L. 11 L/ 11L LLJJL4L.Xi 43Zlxl GoodsPed' Syles and 2Quality Save Regrets Represents the most beautiftl effects recentlv introduced 1 in New York. The niaterials are of rich, soft silk that. , -. crushes without wrinkling-looks as fresh a year heice as today. The desiSnslnd colorings are bright-new- snappy. Price, $1.00 to $2.00. THE TIE SILK T tIET IS LL SILK GOODSPBED'S Ili'),_MAINSTREE c=rr - -=.1 c. r -...,tr rr rr-Ar=rr=i rr-_.rr-tr-. ,G_- =7r-_ --- r-- r- ,- r r- i- r- r- -- ,c ' --'C-. l}="T f,. ,_ --- n .. MICHIGAN CENTRAL r r } '"The Niagara Falls Route." IRCI t$CbtetGLI Ibotoyapher . CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect June 25, 1895. -- GQONNG AST. Deroit Night Express... 11A. Atlantic Saxue.. . 45 BrandiRapi& Express 11 1o"0 Mail. andExpress. ... <. .4 47r.,At Fa Easterns4 GOING wxsT Mail and Expres.... 9 40 A. X., Boaton, N. Y. and (tiiaga. .7 48' d y Vat %esternExpress... .1388P.X. Sna..pre.s 5The Fine Tailorin .ciicago Ni iiExpress . . .s43 Pacific Espzreas. .. 12,3MA. 5at._T__e__in____________o____i______a Steamship Tickets, it 1Classes, to and from Enropean points at lowest rates. Full infor- mation a applicatian. 0. W. RUGGOLEs. H. W. HAYEs _ 0. P. . T.Agt, Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor. '} BURCHFIELD, 106 E Miss Ethel H. Du Fre. Miss Du Fre is a daughter of the N Z> s MS = ,nss:; South, and a decided brunette. As a TIME TABLE child she sang with remarkable power Taking Effect,Sunday, May 21,s1899. and expression, and was the object of Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- waonder ang her relativcs and friends, ard Tine.aoghrrltvsadfins most of whom were musicians of no ordinary ability. With artistic tem- 6N. t.- 7:25 A. M.- No. 1.- 8:16 A. . perment and an inherent taste of music Na. 2.-ii:31 A. M. *Na. 5.-12.3ay. m: No. 4.-S8si.v. N o.s. a.--.:a6 Pm. and a marked talent for singing, she was sent to Paris, where she became the *Rn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only pupil of Madame Marchesi, who pre- All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. dicted for her great sucess. That Mna. W 53. 5NNETT. 0. P. A: Marchesi's prediction has come true is Detroit, Ypsilanti nd A r Ar- borne out by the fart that sta wascat- bor Railway, gaged as Prima Donna Contralto in Cars leave for Detroit and Yts anti Brussels, Belgium, also by Emma Juch, every half hour, beginning at 6:, a. m. ati as becn associated with soma of until 8:15 p. m.; last car for Detroit the best musical organizations of both 11:10 p. m. Waiting room; corner Ann Europe and this cinatry. and Main sts.: Detroit, 111 Griswold st. She is under the exclusive manage- nervE eracnmeat of Mr. Corneaux Behenna of the International Grand Operatic Company' with whom she will be heard in Grand' BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR Sacred Concert on Sunday next. SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, dean of the Hom- eopathic department, is .in Chicago for WABASH -'FAST TRAINS tha week. FREE - CHAIR CARS Funy about those 3randt mandolins isn't it? They create a demand, sell' themselves, we just buy them that's ft.s5..Greenwsrnd,M. P. A., Chicago al-Ann Arbor Music Co., Washington St. 7 Miss Ethel Fisk, of Toledo, spent The Hoking'Va le R Thanksgiving vacation with her mother, Y- Mrs. L. H. Fisk, at the Alpha Chi Om- ,:ga House. With its three-hour trains .etween Toledo and Columbus, using Union Dec. 15th and 16th Christmas Bazaar Station in both cities, is why EVERY- at the Unitarian Church: Refresh BODY uses this line. ments from 4 p. m. 10 p. nn. . Parlor carsaon day: trains and sleepers at Parties wishing to join the orchestra Through sleeper from Toledo to now being formed in the School of Wshington, Baltimore and Philadel- Music can see Mr. Sturm Wednesday, tTphaT Friday or Saturday afternoon from 5 to VALLEY. Write 6 o clock at the School of Music. The L. W. LANDMAN, 11 Fort st., first rehearsal will be Monday. Decem Detroit, Mich. ber ti th, at 7 o'clock. AST HURON STREET SEASON COMMENCES. There is good skati' at the skating park on Fifth Avenue. See oursnew line of writingdesks and bunk cases. MARTIN HALLER, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies. The University Hospital is crowded to its utmost. During the last few days as many as ten have been waiting to get beds i tihe women's wards. LEADERS OF .NS Ther will be a meetins 5 5 asgym. of the leaders of-the grot- .i s ~f Wome's League, one 'a n ron next Monday evening 62 . ANNA DAsLEY. Pres. For Christmas we have a very fine line Rattan, Mahogany and Golden Oak Rockers. MARTIN HALLER, Furniture, Carpets and Draperies.' The annual Sophomore social will be held in the ,Barbour gymnasium Sat- urday evening, Dec. 16. The class are making every effort to assure the suc- cess of the event and it is rumored that Dr. Mosher has offered some valuable suggestions for naking the party some- thing out of.the ordinary. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. The women of the Unitarian church will have a great variety of articles, for Christmas presents,- at reasonable prices at their bazaar, December 15th and 16th. Students are cordially invited to in- spect our complte lines of suits, over- coats, men's furnishings and hats. Wadhans, Ryan - Reule, S. Main at. Prof. W. M. R. French, Director of the Chicago Art Institute, who is to give the next lecture in the Unity Club Course next Monday evening, on the "Analogies between Composition in Art, and Literatures, is a brotlier of the well knowa sculptor, Daniel C. French. Ti-E BEST MAKES O Such as Jose h Bohman's, Washburna's and Bruno's are on sale at the &s6mcrIGaM G8,1 tore W. Liberty, only 2 doors from Mac's Corne IHave You seen our PORCELAINS? Finet thing out-only place in the city where you can get them. SPEGI!L IRTES TO SENIORS 112 W.lHuronSt. N.S. Phone119 -f CANDY MAKING FROM NOW TO CHRISTMAS should be above the ordinary, if such a thing is possible; but Hangsterfer's fine confectionery is always so excellent that it would be hard to concoct anything that is superior to our choice bon-bons and chocolates, butter cups or, wafers. They are unsurpassed for quality ans delicious flavor by anything manufac- tured. 200 . Washington, 316 S. State. Warranted for 1 Yeax. $1.001 Wm. Arnold, *Leang The Most Con~plete uIn a of Lowney Chocolates in the city can be found at Tuttle's