eccesstis seasont tn every city whsere they appear. Thte Tuw- edo Ladies' Band and Orchestra are also a, part of thse orgatnization and assist in providing ass evenitsg's ettertaintttnt of great tterit atnd much itnterest. A complete ine "of Adler Been, fine suits at Wadhama, Ryan & Reule, 200- 202 S. MaIn at. Yale's ncw Law-School huilding, thle foundations for which wcere laid last June, 4vitt he three stories high and will cotntain, hesiedes the offices and smaller rooms, two good sired lecture roomss antd a reading rootm. Our lice of Dining Room sets nitust he seen to he apprectated. MARTtN HALLER, Furniture, Carpcts and Draperies. Rev. Josephe H. Crookyr will give, heginnitng next Monday, two, evening addresses, on the New Bihle and tts New Use at the Unitarian church..-These lectures still contain the suhstance of= hook on the sante 'suhject puhlished a few years ago and favorably reviewed bty the Acadetmy and other London papers. DiE A A 0 0-Colendr. Thtursday, Dec 7.- Faculty concert in Frieze leestorial Hall. Sunday, Dec. t.,-"Thte CEunesin tof thte Hogue Conference. Itt 'W\hat Way will 'they Affect Natioto " Deane H. B. Hutchtints itn Cotegregational chirclt. :Mottday, Dec. t .-Aitalogc.s loetweeti CotnpostttiottittLiterature aitl ,\rt." Prot. French ittUtttty club cout-se. Monday, Dee. iti.-Te Pedagogical Society mteets in Tappatn 1-all at 7:30 p.. tccermber t4.-Regular tmeeting of Medical society, lower lecture roott of 'Medtcal huilding at 7:30 p. ttt. Friday, Dec t5.-Putpkin pie social at McMillani Hall. Sutnday, Dec. t7.-'Thc Firobletmof the Dtsmuemboermntt of Ciini.' Dr. Jas. B. A Bell in Contgregational church. MNonday, Dec i-Choral Utnion Con- cert; Hiawatha's Wedding Feast. Thursday, Dec. 2t.-(Evenitng). Hol- iday Vacation hegins in all departments. A new line of Manhattan Shirta juat in at Wadliama, Ryan & Reult, See thenm. S. Main at. Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs and Rope Portiers itt great variety. MARTIN. HALLER, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies. EVENING DISTRIBIUTON MAY CEASE. When the government postoffice in- spector seas here a few weeks ago, he made serious objection to thse olpenitng of the carriers' windows in the evenintg. PosttmasterPFond succeeded itt holditng off for: the present, otn order for their discotntintuance. However, an order to that effect is liahle to cotne at any time. D. Ri. TINKBSR & 801V BIATTENS AND F JBNISHES Hadquartera o BAr, As, MNs'S FousINsosta and Cmtplete lnef OrsNNAasQel oos hd SwEaone. AGENICY FOB LONLY BATS 334 south State Slvce Ca. Main anesturBaStreets. Capital, 0SO50,00.Suryte, $0,000. Transcts* generalbhnaking tusies. , ate, Fes, lC. I. Onuna, Vie-Peo, PaE. HB~sEte. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK egAnntsdr100 Capite, ettt,t'oe Surpusand Prfits, 14,0 Trransatsa gneraleankgbusinests.oPrg exchange ought nd sold. Farnith leterslo f credit E.0,. KINNE, ree, HARRISON SOULS, Vit-re. SfW. CLARKSON Cah er The firm flror Savins Ban CptlSleet, 50,000 Srpa, 10,000 CaialReorcs. Ief.500.00. Orgnized under the General Banig LAWS of thit State. Reeives depoot,btysy and snais ehange o the pristcipa cite of ths United Stats. Drafts cashed upn prpe idetifcaiian. 8aefety depsit bees to rot. Orrscnaso: ChristinanMach, ree. -W D.Bert ma, Vice-Fes.; Chas. E. tHicocrCasher X. J. Fit, Aistat C.ahier W.J..SoOTa,tPRES.; J t.A OLst Vip-pree. 8TT J. V. Santsa,td V ice-pros ^ '{l"N^ JOm.C WALTZ, AalOsher SI IN * BRNK Tranaacts a general Bankinig Buineas. cMakers et - COLLEGIATE CAPS, G0OWNS and HOODS Restiseo t CAPS ad GOWNS, ft SPECfILT. r a LSS CGfOPES. COLLEE FLAS. CLSS PPS, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PF0S. SPECIALTIES W. C. KERN & CO. 111 E Fifty-seeth St. OX C -~ one reason Tobacco ' ! whyOld En. AUE - l glish Curve \ popular.. . tin box that fits any pocket is nother reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. ,it disappoints no one. A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents ian stamnps. Addres Old English D- partmaent, The American Tobacco Co., Ii -Fifth Ave., 'New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDING'S TRADE-MAR( OM a ppYIes O 80 TotaI FO 68 The SaldĀ¢fic il tltereallocat. P004"U Black Golf Hos 17, S. L. fl.